/// <summary> /// Find the block on this workspace with the specified ID. /// </summary> public Block GetBlockById(string id) { Block block = null; BlockDB.TryGetValue(id, out block); return(block); }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); SetLevelSelected(false); LoadLevelList(); currentLevel = new Level(levelWidth, levelHeight); blockDatabase = new BlockDB(blockListPath); blockDatabase.LoadBlocks(); InitializeBlockBrushes(); }
static void ListInMemory(Player p, ref bool foundAny, Dictionary <int, string> names, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z) { BlockDB blockDB = p.level.BlockDB; int index = x + blockDB.Dims.X * (z + blockDB.Dims.Z * y); FastList <BlockDBEntry> entries = blockDB.Cache; for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++) { if (entries.Items[i].Index != index) { continue; } OutputEntry(p, ref foundAny, names, entries.Items[i]); } }
internal World([NotNull] string name) { if (name == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("name"); } if (!IsValidName(name)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unacceptable world name."); } BlockDB = new BlockDB(this); AccessSecurity = new SecurityController(); BuildSecurity = new SecurityController(); Name = name; UpdatePlayerList(); for (int i = 0; i < Enum.GetValues(typeof(TaskCategory)).Length; ++i) { _physSchedulers.Add(new PhysScheduler(this)); } }
//BlockManagerのテスト3 public static void Test14() { BlockGenerator bg = new BlockGenerator(); Block[] blks = new Block[100]; BlockContext[] blkCons = new BlockContext[blks.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { blkCons[i] = bg.CreateNextValidBlock(); blks[i] = blkCons[i].block; } string basepath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); BlockManagerDB bmdb = new BlockManagerDB(basepath); string bmdbPath = bmdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bmdbPath)) File.Delete(bmdbPath); BlockDB bdb = new BlockDB(basepath); string bdbPath = bdb.GetPath(0); if (File.Exists(bdbPath)) File.Delete(bdbPath); BlockFilePointersDB bfpdb = new BlockFilePointersDB(basepath); string bfpPath = bfpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bfpPath)) File.Delete(bfpPath); BlockManager blkmanager = new BlockManager(bmdb, bdb, bfpdb, 10, 10, 3); for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) blkmanager.AddMainBlock(blks[i]); Block[] blks2 = new Block[blks.Length]; Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) blks2[i] = blkmanager.GetMainBlock(i); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(":", "test14_1", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + "ms")); for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) if (!blks2[i].Id.Equals(blks[i].Id)) throw new Exception("test14_2"); Console.WriteLine("test14_succeeded"); }
//BlockManagerのテスト1 public static void Test9() { string basepath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); BlockManagerDB bmdb = new BlockManagerDB(basepath); string bmdbPath = bmdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bmdbPath)) File.Delete(bmdbPath); BlockDB bdb = new BlockDB(basepath); string bdbPath = bdb.GetPath(0); if (File.Exists(bdbPath)) File.Delete(bdbPath); BlockFilePointersDB bfpdb = new BlockFilePointersDB(basepath); string bfpPath = bfpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bfpPath)) File.Delete(bfpPath); BlockManager blkmanager = new BlockManager(bmdb, bdb, bfpdb, 10, 10, 3); if (blkmanager.headBlockIndex != -1) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_1"); if (blkmanager.finalizedBlockIndex != -1) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_2"); if (blkmanager.mainBlocksCurrent.value != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_16"); if (blkmanager.mainBlocks[blkmanager.mainBlocksCurrent.value] != null) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_3"); bool flag = false; try { blkmanager.GetMainBlock(-1); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { flag = true; } if (!flag) throw new Exception("test9_5"); bool flag2 = false; try { blkmanager.GetMainBlock(1); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { flag2 = true; } if (!flag2) throw new Exception("test9_6"); bool flag9 = false; try { blkmanager.GetMainBlock(0); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { flag9 = true; } if (!flag9) throw new Exception("test9_28"); blkmanager.AddMainBlock(new GenesisBlock()); if (blkmanager.headBlockIndex != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_29"); if (blkmanager.finalizedBlockIndex != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_30"); if (blkmanager.mainBlocksCurrent.value != 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_31"); if (blkmanager.mainBlocks[blkmanager.mainBlocksCurrent.value] == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_32"); if (!(blkmanager.mainBlocks[blkmanager.mainBlocksCurrent.value] is GenesisBlock)) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_33"); Block block1 = blkmanager.GetMainBlock(0); Block block2 = blkmanager.GetHeadBlock(); if (!(block1 is GenesisBlock)) throw new Exception("test9_10"); if (!(block2 is GenesisBlock)) throw new Exception("test9_11"); bool flag3 = false; try { blkmanager.DeleteMainBlock(-1); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { flag3 = true; } if (!flag3) throw new Exception("test9_7"); bool flag4 = false; try { blkmanager.DeleteMainBlock(1); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { flag4 = true; } if (!flag4) throw new Exception("test9_8"); bool flag5 = false; try { blkmanager.DeleteMainBlock(0); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { flag5 = true; } if (!flag5) throw new Exception("test9_9"); TestBlock testblk1 = new TestBlock(1); blkmanager.AddMainBlock(testblk1); if (blkmanager.headBlockIndex != 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_12"); if (blkmanager.finalizedBlockIndex != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_13"); if (blkmanager.mainBlocksCurrent.value != 2) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_17"); if (blkmanager.mainBlocks[blkmanager.mainBlocksCurrent.value] == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_14"); if (!(blkmanager.mainBlocks[blkmanager.mainBlocksCurrent.value] is TestBlock)) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_15"); blkmanager.DeleteMainBlock(1); if (blkmanager.headBlockIndex != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_18"); if (blkmanager.finalizedBlockIndex != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_19"); if (blkmanager.mainBlocksCurrent.value != 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_20"); if (blkmanager.mainBlocks[blkmanager.mainBlocksCurrent.value] == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_21"); if (!(blkmanager.mainBlocks[blkmanager.mainBlocksCurrent.value] is GenesisBlock)) throw new InvalidOperationException("test9_22"); TestBlock testblk2 = new TestBlock(2); bool flag6 = false; try { blkmanager.AddMainBlock(testblk2); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { flag6 = true; } if (!flag6) throw new Exception("test9_23"); for (int i = 1; i < 18; i++) { TestBlock testblk = new TestBlock(i); blkmanager.AddMainBlock(testblk); } for (int i = 17; i > 0; i--) { if (i == 14) { bool flag7 = false; try { blkmanager.DeleteMainBlock(i); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { flag7 = true; } if (!flag7) throw new Exception("test9_24"); break; } blkmanager.DeleteMainBlock(i); } Block block3 = blkmanager.GetHeadBlock(); if (block3.Index != 14) throw new Exception("test9_25"); for (int i = 17; i > 0; i--) { if (i > 14) { bool flag8 = false; try { blkmanager.GetMainBlock(i); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { flag8 = true; } if (!flag8) throw new Exception("test9_26"); continue; } Block block4 = blkmanager.GetMainBlock(i); if (block4.Index != i) throw new Exception("test9_27"); } Console.WriteLine("test9_succeeded"); }
//BlockDBのテスト public static void Test7() { string basepath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); BlockDB blkdb = new BlockDB(basepath); string path1 = blkdb.GetPath(0); string path2 = blkdb.GetPath(1); if (File.Exists(path1)) File.Delete(path1); if (File.Exists(path2)) File.Delete(path2); byte[] emptyBytes = blkdb.GetBlockData(0, 0); if (emptyBytes.Length != 0) throw new Exception("test1_1"); byte[][] emptyBytess = blkdb.GetBlockDatas(0, new long[10]); for (int i = 0; i < emptyBytess.Length; i++) if (emptyBytess[i].Length != 0) throw new Exception("test1_2"); byte[] blkBytesIn1 = new byte[1024]; for (int i = 0; i < blkBytesIn1.Length; i++) blkBytesIn1[i] = (byte)256.RandomNum(); int overallLangth = blkBytesIn1.Length + 4; long position1 = blkdb.AddBlockData(0, blkBytesIn1); if (position1 != 0) throw new Exception("test1_3"); long position2 = blkdb.AddBlockData(1, blkBytesIn1); if (position2 != 0) throw new Exception("test1_4"); byte[][] blkBytessIn1 = new byte[10][]; for (int i = 0; i < blkBytessIn1.Length; i++) { blkBytessIn1[i] = new byte[blkBytesIn1.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < blkBytessIn1[i].Length; j++) blkBytessIn1[i][j] = (byte)256.RandomNum(); } long[] positions1 = blkdb.AddBlockDatas(0, blkBytessIn1); for (int i = 0; i < blkBytessIn1.Length; i++) if (positions1[i] != overallLangth * (i + 1)) throw new Exception("test1_5"); long[] positions2 = blkdb.AddBlockDatas(1, blkBytessIn1); for (int i = 0; i < blkBytessIn1.Length; i++) if (positions2[i] != overallLangth * (i + 1)) throw new Exception("test1_6"); byte[] blkBytesOut1 = blkdb.GetBlockData(0, position1); if (!blkBytesIn1.BytesEquals(blkBytesOut1)) throw new Exception("test1_7"); byte[] utxoBytesOut2 = blkdb.GetBlockData(1, position1); if (!blkBytesIn1.BytesEquals(utxoBytesOut2)) throw new Exception("test1_8"); byte[][] blkBytessOut1 = blkdb.GetBlockDatas(0, positions1); for (int i = 0; i < blkBytessIn1.Length; i++) if (!blkBytessIn1[i].BytesEquals(blkBytessOut1[i])) throw new Exception("test1_9"); byte[][] blkBytessOut2 = blkdb.GetBlockDatas(1, positions2); for (int i = 0; i < blkBytessIn1.Length; i++) if (!blkBytessIn1[i].BytesEquals(blkBytessOut2[i])) throw new Exception("test1_10"); byte[] emptyBytes2 = blkdb.GetBlockData(0, overallLangth * 11); if (emptyBytes2.Length != 0) throw new Exception("test1_11"); byte[] emptyBytes3 = blkdb.GetBlockData(1, overallLangth * 11); if (emptyBytes3.Length != 0) throw new Exception("test1_12"); Console.WriteLine("test7_succeeded"); }
//2014/12/17追加 BlockChainの試験(口座残高) public static void Test25() { string basepath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); BlockchainAccessDB bcadb = new BlockchainAccessDB(basepath); string bcadbPath = bcadb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bcadbPath)) File.Delete(bcadbPath); BlockManagerDB bmdb = new BlockManagerDB(basepath); string bmdbPath = bmdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bmdbPath)) File.Delete(bmdbPath); BlockDB bdb = new BlockDB(basepath); string bdbPath = bdb.GetPath(0); if (File.Exists(bdbPath)) File.Delete(bdbPath); BlockFilePointersDB bfpdb = new BlockFilePointersDB(basepath); string bfpPath = bfpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bfpPath)) File.Delete(bfpPath); UtxoFileAccessDB ufadb = new UtxoFileAccessDB(basepath); string ufadbPath = ufadb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufadbPath)) File.Delete(ufadbPath); UtxoFilePointersDB ufpdb = new UtxoFilePointersDB(basepath); string ufpdbPath = ufpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufpdbPath)) File.Delete(ufpdbPath); UtxoFilePointersTempDB ufptempdb = new UtxoFilePointersTempDB(basepath); string ufptempdbPath = ufptempdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufptempdbPath)) File.Delete(ufptempdbPath); UtxoDB utxodb = new UtxoDB(basepath); string utxodbPath = utxodb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(utxodbPath)) File.Delete(utxodbPath); BlockChain blockchain = new BlockChain(bcadb, bmdb, bdb, bfpdb, ufadb, ufpdb, ufptempdb, utxodb); BlockGenerator bg = new BlockGenerator(); Block[] blks = new Block[10]; BlockContext[] blkCons = new BlockContext[blks.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { blkCons[i] = bg.CreateNextValidBlock(); blks[i] = blkCons[i].block; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + " created."); } Block[] blks2 = new Block[blks.Length]; byte[] nonce = null; Func<long, TransactionalBlock> _indexToBlock = (index) => blks2[index] as TransactionalBlock; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { blks2[i] = blks[i]; continue; } TransactionalBlock tblk = blks[i] as TransactionalBlock; TransactionalBlock tblk2 = TransactionalBlock.GetBlockTemplate(tblk.Index, tblk.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk.transferTxs, _indexToBlock, 0); nonce = new byte[10]; while (true) { tblk2.UpdateTimestamp(DateTime.Now); tblk2.UpdateNonce(nonce); if (tblk2.Id.CompareTo(tblk2.header.difficulty.Target) <= 0) { blks2[i] = tblk2; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + " mined."); break; } int index = nonce.Length.RandomNum(); int value = 256.RandomNum(); nonce[index] = (byte)value; } } if (blockchain.registeredAddresses.Count != 0) throw new Exception("test25_1"); AddressEvent ae = new AddressEvent(new Sha256Ripemd160Hash()); blockchain.AddAddressEvent(ae); if (blockchain.registeredAddresses.Count != 1) throw new Exception("test25_2"); if (!blockchain.registeredAddresses.Keys.Contains(ae)) throw new Exception("test25_3"); if (blockchain.registeredAddresses[ae].Count != 0) throw new Exception("test25_4"); AddressEvent aeret = blockchain.RemoveAddressEvent(new Sha256Ripemd160Hash()); if (ae != aeret) throw new Exception("test25_5"); if (blockchain.registeredAddresses.Count != 0) throw new Exception("test25_6"); blockchain.AddAddressEvent(ae); Dictionary<Sha256Ripemd160Hash, Tuple<CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnit>> balances = new Dictionary<Sha256Ripemd160Hash, Tuple<CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnit>>(); foreach (var address in bg.addresses) { AddressEvent addressEvent = new AddressEvent(address); addressEvent.BalanceUpdated += (sender, e) => { balances[addressEvent.address] = e; }; blockchain.AddAddressEvent(addressEvent); } int counter = 0; blockchain.BalanceUpdated += (sender, e) => { counter++; }; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[i]); if (counter != i) throw new Exception("test25_7"); foreach (var address in bg.addresses) { long usable = 0; long unusable = 0; foreach (var txoutcon in blkCons[i].unspentTxOuts[address]) if (txoutcon.bIndex + 6 > i) unusable += txoutcon.amount.rawAmount; else usable += txoutcon.amount.rawAmount; if (balances[address].Item1.rawAmount != usable) throw new Exception("test25_2"); if (balances[address].Item2.rawAmount != unusable) throw new Exception("test25_2"); } } Console.WriteLine("test25_succeeded"); }
//BlockChainのテスト(分岐がある場合・採掘・後ろが無効な場合) public static void Test24() { string basepath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); BlockchainAccessDB bcadb = new BlockchainAccessDB(basepath); string bcadbPath = bcadb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bcadbPath)) File.Delete(bcadbPath); BlockManagerDB bmdb = new BlockManagerDB(basepath); string bmdbPath = bmdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bmdbPath)) File.Delete(bmdbPath); BlockDB bdb = new BlockDB(basepath); string bdbPath = bdb.GetPath(0); if (File.Exists(bdbPath)) File.Delete(bdbPath); BlockFilePointersDB bfpdb = new BlockFilePointersDB(basepath); string bfpPath = bfpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bfpPath)) File.Delete(bfpPath); UtxoFileAccessDB ufadb = new UtxoFileAccessDB(basepath); string ufadbPath = ufadb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufadbPath)) File.Delete(ufadbPath); UtxoFilePointersDB ufpdb = new UtxoFilePointersDB(basepath); string ufpdbPath = ufpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufpdbPath)) File.Delete(ufpdbPath); UtxoFilePointersTempDB ufptempdb = new UtxoFilePointersTempDB(basepath); string ufptempdbPath = ufptempdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufptempdbPath)) File.Delete(ufptempdbPath); UtxoDB utxodb = new UtxoDB(basepath); string utxodbPath = utxodb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(utxodbPath)) File.Delete(utxodbPath); BlockChain blockchain = new BlockChain(bcadb, bmdb, bdb, bfpdb, ufadb, ufpdb, ufptempdb, utxodb, 100, 300, 1000, 1000); BlockGenerator bg = new BlockGenerator(); Block[] blks = new Block[10]; BlockContext[] blkCons = new BlockContext[blks.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { blkCons[i] = bg.CreateNextValidBlock(); blks[i] = blkCons[i].block; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + " created."); } Block[] blks2 = new Block[blks.Length]; double cumulativeDiff1 = 0.0; byte[] nonce = null; Func<long, TransactionalBlock> _indexToBlock = (index) => blks2[index] as TransactionalBlock; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { blks2[i] = blks[i]; cumulativeDiff1 += blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + "_1 " + blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff.ToString() + " " + cumulativeDiff1.ToString()); continue; } TransactionalBlock tblk = blks[i] as TransactionalBlock; TransactionalBlock tblk2 = TransactionalBlock.GetBlockTemplate(tblk.Index, tblk.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk.transferTxs, _indexToBlock, 0); nonce = new byte[10]; while (true) { tblk2.UpdateTimestamp(DateTime.Now); tblk2.UpdateNonce(nonce); if (tblk2.Id.CompareTo(tblk2.header.difficulty.Target) <= 0) { blks2[i] = tblk2; cumulativeDiff1 += blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + "_1 mined. " + blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff.ToString() + " " + cumulativeDiff1.ToString()); break; } int index = nonce.Length.RandomNum(); int value = 256.RandomNum(); nonce[index] = (byte)value; } } TransactionalBlock tblk2_1 = blks2[1] as TransactionalBlock; TransactionalBlock tblk2_2 = blks2[2] as TransactionalBlock; TransactionalBlock blk3_2 = TransactionalBlock.GetBlockTemplate(2, tblk2_2.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk2_2.transferTxs, _indexToBlock, 0); while (true) { blk3_2.UpdateTimestamp(DateTime.Now); blk3_2.UpdateNonce(nonce); if (blk3_2.Id.CompareTo(blk3_2.header.difficulty.Target) <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("block3_2 mined. " + blk3_2.Difficulty.Diff.ToString()); break; } int index = nonce.Length.RandomNum(); int value = 256.RandomNum(); nonce[index] = (byte)value; } BlockHeader bh3 = new BlockHeader(); bh3.LoadVersion0(3, blk3_2.Id, DateTime.Now, blks2[1].Difficulty, new byte[10]); NormalBlock blk3_3 = new NormalBlock(); blk3_3.LoadVersion0(bh3, tblk2_1.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk2_1.transferTxs); blk3_3.UpdateMerkleRootHash(); int forkLength = (int)Math.Floor(cumulativeDiff1 / blks2[1].Difficulty.Diff + 10); TransactionalBlock[] blks3 = new TransactionalBlock[forkLength]; blks3[0] = blk3_3; for (int i = 1; i < blks3.Length; i++) { BlockHeader bh = new BlockHeader(); bh.LoadVersion0(i + 3, blks3[i - 1].Id, DateTime.Now, blks2[1].Difficulty, new byte[10]); NormalBlock blk3 = new NormalBlock(); blk3.LoadVersion0(bh, tblk2_1.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk2_1.transferTxs); blk3.UpdateMerkleRootHash(); blks3[i] = blk3; } BlockHeader bh4 = new BlockHeader(); bh4.LoadVersion0(4, blk3_3.Id, DateTime.Now, blks2[1].Difficulty, new byte[10]); NormalBlock blk4 = new NormalBlock(); blk4.LoadVersion0(bh4, tblk2_1.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk2_1.transferTxs); blk4.UpdateMerkleRootHash(); BlockHeader bh10 = new BlockHeader(); bh10.LoadVersion0(10, blks2[9].Id, DateTime.Now, blks2[1].Difficulty, new byte[10]); NormalBlock blk5_10 = new NormalBlock(); blk5_10.LoadVersion0(bh10, tblk2_1.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk2_1.transferTxs); blk5_10.UpdateMerkleRootHash(); TransactionalBlock[] blks5 = new TransactionalBlock[5]; blks5[0] = blk5_10; for (int i = 1; i < blks5.Length; i++) { BlockHeader bh = new BlockHeader(); bh.LoadVersion0(i + 10, blks5[i - 1].Id, DateTime.Now, blks2[1].Difficulty, new byte[10]); NormalBlock blk5 = new NormalBlock(); blk5.LoadVersion0(bh, tblk2_1.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk2_1.transferTxs); blk5.UpdateMerkleRootHash(); blks5[i] = blk5; } BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type5 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[0]); if (type5 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.updated) throw new Exception("test24_5"); BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type = blockchain.UpdateChain(blk4); if (type != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test24_1"); for (int i = 2; i < blks2.Length; i++) { BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type2 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[i]); if (type2 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test24_2"); } for (int i = 0; i < blks5.Length; i++) { BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type2 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks5[i]); if (type2 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test24_3"); } BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type3 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blk3_2); if (type3 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test24_1"); for (int i = 0; i < blks3.Length; i++) { BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type2 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks3[i]); if (type2 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test24_4"); } BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type4 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[1]); if (type4 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.updatedAndRejected) throw new Exception("test24_6"); if (blockchain.blocksCurrent.value != 10) throw new Exception("test19_2"); Console.WriteLine("test24_succeeded"); }
//BlockChainのテスト(分岐がある場合・採掘・長過ぎる場合) public static void Test23() { string basepath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); BlockchainAccessDB bcadb = new BlockchainAccessDB(basepath); string bcadbPath = bcadb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bcadbPath)) File.Delete(bcadbPath); BlockManagerDB bmdb = new BlockManagerDB(basepath); string bmdbPath = bmdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bmdbPath)) File.Delete(bmdbPath); BlockDB bdb = new BlockDB(basepath); string bdbPath = bdb.GetPath(0); if (File.Exists(bdbPath)) File.Delete(bdbPath); BlockFilePointersDB bfpdb = new BlockFilePointersDB(basepath); string bfpPath = bfpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bfpPath)) File.Delete(bfpPath); UtxoFileAccessDB ufadb = new UtxoFileAccessDB(basepath); string ufadbPath = ufadb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufadbPath)) File.Delete(ufadbPath); UtxoFilePointersDB ufpdb = new UtxoFilePointersDB(basepath); string ufpdbPath = ufpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufpdbPath)) File.Delete(ufpdbPath); UtxoFilePointersTempDB ufptempdb = new UtxoFilePointersTempDB(basepath); string ufptempdbPath = ufptempdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufptempdbPath)) File.Delete(ufptempdbPath); UtxoDB utxodb = new UtxoDB(basepath); string utxodbPath = utxodb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(utxodbPath)) File.Delete(utxodbPath); BlockChain blockchain = new BlockChain(bcadb, bmdb, bdb, bfpdb, ufadb, ufpdb, ufptempdb, utxodb, 100, 3, 1000, 1000); BlockGenerator bg = new BlockGenerator(); Block[] blks = new Block[10]; BlockContext[] blkCons = new BlockContext[blks.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { blkCons[i] = bg.CreateNextValidBlock(); blks[i] = blkCons[i].block; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + " created."); } Block[] blks2 = new Block[blks.Length]; double cumulativeDiff1 = 0.0; byte[] nonce = null; Func<long, TransactionalBlock> _indexToBlock = (index) => blks2[index] as TransactionalBlock; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { blks2[i] = blks[i]; cumulativeDiff1 += blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + "_1 " + blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff.ToString() + " " + cumulativeDiff1.ToString()); continue; } TransactionalBlock tblk = blks[i] as TransactionalBlock; TransactionalBlock tblk2 = TransactionalBlock.GetBlockTemplate(tblk.Index, tblk.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk.transferTxs, _indexToBlock, 0); nonce = new byte[10]; while (true) { tblk2.UpdateTimestamp(DateTime.Now); tblk2.UpdateNonce(nonce); if (tblk2.Id.CompareTo(tblk2.header.difficulty.Target) <= 0) { blks2[i] = tblk2; cumulativeDiff1 += blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + "_1 mined. " + blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff.ToString() + " " + cumulativeDiff1.ToString()); break; } int index = nonce.Length.RandomNum(); int value = 256.RandomNum(); nonce[index] = (byte)value; } } Console.WriteLine(); Block[] blks3 = new Block[blks.Length]; double cumulativeDiff2 = 0.0; Func<long, TransactionalBlock> _indexToBlock2 = (index) => blks3[index] as TransactionalBlock; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { blks3[i] = blks[i]; cumulativeDiff2 += blks3[i].Difficulty.Diff; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + "_2 " + blks3[i].Difficulty.Diff.ToString() + " " + cumulativeDiff2.ToString()); continue; } TransactionalBlock tblk = blks[i] as TransactionalBlock; TransactionalBlock tblk3 = TransactionalBlock.GetBlockTemplate(tblk.Index, tblk.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk.transferTxs, _indexToBlock2, 0); nonce = new byte[10]; while (true) { tblk3.UpdateTimestamp(DateTime.Now); tblk3.UpdateNonce(nonce); if (tblk3.Id.CompareTo(tblk3.header.difficulty.Target) <= 0) { blks3[i] = tblk3; cumulativeDiff2 += blks3[i].Difficulty.Diff; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + "_2 mined. " + blks3[i].Difficulty.Diff.ToString() + " " + cumulativeDiff2.ToString()); break; } int index = nonce.Length.RandomNum(); int value = 256.RandomNum(); nonce[index] = (byte)value; } } for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[i]); for (int i = blks.Length - 1; i >= blks.Length - 3; i--) { BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks3[i]); if (i == blks.Length - 3) { if (type != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.rejected) throw new Exception("test23_1"); for (int j = 0; j < blks.Length - 3; j++) if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[j + 1] != null) throw new Exception("test23_2"); for (int j = blks.Length - 3; j < blks.Length; j++) if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[j + 1] == null || !blockchain.rejectedBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks3[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test23_3"); for (int j = 0; j <= blks.Length - 3; j++) if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1] != null) throw new Exception("test23_4"); for (int j = blks.Length - 3 + 1; j < blks.Length; j++) if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1] == null || blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Count != 0) throw new Exception("test23_5"); } else { if (type != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test23_6"); } } Console.WriteLine("test23_succeeded"); }
//BlockChainのテスト(分岐がある場合・採掘・交互に追加していく場合) public static void Test21() { string basepath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); BlockchainAccessDB bcadb = new BlockchainAccessDB(basepath); string bcadbPath = bcadb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bcadbPath)) File.Delete(bcadbPath); BlockManagerDB bmdb = new BlockManagerDB(basepath); string bmdbPath = bmdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bmdbPath)) File.Delete(bmdbPath); BlockDB bdb = new BlockDB(basepath); string bdbPath = bdb.GetPath(0); if (File.Exists(bdbPath)) File.Delete(bdbPath); BlockFilePointersDB bfpdb = new BlockFilePointersDB(basepath); string bfpPath = bfpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bfpPath)) File.Delete(bfpPath); UtxoFileAccessDB ufadb = new UtxoFileAccessDB(basepath); string ufadbPath = ufadb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufadbPath)) File.Delete(ufadbPath); UtxoFilePointersDB ufpdb = new UtxoFilePointersDB(basepath); string ufpdbPath = ufpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufpdbPath)) File.Delete(ufpdbPath); UtxoFilePointersTempDB ufptempdb = new UtxoFilePointersTempDB(basepath); string ufptempdbPath = ufptempdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufptempdbPath)) File.Delete(ufptempdbPath); UtxoDB utxodb = new UtxoDB(basepath); string utxodbPath = utxodb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(utxodbPath)) File.Delete(utxodbPath); BlockChain blockchain = new BlockChain(bcadb, bmdb, bdb, bfpdb, ufadb, ufpdb, ufptempdb, utxodb); BlockGenerator bg = new BlockGenerator(); Block[] blks = new Block[10]; BlockContext[] blkCons = new BlockContext[blks.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { blkCons[i] = bg.CreateNextValidBlock(); blks[i] = blkCons[i].block; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + " created."); } Block[] blks2 = new Block[blks.Length]; double cumulativeDiff1 = 0.0; byte[] nonce = null; Func<long, TransactionalBlock> _indexToBlock = (index) => blks2[index] as TransactionalBlock; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { blks2[i] = blks[i]; cumulativeDiff1 += blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + "_1 " + blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff.ToString() + " " + cumulativeDiff1.ToString()); continue; } TransactionalBlock tblk = blks[i] as TransactionalBlock; TransactionalBlock tblk2 = TransactionalBlock.GetBlockTemplate(tblk.Index, tblk.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk.transferTxs, _indexToBlock, 0); nonce = new byte[10]; while (true) { tblk2.UpdateTimestamp(DateTime.Now); tblk2.UpdateNonce(nonce); if (tblk2.Id.CompareTo(tblk2.header.difficulty.Target) <= 0) { blks2[i] = tblk2; cumulativeDiff1 += blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + "_1 mined. " + blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff.ToString() + " " + cumulativeDiff1.ToString()); break; } int index = nonce.Length.RandomNum(); int value = 256.RandomNum(); nonce[index] = (byte)value; } } Console.WriteLine(); Block[] blks3 = new Block[blks.Length]; double cumulativeDiff2 = 0.0; Func<long, TransactionalBlock> _indexToBlock2 = (index) => blks3[index] as TransactionalBlock; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { blks3[i] = blks[i]; cumulativeDiff2 += blks3[i].Difficulty.Diff; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + "_2 " + blks3[i].Difficulty.Diff.ToString() + " " + cumulativeDiff2.ToString()); continue; } TransactionalBlock tblk = blks[i] as TransactionalBlock; TransactionalBlock tblk3 = TransactionalBlock.GetBlockTemplate(tblk.Index, tblk.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk.transferTxs, _indexToBlock2, 0); nonce = new byte[10]; while (true) { tblk3.UpdateTimestamp(DateTime.Now); tblk3.UpdateNonce(nonce); if (tblk3.Id.CompareTo(tblk3.header.difficulty.Target) <= 0) { blks3[i] = tblk3; cumulativeDiff2 += blks3[i].Difficulty.Diff; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + "_2 mined. " + blks3[i].Difficulty.Diff.ToString() + " " + cumulativeDiff2.ToString()); break; } int index = nonce.Length.RandomNum(); int value = 256.RandomNum(); nonce[index] = (byte)value; } } cumulativeDiff1 = 0.0; cumulativeDiff2 = 0.0; blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[0]); for (int i = 1; i < blks.Length; i++) { cumulativeDiff1 += blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff; BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type1 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[i]); if (cumulativeDiff1 > cumulativeDiff2) { if (type1 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.updated) throw new Exception("test21_1"); } else { if (type1 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test21_3"); } cumulativeDiff2 += blks3[i].Difficulty.Diff; BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type2 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks3[i]); if (cumulativeDiff2 > cumulativeDiff1) { if (type2 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.updated) throw new Exception("test21_2"); } else { if (type2 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test21_4"); } } utxodb.Open(); foreach (var address in blkCons[9].unspentTxOuts.Keys) foreach (var toc in blkCons[9].unspentTxOuts[address]) if (blockchain.FindUtxo(address, toc.bIndex, toc.txIndex, toc.txOutIndex) == null) throw new Exception("test21_5"); foreach (var address in blkCons[9].spentTxOuts.Keys) foreach (var toc in blkCons[9].spentTxOuts[address]) if (blockchain.FindUtxo(address, toc.bIndex, toc.txIndex, toc.txOutIndex) != null) throw new Exception("test21_6"); utxodb.Close(); Console.WriteLine("test21_succeeded"); }
//BlockChainのテスト(分岐がない場合・採掘・順番通りに追加されなかった場合) public static void Test19() { string basepath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); BlockchainAccessDB bcadb = new BlockchainAccessDB(basepath); string bcadbPath = bcadb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bcadbPath)) File.Delete(bcadbPath); BlockManagerDB bmdb = new BlockManagerDB(basepath); string bmdbPath = bmdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bmdbPath)) File.Delete(bmdbPath); BlockDB bdb = new BlockDB(basepath); string bdbPath = bdb.GetPath(0); if (File.Exists(bdbPath)) File.Delete(bdbPath); BlockFilePointersDB bfpdb = new BlockFilePointersDB(basepath); string bfpPath = bfpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bfpPath)) File.Delete(bfpPath); UtxoFileAccessDB ufadb = new UtxoFileAccessDB(basepath); string ufadbPath = ufadb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufadbPath)) File.Delete(ufadbPath); UtxoFilePointersDB ufpdb = new UtxoFilePointersDB(basepath); string ufpdbPath = ufpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufpdbPath)) File.Delete(ufpdbPath); UtxoFilePointersTempDB ufptempdb = new UtxoFilePointersTempDB(basepath); string ufptempdbPath = ufptempdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufptempdbPath)) File.Delete(ufptempdbPath); UtxoDB utxodb = new UtxoDB(basepath); string utxodbPath = utxodb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(utxodbPath)) File.Delete(utxodbPath); BlockChain blockchain = new BlockChain(bcadb, bmdb, bdb, bfpdb, ufadb, ufpdb, ufptempdb, utxodb); BlockGenerator bg = new BlockGenerator(); Block[] blks = new Block[8]; BlockContext[] blkCons = new BlockContext[blks.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { blkCons[i] = bg.CreateNextValidBlock(); blks[i] = blkCons[i].block; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + " created."); } Block[] blks2 = new Block[blks.Length]; byte[] nonce = null; Func<long, TransactionalBlock> _indexToBlock = (index) => blks2[index] as TransactionalBlock; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { blks2[i] = blks[i]; continue; } TransactionalBlock tblk = blks[i] as TransactionalBlock; TransactionalBlock tblk2 = TransactionalBlock.GetBlockTemplate(tblk.Index, tblk.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk.transferTxs, _indexToBlock, 0); nonce = new byte[10]; while (true) { tblk2.UpdateTimestamp(DateTime.Now); tblk2.UpdateNonce(nonce); if (tblk2.Id.CompareTo(tblk2.header.difficulty.Target) <= 0) { blks2[i] = tblk2; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + " mined."); break; } int index = nonce.Length.RandomNum(); int value = 256.RandomNum(); nonce[index] = (byte)value; } } BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[2]); if (type != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test19_1"); if (blockchain.blocksCurrent.value != 0) throw new Exception("test19_2"); for (int i = 0; i < blockchain.pendingBlocks.Length; i++) { if (i == 3) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test19_3"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Count != 1) throw new Exception("test19_4"); if (!blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blks2[2].Id)) throw new Exception("test19_5"); } else { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test19_6"); } if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test19_7"); } BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type2 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[1]); if (type2 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test19_8"); if (blockchain.blocksCurrent.value != 0) throw new Exception("test19_9"); for (int i = 0; i < blockchain.pendingBlocks.Length; i++) { if (i == 2) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test19_10"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Count != 1) throw new Exception("test19_11"); if (!blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blks2[1].Id)) throw new Exception("test19_12"); } else if (i == 3) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test19_13"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Count != 1) throw new Exception("test19_14"); if (!blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blks2[2].Id)) throw new Exception("test19_15"); } else { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test19_16"); } if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test19_17"); } BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type3 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[0]); if (type3 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.updated) throw new Exception("test19_18"); if (blockchain.headBlockIndex != 2) throw new Exception("test19_19"); if (blockchain.blocksCurrent.value != 3) throw new Exception("test19_20"); for (int i = 0; i < blockchain.pendingBlocks.Length; i++) { if (i == 2 || i == 3) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test19_21"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Count != 0) throw new Exception("test19_22"); } else { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test19_23"); } if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test19_24"); } BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type4 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[6]); BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type5 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[7]); BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type6 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[4]); BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type7 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[5]); BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type8 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[3]); if (type4 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test19_25"); if (type5 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test19_26"); if (type6 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test19_27"); if (type7 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test19_28"); if (type8 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.updated) throw new Exception("test19_29"); if (blockchain.headBlockIndex != 7) throw new Exception("test19_30"); utxodb.Open(); foreach (var address in blkCons[7].unspentTxOuts.Keys) foreach (var toc in blkCons[7].unspentTxOuts[address]) if (blockchain.FindUtxo(address, toc.bIndex, toc.txIndex, toc.txOutIndex) == null) throw new Exception("test19_31"); foreach (var address in blkCons[7].spentTxOuts.Keys) foreach (var toc in blkCons[7].spentTxOuts[address]) if (blockchain.FindUtxo(address, toc.bIndex, toc.txIndex, toc.txOutIndex) != null) throw new Exception("test19_32"); utxodb.Close(); Console.WriteLine("test19_succeeded"); }
//BlockChainのテスト(分岐がない場合・無効ブロックなどを追加しようとした場合) public static void Test18() { string basepath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); BlockchainAccessDB bcadb = new BlockchainAccessDB(basepath); string bcadbPath = bcadb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bcadbPath)) File.Delete(bcadbPath); BlockManagerDB bmdb = new BlockManagerDB(basepath); string bmdbPath = bmdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bmdbPath)) File.Delete(bmdbPath); BlockDB bdb = new BlockDB(basepath); string bdbPath = bdb.GetPath(0); if (File.Exists(bdbPath)) File.Delete(bdbPath); BlockFilePointersDB bfpdb = new BlockFilePointersDB(basepath); string bfpPath = bfpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bfpPath)) File.Delete(bfpPath); UtxoFileAccessDB ufadb = new UtxoFileAccessDB(basepath); string ufadbPath = ufadb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufadbPath)) File.Delete(ufadbPath); UtxoFilePointersDB ufpdb = new UtxoFilePointersDB(basepath); string ufpdbPath = ufpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufpdbPath)) File.Delete(ufpdbPath); UtxoFilePointersTempDB ufptempdb = new UtxoFilePointersTempDB(basepath); string ufptempdbPath = ufptempdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufptempdbPath)) File.Delete(ufptempdbPath); UtxoDB utxodb = new UtxoDB(basepath); string utxodbPath = utxodb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(utxodbPath)) File.Delete(utxodbPath); BlockChain blockchain = new BlockChain(bcadb, bmdb, bdb, bfpdb, ufadb, ufpdb, ufptempdb, utxodb); BlockGenerator bg = new BlockGenerator(); Block[] blks = new Block[10]; BlockContext[] blkCons = new BlockContext[blks.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { blkCons[i] = bg.CreateNextValidBlock(); blks[i] = blkCons[i].block; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + " created."); } Block[] blks2 = new Block[blks.Length]; byte[] nonce = null; Func<long, TransactionalBlock> _indexToBlock = (index) => blks2[index] as TransactionalBlock; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { blks2[i] = blks[i]; continue; } TransactionalBlock tblk = blks[i] as TransactionalBlock; TransactionalBlock tblk2 = TransactionalBlock.GetBlockTemplate(tblk.Index, tblk.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk.transferTxs, _indexToBlock, 0); nonce = new byte[10]; while (true) { tblk2.UpdateTimestamp(DateTime.Now); tblk2.UpdateNonce(nonce); if (tblk2.Id.CompareTo(tblk2.header.difficulty.Target) <= 0) { blks2[i] = tblk2; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + " mined."); break; } int index = nonce.Length.RandomNum(); int value = 256.RandomNum(); nonce[index] = (byte)value; } } if (blockchain.blocksCurrent.value != 0) throw new Exception("test18_1"); for (int i = 0; i < blockchain.pendingBlocks.Length; i++) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_2"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_3"); } TransactionalBlock blk1 = blks2[1] as TransactionalBlock; TransactionalBlock blk2 = blks2[2] as TransactionalBlock; Creahash hashzero = new Creahash(); BlockHeader bh5 = new BlockHeader(); bh5.LoadVersion0(100, hashzero, DateTime.Now, blk1.Difficulty, new byte[10]); BlockHeader bh6 = new BlockHeader(); bh6.LoadVersion0(101, hashzero, DateTime.Now, blk1.Difficulty, new byte[10]); TransactionalBlock blk100 = new NormalBlock(); blk100.LoadVersion0(bh5, blk1.coinbaseTxToMiner, blk1.transferTxs); blk100.UpdateMerkleRootHash(); TransactionalBlock blk101 = new NormalBlock(); blk101.LoadVersion0(bh6, blk1.coinbaseTxToMiner, blk1.transferTxs); blk101.UpdateMerkleRootHash(); blockchain.pendingBlocks[101] = new Dictionary<Creahash, Block>(); blockchain.rejectedBlocks[101] = new Dictionary<Creahash, Block>(); BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type1 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks[0]); if (type1 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.updated) throw new Exception("test18_5"); if (blockchain.blocksCurrent.value != 1) throw new Exception("test18_6"); for (int i = 0; i < blockchain.pendingBlocks.Length; i++) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_7"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_8"); } bool flag2 = false; try { blockchain.UpdateChain(blk101); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { flag2 = true; } if (!flag2) throw new Exception("test18_9"); BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type2 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blk100); if (type2 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test18_10"); if (blockchain.blocksCurrent.value != 1) throw new Exception("test18_11"); for (int i = 0; i < blockchain.pendingBlocks.Length; i++) { if (i == 101) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test18_12"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Count != 1) throw new Exception("test18_13"); if (!blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk100.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_14"); } else { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_15"); } if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_16"); } BlockHeader bh1 = new BlockHeader(); bh1.LoadVersion0(1, hashzero, DateTime.Now, blk1.Difficulty, new byte[10]); TransactionalBlock blk1_2 = new NormalBlock(); blk1_2.LoadVersion0(bh1, blk1.coinbaseTxToMiner, blk1.transferTxs); blk1_2.UpdateMerkleRootHash(); BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type3 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blk1_2); if (type3 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test18_17"); if (blockchain.blocksCurrent.value != 1) throw new Exception("test18_18"); for (int i = 0; i < blockchain.pendingBlocks.Length; i++) { if (i == 2) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test18_19"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Count != 1) throw new Exception("test18_20"); if (!blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk1_2.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_21"); } else if (i == 101) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test18_22"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Count != 1) throw new Exception("test18_23"); if (!blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk100.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_24"); } else { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_25"); } if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_26"); } BlockHeader bh2 = new BlockHeader(); bh2.LoadVersion0(1, blks[0].Id, DateTime.Now, blk1.Difficulty, new byte[10]); TransactionalBlock blk1_3 = new NormalBlock(); blk1_3.LoadVersion0(bh2, blk1.coinbaseTxToMiner, blk1.transferTxs); blk1_3.UpdateMerkleRootHash(); BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type4 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blk1_3); if (type4 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.rejected) throw new Exception("test18_27"); if (blockchain.blocksCurrent.value != 1) throw new Exception("test18_28"); for (int i = 0; i < blockchain.pendingBlocks.Length; i++) { if (i == 2) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test18_29"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Count != 1) throw new Exception("test18_30"); if (!blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk1_2.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_31"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test18_32"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i].Count != 1) throw new Exception("test18_33"); if (!blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk1_3.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_34"); } else if (i == 101) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test18_35"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Count != 1) throw new Exception("test18_36"); if (!blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk100.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_37"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_38"); } else { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_39"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_40"); } } TransactionalBlock blk1_4 = TransactionalBlock.GetBlockTemplate(1, blk1.coinbaseTxToMiner, blk2.transferTxs, _indexToBlock, 0); while (true) { blk1_4.UpdateTimestamp(DateTime.Now); blk1_4.UpdateNonce(nonce); if (blk1_4.Id.CompareTo(blk1_4.header.difficulty.Target) <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("block1_4 mined."); break; } int index = nonce.Length.RandomNum(); int value = 256.RandomNum(); nonce[index] = (byte)value; } BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type5 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blk1_4); if (type5 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.rejected) throw new Exception("test18_41"); if (blockchain.blocksCurrent.value != 1) throw new Exception("test18_42"); for (int i = 0; i < blockchain.pendingBlocks.Length; i++) { if (i == 2) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test18_43"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Count != 1) throw new Exception("test18_44"); if (!blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk1_2.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_45"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test18_46"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i].Count != 2) throw new Exception("test18_47"); if (!blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk1_3.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_48"); if (!blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk1_4.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_49"); } else if (i == 101) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test18_50"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Count != 1) throw new Exception("test18_51"); if (!blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk100.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_52"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_53"); } else { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_54"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_55"); } } BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type8 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blk1_3); if (type8 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.invariable) throw new Exception("test18_56"); if (blockchain.blocksCurrent.value != 1) throw new Exception("test18_57"); for (int i = 0; i < blockchain.pendingBlocks.Length; i++) { if (i == 2) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test18_58"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Count != 1) throw new Exception("test18_59"); if (!blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk1_2.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_60"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test18_61"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i].Count != 2) throw new Exception("test18_62"); if (!blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk1_3.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_63"); if (!blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk1_4.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_64"); } else if (i == 101) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test18_65"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Count != 1) throw new Exception("test18_66"); if (!blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk100.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_67"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_68"); } else { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_69"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_70"); } } BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type6 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blk1); if (type6 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.updated) throw new Exception("test18_71"); BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type7 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blk1_3); if (type7 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.invariable) throw new Exception("test18_72"); if (blockchain.blocksCurrent.value != 2) throw new Exception("test18_73"); for (int i = 0; i < blockchain.pendingBlocks.Length; i++) { if (i == 2) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test18_74"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Count != 1) throw new Exception("test18_75"); if (!blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk1_2.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_76"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test18_77"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i].Count != 2) throw new Exception("test18_78"); if (!blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk1_3.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_79"); if (!blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk1_4.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_80"); } else if (i == 101) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] == null) throw new Exception("test18_81"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Count != 1) throw new Exception("test18_82"); if (!blockchain.pendingBlocks[i].Keys.Contains(blk100.Id)) throw new Exception("test18_83"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_84"); } else { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_85"); if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[i] != null) throw new Exception("test18_86"); } } BlockHeader bh3 = new BlockHeader(); bh3.LoadVersion0(2, hashzero, DateTime.Now, blk2.Difficulty, new byte[10]); TransactionalBlock blk2_2 = new NormalBlock(); blk2_2.LoadVersion0(bh3, blk2.coinbaseTxToMiner, blk2.transferTxs); blk2_2.UpdateMerkleRootHash(); BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type9 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blk2_2); if (type9 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test18_87"); BlockHeader bh4 = new BlockHeader(); bh4.LoadVersion0(2, blk1_2.Id, DateTime.Now, blk2.Difficulty, new byte[10]); TransactionalBlock blk2_3 = new NormalBlock(); blk2_3.LoadVersion0(bh4, blk2.coinbaseTxToMiner, blk2.transferTxs); blk2_3.UpdateMerkleRootHash(); BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type10 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blk2_3); if (type10 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test18_88"); BlockHeader bh7 = new BlockHeader(); bh7.LoadVersion0(2, blk1_3.Id, DateTime.Now, blk2.Difficulty, new byte[10]); TransactionalBlock blk2_4 = new NormalBlock(); blk2_4.LoadVersion0(bh7, blk2.coinbaseTxToMiner, blk2.transferTxs); blk2_4.UpdateMerkleRootHash(); BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type13 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blk2_4); if (type13 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.rejected) throw new Exception("test18_91"); for (int i = 2; i < blks2.Length; i++) { BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type11 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[i]); if (type11 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.updated) throw new Exception("test18_89"); } TransactionalBlock blk10 = TransactionalBlock.GetBlockTemplate(10, blk2.coinbaseTxToMiner, blk2.transferTxs, _indexToBlock, 0); while (true) { blk10.UpdateTimestamp(DateTime.Now); blk10.UpdateNonce(nonce); if (blk10.Id.CompareTo(blk10.header.difficulty.Target) <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("block10 mined."); break; } int index = nonce.Length.RandomNum(); int value = 256.RandomNum(); nonce[index] = (byte)value; } BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type12 = blockchain.UpdateChain(blk10); if (type12 != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.rejected) throw new Exception("test18_90"); Console.WriteLine("test18_succeeded"); }
//BlockChainのテスト(分岐がない場合・採掘) public static void Test17() { string basepath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); BlockchainAccessDB bcadb = new BlockchainAccessDB(basepath); string bcadbPath = bcadb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bcadbPath)) File.Delete(bcadbPath); BlockManagerDB bmdb = new BlockManagerDB(basepath); string bmdbPath = bmdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bmdbPath)) File.Delete(bmdbPath); BlockDB bdb = new BlockDB(basepath); string bdbPath = bdb.GetPath(0); if (File.Exists(bdbPath)) File.Delete(bdbPath); BlockFilePointersDB bfpdb = new BlockFilePointersDB(basepath); string bfpPath = bfpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bfpPath)) File.Delete(bfpPath); UtxoFileAccessDB ufadb = new UtxoFileAccessDB(basepath); string ufadbPath = ufadb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufadbPath)) File.Delete(ufadbPath); UtxoFilePointersDB ufpdb = new UtxoFilePointersDB(basepath); string ufpdbPath = ufpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufpdbPath)) File.Delete(ufpdbPath); UtxoFilePointersTempDB ufptempdb = new UtxoFilePointersTempDB(basepath); string ufptempdbPath = ufptempdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufptempdbPath)) File.Delete(ufptempdbPath); UtxoDB utxodb = new UtxoDB(basepath); string utxodbPath = utxodb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(utxodbPath)) File.Delete(utxodbPath); BlockChain blockchain = new BlockChain(bcadb, bmdb, bdb, bfpdb, ufadb, ufpdb, ufptempdb, utxodb); BlockGenerator bg = new BlockGenerator(); Block[] blks = new Block[100]; BlockContext[] blkCons = new BlockContext[blks.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { blkCons[i] = bg.CreateNextValidBlock(); blks[i] = blkCons[i].block; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + " created."); } Block[] blks2 = new Block[blks.Length]; byte[] nonce = null; Func<long, TransactionalBlock> _indexToBlock = (index) => blks2[index] as TransactionalBlock; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { blks2[i] = blks[i]; continue; } TransactionalBlock tblk = blks[i] as TransactionalBlock; TransactionalBlock tblk2 = TransactionalBlock.GetBlockTemplate(tblk.Index, tblk.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk.transferTxs, _indexToBlock, 0); nonce = new byte[10]; while (true) { tblk2.UpdateTimestamp(DateTime.Now); tblk2.UpdateNonce(nonce); if (tblk2.Id.CompareTo(tblk2.header.difficulty.Target) <= 0) { blks2[i] = tblk2; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + " mined."); break; } int index = nonce.Length.RandomNum(); int value = 256.RandomNum(); nonce[index] = (byte)value; } } Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[i]); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(":", "test17_1", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + "ms")); Console.WriteLine("test17_succeeded"); }
public override void Use(Player p, string message, CommandData data) { if (message.Length == 0) { p.Message("You need to provide a player name."); return; } string[] parts = message.SplitSpaces(), names = null; int[] ids = GetIds(p, data, parts, out names); if (ids == null) { return; } TimeSpan delta = GetDelta(p, parts[0], parts, 1); if (delta == TimeSpan.MinValue) { return; } BlockDB db = p.level.BlockDB; DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow - delta; BlockDBCacheWriter w = new BlockDBCacheWriter(); w.start = (int)((start - BlockDB.Epoch).TotalSeconds); using (IDisposable locker = db.Locker.AccquireWrite()) { if (!File.Exists(db.FilePath)) { p.Message("%WBlockDB file for this map doesn't exist."); return; } Vec3U16 dims; FastList <BlockDBEntry> entries = new FastList <BlockDBEntry>(4096); using (Stream src = OpenRead(db.FilePath), dst = OpenWrite(db.FilePath + ".tmp")) { BlockDBFile format = BlockDBFile.ReadHeader(src, out dims); BlockDBFile.WriteHeader(dst, dims); w.dst = dst; w.format = format; w.ids = ids; Read(src, format, w.Output); // flush entries leftover if (w.entries.Count > 0) { format.WriteEntries(dst, w.entries); } } string namesStr = names.Join(name => p.FormatNick(name)); if (w.left > 0) { File.Delete(db.FilePath); File.Move(db.FilePath + ".tmp", db.FilePath); p.Message("Pruned {1}%S's changes ({2} entries left now) for the past &b{0}", delta.Shorten(true), namesStr, w.left); } else { File.Delete(db.FilePath + ".tmp"); p.Message("No changes found by {1} %Sin the past &b{0}", delta.Shorten(true), namesStr); } } }
//BlockChainのテスト(分岐がある場合・採掘・順番通りに追加されなかった場合) public static void Test22() { string basepath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); BlockchainAccessDB bcadb = new BlockchainAccessDB(basepath); string bcadbPath = bcadb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bcadbPath)) File.Delete(bcadbPath); BlockManagerDB bmdb = new BlockManagerDB(basepath); string bmdbPath = bmdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bmdbPath)) File.Delete(bmdbPath); BlockDB bdb = new BlockDB(basepath); string bdbPath = bdb.GetPath(0); if (File.Exists(bdbPath)) File.Delete(bdbPath); BlockFilePointersDB bfpdb = new BlockFilePointersDB(basepath); string bfpPath = bfpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(bfpPath)) File.Delete(bfpPath); UtxoFileAccessDB ufadb = new UtxoFileAccessDB(basepath); string ufadbPath = ufadb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufadbPath)) File.Delete(ufadbPath); UtxoFilePointersDB ufpdb = new UtxoFilePointersDB(basepath); string ufpdbPath = ufpdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufpdbPath)) File.Delete(ufpdbPath); UtxoFilePointersTempDB ufptempdb = new UtxoFilePointersTempDB(basepath); string ufptempdbPath = ufptempdb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(ufptempdbPath)) File.Delete(ufptempdbPath); UtxoDB utxodb = new UtxoDB(basepath); string utxodbPath = utxodb.GetPath(); if (File.Exists(utxodbPath)) File.Delete(utxodbPath); BlockChain blockchain = new BlockChain(bcadb, bmdb, bdb, bfpdb, ufadb, ufpdb, ufptempdb, utxodb); BlockGenerator bg = new BlockGenerator(); Block[] blks = new Block[10]; double[] cumulativeDiffs0 = new double[blks.Length]; BlockContext[] blkCons = new BlockContext[blks.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { blkCons[i] = bg.CreateNextValidBlock(); blks[i] = blkCons[i].block; cumulativeDiffs0[i] = i == 0 ? blks[i].Difficulty.Diff : cumulativeDiffs0[i - 1] + blks[i].Difficulty.Diff; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + " created."); } Block[] blks2 = new Block[blks.Length]; double[] cumulativeDiffs1 = new double[blks.Length]; byte[] nonce = null; Func<long, TransactionalBlock> _indexToBlock = (index) => blks2[index] as TransactionalBlock; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { blks2[i] = blks[i]; cumulativeDiffs1[i] = blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + "_1 " + blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff.ToString() + " " + cumulativeDiffs1[i].ToString()); continue; } TransactionalBlock tblk = blks[i] as TransactionalBlock; TransactionalBlock tblk2 = TransactionalBlock.GetBlockTemplate(tblk.Index, tblk.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk.transferTxs, _indexToBlock, 0); nonce = new byte[10]; while (true) { tblk2.UpdateTimestamp(DateTime.Now); tblk2.UpdateNonce(nonce); if (tblk2.Id.CompareTo(tblk2.header.difficulty.Target) <= 0) { blks2[i] = tblk2; cumulativeDiffs1[i] = cumulativeDiffs1[i - 1] + blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + "_1 mined. " + blks2[i].Difficulty.Diff.ToString() + " " + cumulativeDiffs1[i].ToString()); break; } int index = nonce.Length.RandomNum(); int value = 256.RandomNum(); nonce[index] = (byte)value; } } int forkIndex1 = 0; int forkIndex2 = 0; int[] forkIndexes = (blks.Length - 1).RandomNums(); if (forkIndexes[0] < forkIndexes[1]) { forkIndex1 = forkIndexes[0] + 1; forkIndex2 = forkIndexes[1] + 1; } else { forkIndex1 = forkIndexes[1] + 1; forkIndex2 = forkIndexes[0] + 1; } Block[] blks3 = new Block[blks.Length]; double[] cumulativeDiffs2 = new double[blks.Length]; Func<long, TransactionalBlock> _indexToBlock2 = (index) => index >= forkIndex1 ? blks3[index] as TransactionalBlock : blks2[index] as TransactionalBlock; for (int i = forkIndex1; i < blks.Length; i++) { TransactionalBlock tblk = blks[i] as TransactionalBlock; TransactionalBlock tblk3 = TransactionalBlock.GetBlockTemplate(tblk.Index, tblk.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk.transferTxs, _indexToBlock2, 0); nonce = new byte[10]; while (true) { tblk3.UpdateTimestamp(DateTime.Now); tblk3.UpdateNonce(nonce); if (tblk3.Id.CompareTo(tblk3.header.difficulty.Target) <= 0) { blks3[i] = tblk3; if (i == forkIndex1) cumulativeDiffs2[i] = cumulativeDiffs1[i - 1] + blks3[i].Difficulty.Diff; else cumulativeDiffs2[i] = cumulativeDiffs2[i - 1] + blks3[i].Difficulty.Diff; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + "_2 mined. " + blks3[i].Difficulty.Diff.ToString() + " " + cumulativeDiffs2[i].ToString()); break; } int index = nonce.Length.RandomNum(); int value = 256.RandomNum(); nonce[index] = (byte)value; } } Block[] blks4 = new Block[blks.Length]; double[] cumulativeDiffs3 = new double[blks.Length]; Func<long, TransactionalBlock> _indexToBlock3 = (index) => index >= forkIndex2 ? blks4[index] as TransactionalBlock : blks2[index] as TransactionalBlock; for (int i = forkIndex2; i < blks.Length; i++) { TransactionalBlock tblk = blks[i] as TransactionalBlock; TransactionalBlock tblk3 = TransactionalBlock.GetBlockTemplate(tblk.Index, tblk.coinbaseTxToMiner, tblk.transferTxs, _indexToBlock3, 0); nonce = new byte[10]; while (true) { tblk3.UpdateTimestamp(DateTime.Now); tblk3.UpdateNonce(nonce); if (tblk3.Id.CompareTo(tblk3.header.difficulty.Target) <= 0) { blks4[i] = tblk3; if (i == forkIndex2) cumulativeDiffs3[i] = cumulativeDiffs1[i - 1] + blks4[i].Difficulty.Diff; else cumulativeDiffs3[i] = cumulativeDiffs3[i - 1] + blks4[i].Difficulty.Diff; Console.WriteLine("block" + i.ToString() + "_3 mined. " + blks4[i].Difficulty.Diff.ToString() + " " + cumulativeDiffs3[i].ToString()); break; } int index = nonce.Length.RandomNum(); int value = 256.RandomNum(); nonce[index] = (byte)value; } } bool?[] map1 = new bool?[blks.Length]; bool?[] map2 = new bool?[blks.Length]; bool?[] map3 = new bool?[blks.Length]; bool?[] map4 = new bool?[blks.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < blks.Length; i++) { map1[i] = i == 0 ? (bool?)null : false; map2[i] = i == 0 ? (bool?)null : false; map3[i] = i < forkIndex1 ? (bool?)null : false; map4[i] = i < forkIndex2 ? (bool?)null : false; } blockchain.UpdateChain(blks[0]); int[] randomnums = (4 * blks.Length).RandomNums(); double cumulativeDiff = 0.0; int main = 0; int rejectedIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < randomnums.Length; i++) { int keiretsu = randomnums[i] / blks.Length; int index = randomnums[i] % blks.Length; if ((keiretsu == 0 && map1[index] == null) || (keiretsu == 1 && map2[index] == null) || (keiretsu == 2 && map3[index] == null) || (keiretsu == 3 && map4[index] == null)) continue; if (keiretsu == 0) { BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks[index]); bool flag = false; for (int j = index - 1; j > 0; j--) if (!map1[j].Value) { flag = true; break; } if (!flag && index != 1) { if (type != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.rejected) throw new Exception("test22_1"); } else { if (!flag) { int headIndex = index; for (int j = index + 1; j < blks.Length; j++) if (map1[j].Value) headIndex = j; else break; if (cumulativeDiff >= cumulativeDiffs0[headIndex]) flag = true; else rejectedIndex = headIndex; } if (flag && type != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test22_2"); if (!flag && type != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.updatedAndRejected) throw new Exception("test22_3"); } map1[index] = true; } else if (keiretsu == 1) { BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks2[index]); bool flag = false; for (int j = index - 1; j > 0; j--) if (!map2[j].Value) { flag = true; break; } if (!flag) { int headIndex1 = index; for (int j = index + 1; j < blks.Length; j++) if (map2[j].Value) headIndex1 = j; else break; double cdiff = cumulativeDiffs1[headIndex1]; int m = 1; if (headIndex1 + 1 >= forkIndex1 && map3[forkIndex1].Value) { int headIndex2 = forkIndex1; for (int j = forkIndex1 + 1; j < blks.Length; j++) if (map3[j].Value) headIndex2 = j; else break; //<未実装>等しい場合の対処 if (cumulativeDiffs2[headIndex2] > cdiff) { cdiff = cumulativeDiffs2[headIndex2]; m = 2; } else if (cumulativeDiffs2[headIndex2] == cdiff) { Console.WriteLine("not_implemented_test_case"); return; } } if (headIndex1 + 1 >= forkIndex2 && map4[forkIndex2].Value) { int headIndex3 = forkIndex2; for (int j = forkIndex2 + 1; j < blks.Length; j++) if (map4[j].Value) headIndex3 = j; else break; //<未実装>等しい場合の対処 if (cumulativeDiffs3[headIndex3] > cdiff) { cdiff = cumulativeDiffs3[headIndex3]; m = 3; } else if (cumulativeDiffs3[headIndex3] == cdiff) { Console.WriteLine("not_implemented_test_case"); return; } } if (cumulativeDiff >= cdiff) flag = true; else { cumulativeDiff = cdiff; main = m; } } if (flag && type != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test22_4"); if (!flag && type != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.updated) throw new Exception("test22_5"); map2[index] = true; } else if (keiretsu == 2) { BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks3[index]); bool flag = false; for (int j = index - 1; j >= forkIndex1; j--) if (!map3[j].Value) { flag = true; break; } if (!flag) for (int j = forkIndex1 - 1; j > 0; j--) if (!map2[j].Value) { flag = true; break; } if (!flag) { int headIndex = index; for (int j = index + 1; j < blks.Length; j++) if (map3[j].Value) headIndex = j; else break; if (cumulativeDiff >= cumulativeDiffs2[headIndex]) flag = true; else { cumulativeDiff = cumulativeDiffs2[headIndex]; main = 2; } } if (flag && type != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test22_6"); if (!flag && type != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.updated) throw new Exception("test22_7"); map3[index] = true; } else if (keiretsu == 3) { BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType type = blockchain.UpdateChain(blks4[index]); bool flag = false; for (int j = index - 1; j >= forkIndex2; j--) if (!map4[j].Value) { flag = true; break; } if (!flag) for (int j = forkIndex2 - 1; j > 0; j--) if (!map2[j].Value) { flag = true; break; } if (!flag) { int headIndex = index; for (int j = index + 1; j < blks.Length; j++) if (map4[j].Value) headIndex = j; else break; if (cumulativeDiff >= cumulativeDiffs3[headIndex]) flag = true; else { cumulativeDiff = cumulativeDiffs3[headIndex]; main = 3; } } if (flag && type != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.pending) throw new Exception("test22_8"); if (!flag && type != BlockChain.UpdateChainReturnType.updated) throw new Exception("test22_9"); map4[index] = true; } bool flag2 = true; for (int j = 1; j < blks.Length; j++) { if (map1[j].Value) { if (flag2 && j <= rejectedIndex) { if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[j + 1] == null || !blockchain.rejectedBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_10"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1] != null && blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_11"); } else { if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[j + 1] != null && blockchain.rejectedBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_12"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1] == null || !blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_13"); } } else { flag2 = false; if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[j + 1] != null && blockchain.rejectedBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_14"); if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1] != null && blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_15"); } } bool flag3 = true; for (int j = 1; j < blks.Length; j++) { if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[j + 1] != null && blockchain.rejectedBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks2[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_16"); if (map2[j].Value) { if (flag3 && (main == 1 || (main == 2 && j < forkIndex1) || (main == 3 && j < forkIndex2))) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1] != null && blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks2[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_17"); } else { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1] == null || !blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks2[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_18"); } } else { flag3 = false; if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1] != null && blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks2[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_19"); } } bool flag4 = true; for (int j = forkIndex1; j < blks.Length; j++) { if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[j + 1] != null && blockchain.rejectedBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks3[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_20"); if (map3[j].Value) { if (flag4 && main == 2) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1] != null && blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks3[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_21"); } else { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1] == null || !blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks3[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_22"); } } else { flag4 = false; if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1] != null && blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks3[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_23"); } } bool flag5 = true; for (int j = forkIndex2; j < blks.Length; j++) { if (blockchain.rejectedBlocks[j + 1] != null && blockchain.rejectedBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks4[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_24"); if (map4[j].Value) { if (flag5 && main == 3) { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1] != null && blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks4[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_25"); } else { if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1] == null || !blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks4[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_26"); } } else { flag5 = false; if (blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1] != null && blockchain.pendingBlocks[j + 1].Keys.Contains(blks4[j].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_27"); } } } Block headBlock = blockchain.GetHeadBlock(); if (main == 1) { if (!headBlock.Id.Equals(blks2[9].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_28"); } else if (main == 2) { if (!headBlock.Id.Equals(blks3[9].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_29"); } else if (main == 3) { if (!headBlock.Id.Equals(blks4[9].Id)) throw new Exception("test22_30"); } else throw new InvalidOperationException(); utxodb.Open(); foreach (var address in blkCons[9].unspentTxOuts.Keys) foreach (var toc in blkCons[9].unspentTxOuts[address]) if (blockchain.FindUtxo(address, toc.bIndex, toc.txIndex, toc.txOutIndex) == null) throw new Exception("test22_31"); foreach (var address in blkCons[9].spentTxOuts.Keys) foreach (var toc in blkCons[9].spentTxOuts[address]) if (blockchain.FindUtxo(address, toc.bIndex, toc.txIndex, toc.txOutIndex) != null) throw new Exception("test22_32"); utxodb.Close(); Console.WriteLine("test22_succeeded"); }
public void StartSystem() { if (isSystemStarted) throw new InvalidOperationException("core_started"); ahdb = new AccountHoldersDatabase(databaseBasepath); thdb = new TransactionHistoriesDatabase(databaseBasepath); bcadb = new BlockchainAccessDB(databaseBasepath); bmdb = new BlockManagerDB(databaseBasepath); bdb = new BlockDB(databaseBasepath); bfpdb = new BlockFilePointersDB(databaseBasepath); ufadb = new UtxoFileAccessDB(databaseBasepath); ufpdb = new UtxoFilePointersDB(databaseBasepath); ufptempdb = new UtxoFilePointersTempDB(databaseBasepath); utxodb = new UtxoDB(databaseBasepath); accountHolders = new AccountHolders(); accountHoldersFactory = new AccountHoldersFactory(); byte[] ahDataBytes = ahdb.GetData(); if (ahDataBytes.Length != 0) accountHolders.FromBinary(ahDataBytes); else accountHolders.LoadVersion0(); transactionHistories = thdb.GetData().Pipe((data) => data.Length == 0 ? new TransactionHistories() : SHAREDDATA.FromBinary<TransactionHistories>(data)); transactionHistories.UnconfirmedTransactionAdded += (sender, e) => { foreach (var accountHolder in accountHolders.AllAccountHolders) foreach (var account in accountHolder.Accounts) foreach (var prevTxOut in e.senders) if (account.Address.Equals(prevTxOut.Address)) account.accountStatus.unconfirmedAmount = new CurrencyUnit(account.accountStatus.unconfirmedAmount.rawAmount + prevTxOut.Amount.rawAmount); }; transactionHistories.UnconfirmedTransactionRemoved += (sender, e) => { foreach (var accountHolder in accountHolders.AllAccountHolders) foreach (var account in accountHolder.Accounts) foreach (var prevTxOut in e.receivers) if (account.Address.Equals(prevTxOut.Address)) account.accountStatus.unconfirmedAmount = new CurrencyUnit(account.accountStatus.unconfirmedAmount.rawAmount - prevTxOut.Amount.rawAmount); }; usableBalanceCache = new CachedData<CurrencyUnit>(() => { long rawAmount = 0; foreach (var accountHolder in accountHolders.AllAccountHolders) foreach (var account in accountHolder.Accounts) rawAmount += account.accountStatus.usableAmount.rawAmount; return new CurrencyUnit(rawAmount); }); unusableBalanceCache = new CachedData<CurrencyUnit>(() => { long rawAmount = 0; foreach (var accountHolder in accountHolders.AllAccountHolders) foreach (var account in accountHolder.Accounts) rawAmount += account.accountStatus.unusableAmount.rawAmount; return new CurrencyUnit(rawAmount); }); unconfirmedBalanceCache = new CachedData<CurrencyUnit>(() => { long rawAmount = 0; foreach (var accountHolder in accountHolders.AllAccountHolders) foreach (var account in accountHolder.Accounts) rawAmount += account.accountStatus.unconfirmedAmount.rawAmount; return new CurrencyUnit(rawAmount); }); usableBalanceWithUnconfirmedCache = new CachedData<CurrencyUnit>(() => new CurrencyUnit(usableBalanceCache.Data.rawAmount - unconfirmedBalanceCache.Data.rawAmount)); unusableBalanceWithUnconformedCache = new CachedData<CurrencyUnit>(() => new CurrencyUnit(unusableBalanceCache.Data.rawAmount + unconfirmedBalanceCache.Data.rawAmount)); blockChain = new BlockChain(bcadb, bmdb, bdb, bfpdb, ufadb, ufpdb, ufptempdb, utxodb); blockChain.LoadTransactionHistories(transactionHistories); //<未改良>暫定? if (blockChain.headBlockIndex == -1) { blockChain.UpdateChain(new GenesisBlock()); this.RaiseNotification("genesis_block_generated", 5); } Dictionary<Account, EventHandler<Tuple<CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnit>>> changeAmountDict = new Dictionary<Account, EventHandler<Tuple<CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnit>>>(); Action<bool> _UpdateBalance = (isOnlyUnconfirmed) => { if (!isOnlyUnconfirmed) { usableBalanceCache.IsModified = true; unusableBalanceCache.IsModified = true; } unconfirmedBalanceCache.IsModified = true; usableBalanceWithUnconfirmedCache.IsModified = true; unusableBalanceWithUnconformedCache.IsModified = true; BalanceUpdated(this, EventArgs.Empty); }; Action<Account, bool> _AddAddressEvent = (account, isUpdatebalance) => { EventHandler<Tuple<CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnit>> eh = (sender, e) => { account.accountStatus.usableAmount = e.Item1; account.accountStatus.unusableAmount = e.Item2; }; changeAmountDict.Add(account, eh); AddressEvent addressEvent = new AddressEvent(account.Address.Hash); addressEvent.BalanceUpdated += eh; blockChain.AddAddressEvent(addressEvent); long rawAmount = 0; foreach (var unconfirmedTh in transactionHistories.unconfirmedTransactionHistories.ToArray()) foreach (var prevTxOut in unconfirmedTh.senders) if (prevTxOut.Address.Equals(account.Address)) rawAmount += prevTxOut.Amount.rawAmount; account.accountStatus.unconfirmedAmount = new CurrencyUnit(rawAmount); if (isUpdatebalance) _UpdateBalance(false); }; EventHandler<Account> _AccountAdded = (sender, e) => { utxodb.Open(); _AddAddressEvent(e, true); utxodb.Close(); }; EventHandler<Account> _AccountRemoved = (sender, e) => { EventHandler<Tuple<CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnit>> eh = changeAmountDict[e]; changeAmountDict.Remove(e); AddressEvent addressEvent = blockChain.RemoveAddressEvent(e.Address.Hash); addressEvent.BalanceUpdated -= eh; _UpdateBalance(false); }; utxodb.Open(); foreach (var accountHolder in accountHolders.AllAccountHolders) { foreach (var account in accountHolder.Accounts) _AddAddressEvent(account, false); accountHolder.AccountAdded += _AccountAdded; accountHolder.AccountRemoved += _AccountRemoved; } utxodb.Close(); accountHolders.AccountHolderAdded += (sender, e) => { e.AccountAdded += _AccountAdded; e.AccountRemoved += _AccountRemoved; }; accountHolders.AccountHolderRemoved += (semder, e) => { e.AccountAdded -= _AccountAdded; e.AccountRemoved -= _AccountRemoved; }; blockChain.BalanceUpdated += (sender, e) => _UpdateBalance(false); _UpdateBalance(false); unconfirmedTtxs = new Dictionary<TransferTransaction, TransactionOutput[]>(); mining = new Mining(); mining.FoundNonce += (sender, e) => creaNodeTest.DiffuseNewBlock(e); blockChain.Updated += (sender, e) => { foreach (var block in e) foreach (var tx in block.Transactions) foreach (var txIn in tx.TxInputs) { TransferTransaction contradiction = null; foreach (var unconfirmedTx in unconfirmedTtxs) { foreach (var unconfirmedTxIn in unconfirmedTx.Key.TxInputs) if (txIn.PrevTxBlockIndex == unconfirmedTxIn.PrevTxBlockIndex && txIn.PrevTxIndex == unconfirmedTxIn.PrevTxIndex && txIn.PrevTxOutputIndex == unconfirmedTxIn.PrevTxOutputIndex) { contradiction = unconfirmedTx.Key; break; } if (contradiction != null) break; } if (contradiction != null) unconfirmedTtxs.Remove(contradiction); } Mine(); }; Mine(); //creaNodeTest = new CreaNode(ps.NodePort, creaVersion, appnameWithVersion, new FirstNodeInfosDatabase(p2pDirectory)); creaNodeTest = new CreaNodeTest(blockChain, ps.NodePort, creaVersion, appnameWithVersion); creaNodeTest.ConnectionKeeped += (sender, e) => creaNodeTest.SyncronizeBlockchain(); creaNodeTest.ReceivedNewTransaction += (sender, e) => { TransferTransaction ttx = e as TransferTransaction; if (ttx == null) return; TransactionOutput[] prevTxOuts = new TransactionOutput[ttx.TxInputs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < prevTxOuts.Length; i++) prevTxOuts[i] = blockChain.GetMainBlock(ttx.TxInputs[i].PrevTxBlockIndex).Transactions[ttx.TxInputs[i].PrevTxIndex].TxOutputs[ttx.TxInputs[i].PrevTxOutputIndex]; if (!ttx.Verify(prevTxOuts)) return; List<TransactionOutput> senders = new List<TransactionOutput>(); List<TransactionOutput> receivers = new List<TransactionOutput>(); long sentAmount = 0; long receivedAmount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ttx.txInputs.Length; i++) foreach (var accountHolder in accountHolders.AllAccountHolders) foreach (var account in accountHolder.Accounts) if (prevTxOuts[i].Address.Equals(account.Address.Hash)) { sentAmount += prevTxOuts[i].Amount.rawAmount; senders.Add(prevTxOuts[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < ttx.TxOutputs.Length; i++) foreach (var accountHolder in accountHolders.AllAccountHolders) foreach (var account in accountHolder.Accounts) if (ttx.TxOutputs[i].Address.Equals(account.Address.Hash)) { receivedAmount += ttx.TxOutputs[i].Amount.rawAmount; receivers.Add(ttx.TxOutputs[i]); } if (senders.Count > 0 || receivers.Count > 0) { TransactionHistoryType type = TransactionHistoryType.transfered; if (receivers.Count < ttx.TxOutputs.Length) type = TransactionHistoryType.sent; else if (senders.Count < ttx.TxInputs.Length) type = TransactionHistoryType.received; transactionHistories.AddTransactionHistory(new TransactionHistory(true, false, type, DateTime.MinValue, 0, ttx.Id, senders.ToArray(), receivers.ToArray(), ttx, prevTxOuts, new CurrencyUnit(sentAmount), new CurrencyUnit(receivedAmount - sentAmount))); } utxodb.Open(); for (int i = 0; i < ttx.TxInputs.Length; i++) if (blockChain.FindUtxo(prevTxOuts[i].Address, ttx.TxInputs[i].PrevTxBlockIndex, ttx.TxInputs[i].PrevTxIndex, ttx.TxInputs[i].PrevTxOutputIndex) == null) return; utxodb.Close(); foreach (var txIn in ttx.TxInputs) foreach (var unconfirmedTtx in unconfirmedTtxs) foreach (var unconfirmedTxIn in unconfirmedTtx.Key.TxInputs) if (txIn.PrevTxBlockIndex == unconfirmedTxIn.PrevTxBlockIndex && txIn.PrevTxIndex == unconfirmedTxIn.PrevTxIndex && txIn.PrevTxOutputIndex == unconfirmedTxIn.PrevTxOutputIndex) return; unconfirmedTtxs.Add(ttx, prevTxOuts); Mine(); }; creaNodeTest.ReceivedNewBlock += (sender, e) => blockChain.UpdateChain(e).Pipe((ret) => this.RaiseResult("blockchain_update", 5, ret.ToString())); //creaNodeTest.Start(); isSystemStarted = true; }
public void StartSystem() { if (isSystemStarted) { throw new InvalidOperationException("core_started"); } ahdb = new AccountHoldersDatabase(databaseBasepath); thdb = new TransactionHistoriesDatabase(databaseBasepath); bcadb = new BlockchainAccessDB(databaseBasepath); bmdb = new BlockManagerDB(databaseBasepath); bdb = new BlockDB(databaseBasepath); bfpdb = new BlockFilePointersDB(databaseBasepath); ufadb = new UtxoFileAccessDB(databaseBasepath); ufpdb = new UtxoFilePointersDB(databaseBasepath); ufptempdb = new UtxoFilePointersTempDB(databaseBasepath); utxodb = new UtxoDB(databaseBasepath); accountHolders = new AccountHolders(); accountHoldersFactory = new AccountHoldersFactory(); byte[] ahDataBytes = ahdb.GetData(); if (ahDataBytes.Length != 0) { accountHolders.FromBinary(ahDataBytes); } else { accountHolders.LoadVersion0(); } transactionHistories = thdb.GetData().Pipe((data) => data.Length == 0 ? new TransactionHistories() : SHAREDDATA.FromBinary <TransactionHistories>(data)); transactionHistories.UnconfirmedTransactionAdded += (sender, e) => { foreach (var accountHolder in accountHolders.AllAccountHolders) { foreach (var account in accountHolder.Accounts) { foreach (var prevTxOut in e.senders) { if (account.Address.Equals(prevTxOut.Address)) { account.accountStatus.unconfirmedAmount = new CurrencyUnit(account.accountStatus.unconfirmedAmount.rawAmount + prevTxOut.Amount.rawAmount); } } } } }; transactionHistories.UnconfirmedTransactionRemoved += (sender, e) => { foreach (var accountHolder in accountHolders.AllAccountHolders) { foreach (var account in accountHolder.Accounts) { foreach (var prevTxOut in e.receivers) { if (account.Address.Equals(prevTxOut.Address)) { account.accountStatus.unconfirmedAmount = new CurrencyUnit(account.accountStatus.unconfirmedAmount.rawAmount - prevTxOut.Amount.rawAmount); } } } } }; usableBalanceCache = new CachedData <CurrencyUnit>(() => { long rawAmount = 0; foreach (var accountHolder in accountHolders.AllAccountHolders) { foreach (var account in accountHolder.Accounts) { rawAmount += account.accountStatus.usableAmount.rawAmount; } } return(new CurrencyUnit(rawAmount)); }); unusableBalanceCache = new CachedData <CurrencyUnit>(() => { long rawAmount = 0; foreach (var accountHolder in accountHolders.AllAccountHolders) { foreach (var account in accountHolder.Accounts) { rawAmount += account.accountStatus.unusableAmount.rawAmount; } } return(new CurrencyUnit(rawAmount)); }); unconfirmedBalanceCache = new CachedData <CurrencyUnit>(() => { long rawAmount = 0; foreach (var accountHolder in accountHolders.AllAccountHolders) { foreach (var account in accountHolder.Accounts) { rawAmount += account.accountStatus.unconfirmedAmount.rawAmount; } } return(new CurrencyUnit(rawAmount)); }); usableBalanceWithUnconfirmedCache = new CachedData <CurrencyUnit>(() => new CurrencyUnit(usableBalanceCache.Data.rawAmount - unconfirmedBalanceCache.Data.rawAmount)); unusableBalanceWithUnconformedCache = new CachedData <CurrencyUnit>(() => new CurrencyUnit(unusableBalanceCache.Data.rawAmount + unconfirmedBalanceCache.Data.rawAmount)); blockChain = new BlockChain(bcadb, bmdb, bdb, bfpdb, ufadb, ufpdb, ufptempdb, utxodb); blockChain.LoadTransactionHistories(transactionHistories); //<未改良>暫定? if (blockChain.headBlockIndex == -1) { blockChain.UpdateChain(new GenesisBlock()); this.RaiseNotification("genesis_block_generated", 5); } Dictionary <Account, EventHandler <Tuple <CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnit> > > changeAmountDict = new Dictionary <Account, EventHandler <Tuple <CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnit> > >(); Action <bool> _UpdateBalance = (isOnlyUnconfirmed) => { if (!isOnlyUnconfirmed) { usableBalanceCache.IsModified = true; unusableBalanceCache.IsModified = true; } unconfirmedBalanceCache.IsModified = true; usableBalanceWithUnconfirmedCache.IsModified = true; unusableBalanceWithUnconformedCache.IsModified = true; BalanceUpdated(this, EventArgs.Empty); }; Action <Account, bool> _AddAddressEvent = (account, isUpdatebalance) => { EventHandler <Tuple <CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnit> > eh = (sender, e) => { account.accountStatus.usableAmount = e.Item1; account.accountStatus.unusableAmount = e.Item2; }; changeAmountDict.Add(account, eh); AddressEvent addressEvent = new AddressEvent(account.Address.Hash); addressEvent.BalanceUpdated += eh; blockChain.AddAddressEvent(addressEvent); long rawAmount = 0; foreach (var unconfirmedTh in transactionHistories.unconfirmedTransactionHistories.ToArray()) { foreach (var prevTxOut in unconfirmedTh.senders) { if (prevTxOut.Address.Equals(account.Address)) { rawAmount += prevTxOut.Amount.rawAmount; } } } account.accountStatus.unconfirmedAmount = new CurrencyUnit(rawAmount); if (isUpdatebalance) { _UpdateBalance(false); } }; EventHandler <Account> _AccountAdded = (sender, e) => { utxodb.Open(); _AddAddressEvent(e, true); utxodb.Close(); }; EventHandler <Account> _AccountRemoved = (sender, e) => { EventHandler <Tuple <CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnit> > eh = changeAmountDict[e]; changeAmountDict.Remove(e); AddressEvent addressEvent = blockChain.RemoveAddressEvent(e.Address.Hash); addressEvent.BalanceUpdated -= eh; _UpdateBalance(false); }; utxodb.Open(); foreach (var accountHolder in accountHolders.AllAccountHolders) { foreach (var account in accountHolder.Accounts) { _AddAddressEvent(account, false); } accountHolder.AccountAdded += _AccountAdded; accountHolder.AccountRemoved += _AccountRemoved; } utxodb.Close(); accountHolders.AccountHolderAdded += (sender, e) => { e.AccountAdded += _AccountAdded; e.AccountRemoved += _AccountRemoved; }; accountHolders.AccountHolderRemoved += (semder, e) => { e.AccountAdded -= _AccountAdded; e.AccountRemoved -= _AccountRemoved; }; blockChain.BalanceUpdated += (sender, e) => _UpdateBalance(false); _UpdateBalance(false); unconfirmedTtxs = new Dictionary <TransferTransaction, TransactionOutput[]>(); mining = new Mining(); mining.FoundNonce += (sender, e) => creaNodeTest.DiffuseNewBlock(e); blockChain.Updated += (sender, e) => { foreach (var block in e) { foreach (var tx in block.Transactions) { foreach (var txIn in tx.TxInputs) { TransferTransaction contradiction = null; foreach (var unconfirmedTx in unconfirmedTtxs) { foreach (var unconfirmedTxIn in unconfirmedTx.Key.TxInputs) { if (txIn.PrevTxBlockIndex == unconfirmedTxIn.PrevTxBlockIndex && txIn.PrevTxIndex == unconfirmedTxIn.PrevTxIndex && txIn.PrevTxOutputIndex == unconfirmedTxIn.PrevTxOutputIndex) { contradiction = unconfirmedTx.Key; break; } } if (contradiction != null) { break; } } if (contradiction != null) { unconfirmedTtxs.Remove(contradiction); } } } } Mine(); }; Mine(); //creaNodeTest = new CreaNode(ps.NodePort, creaVersion, appnameWithVersion, new FirstNodeInfosDatabase(p2pDirectory)); creaNodeTest = new CreaNodeTest(blockChain, ps.NodePort, creaVersion, appnameWithVersion); creaNodeTest.ConnectionKeeped += (sender, e) => creaNodeTest.SyncronizeBlockchain(); creaNodeTest.ReceivedNewTransaction += (sender, e) => { TransferTransaction ttx = e as TransferTransaction; if (ttx == null) { return; } TransactionOutput[] prevTxOuts = new TransactionOutput[ttx.TxInputs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < prevTxOuts.Length; i++) { prevTxOuts[i] = blockChain.GetMainBlock(ttx.TxInputs[i].PrevTxBlockIndex).Transactions[ttx.TxInputs[i].PrevTxIndex].TxOutputs[ttx.TxInputs[i].PrevTxOutputIndex]; } if (!ttx.Verify(prevTxOuts)) { return; } List <TransactionOutput> senders = new List <TransactionOutput>(); List <TransactionOutput> receivers = new List <TransactionOutput>(); long sentAmount = 0; long receivedAmount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ttx.txInputs.Length; i++) { foreach (var accountHolder in accountHolders.AllAccountHolders) { foreach (var account in accountHolder.Accounts) { if (prevTxOuts[i].Address.Equals(account.Address.Hash)) { sentAmount += prevTxOuts[i].Amount.rawAmount; senders.Add(prevTxOuts[i]); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < ttx.TxOutputs.Length; i++) { foreach (var accountHolder in accountHolders.AllAccountHolders) { foreach (var account in accountHolder.Accounts) { if (ttx.TxOutputs[i].Address.Equals(account.Address.Hash)) { receivedAmount += ttx.TxOutputs[i].Amount.rawAmount; receivers.Add(ttx.TxOutputs[i]); } } } } if (senders.Count > 0 || receivers.Count > 0) { TransactionHistoryType type = TransactionHistoryType.transfered; if (receivers.Count < ttx.TxOutputs.Length) { type = TransactionHistoryType.sent; } else if (senders.Count < ttx.TxInputs.Length) { type = TransactionHistoryType.received; } transactionHistories.AddTransactionHistory(new TransactionHistory(true, false, type, DateTime.MinValue, 0, ttx.Id, senders.ToArray(), receivers.ToArray(), ttx, prevTxOuts, new CurrencyUnit(sentAmount), new CurrencyUnit(receivedAmount - sentAmount))); } utxodb.Open(); for (int i = 0; i < ttx.TxInputs.Length; i++) { if (blockChain.FindUtxo(prevTxOuts[i].Address, ttx.TxInputs[i].PrevTxBlockIndex, ttx.TxInputs[i].PrevTxIndex, ttx.TxInputs[i].PrevTxOutputIndex) == null) { return; } } utxodb.Close(); foreach (var txIn in ttx.TxInputs) { foreach (var unconfirmedTtx in unconfirmedTtxs) { foreach (var unconfirmedTxIn in unconfirmedTtx.Key.TxInputs) { if (txIn.PrevTxBlockIndex == unconfirmedTxIn.PrevTxBlockIndex && txIn.PrevTxIndex == unconfirmedTxIn.PrevTxIndex && txIn.PrevTxOutputIndex == unconfirmedTxIn.PrevTxOutputIndex) { return; } } } } unconfirmedTtxs.Add(ttx, prevTxOuts); Mine(); }; creaNodeTest.ReceivedNewBlock += (sender, e) => blockChain.UpdateChain(e).Pipe((ret) => this.RaiseResult("blockchain_update", 5, ret.ToString())); //creaNodeTest.Start(); isSystemStarted = true; }