Esempio n. 1
        private void ComputeBlockMap(MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid primaryGrid, IEnumerable <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid> allGrids, BlockSetInfo info)

            BoundingBox = new BoundingBox((Vector3I)primaryGrid.CubeBlocks[0].Min, (Vector3I)primaryGrid.CubeBlocks[0].Min);

            foreach (var grid in allGrids)
                foreach (var block in grid.CubeBlocks)
                    var blockID = block.GetId();
                    var def     = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(blockID);
                    if (grid == primaryGrid)
                        Vector3I blockMin = block.Min;
                        Vector3I blockMax;
                        BlockTransformations.ComputeBlockMax(block, ref def, out blockMax);
                        BoundingBox = BoundingBox.Include(blockMin);
                        BoundingBox = BoundingBox.Include(blockMax);
                        for (var rangeItr = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref blockMin, ref blockMax); rangeItr.IsValid(); rangeItr.MoveNext())
                            m_blocks[rangeItr.Current] = block;
                    if (def == null)
                        if (m_erroredDefinitionIds.Add(blockID))
                            Logger.Error("Failed to find definition for block {0}", blockID);

                    info.BlockCountByType.AddValue(def.Id, 1);

                    foreach (var c in def.Components)
                        info.ComponentCost.AddValue(c.Definition, c.Count);

                    var powerUsage = PowerUtilities.MaxPowerConsumption(def);
                    // if it is off, ignore it.
                    if (Math.Abs(powerUsage.Consumption) > 1e-8 && ((block as MyObjectBuilder_FunctionalBlock)?.Enabled ?? true))
                        info.PowerConsumptionByGroup.AddValue(powerUsage.ResourceGroup, powerUsage.Consumption);
Esempio n. 2
        private void Process(CommandFeedback feedback, IMyCubeGrid grid)
            if (grid.CustomName == null || !grid.CustomName.StartsWithICase("EqProcBuild"))
            var ob = grid.GetObjectBuilder(true) as MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid;

            if (ob == null)
            this.Info("Begin processing {0}", grid.CustomName);
            feedback?.Invoke("Processing {0}", grid.CustomName);
                var dummyDel  = new List <MyTuple <MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock, string> >();
                var blockKeep = new List <MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock>();
                var blockMap  = new Dictionary <Vector3I, MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock>(Vector3I.Comparer);
                foreach (var block in ob.CubeBlocks)
                    var mount = false;
                    foreach (var name in block.ConfigNames())
                        if (!name.StartsWithICase(MountDelegated) && !name.StartsWithICase(ReservedSpaceDelegated))
                        dummyDel.Add(MyTuple.Create(block, name));
                        mount = true;
                    if (mount)

                    var      blockMin = (Vector3I)block.Min;
                    Vector3I blockMax;
                    BlockTransformations.ComputeBlockMax(block, out blockMax);
                    for (var rangeItr = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref blockMin, ref blockMax); rangeItr.IsValid(); rangeItr.MoveNext())
                        blockMap[rangeItr.Current] = block;
                this.Info("Found {0} blocks to keep, {1} block mounts to remap", blockKeep.Count, dummyDel.Count);
                foreach (var pair in dummyDel)
                    var block   = pair.Item1;
                    var useName = pair.Item2;

                    IEnumerable <Base6Directions.Direction> dirs = Base6Directions.EnumDirections;
                    var def       = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(pair.Item1);
                    var transform = new MatrixI(block.BlockOrientation);
                    if (def?.MountPoints != null)
                        var mountDirs = new HashSet <Base6Directions.Direction>();
                        foreach (var mount in def.MountPoints)
                            mountDirs.Add(Base6Directions.GetDirection(Vector3I.TransformNormal(mount.Normal, ref transform)));

                    var args     = useName.Split(' ');
                    var keepArgs = new List <string>(args.Length);
                    foreach (var arg in args)
                        if (arg.StartsWithICase(PartDummyUtils.ArgumentMountDirection))
                            Base6Directions.Direction dir;
                            if (Enum.TryParse(arg.Substring(2), out dir))
                                dirs = new[] { transform.GetDirection(Base6Directions.GetOppositeDirection(dir)) }
                                this.Error("Failed to parse direction argument \"{0}\"", arg);
                                feedback?.Invoke("Error: Failed to parse direction argument \"{0}\"", arg);
                    useName = string.Join(" ", keepArgs);

                    MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock outputBlock = null;
                    var outputDir = Base6Directions.Direction.Forward;
                    foreach (var dir in dirs)
                        MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock tmp;
                        if (!blockMap.TryGetValue(block.Min + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(dir), out tmp))
                        if (tmp.ConfigNames().Any(x => x.StartsWithICase(MountDelegated)))
                        if (outputBlock != null)
                            this.Error("Multiple directions found for {0}", pair.Item2);
                            feedback?.Invoke("Error: Multiple directions found for {0}", pair.Item2);
                        outputBlock = tmp;
                        outputDir   = dir;
                    if (outputBlock == null || !ApplyDelegate(ob, block, useName, outputBlock, outputDir))
                        this.Error("Failed to find delegated mount point for {0}", pair.Item2);
                        feedback?.Invoke("Error: Failed to find delegated mount point for {0}", pair.Item2);
                ob.CubeBlocks = blockKeep;

                // Grab related grids!
                var relatedGrids = new HashSet <IMyCubeGrid> {
                var scanRelated           = new Queue <IMyCubeGrid>();
                var relatedGridController = new Dictionary <IMyCubeGrid, IMyCubeBlock>();
                while (scanRelated.Count > 0)
                    var          subGrid = scanRelated.Dequeue();
                    IMyCubeBlock controllerForThisGrid = null;
                    relatedGridController.TryGetValue(subGrid, out controllerForThisGrid);

                    subGrid.GetBlocks(null, (y) =>
                        var x = y?.FatBlock;
                        if (x == null)
                        var childGrid = (x as IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock)?.TopGrid;
                        if (childGrid != null && relatedGrids.Add(childGrid))
                            relatedGridController[childGrid] = x.CubeGrid == grid ? x : controllerForThisGrid;
                        var parentGrid = (x as IMyAttachableTopBlock)?.Base?.CubeGrid;
                        // ReSharper disable once InvertIf
                        if (parentGrid != null && relatedGrids.Add(parentGrid))
                            relatedGridController[parentGrid] = x.CubeGrid == grid ? x : controllerForThisGrid;
                var removedNoController = relatedGrids.RemoveWhere(x => !relatedGridController.ContainsKey(x));
                if (removedNoController > 0)
                    this.Error("Failed to find the mechanical connection block for all subgrids.  {0} will be excluded",
                    feedback?.Invoke("Error: Failed to find the mechanical connection block for all subgrids.  {0} will be excluded",
                // Need to add reserved space for subgrids so they don't overlap.  So compute that.  Yay!
                foreach (var rel in relatedGrids)
                    IMyCubeBlock root;
                    if (!relatedGridController.TryGetValue(rel, out root))
                        this.Error("Unable to find the mechanical connection for grid {0}", rel.CustomName);
                        feedback?.Invoke("Error: Unable to find the mechanical connection for grid {0}",
                    MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock blockDest;
                    if (blockMap.TryGetValue(root.Min, out blockDest))
                        var blockLocal = (MatrixD) new MatrixI(blockDest.BlockOrientation).GetFloatMatrix();
                        blockLocal.Translation = (Vector3I)blockDest.Min * grid.GridSize;
                        var blockWorld = MatrixD.Multiply(blockLocal, grid.WorldMatrix);

                        var worldAABB = rel.WorldAABB;
                        worldAABB = Utilities.TransformBoundingBox(worldAABB, MatrixD.Invert(blockWorld));
                        var gridAABB = new BoundingBoxI(Vector3I.Floor(worldAABB.Min / grid.GridSize), Vector3I.Ceiling(worldAABB.Max / grid.GridSize));
                        var code     = $"{PartMetadata.ReservedSpacePrefix} NE:{gridAABB.Min.X}:{gridAABB.Min.Y}:{gridAABB.Min.Z} PE:{gridAABB.Max.X}:{gridAABB.Max.Y}:{gridAABB.Max.Z}";
                        this.Info("Added reserved space for subgrid {0}: Spec is \"{1}\"", rel.CustomName, code);
                        if (blockDest.Name == null || blockDest.Name.Trim().Length == 0)
                            blockDest.Name = code;
                            blockDest.Name += PartMetadata.MultiUseSentinel + code;
                        this.Error("Unable to find the OB for grid block {0} ({1}, {2}, {3}).  Is it a delegate?", (root as IMyTerminalBlock)?.CustomName ?? root.Name, root.Min.X, root.Min.Y, root.Min.Z);
                        feedback?.Invoke("Unable to the find OB for grid block {0} ({1}, {2}, {3}).  Was it a delegate?", (root as IMyTerminalBlock)?.CustomName ?? root.Name, root.Min.X, root.Min.Y, root.Min.Z);

                var allGrids = new List <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid>(relatedGrids.Count + 1)
                allGrids.AddRange(relatedGrids.Select(relGrid => relGrid.GetObjectBuilder(false)).OfType <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid>());

                // Compose description: TODO I'd love if this actually worked :/
                // var storage = new MyPartMetadata();
                // storage.InitFromGrids(ob, allGrids);
                // var data = Convert.ToBase64String(MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeToBinary(storage.GetObjectBuilder()));

                var defOut = new MyObjectBuilder_PrefabDefinition()
                    Id        = new SerializableDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_PrefabDefinition), grid.CustomName),
                    CubeGrids = allGrids.ToArray()

                var fileName = grid.CustomName + ".sbc";
                this.Info("Saving {1} grids as {0}", fileName, defOut.CubeGrids.Length);
                feedback?.Invoke("Saving {1} grids as {0}", fileName, defOut.CubeGrids.Length);

                var mishMash = new MyObjectBuilder_Definitions()
                    Prefabs = new MyObjectBuilder_PrefabDefinition[] { defOut }
                var writer = MyAPIGateway.Utilities.WriteBinaryFileInLocalStorage(fileName, typeof(DesignTools));
                var obCode = MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeToXML(mishMash);
                obCode = obCode.Replace("encoding=\"utf-16\"", "encoding=\"utf-8\"");
            catch (Exception e)
                this.Error("Failed to parse.  Error:\n{0}", e.ToString());
Esempio n. 3
        public override void Remap(MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid grid)
            var transformCopy = LocalTransform;

            var minToMin = new Dictionary <Vector3I, Vector3I>(grid.CubeBlocks.Count * 3 / 2);

            foreach (var x in grid.CubeBlocks)
                var      orig = (Vector3I)x.Min;
                var      cMin = orig;
                Vector3I cMax;
                BlockTransformations.ComputeBlockMax(x, out cMax);
                x.BlockOrientation.Forward = LocalTransform.GetDirection(x.BlockOrientation.Forward);
                x.BlockOrientation.Up      = LocalTransform.GetDirection(x.BlockOrientation.Up);
                Vector3I.Transform(ref cMin, ref transformCopy, out cMin);
                Vector3I.Transform(ref cMax, ref transformCopy, out cMax);
                minToMin[orig] = x.Min = Vector3I.Min(cMin, cMax);

                var proj = x as MyObjectBuilder_ProjectorBase;
                // Don't have to update the rotation; it is bound to the world matrix of the projector.
                if (proj != null)
                    Vector3I.TransformNormal(ref proj.ProjectionOffset, ref transformCopy, out proj.ProjectionOffset);

            if (grid.BlockGroups != null)
                foreach (var g in grid.BlockGroups)
                    for (var i = 0; i < g.Blocks.Count; i++)
                        Vector3I tmpOut;
                        if (minToMin.TryGetValue(g.Blocks[i], out tmpOut))
                            g.Blocks[i] = tmpOut;
                            g.Blocks[i] = Vector3I.MaxValue; // sorta discards it?

            if (grid.ConveyorLines != null)
                foreach (var l in grid.ConveyorLines)
                    l.StartDirection = LocalTransform.GetDirection(l.StartDirection);
                    l.StartPosition  = Vector3I.Transform(l.StartPosition, ref transformCopy);

                    l.EndDirection = LocalTransform.GetDirection(l.EndDirection);
                    l.EndPosition  = Vector3I.Transform(l.EndPosition, ref transformCopy);

                    if (l.Sections == null)
                    for (var s = 0; s < l.Sections.Count; s++)
                        l.Sections[s] = new SerializableLineSectionInformation()
                            Direction = LocalTransform.GetDirection(l.Sections[s].Direction), Length = l.Sections[s].Length