Esempio n. 1
 public void Disconnect()
     State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
     if (Reader != null)
         Reader = null;
     if (Writer != null)
         Writer = null;
     if (Socket != null)
         Socket = null;
     if (BluetoothService != null)
         BluetoothService = null;
     if (BluetoothListener != null)
         BluetoothListener = null;
 private void OnStateChangedEvent(object sender, BluetoothConnectionState state)
     if (StateChanged != null)
         StateChanged(sender, state);
Esempio n. 3
        public void connectionManager_StateChanged(object sender, BluetoothConnectionState state)
            //enable/disable according to the connection state
            //enumerateButton.IsEnabled = (state == BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected);
            //cancelButton.IsEnabled = (state == BluetoothConnectionState.Connecting);
            // disconnectButton.IsEnabled = (state == BluetoothConnectionState.Connected);
            last_alive_time = DateTime.Now;

Esempio n. 4
        public async Task ConnectToDevice(string deviceId, Guid sensorId)
            //if (DeviceCollection == null)
            await ScanForDevices();

            foreach (var item in DeviceCollection)
                if (item.Id == deviceId)
                    SelectedDevice = item;

            if (SelectedDevice != null)
                BluetoothService = await RfcommDeviceService.FromIdAsync(SelectedDevice.Id);

                if (BluetoothService != null)
                        if (Socket != null || Reader != null || BluetoothListener != null || Writer != null)

                        Socket = new StreamSocket();

                        await Socket.ConnectAsync(BluetoothService.ConnectionHostName, BluetoothService.ConnectionServiceName);

                        if (Socket != null)
                            Writer = new DataWriter(Socket.OutputStream);
                            Reader = new DataReader(Socket.InputStream);

                            State    = BluetoothConnectionState.Connected;
                            SensorId = sensorId;
                    catch (Exception ex)
 //En esta metodo se muestran los dispositivos que sean del tipo SerialPort en un PopupMenu
 public async Task EnumerateDevicesAsync(Rect invokerRect)
     this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Enumerating;
     //seleccionamos todos los dispositivos disponibles
     var serviceInfoCollection = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(RfcommDeviceService.GetDeviceSelector(RfcommServiceId.SerialPort));
     //Creamos el PopupMenu en el que se mostraran los dispositivos
     PopupMenu menu = new PopupMenu();
     //Añadimos los dispositivos encontrados al PopupMenu
     foreach (var serviceInfo in serviceInfoCollection)
         menu.Commands.Add(new UICommand(serviceInfo.Name, new UICommandInvokedHandler(ConnectToServiceAsync), serviceInfo));
    //Seleccionamos el dispositvo con el que nos queremos comunicar
     var result = await menu.ShowForSelectionAsync(invokerRect);
     //Si no se pudo conectar al dispositivo se cambia el estado de la conexion a desconectado
     if (result == null)
         this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays a PopupMenu for selection of the other Bluetooth device.
        /// Continues by establishing a connection to the selected device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="invokerRect">for example: connectButton.GetElementRect();</param>
        public async Task EnumerateDevicesAsync(Rect invokerRect)
            this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Enumerating;
            var serviceInfoCollection = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(RfcommDeviceService.GetDeviceSelector(RfcommServiceId.SerialPort));

            PopupMenu menu = new PopupMenu();

            foreach (var serviceInfo in serviceInfoCollection)
                menu.Commands.Add(new UICommand(serviceInfo.Name, new UICommandInvokedHandler(delegate(IUICommand command) { Task connect = ConnectToServiceAsync(command); }), serviceInfo));
            var result = await menu.ShowForSelectionAsync(invokerRect);

            if (result == null)
                this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
        //Metodo que nos dara la conexion al dispositivo seleccionado
        private async void ConnectToServiceAsync(IUICommand command)
            //Se obtiene el Id del dispositivo seleccionado
            DeviceInformation serviceInfo = (DeviceInformation)command.Id;

            //el estado de la conexion se pondra conectando
            this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Connecting;
                //Inicializa el servicio del dispositivo RFCOMM de Bluetooth de destino
                connectService = RfcommDeviceService.FromIdAsync(serviceInfo.Id);
                rfcommService  = await connectService;
                if (rfcommService != null)
                    //Se inicializa el socket
                    socket        = new StreamSocket();
                    connectAction = socket.ConnectAsync(rfcommService.ConnectionHostName, rfcommService.ConnectionServiceName, SocketProtectionLevel.BluetoothEncryptionAllowNullAuthentication);
                    //Puedes Cancelar la conexion
                    await connectAction;
                    //Se inicializan las variables que envian y reciben los mensajes
                    writer = new DataWriter(socket.OutputStream);
                    reader = new DataReader(socket.InputStream);
                    Task listen = ListenForMessagesAsync();
                    //se cambia el estado de conexion del bluetooth a conectado
                    this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Connected;
                    OnExceptionOccuredEvent(this, new Exception("No se pudo connectar al servicio.\n Verifca que 'bluetooth.rfcomm' capabilityes es declarado con la funcion de tipo 'name:serialPort' en Package.appxmanifest."));
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
                this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
                OnExceptionOccuredEvent(this, ex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Terminate an connection.
 /// </summary>
 public void Disconnect()
     if (reader != null)
         reader = null;
     if (writer != null)
         writer = null;
     if (socket != null)
         socket = null;
     if (rfcommService != null)
         rfcommService = null;
     this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
 //Metodo que nos dara la conexion al dispositivo seleccionado
 private async void ConnectToServiceAsync(IUICommand command)
     //Se obtiene el Id del dispositivo seleccionado
     DeviceInformation serviceInfo = (DeviceInformation)command.Id;
     //el estado de la conexion se pondra conectando
     this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Connecting;
         //Inicializa el servicio del dispositivo RFCOMM de Bluetooth de destino
         connectService = RfcommDeviceService.FromIdAsync(serviceInfo.Id);
         rfcommService = await connectService;
         if (rfcommService != null)
             //Se inicializa el socket 
             socket = new StreamSocket();
             connectAction = socket.ConnectAsync(rfcommService.ConnectionHostName, rfcommService.ConnectionServiceName, SocketProtectionLevel.BluetoothEncryptionAllowNullAuthentication);
             //Puedes Cancelar la conexion 
             await connectAction;
             //Se inicializan las variables que envian y reciben los mensajes
             writer = new DataWriter(socket.OutputStream);
             reader = new DataReader(socket.InputStream);
             Task listen = ListenForMessagesAsync();
             //se cambia el estado de conexion del bluetooth a conectado
             this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Connected;
             OnExceptionOccuredEvent(this, new Exception("No se pudo connectar al servicio.\n Verifca que 'bluetooth.rfcomm' capabilityes es declarado con la funcion de tipo 'name:serialPort' en Package.appxmanifest."));
     catch (TaskCanceledException)
         this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
     catch (Exception ex)
         this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
         OnExceptionOccuredEvent(this, ex);
        //En esta metodo se muestran los dispositivos que sean del tipo SerialPort en un PopupMenu
        public async Task EnumerateDevicesAsync(Rect invokerRect)
            this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Enumerating;
            //seleccionamos todos los dispositivos disponibles
            var serviceInfoCollection = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(RfcommDeviceService.GetDeviceSelector(RfcommServiceId.SerialPort));

            //Creamos el PopupMenu en el que se mostraran los dispositivos
            PopupMenu menu = new PopupMenu();

            //Añadimos los dispositivos encontrados al PopupMenu
            foreach (var serviceInfo in serviceInfoCollection)
                menu.Commands.Add(new UICommand(serviceInfo.Name, new UICommandInvokedHandler(ConnectToServiceAsync), serviceInfo));
            //Seleccionamos el dispositvo con el que nos queremos comunicar
            var result = await menu.ShowForSelectionAsync(invokerRect);

            //Si no se pudo conectar al dispositivo se cambia el estado de la conexion a desconectado
            if (result == null)
                this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
        private async Task ConnectToServiceAsync(IUICommand command)
            DeviceInformation serviceInfo = (DeviceInformation)command.Id;

            this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Connecting;
                // Initialize the target Bluetooth RFCOMM device service
                connectService = RfcommDeviceService.FromIdAsync(serviceInfo.Id);
                rfcommService  = await connectService;
                if (rfcommService != null)
                    // Create a socket and connect to the target
                    socket        = new StreamSocket();
                    connectAction = socket.ConnectAsync(rfcommService.ConnectionHostName, rfcommService.ConnectionServiceName, SocketProtectionLevel.BluetoothEncryptionAllowNullAuthentication);
                    await connectAction;//to make it cancellable
                    writer = new DataWriter(socket.OutputStream);
                    reader = new DataReader(socket.InputStream);
                    Task listen = ListenForMessagesAsync();
                    this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Connected;
                    OnExceptionOccuredEvent(this, new Exception("Unable to create service.\nMake sure that the 'bluetooth.rfcomm' capability is declared with a function of type 'name:serialPort' in Package.appxmanifest."));
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
                this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
                OnExceptionOccuredEvent(this, ex);
 //Evento para habilitar o desahbilitar los botones segun la conexion
 private void connectionManager_StateChanged(object sender, BluetoothConnectionState state)
     progress.IsIndeterminate = (state == BluetoothConnectionState.Connecting);
     btncancelar.IsEnabled = (state == BluetoothConnectionState.Connecting);
     btndesconectar.IsEnabled = (state == BluetoothConnectionState.Connected);
        /// <summary>
        /// Terminate an connection.
        /// </summary>
        public void Disconnect()
            if (reader != null) {
                reader = null;

            if (writer != null)
                writer = null;
            if (socket != null)
                socket = null;
            if (rfcommService != null)
                rfcommService = null;
            this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
        public async void ConnectToServiceAsync(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            StorageFolder local_folder = App.appData.LocalFolder;
            StorageFolder devices_folder = await local_folder.CreateFolderAsync("devices_folder", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);
            StorageFile bluetooth_file = (StorageFile)await devices_folder.TryGetItemAsync("bluetooth_file.txt");

            MenuFlyoutItem command = sender as MenuFlyoutItem;

            string bluetooth_file_line=null; 
            //if file doesn't exist, return and wanting to connect at initialization, return 
            if(bluetooth_file == null && command == null)
            //read from bluetooth file 
            if (bluetooth_file != null) { 
                bluetooth_file_line = await FileIO.ReadTextAsync(bluetooth_file);

            string serviceIDString;
            string serviceNameString;  

            if (command == null)
                string[] parse_bluetooth_file_line = bluetooth_file_line.Split(',');
                serviceNameString = parse_bluetooth_file_line[0];
                serviceIDString = parse_bluetooth_file_line[1]; 
                DeviceInformation serviceInfo = (DeviceInformation)selected_device_global;
                serviceIDString = command.Name;
                serviceNameString = command.Text;
            //this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Connecting;

                // Initialize the target Bluetooth RFCOMM device service
                connectService = RfcommDeviceService.FromIdAsync(serviceIDString);
                rfcommService = await connectService;
                if (rfcommService != null)
                    // Create a socket and connect to the target 
                    socket = new StreamSocket();
                    connectAction = socket.ConnectAsync(rfcommService.ConnectionHostName, rfcommService.ConnectionServiceName, SocketProtectionLevel.BluetoothEncryptionAllowNullAuthentication);
                    await connectAction;//to make it cancellable
                    writer = new DataWriter(socket.OutputStream);
                    reader = new DataReader(socket.InputStream);
                    Task listen = ListenForMessagesAsync();
                    this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Connected;

                    //write device information
                    if (command != null)
                        StorageFile device_info = await devices_folder.CreateFileAsync("bluetooth_file.txt", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

                        await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(device_info, serviceNameString+ ','+ serviceIDString);
                    connectedBluetoothDeviceName = serviceNameString;
                    if(changedName != null) changedName.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
                    OnExceptionOccuredEvent(this, new Exception("Unable to create service.\nMake sure that the 'bluetooth.rfcomm' capability is declared with a function of type 'name:serialPort' in Package.appxmanifest."));

            catch (TaskCanceledException)
                this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
                OnExceptionOccuredEvent(this, ex);
 private void OnStateChangedEvent(object sender, BluetoothConnectionState state)
     if (StateChanged != null)
         StateChanged(sender, state);
 //Terminar la conexion con el dispositivo 
 public void Disconnect()
     //dejamos variables en null
     if (reader != null)
         reader = null;
     if (writer != null)
         writer = null;
     if (socket != null)
         socket = null;
     if (rfcommService != null)
         rfcommService = null;
     this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
        public async Task EnumerateDevicesAsync(object sender)
            //this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Enumerating;
            var serviceInfoCollection = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(RfcommDeviceService.GetDeviceSelector(RfcommServiceId.SerialPort));
            MenuFlyout mf = new MenuFlyout();

            foreach (var serviceInfo in serviceInfoCollection)
                MenuFlyoutItem mi = new MenuFlyoutItem();
                mi.Text = serviceInfo.Name;
                //selected_device_global = (DeviceInformation)serviceInfo; 
                mi.Name = serviceInfo.Id; 
                mi.Click += ConnectToServiceAsync;


                //menu.Commands.Add(new UICommand(serviceInfo.Name, new UICommandInvokedHandler(ConnectToServiceAsync), serviceInfo));
            if (serviceInfoCollection.Count == 0)
                MenuFlyoutItem mi = new MenuFlyoutItem();
                mi.Text = "No device found...";
                this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;

            mf.ShowAt(sender as FrameworkElement); 
 private async Task ListenForMessagesAsync()
     while (reader != null)
             // Read first byte (length of the subsequent message, 255 or less). 
             uint sizeFieldCount = await reader.LoadAsync(1);
             if (sizeFieldCount != 1)
                 // The underlying socket was closed before we were able to read the whole data. 
             // Read the message. 
             uint messageLength = reader.ReadByte();
             uint actualMessageLength = await reader.LoadAsync(messageLength);
             if (messageLength != actualMessageLength)
                 // The underlying socket was closed before we were able to read the whole data. 
             // Read the message and process it.
             string message = reader.ReadString(actualMessageLength);
             OnMessageReceivedEvent(this, message);
         catch (Exception ex)
             if (reader != null)
                 this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
                 OnExceptionOccuredEvent(this, ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a string message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The string to send.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task<uint> SendMessageAsync(string message)
            uint sentMessageSize = 0;
                if (writer != null)
                    uint messageSize = writer.MeasureString(message);
                    sentMessageSize = writer.WriteString(message);
                    await writer.StoreAsync();

                    if (sentMessageSize <= 0)
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.State = BluetoothConnectionState.Disconnected;
            return sentMessageSize;
Esempio n. 20
 //Evento para habilitar o desahbilitar los botones segun la conexion
 private void connectionManager_StateChanged(object sender, BluetoothConnectionState state)
     progress.IsIndeterminate = (state == BluetoothConnectionState.Connecting);
     btncancelar.IsEnabled    = (state == BluetoothConnectionState.Connecting);
     btndesconectar.IsEnabled = (state == BluetoothConnectionState.Connected);