//public void Slide (string text, string name, bool left){ public void TextNameDirection(string textnamedirection) { string[] words = textnamedirection.Split(char.Parse("+")); //textnamedirection.Split (" "); string text = words [0]; string name = words [1]; bool left; BBoxScript.ClearTextHolder(); if (words [2].Equals("left")) { left = true; } else { left = false; } GameManager.TextNumber++; if (left == true) { BBoxScript.setLeftPictureName(name); } else { BBoxScript.setRightPictureName(name); BBoxScript.SwitchBoxDirection(); //Debug.Log (left); } BBoxScript.Slide(text); }
IEnumerator PauseAndOpenTextBox() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f)); // BBScript.ChangeText ("Oh ho, so you've arrived!"); GameManager.Scene = "Castle 1"; // BlackBoxScript.SpeedAble = true; BBScript.SwitchBoxDirection(); BBScript.Slide("Oh ho, so you've arrived!"); BlackBoxScript.FinishedText = false; }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (ControllerScript.getTimeControl() == false) { if (other.tag == "enemybody") { GameObject Root; if (other.gameObject.GetComponent <shooter>() == null) { Root = other.gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject; } else { Root = other.gameObject; } if (Root.GetComponent <enemyHealth>().getBlinking() == false && Root.GetComponent <enemyHealth>().getDead() == false) { if (PlayerAnimator.isAttack1ing == true) { Damage = 3; } else if (PlayerAnimator.isAttack2ing == true) { Damage = 1; PlayerController Script = transform.root.GetComponent <PlayerController>(); if (PlayerAnimator.Attack2JumpCount < 3 && ControllerScript.getAttack2Bounce() == false) { Script.Jump(); PlayerAnimator.Attack2JumpCount++; } } //Sends the damage Root.SendMessage("takeDamage", Damage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } if (other.tag == "Devilchu") { GameManager.Scene = "Field Extra 2"; GameManager.EventNumber = 0; BBoxScript.Slide("OWWW!! HEY! That actually really hurt!!!"); BBoxScript.setLeftPictureName("Devilchu"); BBoxScript.ActivateEmoticon("Devilchu", "Angry", false); } if (other.tag == "Breakable") { if (other.GetComponent <BreakableGround>() != null) { BreakableGround BGroundScript = other.GetComponent <BreakableGround>(); if (BGroundScript.getisAlive() == true) { BGroundScript.Explode(); } } else if (other.GetComponent <BlockCollider2>() != null) { BreakableGroundGravity BGroundScript = other.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <BreakableGroundGravity>(); if (BGroundScript.getisAlive() == true) { BGroundScript.TakeDamage(); } } } } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (GameManager.EnableTriggers == true && ControllerScript.getTimeControl() == false) { if (CameraEventTrigger) { if (other.tag == "Player") { if (GameManager.Location == "Castle") { GameManager.CutsceneEnabled = true; PlayerController.canControl = false; CameraScript.setEventTrigger(true); isActive = false; if (GameManager.Scene == "Castle 1") { DisableForCutScene(); AnimatorScript.IdleInstance(); HealthScript.HideHearts(); StartCoroutine(PauseAndOpenTextBox("Oh ho, so you've arrived!", false, "The Masked Man")); GameManager.Scene = "Castle 1"; // CameraAnimator.WalkToCutscene = true; } } if (GameManager.Location == "Field") { if (TriggerNumber == 3) { GameManager.CutsceneEnabled = true; GameManager.Scene = "Field Leafree"; PlayerController.canControl = false; AnimatorScript.IdleInstance(); DisableForCutScene(); CameraScript.setEventTrigger(true); HealthScript.HideHearts(); isActive = false; GameManager.EventNumber = 1; StartCoroutine(PauseAndOpenTextBox("Hey Devichi!", false, "Leafree")); } } } } else if (TextEventTrigger) { if (other.tag == "Player") { if (isActive == true) { if (GameManager.Location == "Field") { //Step on Devilchu's Head if (TriggerNumber == 1) { //Debug.Log("TEST2"); //if (BBoxScript.getisOpen() == false){ // Debug.Log("TEST"); GameManager.Scene = "Field Extra 1"; GameManager.EventNumber = 0; BBoxScript.setLeftPictureName("Devilchu"); BBoxScript.Slide("AHHHH!! Why are you jumping on my head???"); BBoxScript.ActivateEmoticon("Devilchu", "Angry", false); //} } if (TriggerNumber == 2) { //GameManager.CutsceneEnabled = true; PlayerController.canControl = false; // PlayerController.vel.x = 0.0f; AnimatorScript.RunningInstance(true); GameManager.Scene = "Field 2"; GameManager.EventNumber = 1; } } if (GameManager.Location == "CaveCutscene") { if (TriggerNumber == 2) { PlayerController.vel.x = 0.0f; GameManager.Scene = "OntoCaveCutscene 4"; StartCoroutine(DelayFadeIn()); // Debug.Log ("Bslkdjfklsf"); } } if (OnGroundOnly == false) { if (DisableOnTrigger) { Destroy(gameObject); } } } } } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //Debug.Log (GameManager.EventNumber); if (EnabledTriggers == true) { EnableTriggers = true; } else { EnableTriggers = false; } if (isFadingIn) { if (FadeIn + 0.015f < 1.0f) { FadeIn += 0.015f; CutsceneBlue.GetComponent <GUITexture>().color = new Color(FadeColour, FadeColour, FadeColour, FadeIn); } else { EventNumber++; isFadingIn = false; } } if (isFadingOut) { if (FadeIn - 0.015f > 0) { FadeIn -= 0.015f; CutsceneBlue.GetComponent <GUITexture>().color = new Color(FadeColour, FadeColour, FadeColour, FadeIn); } else { EventNumber++; isFadingOut = false; CutsceneBlue.GetComponent <GUITexture>().enabled = false; } } if (FadeInAndOut == true) { if (CutsceneBlue.GetComponent <GUITexture>().enabled == false) { CutsceneBlue.GetComponent <GUITexture>().enabled = true; FadeIn = 0.0f; CutsceneBlue.GetComponent <GUITexture>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, FadeIn); Whiten = true; } if (Whiten == true) { if (FadeIn + 0.015f < 1.0f) { FadeIn += 0.015f; CutsceneBlue.GetComponent <GUITexture>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, FadeIn); } else { //DO SOMETHING.... Whiten = false; } } if (Whiten == false) { if (FadeIn - 0.015f > 0) { FadeIn -= 0.015f; CutsceneBlue.GetComponent <GUITexture>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, FadeIn); } else { EventNumber++; TextNumber++; CutsceneBlue.GetComponent <GUITexture>().enabled = false; FadeInAndOut = false; } } } if (Location == "Field") { if (Scene == "Field 1") { if (EventNumber == 0) { if (FadeIn - 0.015f > 0) { FadeIn -= 0.015f; CutsceneBlue.GetComponent <GUITexture>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, FadeIn); } else { CutsceneBlue.GetComponent <GUITexture>().enabled = false; EventNumber++; //BlackBoxScript.SpeedAble = true; BBScript.setLeftPictureName("Devilchu"); BBScript.setRightPictureName("Devichi"); BBScript.Slide("...And that is why apples are factually the superior fruit!~"); BBScript.ActivateEmoticon("Devilchu", "Happy", false); } } else if (EventNumber == 1) { } } } if (Location == "FieldCutscene") { if (Scene == "FieldCutscene 1") { if (EventNumber == 1) { BBScript.Slide("Hey you!"); BBScript.setRightPictureName("Leafree"); BBScript.SwitchBoxDirection(); EventNumber++; //TextNumber = EventNumber; } if (EventNumber == 9) { Scene = "FieldCutscene 2"; MyAnimation.Play("FieldLeafree 2", 0, 0.0f); EventNumber++; } } if (Scene == "FieldCutscene 2") { if (EventNumber == 15) { Scene = "FieldCutscene 3"; EventNumber = 0; TextNumber = 0; MyAnimation.Play("FieldLeafree 3", 0, 0.0f); } } } }
void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) { if (other.tag == "Player") { if (BBoxScript.getisOpen() == false) { if (Sign == "Jump") { GameManager.Scene = "Sign 1"; GameManager.EventNumber = 0; BBoxScript.setLeftPictureName("Sign-san"); BBoxScript.Slide("Press the Up Arrow to jump!!!"); } else if (Sign == "Attack") { GameManager.Scene = "Sign 2"; GameManager.EventNumber = 0; BBoxScript.setLeftPictureName("Sign-san"); BBoxScript.Slide("Press the Z key to attack the leaf monsters!!!"); } else if (Sign == "JumpAttack") { GameManager.Scene = "Sign 3"; GameManager.EventNumber = 0; BBoxScript.setLeftPictureName("Sign-san"); BBoxScript.Slide("Press Z while jumping to do a spinning attack!"); } else if (Sign == "JumpAttackX3") { GameManager.Scene = "Sign 4"; GameManager.EventNumber = 0; BBoxScript.setLeftPictureName("Sign-san"); BBoxScript.Slide("You bounce when you do your jump attack. You can bounce up to 3 times before you have to land again."); } else if (Sign == "WallClimb") { GameManager.Scene = "Sign 5"; GameManager.EventNumber = 0; BBoxScript.setLeftPictureName("Sign-san"); BBoxScript.Slide("You can climb blocks with paw-prints by holding the direction of the block (left/right), and pressing jump (up)."); } else if (Sign == "WallJump") { GameManager.Scene = "Sign 6"; GameManager.EventNumber = 0; BBoxScript.setLeftPictureName("Sign-san"); BBoxScript.Slide("Wall climb back and forth to {w{a{l{l{-{j{u{m{p. Wall-jumping is a bit faster than climbing, but it takes some practice."); } else if (Sign == "WallJump 2") { GameManager.Scene = "Sign 7"; GameManager.EventNumber = 0; BBoxScript.setLeftPictureName("Sign-san"); BBoxScript.Slide("You can jump A LOT further horizontally by wall jumping compared to jumping regularly!"); } else if (Sign == "Obstacles") { GameManager.Scene = "Sign 8"; GameManager.EventNumber = 0; BBoxScript.setLeftPictureName("Sign-san"); BBoxScript.Slide("Some deadly obstacles, such as spikes and saws, result in <i<n<s<t<a<n<t <d<e<a<t<h on contact."); } } } }
void FixedUpdate() { if (Time.time > j + 1) { j = Time.time; k = 0; } else { k++; } if (GameManager.CutsceneEnabled == false) { isGroundedTimeControl(IsGroundedList); ExternalForceTimeControl(ExternalForceList); FlinchTimeControl(isFlinchingList); VelocityTimeControl(VelocityList); //Position and central time control list if (TimeControl == false) { myList.Add(transform.position); } if (TimeControl == true) { if (AutomatedTimeControl == true && TimeControlGrounded == true && AutomatedTimer == false) //&& transform.position.x <= SpawnPoint.x){ { AutomatedTimeControl = false; vel.x = 0.0f; TimeControl = false; canControl = true; Vision.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = false; TimeSpeed = 1.0f; Time.timeScale = 1.0f; if (GameManager.Scene == "Field 2" && GameManager.EventNumber == 1 && AutomatedTimer == false) { canControl = false; GameManager.CutsceneEnabled = true; BBScript.setLeftPictureName("Devichi"); GameManager.EventNumber++; BBScript.Slide("...!!! I thought I was a goner... What was that?"); } } transform.position = myList [myList.Count - 1]; myList.RemoveAt(myList.Count - 1); if (AutomatedTimeControl == false) { if (TimeSpeed < 3.0f) { if (Time.time > initTime + 3.0f) { TimeSpeed += 0.02f; } if (TimeSpeed < 1.0f) { TimeSpeed += 0.01f; } } else { TimeSpeed += 0.001f; } Time.timeScale = TimeSpeed; } if (myList.Count == 0) { TimeControl = false; canControl = true; Vision.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = false; Time.timeScale = 1.0f; TimeSpeed = 1.0f; } } //Velocity Time control Lists // } }