Esempio n. 1
        private async void Add_Person_Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string popupmessage = "";
            var    db           = new SQLiteConnection(_dbPath);

            db.CreateTable <Person>();

            var maximumPrimaryKey = db.Table <Person>().OrderByDescending(m => m.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            Person person = new Person()
                Id             = (maximumPrimaryKey == null ? 1 : maximumPrimaryKey.Id + 1),
                LastName       = LastName_Entry.Text,
                FirstName      = FirstName_Entry.Text,
                ImagePath      = imagepath,
                DateRegistered = DateTime.UtcNow,
                ImageName      = imageName

            popupmessage = person.LastName + " " + person.FirstName + " will be saved";

            MessageDialog showDialog = new MessageDialog(popupmessage);

            showDialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Yes")
                Id = 0
            showDialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand("No")
                Id = 1
            showDialog.DefaultCommandIndex = 0;
            showDialog.CancelCommandIndex  = 1;
            var result = await showDialog.ShowAsync();

            if ((int)result.Id == 0)
                allitem = "The user " + LastName_Entry.Text + " " + FirstName_Entry.Text + ", has been added to the system. You can now sign " + FirstName_Entry.Text + " in for today, or you can go to the people page, to see all users.";
                var fileinfo = new FileInfo(imagepath);
                BlobConstructors.UploadFile(fileinfo, BlobConstructors.Blobconnectionstring, BlobConstructors.containername);

                LastName_Entry.Text              = " ";
                FirstName_Entry.Text             = " ";
                User_Image.Visibility            = Visibility.Collapsed;
                Capture_Person_Button.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                Add_Person_Button.Visibility     = Visibility.Collapsed;
                allitem = "The user " + LastName_Entry.Text + " " + FirstName_Entry.Text + ", has not been added to the system.";
Esempio n. 2
        private async void Detect_Person_Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var fileinfo = new FileInfo(imagepathHolder);

            BlobConstructors.UploadFile(fileinfo, BlobConstructors.Blobconnectionstring, BlobConstructors.containername2);

            IFaceClient client = CompareFaceConstructor.Authenticate(ENDPOINT, SUBSCRIPTION_KEY);

            // Find Similar - find a similar face from a list of faces.
            // var result = await  CompareFaceConstructor.FindSimilar(client, BlobConstructors.blobBaseUrl, imageName, BlobConstructors.blobBaseUrl2, RecognitionModel.Recognition04, imageNames);
            string _dbPath = Database_Connection._dbpath;

            //Verify(client, IMAGE_BASE_URL, RECOGNITION_MODEL4).Wait();

            //// Identify - recognize a face(s) in a person group (a person group is created in this example).
            GetRecognisedUserViewModel Identity = new GetRecognisedUserViewModel();

                Identity = await CompareFaceConstructor.IdentifyInPersonGroup(client, personDictionary, BlobConstructors.blobBaseUrl, BlobConstructors.blobBaseUrl2, imageName, RECOGNITION_MODEL4);

                string Message = "";
                var    db      = new SQLiteConnection(_dbPath);
                var    dz      = new SQLiteConnection(_dbPath);
                db.CreateTable <Models.Person>();
                db.CreateTable <Models.Attendance>();
                //var p = db.Table<Models.Person>().Where(m => m.ImageName == result.Result).FirstOrDefault();
                int way   = int.Parse(Identity.highestperson.Name);
                var p     = db.Table <Models.Person>().Where(m => m.Id == way).FirstOrDefault();
                var Count = db.Table <Models.Attendance>().Count();
                //Books_Label.Text = result.Output.ToString();
                if (Identity.ConfidenceLevel > 0.7)
                    Message          = "Welcome back " + p.LastName + " " + p.FirstName + " , You have been logged in. Have a pleasant day!";
                    Books_Label.Text = Identity.Answers;
                    Attendance attendance = new Attendance()
                        Id        = Count + 1,
                        FirstName = p.FirstName,
                        Date_Signed_In_Date_and_Time = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        LastName = p.LastName,
                        User_ID  = p.Id

                    var confipercentage = Identity.ConfidenceLevel * 100;
                    Message = "I am not comfortable this is who i think this is. i am only " + confipercentage + " percent sure, that this is" + p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName + ".";
                readText("Face not detected from Image or Server cannot be reached");

            //// LargePersonGroup - create, then get data.
            //LargePersonGroup(client, IMAGE_BASE_URL, RECOGNITION_MODEL4).Wait();
            //// Group faces - automatically group similar faces.
            //Group(client, IMAGE_BASE_URL, RECOGNITION_MODEL4).Wait();