Esempio n. 1
        public static void CellwiseSubSelection(
            [Values(SelectionType.all_combined, SelectionType.degrees, SelectionType.species, SelectionType.variables)] SelectionType SType
            Console.WriteLine("SubSelection({0})", SType);

            //Arrange --- extracts entries of matrix according to hardcoded selection
            int            DGdegree       = 2;
            int            GridResolution = 4;
            var            mgo            = Utils.CreateTestMGOperator(XDGusage.all, DGdegree, MatrixShape.full_var_spec, GridResolution);
            int            sampleCellA    = Utils.GetIdxOfFirstBlockWith(mgo.Mapping, false); //1 species
            int            sampleCellB    = Utils.GetIdxOfFirstBlockWith(mgo.Mapping, true);  //2 species
            BlockMsrMatrix compA          = Utils.GetCellCompMatrix(SType, mgo, sampleCellA);
            BlockMsrMatrix compB          = Utils.GetCellCompMatrix(SType, mgo, sampleCellB);

            int iBlock = sampleCellB + mgo.Mapping.AggGrid.CellPartitioning.i0;
            int i0     = mgo.Mapping.GetBlockI0(iBlock);
            var block  = MultidimensionalArray.Create(mgo.Mapping.GetBlockLen(iBlock), mgo.Mapping.GetBlockLen(iBlock));

            mgo.OperatorMatrix.ReadBlock(i0, i0, block);

            //Arrange --- setup masking, which correspond to hardcoded
            SubBlockSelector sbsA = new SubBlockSelector(mgo.Mapping);

            sbsA.GetDefaultSelection(SType, sampleCellA); // single spec
            BlockMask        maskA = new BlockMask(sbsA, null);
            SubBlockSelector sbsB  = new SubBlockSelector(mgo.Mapping);

            sbsB.GetDefaultSelection(SType, sampleCellB); // double spec
            BlockMask maskB = new BlockMask(sbsB, null);

            //Arrange --- some time measurement
            Stopwatch stw = new Stopwatch();


            //Act --- subblock extraction
            var blocksA = maskA.GetDiagonalBlocks(mgo.OperatorMatrix, false, false);
            var blocksB = maskB.GetDiagonalBlocks(mgo.OperatorMatrix, false, false);


            //Assert ---
            Assert.IsTrue(blocksA.Length == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(blocksB.Length == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(compA.RowPartitioning.LocalLength == blocksA[0].GetLength(0));
            Assert.IsTrue(compB.RowPartitioning.LocalLength == blocksB[0].GetLength(0));

            //Assert --- compare masking of single spec cell
            Debug.Assert(compA.InfNorm() != 0.0);
            compA.AccBlock(0, 0, -1.0, blocksA[0]);
            Assert.IsTrue(compA.InfNorm() == 0.0);

            //Assert --- compare masking of double spec cell
            Debug.Assert(compB.InfNorm() != 0.0);
            compB.AccBlock(0, 0, -1.0, blocksB[0]);
            Assert.IsTrue(compB.InfNorm() == 0.0, String.Format("proc{0}: not fulfilled at block {1}", mgo.Mapping.MpiRank, sampleCellB));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Local condition number for the block formed by each cell.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// one value per cell:
        /// - index: local cell index
        /// - content: condition number (one norm) of the local stencil
        /// </returns>
        public double[] BlockCondNumbers()
            int J = m_map.LocalNoOfBlocks;

            Debug.Assert(J == m_map.GridDat.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells);

            var Mtx = m_MultigridOp.OperatorMatrix;

            Debug.Assert(Mtx._ColPartitioning.LocalNoOfBlocks == J);
            Debug.Assert(Mtx._RowPartitioning.LocalNoOfBlocks == J);

            var Sel = new SubBlockSelector(m_MultigridOp.Mapping);


            var Mask = new BlockMask(Sel);

            MultidimensionalArray[] Blocks = Mask.GetDiagonalBlocks(Mtx, ignoreSpecCoupling: false, ignoreVarCoupling: false);
            Debug.Assert(Blocks.Length == J);

            double[] BCN = new double[J];
            for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
                int N = this.VarGroup.Sum(iVar => m_MultigridOp.Mapping.AggBasis[iVar].GetLength(j, m_MultigridOp.Degrees[iVar]));
                Debug.Assert(Blocks[j].NoOfCols == N);
                Debug.Assert(Blocks[j].NoOfRows == N);

                int i0 = m_MultigridOp.Mapping.GlobalUniqueIndex(this.VarGroup.Min(), j, 0);
                Debug.Assert(Mtx[i0, i0] == Blocks[j][0, 0]);

                BCN[j] = Blocks[j].Cond();

Esempio n. 3
        public static void SubBlockExtractionWithCoupling(
            [Values(XDGusage.none, XDGusage.all)] XDGusage UseXdg,
            [Values(2)] int DGOrder,
            [Values(MatrixShape.diagonal, MatrixShape.diagonal_var, MatrixShape.diagonal_spec, MatrixShape.diagonal_var_spec)] MatrixShape MShape
            Utils.TestInit((int)UseXdg, DGOrder, (int)MShape);
            Console.WriteLine("ExtractDiagonalBlocks({0},{1},{2})", UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape);

            //Arrange --- get multigridoperator
            MultigridOperator MGOp = Utils.CreateTestMGOperator(UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape);
            BlockMsrMatrix    M    = MGOp.OperatorMatrix;
            MultigridMapping  map  = MGOp.Mapping;

            //Arrange --- setup masking
            SubBlockSelector SBS  = new SubBlockSelector(map);
            BlockMask        mask = new BlockMask(SBS, null);

            bool[] coupling = Utils.SetCoupling(MShape);

            //Arrange --- some time measurement
            Stopwatch stw = new Stopwatch();


            //Arrange --- setup auxiliary matrix
            //this will show us if more is extracted, than it should ...
            var Mprep = new BlockMsrMatrix(map);

            Mprep.Acc(1.0, M);

            //Act --- diagonal subblock extraction
            var blocks = mask.GetDiagonalBlocks(Mprep, coupling[0], coupling[1]);


            //Assert --- all diagonal blocks are extracted
            Assert.IsTrue(blocks.Length == map.LocalNoOfBlocks);

            for (int i = 0; i < map.LocalNoOfBlocks; i++)
                //Arrange --- get ith diagonal block of M: M_i
                int iBlock = i + map.AggGrid.CellPartitioning.i0;
                int L      = map.GetBlockLen(iBlock);
                int i0     = map.GetBlockI0(iBlock);
                var Mblock = MultidimensionalArray.Create(L, L);
                M.ReadBlock(i0, i0, Mblock);

                //Act --- M_i-Mones_i
                Mblock.Acc(-1.0, blocks[i]);

                //Assert --- are extracted blocks and
                Assert.IsTrue(Mblock.InfNorm() == 0.0, String.Format("infNorm of block {0} neq 0!", i));

            //BlockMsrMatrix all1;
            //Generate broken diagonal matrix, die zur Maske passt: M
            //Wende Extraction auf M_prep an, Man sollte nun M bekommen
            //Test: M_prep-extract(M_prep)=all1
            //Test-crit: Result.SumEntries=DOF^2 oder Result.Max()==Result.Min()==1
            //oder (besser)
            //Test: M-extract(M_prep)=zeros
            //Test-crit: Result.InfNorm()==0

            //Der Test kann für ExtractSubMatrix mit ignore coupling wiederholt werden
            //eventuell: Testmatrix finden mit brauchbaren Nebendiagonalen für einen Fall

            //Was wird getestet: funktioniert ignorecoupling richtig?
Esempio n. 4
        public static void VectorCellwiseOperation(
            [Values(XDGusage.none, XDGusage.all)] XDGusage UseXdg,
            [Values(2)] int DGOrder,
            [Values(MatrixShape.diagonal_var_spec, MatrixShape.diagonal_spec, MatrixShape.diagonal_var, MatrixShape.diagonal)] MatrixShape MShape,
            [Values(4)] int Res
            Utils.TestInit((int)UseXdg, DGOrder, (int)MShape);
            Console.WriteLine("SubMatrixIgnoreCoupling({0},{1},{2})", UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape);

            //Arrange --- create test matrix, MG mapping
            MultigridOperator mgo = Utils.CreateTestMGOperator(UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape, Res);
            MultigridMapping  map = mgo.Mapping;
            BlockMsrMatrix    M   = mgo.OperatorMatrix;

            //Arrange --- masking and subblock extraction of external cells
            var sbs = new SubBlockSelector(map);

            var M_ext   = BlockMask.GetAllExternalRows(map, M);
            var mask    = new BlockMask(sbs, M_ext);
            var eblocks = mask.GetDiagonalBlocks(M, false, false);

            //Dictionary<int, int[]> Didc = Utils.GetDictOfAllExtCellIdc(map);

            //Arrange --- generate rnd vector and distribute it
            double[] vec = new double[map.LocalLength];
            vec = Utils.GetRandomVector(map.LocalLength);
            var vec_ex = new MPIexchange <double[]>(map, vec);

            Debug.Assert(vec_ex.Vector_Ext.L2Norm() != 0);

            //Arrange --- stopwatch
            var stw = new Stopwatch();


            //Arrange --- get extended (loc+external cells) vector
            double[] Vec_ext = new double[vec.Length + vec_ex.Vector_Ext.Length];
            mask.AccSubVec(vec_ex.Vector_Ext, Vec_ext);

            bool test = eblocks.Length.MPIEquals();

            //Act --- calculate blockwise result: M_i*vec_i=Res_i
            double[] Res_ext = new double[Vec_ext.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < eblocks.Length; i++)
                //int iBlock = i + map.AggGrid.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;
                double[] vec_i = mask.GetSubVecOfCell(Vec_ext, i);
                double[] Res_i = new double[vec_i.Length];
                eblocks[i].MatVecMul(1.0, vec_i, 0.0, Res_i);
                mask.AccSubVecOfCell(Res_i, i, Res_ext);
                if (map.MpiRank == 0)
                    eblocks[i].ConvertToMsr().SaveToTextFileSparseDebug(String.Format("block_{0}_{1}", i, map.MpiRank));
                    vec_i.SaveToTextFileDebug(String.Format("vec_{0}_{1}", i, map.MpiRank));
                    Res_i.SaveToTextFileDebug(String.Format("Res_{0}_{1}", i, map.MpiRank));

            //Act --- project Res_i onto Res_g and Res_g=M_ext*vec_ext-Res_g
            double[] Res_g  = mask.GetSubVec(Res_ext);
            var      qM_ext = M_ext.ConvertToQuadraticBMsr(mask.GlobalIList_External.ToArray(), false);

            qM_ext.SpMV(1.0, vec_ex.Vector_Ext, -1.0, Res_g);

            if (map.MpiRank == 0)

            //Assert --- |Res_g| should be at least near to zero
            Assert.IsTrue(Res_g.L2Norm() == 0.0);
Esempio n. 5
        public static void SubBlockExtraction(
            [Values(XDGusage.none, XDGusage.all)] XDGusage UseXdg,
            [Values(2)] int DGOrder,
            [Values(MatrixShape.diagonal_var_spec, MatrixShape.diagonal_spec, MatrixShape.diagonal_var, MatrixShape.diagonal)] MatrixShape MShape,
            [Values(4)] int Res
            Utils.TestInit((int)UseXdg, DGOrder, (int)MShape);
            Console.WriteLine("SubMatrixIgnoreCoupling({0},{1},{2})", UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape);

            //Arrange --- create test matrix and MG mapping
            MultigridOperator mgo = Utils.CreateTestMGOperator(UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape, Res);
            MultigridMapping  map = mgo.Mapping;
            BlockMsrMatrix    M   = mgo.OperatorMatrix;

            //Arrange --- masking of all external cells
            var sbs = new SubBlockSelector(map);

            var M_ext = BlockMask.GetAllExternalRows(map, M);
            var mask  = new BlockMask(sbs, M_ext);
            //bool[] coup = Utils.SetCoupling(MShape);

            //Arrange --- get index dictonary of all external cell indices
            Dictionary <int, int[]> Didc = Utils.GetDictOfAllExtCellIdc(map);

            //Arrange --- stopwatch
            var stw = new Stopwatch();


            //Act --- Extract subblocks
            //var eblocks = mask.GetSubBlocks(M,coup[0],coup[1],coup[2]);
            var eblocks = mask.GetDiagonalBlocks(M, false, false);


            //Assert --- same number of blocks?
            Assert.IsTrue(eblocks.Length == M_ext._RowPartitioning.LocalNoOfBlocks);

            bool test = eblocks.Length.MPIEquals();

            for (int iBlock = 0; iBlock < eblocks.Length; iBlock++)
                var infNorm     = MultidimensionalArray.Create(4, 1);
                int rank        = map.MpiRank;
                int ExtBlockIdx = iBlock + map.AggGrid.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;
                Didc.TryGetValue(ExtBlockIdx, out int[] idc);

                using (BatchmodeConnector matlab = new BatchmodeConnector()) {
                    double[] GlobIdx = idc.Count().ForLoop(i => (double)idc[i] + 1.0);
                    Assert.IsTrue(GlobIdx.Length == eblocks[iBlock].Lengths[0]);
                    MsrMatrix M_sub = eblocks[iBlock].ConvertToMsr();

                    matlab.PutSparseMatrix(M, "M");
                    // note: M_sub lives on Comm_Self, therefore we have to distinguish between procs ...
                    matlab.PutSparseMatrixRankExclusive(M_sub, "M_sub");
                    matlab.PutVectorRankExclusive(GlobIdx, "Idx");
                    matlab.Cmd("M_0 = full(M(Idx_0, Idx_0));");
                    matlab.Cmd("M_1 = full(M(Idx_1, Idx_1));");
                    matlab.Cmd("M_2 = full(M(Idx_2, Idx_2));");
                    matlab.Cmd("M_3 = full(M(Idx_3, Idx_3));");
                    matlab.Cmd("n=[0; 0; 0; 0];");
                    matlab.GetMatrix(infNorm, "n");
                Assert.IsTrue(infNorm[rank, 0] == 0.0); //