public void BlockSignerAddWithTreeTooHighTest(Ksi ksi)
            BlockSigner blockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetHttpKsiService(), null, null, 1);
            bool        result      = blockSigner.Add(new DataHash(Base16.Decode("01580192B0D06E48884432DFFC26A67C6C685BEAF0252B9DD2A0B4B05D1724C5F2")));

            Assert.IsTrue(result, "Unexpected add method result");
            result = blockSigner.Add(new DataHash(Base16.Decode("01580192B0D06E48884432DFFC26A67C6C685BEAF0252B9DD2A0B4B05D1724C5F2")));
            Assert.IsTrue(result, "Unexpected add method result");
            result = blockSigner.Add(new DataHash(Base16.Decode("01580192B0D06E48884432DFFC26A67C6C685BEAF0252B9DD2A0B4B05D1724C5F2")));
            Assert.IsFalse(result, "Unexpected add method result");
        public void BlockSignerCannotAddHashAfterSignedTest(Ksi ksi)
            BlockSigner blockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetHttpKsiService());

            blockSigner.Add(new DataHash(Base16.Decode("01580192B0D06E48884432DFFC26A67C6C685BEAF0252B9DD2A0B4B05D1724C5F2")));

            BlockSigningException ex = Assert.Throws <BlockSigningException>(delegate
                blockSigner.Add(new DataHash(Base16.Decode("01580192B0D06E48884432DFFC26A67C6C685BEAF0252B9DD2A0B4B05D1724C5F2")));

            Assert.That(ex.Message, Does.StartWith("Signing process is started. Cannot add new items."), "Unexpected exception message");
        public void BlockSignerGetUniSignaturesOfManyRandomHashesTest(Ksi ksi)
            int              k        = 7;
            Random           random   = new Random();
            IdentityMetadata metadata = new IdentityMetadata("test client id", "test machine id");
            List <DataHash>  hashes   = new List <DataHash>();

            byte[] buffer = new byte[10];

            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                IDataHasher hasher = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher();

            BlockSigner blockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetHttpKsiService());

            foreach (DataHash hash in hashes)
                blockSigner.Add(hash, metadata);

            IEnumerable <IKsiSignature> uniSignatures = blockSigner.Sign();
            int n = 0;

            foreach (IKsiSignature signature in uniSignatures)
                Verify(ksi, signature, hashes[n++]);
        public void LinkUserIdToSignature()
            BlockSigner ksiBlockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetKsiService());
            IDataHasher dh             = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(HashAlgorithm.Sha2256);

            // This is the data we are signing
            string data = "data";


            // Suppose that this is the user that initiated the signing
            // and it has been verified using a 3rd party authentication provider (e.g. LDAP)
            string userId = "john.smith";

            // Add both, the data and the user to the block signer
            ksiBlockSigner.Add(dh.GetHash(), new IdentityMetadata(userId));
            IKsiSignature[] signatures = ksiBlockSigner.Sign().ToArray();

            // We should get only one signature as we only had one item that we signed
            Assert.AreEqual(1, signatures.Length);

            // Print the last part of the identity to show john.smith is there
            IIdentity[] identity = signatures[0].GetIdentity().ToArray();
            Console.WriteLine("User: " + identity[identity.Length - 1].ClientId);
            // Store the signature as needed
            // ...
        public void BlockSignerAddWithoutHashTest(Ksi ksi)
            BlockSigner blockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetHttpKsiService());

            ArgumentNullException ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(delegate

            Assert.AreEqual("dataHash", ex.ParamName, "Unexpected exception message");
        public void BlockSignerSignOneHashWithBlindingMaskTest(Ksi ksi)
            BlockSigner blockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetHttpKsiService(), true, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });
            DataHash    hash        = new DataHash(Base16.Decode("01580192B0D06E48884432DFFC26A67C6C685BEAF0252B9DD2A0B4B05D1724C5F2"));


            IEnumerator <IKsiSignature> signatures = blockSigner.Sign().GetEnumerator();

            Assert.True(signatures.MoveNext(), "Invalid signature count: 0");
            IKsiSignature signature = signatures.Current;

            Assert.False(signatures.MoveNext(), "Invalid signature count: > 1");
            Assert.Less(0, signature.GetAggregationHashChains()[0].GetChainLinks().Count, "Invalid links count.");
            Assert.IsNull(signature.GetAggregationHashChains()[0].GetChainLinks()[0].Metadata, "Unexpected right sibling type.");

            VerifyChainAlgorithm(signature, HashAlgorithm.Default);
            Verify(ksi, signature, hash);
        public void BlockSignerSignOneWithMetadaHashTest(Ksi ksi)
            BlockSigner      blockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetHttpKsiService());
            DataHash         hash        = new DataHash(Base16.Decode("01580192B0D06E48884432DFFC26A67C6C685BEAF0252B9DD2A0B4B05D1724C5F2"));
            IdentityMetadata metadata    = new IdentityMetadata("test client id");

            blockSigner.Add(hash, metadata);

            IEnumerator <IKsiSignature> signatures = blockSigner.Sign().GetEnumerator();

            Assert.True(signatures.MoveNext(), "Invalid signature count: 0");
            IKsiSignature signature = signatures.Current;

            Assert.False(signatures.MoveNext(), "Invalid signature count: > 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, signature.GetAggregationHashChains()[0].GetChainLinks().Count, "Invalid links count.");
            Assert.AreEqual(metadata.ClientId, signature.GetAggregationHashChains()[0].GetChainLinks()[0].Metadata.ClientId, "Invalid metadata.");

            VerifyChainAlgorithm(signature, HashAlgorithm.Default);
            Verify(ksi, signature, hash);
        public void BlockSignerSignOneHashWithLevelTest(Ksi ksi)
            BlockSigner blockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetHttpKsiService());
            DataHash    hash        = new DataHash(Base16.Decode("01580192B0D06E48884432DFFC26A67C6C685BEAF0252B9DD2A0B4B05D1724C5F2"));

            blockSigner.Add(hash, null, 2);

            IEnumerator <IKsiSignature> signatures = blockSigner.Sign().GetEnumerator();

            Assert.True(signatures.MoveNext(), "Invalid signature count: 0");
            IKsiSignature signature = signatures.Current;

            Assert.False(signatures.MoveNext(), "Invalid signature count: > 1");
            Assert.Less(0, signature.GetAggregationHashChains()[0].GetChainLinks().Count, "Invalid links count.");
            Assert.AreEqual(Properties.Settings.Default.HttpSigningServiceUser, signature.GetAggregationHashChains()[0].GetChainLinks()[0].Metadata.ClientId,
                            "Unexpected metadata.");
            Assert.LessOrEqual(2, signature.GetAggregationHashChains()[0].GetChainLinks()[0].LevelCorrection, "Level correction is invalid.");

            VerifyChainAlgorithm(signature, HashAlgorithm.Default);
            Verify(ksi, signature, hash);
        public void BlockSignerCustomSignatureFactoryTest(Ksi ksi)
            BlockSigner blockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetHttpKsiService(), null, new KsiSignatureFactory(
                                                          new PublicationBasedVerificationPolicy(),
                                                          new TestVerificationContext()
                UserPublication = new PublicationData("AAAAAA-CVZ2AQ-AANGVK-SV7GJL-36LN65-AVJYZR-6XRZSL-HIMRH3-6GU7WR-YNRY7C-X2XECY-WFQXRB")

            IdentityMetadata metadata = new IdentityMetadata("test client id");

            DataHash documentHash = new DataHash(Base16.Decode("01580192B0D06E48884432DFFC26A67C6C685BEAF0252B9DD2A0B4B05D1724C5F2"));

            blockSigner.Add(documentHash, metadata);

            KsiSignatureInvalidContentException ex = Assert.Throws <KsiSignatureInvalidContentException>(delegate
            }, "Automatic verification should fail.");

            Assert.That(ex.Message, Does.StartWith("Signature verification failed"));
        public void BlockSignerGetUniSignaturesOfGivenHashesWithLevelTest(Ksi ksi)
            BlockSigner      blockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetHttpKsiService());
            IdentityMetadata metadata    = new IdentityMetadata("test client id");
            List <DataHash>  hashes      = new List <DataHash>
                new DataHash(Base16.Decode("01580192B0D06E48884432DFFC26A67C6C685BEAF0252B9DD2A0B4B05D1724C5F2")),
                new DataHash(Base16.Decode("018D982C6911831201C5CF15E937514686A2169E2AD57BA36FD92CBEBD99A67E34")),
                new DataHash(Base16.Decode("0114F9189A45A30D856029F9537FD20C9C7342B82A2D949072AB195D95D7B32ECB")),
                new DataHash(Base16.Decode("01680192B0D06E48884432DFFC26A67C6C685BEAF0252B9DD2A0B4B05D1724C5F1")),
                new DataHash(Base16.Decode("019D982C6911831201C5CF15E937514686A2169E2AD57BA36FD92CBEBD99A67E32")),
                new DataHash(Base16.Decode("0124F9189A45A30D856029F9537FD20C9C7342B82A2D949072AB195D95D7B32EC3")),
                new DataHash(Base16.Decode("0134F9189A45A30D856029F9537FD20C9C7342B82A2D949072AB195D95D7B32EC4"))

            List <uint> levels = new List <uint>()
                1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 2, 2
            List <bool> hasMetadata = new List <bool>()
                true, false, false, false, true, true, true, false
            int i = 0;

            foreach (DataHash hash in hashes)
                blockSigner.Add(hash, hasMetadata[i] ? metadata : null, levels[i++]);

            i = 0;

            foreach (IKsiSignature ksiSignature in blockSigner.Sign())
                VerifyChainAlgorithm(ksiSignature, HashAlgorithm.Default);
                Verify(ksi, ksiSignature, hashes[i]);
        public void SignMultipleItemsWithLocalAggregation()
            BlockSigner ksiBlockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetKsiService());
            int         itemCount      = 50;

            // Add the items that need to be signed to the block signer
            IDataHasher dh = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher(HashAlgorithm.Sha2256);

            for (int i = 1; i <= itemCount; i++)

            // Submit the signing request
            IEnumerable <IKsiSignature> signatures = ksiBlockSigner.Sign();

            // Just to illustrate that there are as many signatures as items
            Assert.AreEqual(itemCount, signatures.Count());
            // Store the signatures as needed
            // ...
        public void BlockSignerGetUniSignaturesOfGivenHashesWithSha512Test(Ksi ksi)
            BlockSigner      blockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetHttpKsiService(), HashAlgorithm.Sha2512);
            IdentityMetadata metadata    = new IdentityMetadata("test client id");
            List <DataHash>  hashes      = new List <DataHash>
                new DataHash(Base16.Decode("01580192B0D06E48884432DFFC26A67C6C685BEAF0252B9DD2A0B4B05D1724C5F2")),
                new DataHash(Base16.Decode("018D982C6911831201C5CF15E937514686A2169E2AD57BA36FD92CBEBD99A67E34")),
                new DataHash(Base16.Decode("0114F9189A45A30D856029F9537FD20C9C7342B82A2D949072AB195D95D7B32ECB"))

            foreach (DataHash hash in hashes)
                blockSigner.Add(hash, metadata);

            int i = 0;

            foreach (IKsiSignature ksiSignature in blockSigner.Sign())
                VerifyChainAlgorithm(ksiSignature, HashAlgorithm.Sha2512);
                Verify(ksi, ksiSignature, hashes[i++]);
        public void BlockSignerTreeHeightLimitTest(Ksi ksi)
            IdentityMetadata metadata = new IdentityMetadata("test client id", "test machine id");
            DataHash         hash     = new DataHash(Base16.Decode("0114F9189A45A30D856029F9537FD20C9C7342B82A2D949072AB195D95D7B32ECB"));

            List <HeightTestData> list = new List <HeightTestData>()
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                }, null, 0, 0),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    1, 2, 1
                }, null, 3, 2),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    1, 2, 2
                }, null, 3, 2),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    1, 0, 1
                }, null, 2, 2),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    0, 0, 0
                }, new List <bool> {
                    true, false, true
                }, 2, 2),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    2, 1, 1, 1
                }, null, 3, 3),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    1, 0, 0, 0
                }, null, 2, 3),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0
                }, new List <bool> {
                    true, true, true, true, true
                }, 3, 4),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
                }, null, 3, 5),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0
                }, null, 3, 5),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
                }, new List <bool> {
                    true, false, true, false, false, false
                }, 3, 5),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
                }, new List <bool> {
                    false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false
                }, 3, 8),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    3, 3
                }, new List <bool> {
                    false, false
                }, 3, 1),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    3, 3
                }, new List <bool> {
                    true, true
                }, 3, 0),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    0, 3
                }, new List <bool> {
                    false, false
                }, 3, 1),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    3, 0
                }, new List <bool> {
                    false, false
                }, 3, 1),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
                }, null, 3, 5),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    4, 3, 2, 3, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, 3
                }, null, 6, 9),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    4, 3, 2, 3, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0
                }, null, 6, 10),
                new HeightTestData(new List <uint> {
                    7, 6, 5, 6, 4, 3, 6, 5, 3, 6, 8
                }, null, 9, 9),

            for (int index = 0; index < list.Count; index++)
                HeightTestData data        = list[index];
                BlockSigner    blockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetHttpKsiService(), null, null, data.MaxHeight);
                bool           success     = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Test row: " + (index + 1));

                for (int i = 0; i < data.Levels.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("Item: " + (i + 1) + "; Level: " + data.Levels[i] + "; Node: " + hash);

                    IdentityMetadata meta = data.MetaExists != null && data.MetaExists.Count > i && data.MetaExists[i] ? metadata : null;
                    if (!blockSigner.Add(hash, meta, data.Levels[i]))
                        success = data.AllowedItemCount == i;
                        Assert.IsTrue(success, "Invalid height calculation. Row: " + (index + 1) + "; Node count: " + (i + 1));

                if (!success)
                    Assert.Fail("Invalid height calculation.  All hashes added. Row: " + (index + 1));
        public void BlockSignerGetUniSignaturesParallelTest(Ksi ksi)
            ManualResetEvent waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            int[]  treeSizes    = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
            int    doneCount    = 0;
            int    runCount     = treeSizes.Length;
            string errorMessage = null;

            Random random = new Random();

            IdentityMetadata metadata = new IdentityMetadata("test client id");

            foreach (int j in treeSizes)
                int k = j;

                Task.Run(() =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Document count: " + k);

                    BlockSigner blockSigner = new BlockSigner(GetHttpKsiService());
                    List <DataHash> hashes  = new List <DataHash>();

                    byte[] buffer = new byte[10];

                    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                        IDataHasher hasher = KsiProvider.CreateDataHasher();

                    foreach (DataHash hash in hashes)
                        blockSigner.Add(hash, metadata);

                        int i = 0;

                        foreach (IKsiSignature ksiSignature in blockSigner.Sign())
                            Verify(ksi, ksiSignature, hashes[i++]);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + " Error " + k + ". " + ex);
                        if (errorMessage == null)
                            errorMessage = ex.ToString();

                        Console.WriteLine("Done " + k);

                        if (doneCount == runCount)

            Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + " Waiting ...");

            Assert.IsTrue(waitHandle.WaitOne(20000), "Wait handle timed out.");

            if (errorMessage != null)
                Assert.Fail("ERROR: " + errorMessage);

            Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + " All done.");