public async Task <IActionResult> Get(string token, string filename)
            if (!long.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out long actualToken))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Token.", nameof(token));

            string contentType = this.fileRepository.GetContentTypeForExtension(Path.GetExtension(filename));

            BlobContainerClient azureContainer = await this.fileRepository.GetFile(actualToken, filename);

            BlobClient blob = azureContainer.GetBlobClient(filename);

            Azure.Response <Azure.Storage.Blobs.Models.BlobDownloadInfo> info = await blob.DownloadAsync();

            return(this.File(info.Value.Content, contentType));
        public async Task <ChangeFeed> BuildChangeFeed(
            string continuation,
            bool async,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            DateTimeOffset   lastConsumable;
            Queue <string>   years    = new Queue <string>();
            Queue <string>   segments = new Queue <string>();
            ChangeFeedCursor cursor   = null;

            // Create cursor
            if (continuation != null)
                cursor = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <ChangeFeedCursor>(continuation);
                ValidateCursor(_containerClient, cursor);
                startTime = BlobChangeFeedExtensions.ToDateTimeOffset(cursor.CurrentSegmentCursor.SegmentPath).Value;
                endTime   = cursor.EndTime;
            // Round start and end time if we are not using the cursor.
                startTime = startTime.RoundDownToNearestHour();
                endTime   = endTime.RoundUpToNearestHour();

            // Check if Change Feed has been abled for this account.
            bool changeFeedContainerExists;

            if (async)
                changeFeedContainerExists = await _containerClient.ExistsAsync(cancellationToken : cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                changeFeedContainerExists = _containerClient.Exists(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

            if (!changeFeedContainerExists)
                throw new ArgumentException("Change Feed hasn't been enabled on this account, or is currently being enabled.");

            // Get last consumable
            BlobClient       blobClient = _containerClient.GetBlobClient(Constants.ChangeFeed.MetaSegmentsPath);
            BlobDownloadInfo blobDownloadInfo;

            if (async)
                blobDownloadInfo = await blobClient.DownloadAsync(cancellationToken : cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                blobDownloadInfo = blobClient.Download(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

            JsonDocument jsonMetaSegment;

            if (async)
                jsonMetaSegment = await JsonDocument.ParseAsync(
                    cancellationToken : cancellationToken
                jsonMetaSegment = JsonDocument.Parse(blobDownloadInfo.Content);

            lastConsumable = jsonMetaSegment.RootElement.GetProperty("lastConsumable").GetDateTimeOffset();

            // Get year paths
            years = await GetYearPathsInternal(

            // Dequeue any years that occur before start time
            if (startTime.HasValue)
                while (years.Count > 0 &&
                       BlobChangeFeedExtensions.ToDateTimeOffset(years.Peek()) < startTime.RoundDownToNearestYear())

            // There are no years.
            if (years.Count == 0)

            while (segments.Count == 0 && years.Count > 0)
                // Get Segments for year
                segments = await BlobChangeFeedExtensions.GetSegmentsInYearInternal(
                    containerClient : _containerClient,
                    yearPath : years.Dequeue(),
                    startTime : startTime,
                    endTime : BlobChangeFeedExtensions.MinDateTime(lastConsumable, endTime),
                    async : async,
                    cancellationToken : cancellationToken)

            // We were on the last year, and there were no more segments.
            if (segments.Count == 0)

            Segment currentSegment = await _segmentFactory.BuildSegment(

            return(new ChangeFeed(
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts and stores the image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="log"></param>
        /// <param name="uploadedImage"></param>
        /// <param name="convertedImagesContainer"></param>
        /// <param name="blobName"></param>
        /// <param name="failedImagesContainer"></param>
        /// <param name="jobId"></param>
        /// <param name="imageSource"></param>
        public static async Task ConvertAndStoreImage(CloudStorageAccount storageAccount, string blobName, int imageConversionMode, string jobId)
            // Set the name of the converted blob to the same as the uploaded blob
            string convertedBlobName = blobName;

                // Update Job Status - about to convert image
                await UpdateJobEntityStatus(storageAccount, jobId, 2, "Job is running.");

                // Get the Blob Container Client
                BlobServiceClient   blobServiceClient   = new BlobServiceClient(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AzureWebJobsStorage"].ConnectionString);
                BlobContainerClient blobContainerClient = blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient(ConfigSettings.UPLOADEDIMAGES_CONTAINERNAME);

                // Get the Blob Client for the specified blob
                BlobClient       blobClient       = blobContainerClient.GetBlobClient(blobName);
                BlobDownloadInfo blobDownloadInfo = await blobClient.DownloadAsync();

                // Set up blob stream
                using (MemoryStream inStream = new MemoryStream())
                    await blobDownloadInfo.Content.CopyToAsync(inStream);

                    inStream.Position = 0;

                    // Convert the image based on the imageConversionMode
                    using (MemoryStream outStream = new MemoryStream())
                        using (ImageFactory imageFactory = new ImageFactory(preserveExifData: true))
                            switch (imageConversionMode)
                            case 1:

                            case 2:

                            case 3:

                            outStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                            // Create a blob client
                            CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

                            // Create or retrieve a reference to the converted images container
                            CloudBlobContainer convertedImagesContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference(ConfigSettings.CONVERTED_IMAGES_CONTAINERNAME);
                            bool created = await convertedImagesContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

                            CloudBlockBlob convertedBlockBlob = convertedImagesContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(convertedBlobName);

                            // Upload the converted blob to the converted images container
                            convertedBlockBlob.Properties.ContentType = System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg;
                            await convertedBlockBlob.UploadFromStreamAsync(outStream);

                            // Update Job Status - image converted successfully
                            await UpdateJobEntityStatus(storageAccount, jobId, 3, "Job completed with success.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Update Job Status - image conversion failed
                await UpdateJobEntityStatus(storageAccount, jobId, 4, ex.Message);
Esempio n. 4
        static async Task Run(string connectionString, Options options)
            if (!options.Debug)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Requires release configuration");

            var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler();
            httpClientHandler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = (message, cert, chain, errors) => true;
            var httpClient = new HttpClient(httpClientHandler);

            var blobClientOptions = new BlobClientOptions();
            blobClientOptions.Transport = new HttpClientTransport(httpClient);

            var blockClient = new BlockBlobClient(connectionString, _containerName, _blobName, blobClientOptions);
            var blockList   = (await blockClient.GetBlockListAsync()).Value;

            var client = new BlobClient(connectionString, _containerName, _blobName, blobClientOptions);

            var parallelTransferOptions = new ParallelTransferOptions()
                MaximumThreadCount    = options.MaximumThreadCount,
                MaximumTransferLength = options.MaximumTransferLength

            var payload = new byte[options.Size];
            // Initialize payload with stable random data since all-zeros may be compressed or optimized
            (new Random(0)).NextBytes(payload);
            var payloadStream = new MemoryStream(payload, writable: false);

            Console.WriteLine($"Uploading and downloading blob of size {options.Size} with {options.MaximumThreadCount} threads...");

            var sw = new Stopwatch();
            for (var i = 0; i < options.Count; i++)
                payloadStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                await client.UploadAsync(payloadStream, parallelTransferOptions : parallelTransferOptions);


                var elapsedSeconds     = sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;
                var megabytesPerSecond = (options.Size / (1024 * 1024)) / elapsedSeconds;
                Console.WriteLine($"Uploaded {options.Size} bytes in {elapsedSeconds:N2} seconds ({megabytesPerSecond:N2} MB/s)");

                await client.DownloadAsync(Stream.Null, parallelTransferOptions : parallelTransferOptions);


                elapsedSeconds     = sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;
                megabytesPerSecond = (options.Size / (1024 * 1024)) / elapsedSeconds;
                Console.WriteLine($"Downloaded {options.Size} bytes in {elapsedSeconds:N2} seconds ({megabytesPerSecond:N2} MB/s)");

Esempio n. 5
        private static async void ImportCsvFileIntoTable(BlobItem blobItem, ILogger log,
                                                         DateTime lastProcessedDate, BlobContainerClient icontainerClient, CloudTable icloudTable)
            string   lastProcessedDateString = lastProcessedDate.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
            DateTime resourceUsageDateTime;

            log.LogInformation("lastproccessdatestring= " + lastProcessedDateString);

            log.LogInformation("**** CSV Import ****");

            TableOperation itableOperation;

            int DayDiff = 0;
            //string storageConnectionString = SourceConnection;
            //CloudStorageAccount icloudStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageConnectionString);
            //CloudTableClient itableClient = icloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();

            //string tableName = "Costs";
            //CloudTable icloudTable = itableClient.GetTableReference(tableName);

            BlobClient blobClient = icontainerClient.GetBlobClient(blobItem.Name);

            log.LogInformation("blob is " + blobItem.Name);
            if (await blobClient.ExistsAsync())
                var response = await blobClient.DownloadAsync();

                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(response.Value.Content))
                    bool Continue = true;
                    int  count    = 0;
                    while (!streamReader.EndOfStream && Continue)
                        var csvLine = await streamReader.ReadLineAsync();

                        //  log.LogInformation(csvLine);
                        string[] values = csvLine.Split(',');
                        // data usage record date must be higher than last pprocessed date

                        if (values[0] != "DepartmentName")
                            resourceUsageDateTime = DateTime.Parse(values[7]);
                            TimeSpan t = resourceUsageDateTime.Date.Subtract(lastProcessedDate.Date);
                            DayDiff = t.Days;
                            // DayDiff = 1 ;

                            if (DayDiff >= 0 || DayDiff < 0)
                                // Skip first line as contains header
                                string rowKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
                                ResourceUsageEntity resourceUsageEntity = new ResourceUsageEntity(values[7], rowKey);
                                resourceUsageEntity.DepartmentName   = values[0];
                                resourceUsageEntity.AccountName      = values[1];
                                resourceUsageEntity.AccountOwnerId   = values[2];
                                resourceUsageEntity.SubscriptionGuid = values[3];
                                resourceUsageEntity.SubscriptionName = values[4];
                                resourceUsageEntity.ResourceGroup    = values[5];
                                resourceUsageEntity.ResourceLocation = values[6];
                                resourceUsageEntity.UsageDateTime    = values[7];
                                resourceUsageEntity.ProductName      = values[8];
                                resourceUsageEntity.MeterCategory    = values[9];
                                resourceUsageEntity.MeterSubcategory = values[10];
                                resourceUsageEntity.MeterId          = values[11];
                                resourceUsageEntity.MeterName        = values[12];
                                resourceUsageEntity.MeterRegion      = values[13];
                                resourceUsageEntity.UnitOfMeasure    = values[14];
                                resourceUsageEntity.UsageQuantity    = values[15];
                                resourceUsageEntity.ResourceRate     = values[16];
                                resourceUsageEntity.PreTaxCost       = values[17];
                                resourceUsageEntity.CostCenter       = values[18];
                                resourceUsageEntity.ConsumedService  = values[19];
                                resourceUsageEntity.ResourceType     = values[20];
                                resourceUsageEntity.InstanceId       = values[21];
                                resourceUsageEntity.Tags             = values[22];
                                resourceUsageEntity.OfferId          = values[23];
                                resourceUsageEntity.AdditionalInfo   = values[24];
                                //  resourceUsageEntity.ETag = "*";

                                // log.LogInformation("About to write to table");
                                itableOperation = TableOperation.Insert(resourceUsageEntity);
                                var tableresult = icloudTable.ExecuteAsync(itableOperation);
                    log.LogInformation("Completed write of csv, count= " + count.ToString());
Esempio n. 6
        static async Task Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Azure Blob storage v12 - .NET quickstart sample\n");

            // Retrieve the connection string for use with the application. The storage
            // connection string is stored in an environment variable on the machine
            // running the application called AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING. If the
            // environment variable is created after the application is launched in a
            // console or with Visual Studio, the shell or application needs to be closed
            // and reloaded to take the environment variable into account.
            string connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING");
            // Create a BlobServiceClient object which will be used to create a container client
            BlobServiceClient blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(connectionString);

            //Create a unique name for the container
            string containerName = "quickstartblobs" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            // Create the container and return a container client object
            BlobContainerClient containerClient = await blobServiceClient.CreateBlobContainerAsync(containerName);

            // Create a local file in the ./data/ directory for uploading and downloading
            string localPath     = "./data/";
            string fileName      = "quickstart" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".txt";
            string localFilePath = Path.Combine(localPath, fileName);

            // Write text to the file
            await File.WriteAllTextAsync(localFilePath, "Hello, World!");

            // Get a reference to a blob
            BlobClient blobClient = containerClient.GetBlobClient(fileName);

            Console.WriteLine("Uploading to Blob storage as blob:\n\t {0}\n", blobClient.Uri);
            using (var FileStream = File.OpenRead(localFilePath))
                await blobClient.UploadAsync(FileStream, true);

            //Console.WriteLine("Listing the blobs.......");
            ////Listing all the blobs
            //await foreach (BlobItem blobItem in blobContainer.GetBlobsAsync())
            //    Console.WriteLine("\t" + blobItem.Name);

            // Download the blob to a local file
            // Append the string "DOWNLOAD" before the .txt extension
            // so you can compare the files in the data directory
            string downloadFilePath = localFilePath.Replace(".txt", "DOWNLOAD.txt");

            Console.WriteLine("\nDownloading blob to\n\t{0}\n", downloadFilePath);

            // Download the blob's contents and save it to a file
            BlobDownloadInfo download = await blobClient.DownloadAsync();

            using (FileStream downloadFileStream = File.OpenWrite(downloadFilePath))
                await download.Content.CopyToAsync(downloadFileStream);

            // Clean up
            Console.Write("Press any key to begin clean up");

            Console.WriteLine("Deleting blob container...");
            await containerClient.DeleteAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("Deleting the local source and downloaded files...");

#pragma warning disable CA1822 // Does not acces instance data can be marked static.
        public virtual async Task <Segment> BuildSegment(
#pragma warning restore CA1822 // Can't mock static methods in MOQ.
            bool async,
            string manifestPath,
            SegmentCursor cursor = default)
            // Models we need for later
            List <Shard>   shards     = new List <Shard>();
            DateTimeOffset dateTime   = manifestPath.ToDateTimeOffset().Value;
            int            shardIndex = cursor?.ShardIndex ?? 0;

            // Download segment manifest
            BlobClient       blobClient = _containerClient.GetBlobClient(manifestPath);
            BlobDownloadInfo blobDownloadInfo;

            if (async)
                blobDownloadInfo = await blobClient.DownloadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                blobDownloadInfo = blobClient.Download();

            // Parse segment manifest
            JsonDocument jsonManifest;

            if (async)
                jsonManifest = await JsonDocument.ParseAsync(blobDownloadInfo.Content).ConfigureAwait(false);
                jsonManifest = JsonDocument.Parse(blobDownloadInfo.Content);

            // Initalized Finalized field
            string statusString = jsonManifest.RootElement.GetProperty("status").GetString();
            bool   finalized    = statusString == "Finalized";

            int i = 0;

            foreach (JsonElement shardJsonElement in jsonManifest.RootElement.GetProperty("chunkFilePaths").EnumerateArray())
                string shardPath = shardJsonElement.ToString().Substring("$blobchangefeed/".Length);
                Shard  shard     = await _shardFactory.BuildShard(


            return(new Segment(
        private static async Task OperateBlobAsync()
            string tempDirectory   = null;
            string destinationPath = null;
            string sourcePath      = null;
            BlobContainerClient blobContainerClient = null;

            // Retrieve the connection string for use with the application. The storage connection string is stored
            // in an environment variable on the machine running the application called AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTIONSTRING.
            // If the environment variable is created after the application is launched in a console or with Visual
            // Studio, the shell needs to be closed and reloaded to take the environment variable into account.
            string storageConnectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTIONSTRING");

            if (storageConnectionString == null)
                Console.WriteLine("A connection string has not been defined in the system environment variables. " +
                                  "Add a environment variable named 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTIONSTRING' with your storage " +
                                  "connection string as a value.");


                // Create a container called 'quickstartblob' and append a GUID value to it to make the name unique.
                string containerName = "quickstartblob" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                blobContainerClient = new BlobContainerClient(storageConnectionString, containerName);
                await blobContainerClient.CreateAsync();

                Console.WriteLine($"Created container '{blobContainerClient.Uri}'");

                // Set the permissions so the blobs are public.
                await blobContainerClient.SetAccessPolicyAsync(PublicAccessType.Blob);

                Console.WriteLine("Setting the Blob access policy to public.");

                // Create a file in a temp directory folder to upload to a blob.
                tempDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName());
                string blobFileName = $"QuickStart_{Path.GetRandomFileName()}.txt";
                sourcePath = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, blobFileName);

                // Write text to this file.
                File.WriteAllText(sourcePath, "Storage Blob Quickstart.");
                Console.WriteLine($"Created Temp file = {sourcePath}");

                // Get a reference to the blob named "sample-blob", then upload the file to the blob.
                Console.WriteLine($"Uploading file to Blob storage as blob '{blobFileName}'");
                string     blobName = "sample-blob";
                BlobClient blob     = blobContainerClient.GetBlobClient(blobName);

                // Open this file and upload it to blob
                using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(sourcePath))
                    await blob.UploadAsync(fileStream);

                Console.WriteLine("Uploaded successfully.");

                // List the blobs in the container.
                Console.WriteLine("Listing blobs in container.");
                await foreach (BlobItem item in blobContainerClient.GetBlobsAsync())
                    Console.WriteLine($"The blob name is '{item.Name}'");

                Console.WriteLine("Listed successfully.");

                // Append the string "_DOWNLOADED" before the .txt extension so that you can see both files in the temp directory.
                destinationPath = sourcePath.Replace(".txt", "_DOWNLOADED.txt");

                // Download the blob to a file in same directory, using the reference created earlier.
                Console.WriteLine($"Downloading blob to file in the temp directory {destinationPath}");
                BlobDownloadInfo blobDownload = await blob.DownloadAsync();

                using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenWrite(destinationPath))
                    await blobDownload.Content.CopyToAsync(fileStream);

                Console.WriteLine("Downloaded successfully.");
            catch (RequestFailedException ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error returned from the service: {ex.Message}");
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to delete the sample files and example container.");

                // Clean up resources. This includes the container and the two temp files.
                Console.WriteLine("Deleting the container and any blobs it contains.");
                if (blobContainerClient != null)
                    await blobContainerClient.DeleteAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("Deleting the local source file and local downloaded files.");
                if (File.Exists(sourcePath))
                if (File.Exists(destinationPath))
                if (Directory.Exists(tempDirectory))
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>Fetch raw text from storage.</summary>
        /// <param name="id">The storage ID returned by <see cref="SaveAsync"/>.</param>
        public async Task <StoredFileInfo> GetAsync(string id)
            // fetch from blob storage
            if (Guid.TryParseExact(id, "N", out Guid _))
                // Azure Blob storage
                if (this.HasAzure)
                        BlobClient blob = this.GetAzureBlobClient(id);
                        Response <BlobDownloadInfo> response = await blob.DownloadAsync();

                        using BlobDownloadInfo result = response.Value;

                        using StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(result.Content);
                        DateTimeOffset expiry  = result.Details.LastModified + TimeSpan.FromDays(this.ExpiryDays);
                        string         content = this.GzipHelper.DecompressString(reader.ReadToEnd());

                        return(new StoredFileInfo
                            Success = true,
                            Content = content,
                            Expiry = expiry.UtcDateTime
                    catch (RequestFailedException ex)
                        return(new StoredFileInfo
                            Error = ex.ErrorCode == "BlobNotFound"
                                ? "There's no file with that ID."
                                : $"Could not fetch that file from storage ({ex.ErrorCode}: {ex.Message})."

                // local filesystem for testing
                    FileInfo file = new FileInfo(this.GetDevFilePath(id));
                    if (file.Exists)
                        if (file.LastWriteTimeUtc.AddDays(this.ExpiryDays) < DateTime.UtcNow)
                            return(new StoredFileInfo
                                Success = true,
                                Content = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName),
                                Expiry = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(this.ExpiryDays),
                                Warning = "This file was saved temporarily to the local computer. This should only happen in a local development environment."
                    return(new StoredFileInfo
                        Error = "There's no file with that ID."

            // get from Pastebin
                PasteInfo response = await this.Pastebin.GetAsync(id);

                response.Content = this.GzipHelper.DecompressString(response.Content);
                return(new StoredFileInfo
                    Success = response.Success,
                    Content = response.Content,
                    Error = response.Error
Esempio n. 10
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task <StoredFileInfo> GetAsync(string id, bool renew)
            // fetch from blob storage
            if (Guid.TryParseExact(id, "N", out Guid _))
                // Azure Blob storage
                if (this.HasAzure)
                        // get client
                        BlobClient blob = this.GetAzureBlobClient(id);

                        // extend expiry
                        if (renew)
                            await blob.SetMetadataAsync(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                                ["expiryRenewed"] = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("O")
                            });                                                                                                                // change the blob's last-modified date (the specific property set doesn't matter)
                        // fetch file
                        Response <BlobDownloadInfo> response = await blob.DownloadAsync();

                        using BlobDownloadInfo result = response.Value;
                        using StreamReader reader     = new StreamReader(result.Content);
                        DateTimeOffset expiry  = result.Details.LastModified + TimeSpan.FromDays(this.ExpiryDays);
                        string         content = this.GzipHelper.DecompressString(reader.ReadToEnd());

                        // build model
                        return(new StoredFileInfo
                            Success = true,
                            Content = content,
                            Expiry = expiry.UtcDateTime
                    catch (RequestFailedException ex)
                        return(new StoredFileInfo
                            Error = ex.ErrorCode == "BlobNotFound"
                                ? "There's no file with that ID."
                                : $"Could not fetch that file from storage ({ex.ErrorCode}: {ex.Message})."

                // local filesystem for testing
                    // get file
                    FileInfo file = new FileInfo(this.GetDevFilePath(id));
                    if (file.Exists && file.LastWriteTimeUtc.AddDays(this.ExpiryDays) < DateTime.UtcNow) // expired
                    if (!file.Exists)
                        return(new StoredFileInfo
                            Error = "There's no file with that ID."

                    // renew
                    if (renew)
                        File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(file.FullName, DateTime.UtcNow);

                    // build model
                    return(new StoredFileInfo
                        Success = true,
                        Content = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName),
                        Expiry = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(this.ExpiryDays),
                        Warning = "This file was saved temporarily to the local computer. This should only happen in a local development environment."

            // get from Pastebin
                PasteInfo response = await this.Pastebin.GetAsync(id);

                response.Content = this.GzipHelper.DecompressString(response.Content);
                return(new StoredFileInfo
                    Success = response.Success,
                    Content = response.Content,
                    Error = response.Error