Esempio n. 1
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public override object?ConvertIntermediateToObject(IPublishedElement owner, IPublishedPropertyType propertyType, PropertyCacheLevel referenceCacheLevel, object?inter, bool preview)
        // NOTE: The intermediate object is just a JSON string, we don't actually convert from source -> intermediate since source is always just a JSON string
        using (_proflog.DebugDuration <BlockListPropertyValueConverter>(
                   $"ConvertPropertyToBlockList ({propertyType.DataType.Id})"))
            var value = (string?)inter;

            // Short-circuit on empty values
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))

            BlockEditorData converted = _blockListEditorDataConverter.Deserialize(value);
            if (converted.BlockValue.ContentData.Count == 0)

            IEnumerable <BlockListLayoutItem>?blockListLayout =
                converted.Layout?.ToObject <IEnumerable <BlockListLayoutItem> >();
            if (blockListLayout is null)

            // Get configuration
            BlockListConfiguration?configuration = propertyType.DataType.ConfigurationAs <BlockListConfiguration>();
            if (configuration is null)

            var blockConfigMap = configuration.Blocks.ToDictionary(x => x.ContentElementTypeKey);

            // Convert the content data
            var contentPublishedElements = new Dictionary <Guid, IPublishedElement>();
            foreach (BlockItemData data in converted.BlockValue.ContentData)
                if (!blockConfigMap.ContainsKey(data.ContentTypeKey))

                IPublishedElement?element = _blockConverter.ConvertToElement(data, referenceCacheLevel, preview);
                if (element == null)

                contentPublishedElements[element.Key] = element;

            // If there are no content elements, it doesn't matter what is stored in layout
            if (contentPublishedElements.Count == 0)

            // Convert the settings data
            var settingsPublishedElements = new Dictionary <Guid, IPublishedElement>();
            var validSettingsElementTypes = blockConfigMap.Values.Select(x => x.SettingsElementTypeKey)
                                            .Where(x => x.HasValue).Distinct().ToList();
            foreach (BlockItemData data in converted.BlockValue.SettingsData)
                if (!validSettingsElementTypes.Contains(data.ContentTypeKey))

                IPublishedElement?element = _blockConverter.ConvertToElement(data, referenceCacheLevel, preview);
                if (element is null)

                settingsPublishedElements[element.Key] = element;

            // Cache constructors locally (it's tied to the current IPublishedSnapshot and IPublishedModelFactory)
            var blockListItemActivator = new BlockListItemActivator(_blockConverter);

            var list = new List <BlockListItem>();
            foreach (BlockListLayoutItem layoutItem in blockListLayout)
                // Get the content reference
                var contentGuidUdi = (GuidUdi?)layoutItem.ContentUdi;
                if (contentGuidUdi is null ||
                    !contentPublishedElements.TryGetValue(contentGuidUdi.Guid, out IPublishedElement? contentData))

                if (!blockConfigMap.TryGetValue(
                        out BlockListConfiguration.BlockConfiguration? blockConfig))

                // Get the setting reference
                IPublishedElement?settingsData = null;
                var settingGuidUdi             = (GuidUdi?)layoutItem.SettingsUdi;
                if (settingGuidUdi is not null)
                    settingsPublishedElements.TryGetValue(settingGuidUdi.Guid, out settingsData);

                // This can happen if they have a settings type, save content, remove the settings type, and display the front-end page before saving the content again
                // We also ensure that the content types match, since maybe the settings type has been changed after this has been persisted
                if (settingsData is not null && (!blockConfig.SettingsElementTypeKey.HasValue ||
                                                 settingsData.ContentType.Key != blockConfig.SettingsElementTypeKey))
                    settingsData = null;

                // Create instance (use content/settings type from configuration)
                BlockListItem layoutRef = blockListItemActivator.CreateInstance(blockConfig.ContentElementTypeKey, blockConfig.SettingsElementTypeKey, contentGuidUdi, contentData, settingGuidUdi, settingsData);


            return(new BlockListModel(list));
Esempio n. 2
        //A copy of the core BlockListValuePropertyConverter method, but if the propertyType is null, it doesn't validate each block agains the property type configuration and just returns the block model.
        //Could move this to the core, but it feels like there's a bigger problem with blocks here if they are supposed to be share across data types, there shuold be a single resolver here just to get the block models
        public object ConvertIntermediateToObjectCustom(IPublishedElement owner, IPublishedPropertyType propertyType, PropertyCacheLevel referenceCacheLevel, object inter, bool preview)
            // NOTE: The intermediate object is just a json string, we don't actually convert from source -> intermediate since source is always just a json string

            BlockListConfiguration configuration = propertyType != null?propertyType.DataType.ConfigurationAs <BlockListConfiguration>() : null;

            Dictionary <Guid, BlockListConfiguration.BlockConfiguration> blockConfigMap = configuration != null?configuration.Blocks.ToDictionary(x => x.ContentElementTypeKey) : null;

            IList <Guid?> validSettingElementTypes = blockConfigMap != null?blockConfigMap.Values.Select(x => x.SettingsElementTypeKey).Where(x => x.HasValue).Distinct().ToList() : null;

            var contentPublishedElements  = new Dictionary <Guid, IPublishedElement>();
            var settingsPublishedElements = new Dictionary <Guid, IPublishedElement>();

            var layout = new List <BlockListItem>();

            var value = (string)inter;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))

            var converted = _blockListEditorDataConverter.Deserialize(value);

            if (converted.BlockValue.ContentData.Count == 0)

            var blockListLayout = converted.Layout.ToObject <IEnumerable <BlockListLayoutItem> >();

            // convert the content data
            foreach (var data in converted.BlockValue.ContentData)
                if (blockConfigMap != null && !blockConfigMap.ContainsKey(data.ContentTypeKey))

                var element = _blockConverter.ConvertToElement(data, referenceCacheLevel, preview);
                if (element == null)
                contentPublishedElements[element.Key] = element;
            // convert the settings data
            foreach (var data in converted.BlockValue.SettingsData)
                if (validSettingElementTypes != null && !validSettingElementTypes.Contains(data.ContentTypeKey))

                var element = _blockConverter.ConvertToElement(data, referenceCacheLevel, preview);
                if (element == null)
                settingsPublishedElements[element.Key] = element;

            // if there's no elements just return since if there's no data it doesn't matter what is stored in layout
            if (contentPublishedElements.Count == 0)

            foreach (var layoutItem in blockListLayout)
                // get the content reference
                var contentGuidUdi = (GuidUdi)layoutItem.ContentUdi;
                if (!contentPublishedElements.TryGetValue(contentGuidUdi.Guid, out var contentData))

                // get the setting reference
                IPublishedElement settingsData = null;
                var settingGuidUdi             = layoutItem.SettingsUdi != null ? (GuidUdi)layoutItem.SettingsUdi : null;
                if (settingGuidUdi != null)
                    settingsPublishedElements.TryGetValue(settingGuidUdi.Guid, out settingsData);

                if (!contentData.ContentType.TryGetKey(out var contentTypeKey))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The content type was not of type " + typeof(IPublishedContentType2));

                BlockListConfiguration.BlockConfiguration blockConfig = null;
                if (blockConfigMap != null && !blockConfigMap.TryGetValue(contentTypeKey, out blockConfig))

                // this can happen if they have a settings type, save content, remove the settings type, and display the front-end page before saving the content again
                // we also ensure that the content type's match since maybe the settings type has been changed after this has been persisted.
                if (settingsData != null)
                    if (!settingsData.ContentType.TryGetKey(out var settingsElementTypeKey))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("The settings element type was not of type " + typeof(IPublishedContentType2));

                    if (blockConfig != null && (!blockConfig.SettingsElementTypeKey.HasValue || settingsElementTypeKey != blockConfig.SettingsElementTypeKey))
                        settingsData = null;

                var layoutType = typeof(BlockListItem <,>).MakeGenericType(contentData.GetType(), settingsData?.GetType() ?? typeof(IPublishedElement));
                var layoutRef  = (BlockListItem)Activator.CreateInstance(layoutType, contentGuidUdi, contentData, settingGuidUdi, settingsData);


            var model = new BlockListModel(layout);
