Esempio n. 1
        private static void CleanEnvironmentWithMirrorAndTurns(this IZone zone, Position position, EntityEnvironmentDescription description, int rotationTurns, bool flipX, bool flipY)
            if (description.Equals(default(EntityEnvironmentDescription)))

            if (description.blocksTiles == null || description.blocksTiles.Count <= 0)

            var bi = new BlockingInfo();

            using (new TerrainUpdateMonitor(zone))
                foreach (var tile in description.blocksTiles)
                    var tx = tile.x;
                    var ty = tile.y;

                    if (flipX)
                        tx *= -1;

                    if (flipY)
                        ty *= -1;

                    var tilePos    = new Position(tx, ty);
                    var rotatedPos = Position.RotateCWWithTurns(tilePos, rotationTurns);

                    var offsetPosition = new Position(position.intX + rotatedPos.intX, position.intY + rotatedPos.intY);
                    if (offsetPosition.IsValid(zone.Size))
                        zone.Terrain.Blocks.SetValue(offsetPosition, bi);
Esempio n. 2
        private void OpenOrClose(IZone zone, bool open)
            if (zone == null)

            States.Open = open;

            var bi = new BlockingInfo();

            if (open)
                bi.Obstacle = false;
                bi.Height   = 0;
                bi.Obstacle = true;
                bi.Height   = 14;

            using (new TerrainUpdateMonitor(zone))
                var radius = (int)(ED.Config.item_work_range ?? 1);

                for (var y = -radius; y <= radius; y++)
                    for (var x = -radius; x <= radius; x++)
                        var gx = CurrentPosition.intX + x;
                        var gy = CurrentPosition.intY + y;

                        zone.Terrain.Blocks[gx, gy] = bi;
                        zone.Terrain.Plants.UpdateValue(gx, gy, pi =>
        // obviously everything coming in from the in-game chat is a string.
        // we have to take that string and chop it up, work out what command is being executed
        // then parse/cast/convert arguments as necessary.
        public void ParseAdminCommand(Character sender, string text, IRequest request, Channel channel, ISessionManager sessionManager, ChannelManager channelmanager)
            string[] command = text.Split(new char[] { ',' });

            // channel is not secured. must be secured first.
            if (channel.Type != ChannelType.Admin)
                if (command[0] == "#secure")
                    channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, "Channel Secured.");

                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, "Channel must be secured before sending commands.");

            if (command[0] == "#shutdown")
                DateTime shutdownin = DateTime.Now;
                int      minutes    = 1;
                if (!int.TryParse(command[2], out minutes))
                    throw PerpetuumException.Create(ErrorCodes.RequiredArgumentIsNotSpecified);
                shutdownin = shutdownin.AddMinutes(minutes);

                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "message", command[1] },
                    { "date", shutdownin }

                string cmd = string.Format("serverShutDown:relay:{0}", GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

            if (command[0] == "#shutdowncancel")
                string cmd = string.Format("serverShutDownCancel:relay:null");

            if (command[0] == "#jumpto")
                bool err = false;
                err = !int.TryParse(command[1], out int zone);
                err = !int.TryParse(command[2], out int x);
                err = !int.TryParse(command[3], out int y);
                if (err)
                    throw PerpetuumException.Create(ErrorCodes.RequiredArgumentIsNotSpecified);

                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "zoneID", zone },
                    { "x", x },
                    { "y", y }

                string cmd = string.Format("jumpAnywhere:zone_{0}:{1}", sender.ZoneId, GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

            if (command[0] == "#moveplayer")
                bool err = false;
                err = !int.TryParse(command[1], out int characterID);
                err = !int.TryParse(command[2], out int zoneID);
                err = !int.TryParse(command[3], out int x);
                err = !int.TryParse(command[4], out int y);
                if (err)
                    throw PerpetuumException.Create(ErrorCodes.RequiredArgumentIsNotSpecified);

                // get the target character's session.
                var charactersession = sessionManager.GetByCharacter(characterID);

                if (charactersession.Character.ZoneId == null)
                    channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("ERR: Character with ID {0} does not have a zone. Are they docked?", characterID));

                // get destination zone.
                var zone = request.Session.ZoneMgr.GetZone(zoneID);

                if (charactersession.Character.ZoneId == null)
                    channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("ERR: Invalid Zone ID {0}", zoneID));

                // get a teleporter object to teleport the player.
                TeleportToAnotherZone tp = new TeleportToAnotherZone(zone);

                // we need the player (robot, etc) to teleport on the origin zone
                var player = request.Session.ZoneMgr.GetZone((int)charactersession.Character.ZoneId).GetPlayer(charactersession.Character.ActiveRobotEid);
                //var player = zone.GetPlayer(charactersession.Character.Eid);

                // set the position.
                tp.TargetPosition = new Position(x, y);

                // do it.
                tp = null;

                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Moved Character {0}-{1} to Zone {2} @ {3},{4}", characterID, charactersession.Character.Nick, zone.Id, x, y));
            if (command[0] == "#currentzonecleanobstacleblocking")
                string cmd = string.Format("zoneCleanObstacleBlocking:zone_{0}:null", sender.ZoneId);

            if (command[0] == "#currentzonedrawblockingbyeid")
                bool err = false;
                err = !Int64.TryParse(command[1], out Int64 eid);

                if (err)
                    throw PerpetuumException.Create(ErrorCodes.RequiredArgumentIsNotSpecified);

                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "eid", eid }

                string cmd = string.Format("zoneDrawBlockingByEid:zone_{0}:{1}", sender.ZoneId, GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

            if (command[0] == "#currentzoneremoveobjectbyeid")
                bool err = false;
                err = !Int64.TryParse(command[1], out Int64 eid);

                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "target", eid }

                string cmd = string.Format("zoneRemoveObject:zone_{0}:{1}", sender.ZoneId, GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

            if (command[0] == "#zonecreateisland")
                bool err = false;
                err = !int.TryParse(command[1], out int lvl);

                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "low", lvl }

                string cmd = string.Format("zoneCreateIsland:zone_{0}:{1}", sender.ZoneId, GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

            if (command[0] == "#currentzoneplacewall")
                string cmd = string.Format("zonePlaceWall:zone_{0}:null", sender.ZoneId);

            if (command[0] == "#currentzoneclearwalls")
                string cmd = string.Format("zoneClearWalls:zone_{0}:null", sender.ZoneId);

            if (command[0] == "#currentzoneadddecor")
                bool err = false;
                err = !int.TryParse(command[1], out int definition);
                err = !int.TryParse(command[2], out int x);
                err = !int.TryParse(command[3], out int y);
                err = !int.TryParse(command[4], out int z);
                err = !double.TryParse(command[5], out double qx);
                err = !double.TryParse(command[6], out double qy);
                err = !double.TryParse(command[7], out double qz);
                err = !double.TryParse(command[8], out double qw);
                err = !double.TryParse(command[9], out double scale);
                err = !int.TryParse(command[10], out int cat);

                if (err)
                    throw PerpetuumException.Create(ErrorCodes.RequiredArgumentIsNotSpecified);

                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "definition", definition },
                    { "x", x *256 },
                    { "y", y *256 },
                    { "z", z *256 },
                    { "quaternionX", qx },
                    { "quaternionY", qy },
                    { "quaternionZ", qz },
                    { "quaternionW", qw },
                    { "scale", scale },
                    { "category", cat }

                string cmd = string.Format("zoneDecorAdd:zone_{0}:{1}", sender.ZoneId, GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

            if (command[0] == "#adddecortolockedtile")
                var character = request.Session.Character;
                var zone      = request.Session.ZoneMgr.GetZone((int)character.ZoneId);
                var player    = zone.GetPlayer(character.ActiveRobotEid);

                var terrainLock = player.GetPrimaryLock() as TerrainLock;
                if (terrainLock == null)

                double x = terrainLock.Location.X;
                double y = terrainLock.Location.Y;
                double z = terrainLock.Location.Z;

                bool err = !double.TryParse(command[2], out double scale);
                err = !int.TryParse(command[1], out int definition);

                if (err)
                    throw PerpetuumException.Create(ErrorCodes.RequiredArgumentIsNotSpecified);

                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "definition", definition },
                    { "x", (int)x * 256 },
                    { "y", (int)y * 256 },
                    { "z", (int)z * 256 },
                    { "quaternionX", (double)0 },
                    { "quaternionY", (double)0 },
                    { "quaternionZ", (double)0 },
                    { "quaternionW", (double)0 },
                    { "scale", scale },
                    { "category", 1 }

                string cmd = string.Format("zoneDecorAdd:zone_{0}:{1}", sender.ZoneId, GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

            if (command[0] == "#zonedeletedecor")
                bool err = false;
                err = !int.TryParse(command[1], out int idno);

                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "ID", idno }

                string cmd = string.Format("zoneDecorDelete:zone_{0}:{1}", sender.ZoneId, GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

            if (command[0] == "#zoneclearlayer")
                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "layerName", command[1] }

                string cmd = string.Format("zoneClearLayer:zone_{0}:{1}", sender.ZoneId, GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

            if (command[0] == "#zonesetplantspeed")
                bool err = false;
                err = !int.TryParse(command[1], out int speed);

                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "speed", speed }

                string cmd = string.Format("zoneSetPlantsSpeed:zone_{0}:{1}", sender.ZoneId, GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

            if (command[0] == "#zonesetplantmode")
                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "mode", command[1] }

                string cmd = string.Format("zoneSetPlantsMode:zone_{0}:{1}", sender.ZoneId, GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

            if (command[0] == "#currentzonerestoreoriginalgamma")
                string cmd = string.Format("zoneRestoreOriginalGamma:zone_{0}:null", sender.ZoneId);

            if (command[0] == "#zonedrawblockingbydefinition")
                bool err = false;
                err = !int.TryParse(command[1], out int def);
                int[] defs = new int[1];
                defs[0] = def;

                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "definition", defs }

                string cmd = string.Format("zoneDrawBlockingByDefinition:zone_{0}:{1}", sender.ZoneId, GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

            if (command[0] == "#addblockingtotiles")
                var character = request.Session.Character;
                var zone      = request.Session.ZoneMgr.GetZone((int)character.ZoneId);
                var player    = zone.GetPlayer(character.ActiveRobotEid);

                var lockedtiles = player.GetLocks();

                using (new TerrainUpdateMonitor(zone))
                    foreach (Lock item in lockedtiles)
                        Position pos = (item as TerrainLock).Location;
                        zone.Terrain.Blocks.SetValue(pos, new BlockingInfo()
                            Obstacle = true
                        item.Cancel(); // cancel this lock. we processed it.

                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Added Blocking To {0} Tiles.", lockedtiles.Count));

            if (command[0] == "#removeblockingfromtiles")
                var character = request.Session.Character;
                var zone      = request.Session.ZoneMgr.GetZone((int)character.ZoneId);
                var player    = zone.GetPlayer(character.ActiveRobotEid);

                var lockedtiles = player.GetLocks();

                using (new TerrainUpdateMonitor(zone))
                    foreach (Lock item in lockedtiles)
                        Position pos = (item as TerrainLock).Location;
                        zone.Terrain.Blocks.SetValue(pos, new BlockingInfo()
                            Obstacle = false
                        item.Cancel(); // cancel this lock. we processed it.

                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Removed Blocking From {0} Tiles.", lockedtiles.Count));

            if (command[0] == "#zonedecorlock")
                bool err = false;
                err = !int.TryParse(command[1], out int id);
                err = !int.TryParse(command[2], out int locked);

                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "ID", id },
                    { "locked", locked }

                string cmd = string.Format("zoneDecorLock:zone_{0}:{1}", sender.ZoneId, GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

            if (command[0] == "#zonetileshighway")
                bool.TryParse(command[1], out bool adddelete);
                bool.TryParse(command[2], out bool keeplock);

                var character = request.Session.Character;
                var zone      = request.Session.ZoneMgr.GetZone((int)character.ZoneId);
                var player    = zone.GetPlayer(character.ActiveRobotEid);

                var lockedtiles = player.GetLocks();

                using (new TerrainUpdateMonitor(zone))
                    foreach (Lock item in lockedtiles)
                        Position           pos = (item as TerrainLock).Location;
                        TerrainControlInfo ti  = zone.Terrain.Controls.GetValue(pos);
                        ti.Highway = adddelete;
                        zone.Terrain.Controls.SetValue(pos, ti);
                        if (!keeplock)
                            item.Cancel(); // cancel this lock. we processed it.
                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Altered state of control layer on {0} Tiles (Highway)", lockedtiles.Count));

            if (command[0] == "#zonetilesconcretea")
                bool.TryParse(command[1], out bool adddelete);
                bool.TryParse(command[2], out bool keeplock);

                var character = request.Session.Character;
                var zone      = request.Session.ZoneMgr.GetZone((int)character.ZoneId);
                var player    = zone.GetPlayer(character.ActiveRobotEid);

                var lockedtiles = player.GetLocks();

                using (new TerrainUpdateMonitor(zone))
                    foreach (Lock item in lockedtiles)
                        Position           pos = (item as TerrainLock).Location;
                        TerrainControlInfo ti  = zone.Terrain.Controls.GetValue(pos);
                        ti.ConcreteA = adddelete;
                        zone.Terrain.Controls.SetValue(pos, ti);
                        if (!keeplock)
                            item.Cancel(); // cancel this lock. we processed it.
                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Altered state of control layer on {0} Tiles (ConcreteA)", lockedtiles.Count));

            if (command[0] == "#zonetilesconcreteb")
                bool.TryParse(command[1], out bool adddelete);
                bool.TryParse(command[2], out bool keeplock);

                var character = request.Session.Character;
                var zone      = request.Session.ZoneMgr.GetZone((int)character.ZoneId);
                var player    = zone.GetPlayer(character.ActiveRobotEid);

                var lockedtiles = player.GetLocks();

                using (new TerrainUpdateMonitor(zone))
                    foreach (Lock item in lockedtiles)
                        Position           pos = (item as TerrainLock).Location;
                        TerrainControlInfo ti  = zone.Terrain.Controls.GetValue(pos);
                        ti.ConcreteB = adddelete;
                        zone.Terrain.Controls.SetValue(pos, ti);
                        if (!keeplock)
                            item.Cancel(); // cancel this lock. we processed it.
                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Altered state of control layer on {0} Tiles (ConcreteB)", lockedtiles.Count));

            if (command[0] == "#zonetilesroaming")
                bool.TryParse(command[1], out bool adddelete);
                bool.TryParse(command[2], out bool keeplock);

                var character = request.Session.Character;
                var zone      = request.Session.ZoneMgr.GetZone((int)character.ZoneId);
                var player    = zone.GetPlayer(character.ActiveRobotEid);

                var lockedtiles = player.GetLocks();

                using (new TerrainUpdateMonitor(zone))
                    foreach (Lock item in lockedtiles)
                        Position           pos = (item as TerrainLock).Location;
                        TerrainControlInfo ti  = zone.Terrain.Controls.GetValue(pos);
                        ti.Roaming = adddelete;
                        zone.Terrain.Controls.SetValue(pos, ti);
                        if (!keeplock)
                            item.Cancel(); // cancel this lock. we processed it.
                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Altered state of control layer on {0} Tiles (Roaming)", lockedtiles.Count));

            if (command[0] == "#zonetilesPBSTerraformProtected")
                bool.TryParse(command[1], out bool adddelete);
                bool.TryParse(command[2], out bool keeplock);

                var character = request.Session.Character;
                var zone      = request.Session.ZoneMgr.GetZone((int)character.ZoneId);
                var player    = zone.GetPlayer(character.ActiveRobotEid);

                var lockedtiles = player.GetLocks();

                using (new TerrainUpdateMonitor(zone))
                    foreach (Lock item in lockedtiles)
                        Position           pos = (item as TerrainLock).Location;
                        TerrainControlInfo ti  = zone.Terrain.Controls.GetValue(pos);
                        ti.PBSTerraformProtected = adddelete;
                        zone.Terrain.Controls.SetValue(pos, ti);
                        if (!keeplock)
                            item.Cancel(); // cancel this lock. we processed it.
                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Altered state of control layer on {0} Tiles (PBSTerraformProtected)", lockedtiles.Count));

            //MissionTestResolve - DEBUG ONLY
            if (command[0] == "#testmissions")
                int.TryParse(command[1], out int charID);
                int.TryParse(command[2], out int zoneID);
                int.TryParse(command[3], out int level);
                int.TryParse(command[4], out int numAttempts);
                int.TryParse(command[5], out int displayFlag);
                int.TryParse(command[6], out int singleFlag);
                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { k.characterID, charID },
                    {, zoneID },
                    { k.level, level },
                    { "display", displayFlag },
                    { "attempts", numAttempts },
                    { "single", singleFlag },

                string cmd = string.Format("{0}:relay:{1}", Commands.MissionResolveTest.Text, GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Running missionresolve test {0}", dictionary.ToDebugString()));

            if (command[0] == "#giveitem")
                int.TryParse(command[1], out int definition);
                int.TryParse(command[2], out int qty);

                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "definition", definition },
                    { "quantity", qty }

                string cmd = string.Format("createItem:relay:{0}", GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Gave Item {0} ", definition));

            if (command[0] == "#getlockedtileproperties")
                var character = request.Session.Character;
                var zone      = request.Session.ZoneMgr.GetZone((int)character.ZoneId);
                var player    = zone.GetPlayer(character.ActiveRobotEid);

                var lockedtile = player.GetPrimaryLock();

                TerrainControlInfo ti = zone.Terrain.Controls.GetValue((lockedtile as TerrainLock).Location);

                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Tile at {0},{1} has the following flags..", (lockedtile as TerrainLock).Location.X, (lockedtile as TerrainLock).Location.Y));
                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, "TerrainControlFlags:");
                foreach (TerrainControlFlags f in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TerrainControlFlags)))
                    if (ti.Flags.HasFlag(f) && f != TerrainControlFlags.Undefined)
                        channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("{0}", f.ToString()));

                BlockingInfo bi = zone.Terrain.Blocks.GetValue((lockedtile as TerrainLock).Location);

                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, "BlockingFlags:");
                foreach (BlockingFlags f in Enum.GetValues(typeof(BlockingFlags)))
                    if (bi.Flags.HasFlag(f) && f != BlockingFlags.Undefined)
                        channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("{0}", f.ToString()));

                PlantInfo pi = zone.Terrain.Plants.GetValue((lockedtile as TerrainLock).Location);

                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, "PlantType:");
                foreach (PlantType f in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PlantType)))
                    if (pi.type.HasFlag(f) && f != PlantType.NotDefined)
                        channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("{0}", f.ToString()));

                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, "GroundType:");
                foreach (GroundType f in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GroundType)))
                    if (pi.groundType.HasFlag(f))
                        channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("{0}", f.ToString()));

            if (command[0] == "#setvisibility")
                bool.TryParse(command[1], out bool visiblestate);

                var character = request.Session.Character;
                var zone      = request.Session.ZoneMgr.GetZone((int)character.ZoneId);
                var player    = zone.GetPlayer(character.ActiveRobotEid);

                player.HasGMStealth = !visiblestate;

                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Player {0} visibility is {1}", player.Character.Nick, visiblestate));

            if (command[0] == "#zonedrawstatmap")
                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "type", command[1] }

                string cmd = string.Format("zoneDrawStatMap:zone_{0}:{1}", sender.ZoneId, GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

            if (command[0] == "#listplayersinzone")
                int.TryParse(command[1], out int zoneid);

                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Players On Zone {0}", zoneid));
                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("  AccountId    CharacterId    Nick    Access Level    Docked?    DockedAt    Position"));
                foreach (Character c in sessionManager.SelectedCharacters.Where(x => x.ZoneId == zoneid))
                    channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("   {0}       {1}        {2}        {3}       {4}       {5}      {6}",
                                                                                   c.AccountId, c.Id, c.Nick, c.AccessLevel, c.IsDocked, c.GetCurrentDockingBase().Eid, c.GetPlayerRobotFromZone().CurrentPosition));

            if (command[0] == "#countofplayers")
                foreach (IZone z in request.Session.ZoneMgr.Zones)
                    channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Players On Zone {0}: {1}", z.Id, z.Players.ToList().Count));

            if (command[0] == "#unsecure")
                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, "Channel is now public.");

            if (command[0] == "#addtochannel")
                int.TryParse(command[1], out int characterid);

                var c = sessionManager.GetByCharacter(characterid);

                channelmanager.JoinChannel(channel.Name, c.Character, ChannelMemberRole.Operator, string.Empty);

                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Added character {0} to channel ", c.Character.Nick));

            if (command[0] == "#removefromchannel")
                int.TryParse(command[1], out int characterid);

                var c = sessionManager.GetByCharacter(characterid);

                channelmanager.LeaveChannel(channel.Name, c.Character);

                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Removed character {0} from channel ", c.Character.Nick));

            if (command[0] == "#listrifts")
                foreach (IZone z in request.Session.ZoneMgr.Zones)
                    var rift = z.Units.OfType <Rift>();
                    foreach (Rift r in rift)
                        channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Rift - Zone: {0}, Position: ({1}), Destination Zone:{2}", r.Zone, r.CurrentPosition, r.DestinationStrongholdZone));

            if (command[0] == "#flagplayernameoffensive")
                bool err = false;
                err = !int.TryParse(command[1], out int characterID);
                err = !bool.TryParse(command[2], out bool isoffensive);

                var charactersession = sessionManager.GetByCharacter(characterID);
                charactersession.Character.IsOffensiveNick = isoffensive;

                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, string.Format("Player with nick {0} is offensive:{1}", charactersession.Character.Nick, charactersession.Character.IsOffensiveNick));

            //FreeAllLockedEP for account - by request of player
            if (command[0] == "#unlockallep")
                bool err = false;
                err = !int.TryParse(command[1], out int accountID);
                if (err)
                    throw PerpetuumException.Create(ErrorCodes.RequiredArgumentIsNotSpecified);

                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { k.accountID, accountID }

                string cmd = string.Format("{0}:relay:{1}", Commands.ExtensionFreeAllLockedEpCommand.Text, GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));

            if (command[0] == "#epbonusset")
                bool err = false;
                err = !int.TryParse(command[1], out int bonusBoost);
                err = !int.TryParse(command[2], out int hours);
                if (err)
                    throw PerpetuumException.Create(ErrorCodes.RequiredArgumentIsNotSpecified);

                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { k.bonus, bonusBoost },
                    { k.duration, hours }

                string cmd = string.Format("{0}:relay:{1}", Commands.EPBonusSet.Text, GenxyConverter.Serialize(dictionary));
                channel.SendMessageToAll(sessionManager, sender, "EP Bonus Set with command: " + dictionary.ToDebugString());