protected override void FixupTargetLogo() { if (Logo != null) { Logo.Dispose(); Logo = null; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetName)) { if (NativeMethods.FileExtensionIs(targetName, ".circle")) { Logo = GetLogoFromRing(targetName); } } if (Logo == null) { Logo = BitmapPainter.ConvertToRealColors(KrentoRing.DefaultRingImage, false); } AnimatedLogo = ImageAnimator.CanAnimate(Logo); if (!AnimatedLogo) { Logo = BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(Logo, FileImage.ImageSize, FileImage.ImageSize, true); } SaveLogoToCache(); }
protected virtual void DoPaintBackground() { Rectangle workingArea; float offset = 0; int imageSize = 0; if (GlobalConfig.LowMemory) { workingArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)maxSize, (int)maxSize); } else { imageSize = (int)(maxSize * scale); offset = (float)((manager.StoneSize - maxSize * scale) / 2); workingArea = new Rectangle((int)offset, (int)offset, imageSize, imageSize); } if ((backgroundBitmap != IntPtr.Zero)) { if (isMouseDown && (!MouseOverSettingsButton)) { BitmapPainter.DrawImageScaled(backgroundBitmap, window.Buffer.Handle, (int)offset, (int)offset, backgroundBitmapWidth, backgroundBitmapHeight, imageSize, imageSize, 180); } else { BitmapPainter.DrawImageScaled(backgroundBitmap, window.Buffer.Handle, (int)offset, (int)offset, backgroundBitmapWidth, backgroundBitmapHeight, imageSize, imageSize); } } }
protected void FixupCustomLogo() { StopAnimation(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customIcon)) { return; } Bitmap newImage = FastBitmap.FromFile(customIcon); if (newImage == null) { return; } if (Logo != null) { Logo.Dispose(); Logo = null; } AnimatedLogo = NativeMethods.IsAnimatedGIF(customIcon); if (AnimatedLogo) { Logo = newImage; } else { Logo = BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(newImage, FileImage.ImageSize, FileImage.ImageSize, true); } SaveLogoToCache(); }
private void LoadLogo(string name) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { LoadDefaultLogo(); } else { if (Logo != null) { Logo.Dispose(); Logo = null; } string fullName = FileOperations.StripFileName(name); if (FileOperations.FileExists(fullName)) { Bitmap tmp = FastBitmap.FromFile(fullName); if (tmp != null) { Logo = BitmapPainter.ConvertToRealColors(tmp, false); tmp.Dispose(); } } if (Logo == null) { LoadDefaultLogo(); } } }
protected override void AssignDefaultImage() { Image tmp = null; EmptyCustomIcon(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceName)) { tmp = NativeThemeManager.LoadBitmap(resourceName); } else if (defaultImage != null) { tmp = BitmapPainter.ConvertToRealColors(defaultImage, false); } else { tmp = NativeThemeManager.Load("UnknownFile.png"); } if (tmp != null) { if (imgLogo.Image != null) { imgLogo.Image.Dispose(); imgLogo.Image = null; } imgLogo.Image = BitmapPainter.ConvertToRealColors(tmp, false); tmp.Dispose(); tmp = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the image and resizes it /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">Name of the file.</param> /// <param name="newWidth">The new width.</param> /// <param name="newHeight">The new height.</param> /// <returns></returns> public Image LoadImage(string fileName, int newWidth, int newHeight) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { return(null); } string imageFile; if (Path.IsPathRooted(fileName)) { imageFile = fileName; } else { imageFile = Path.Combine(currentFolder, fileName); } try { Image tmp = Image.FromFile(imageFile); tmp = BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(tmp, newWidth, newHeight, true); return(tmp); } catch { return(null); } }
protected virtual void PaintItem(Graphics g, DockItem item) { if (item != null) { if (item.Scale == 1.0f) { if (item.Alpha == 255) { BitmapPainter.DrawImageUnscaled(item.Icon, g, item.X, item.Y); } else { BitmapPainter.DrawImageUnscaled(item.Icon, g, item.X, item.Y, item.Alpha); } } else { if (item.Alpha == 255) { BitmapPainter.DrawImageScaled(item.Icon, g, item.X, item.Y, item.PaintWidth, item.PaintHeight); } else { BitmapPainter.DrawImageScaled(item.Icon, g, item.X, item.Y, item.PaintWidth, item.PaintHeight, item.Alpha); } } } }
private void LoadDefaultLogo() { if (Logo != null) { Logo.Dispose(); } Logo = BitmapPainter.ConvertToRealColors(DefaultRingImage, false); }
public void ReloadButtonDelete(string fileName) { buttonRemoveStone.NormalFace = FastBitmap.FromFile(fileName); if (buttonRemoveStone.NormalFace == null) { buttonRemoveStone.NormalFace = BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(NativeThemeManager.LoadBitmap("ButtonStoneDelete.png"), buttonSize, buttonSize, true); } buttonRemoveStone.SetSize(buttonSize, buttonSize); }
public void ReloadButtonSelect(string fileName) { buttonChangeType.NormalFace = FastBitmap.FromFile(fileName); if (buttonChangeType.NormalFace == null) { buttonChangeType.NormalFace = BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(NativeThemeManager.LoadBitmap("ButtonStoneSelect.png"), buttonSize, buttonSize, true); } buttonChangeType.SetSize(buttonSize, buttonSize); }
internal void LoadOptimizedBackgroundImage(Bitmap original) { if (backgroundImage != null) { backgroundImage.Dispose(); backgroundImage = null; } backgroundImage = BitmapPainter.BuildImageFromSkin(original, Width, Height, defaultMargins); }
public void ReloadButtonResources() { buttonAbout.NormalFace = BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(NativeThemeManager.LoadBitmap("ButtonStoneAbout.png"), buttonSize, buttonSize, true); buttonChangeType.NormalFace = BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(NativeThemeManager.LoadBitmap("ButtonStoneSelect.png"), buttonSize, buttonSize, true); buttonConfigureStone.NormalFace = BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(NativeThemeManager.LoadBitmap("ButtonStoneEdit.png"), buttonSize, buttonSize, true); buttonRemoveStone.NormalFace = BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(NativeThemeManager.LoadBitmap("ButtonStoneDelete.png"), buttonSize, buttonSize, true); buttonAbout.SetSize(buttonSize, buttonSize); buttonChangeType.SetSize(buttonSize, buttonSize); buttonConfigureStone.SetSize(buttonSize, buttonSize); buttonRemoveStone.SetSize(buttonSize, buttonSize); }
internal override void LoadBackground() { base.LoadBackground(); if (textField != null) { textField.Dispose(); textField = null; } textField = BitmapPainter.BuildImageFromSkin(searchField, Width - Distance * 2, searchTextHeight + 4, new SkinOffset(12, 12, 12, 12)); }
protected internal void FixupResourceLogo() { if (Logo == null) { Bitmap tmp = NativeThemeManager.LoadBitmap(ResourceName); Logo = BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(tmp, FileImage.ImageSize, FileImage.ImageSize); tmp.Dispose(); AnimatedLogo = false; SaveLogoToCache(); } }
public static BitmapDrawable FromBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) { if (bitmap == null) { return(new BitmapDrawable()); } else { Bitmap tmp = BitmapPainter.ConvertToRealColors(bitmap, false); return(new BitmapDrawable(tmp)); } }
private static Bitmap GetLogoFromRing(string ringName) { if (!FileOperations.FileExists(ringName)) { return(null); } KrentoRing ring = new KrentoRing(ringName); Bitmap result = BitmapPainter.ConvertToRealColors(ring.Logo, false); ring.Dispose(); return(result); }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe) { if (wallpaper == null) { base.OnPaint(pe); } else { pe.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; BitmapPainter.CopyImageScaled((Bitmap)wallpaper, pe.Graphics, 0, 0, this.Width, this.Height); base.OnPaint(pe); } }
public Pulsar() : base() { Name = "Pulsar"; pulsarPen = new Pen(Brushes.Pink, 2.0f); frequency = 100; TopMostWindow = true; surfaceImage = NativeThemeManager.LoadBitmap("Pulsar.png"); surfaceImage = BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(surfaceImage, Dimension, Dimension, true); surfaceCache = new CachedBitmap(surfaceImage, this.Canvas); Text = "Krento Pulsar"; VerticalShift = -1; HorizontalShift = 1; }
protected override void Paint() { if (glyph != null) { if (Alpha == 255) { BitmapPainter.DrawImageScaled(glyph, Canvas, Left, Top, Width, Height); } else { BitmapPainter.DrawImageScaled(glyph, Canvas, Left, Top, Width, Height, Alpha); } } }
private void LoadLogo() { string fullLogoFile = FileOperations.StripFileName(logoFile); if (FileOperations.FileExists(fullLogoFile)) { if (imgLogo.Image != null) { imgLogo.Image.Dispose(); } Bitmap tmp = FastBitmap.FromFile(fullLogoFile); imgLogo.Image = BitmapPainter.ConvertToRealColors(tmp, false); tmp.Dispose(); } }
protected virtual void AssignDefaultImage() { Image tmp = null; customIcon = null; tmp = BitmapPainter.ConvertToRealColors(KrentoRing.DefaultRingImage, false); if (tmp != null) { if (imgLogo.Image != null) { imgLogo.Image.Dispose(); imgLogo.Image = null; } imgLogo.Image = BitmapPainter.ConvertToRealColors(tmp, true); } }
protected virtual Bitmap ProcessImage(Image image) { Bitmap result; Bitmap originalResult; int mirrorSize; float denomination = 1.0f; if (image == null) { return(null); } if (dockManager.UseDenomination) { denomination = (float)((float)image.Width / settings.IconSize); result = BitmapPainter.ConvertToRealColors(image, false); } else { if ((image.Width != settings.IconSize) || (image.Height != settings.IconSize)) { result = BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(image, settings.IconSize, settings.IconSize); } else { result = BitmapPainter.ConvertToRealColors(image, false); } } if (settings.ReflectionDepth > 0) { if (dockManager.UseDenomination) { mirrorSize = (int)(settings.ReflectionDepth * denomination); } else { mirrorSize = settings.ReflectionDepth; } originalResult = result; result = (Bitmap)BitmapPainter.CreateReflectionImage(result, mirrorSize); originalResult.Dispose(); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the target icon if the custom icon file name is provided /// </summary> private void UpdateTargetIcon() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customIcon)) { string fullCustomIcon = FileOperations.StripFileName(customIcon); if (FileOperations.FileExists(fullCustomIcon)) { Bitmap tmp = FastBitmap.FromFile(fullCustomIcon); if (imgLogo.Image != null) { imgLogo.Image.Dispose(); imgLogo.Image = null; } imgLogo.Image = BitmapPainter.ConvertToRealColors(tmp, true); } } }
public static Image DownloadSiteIcon(string siteAddress) { if (File.Exists(GlobalConfig.SiteImagesFileName)) { Uri siteUri = new Uri(siteAddress); string imageName = null; string siteHost = siteUri.Host; string[] parts = siteHost.Split('.'); MemIniFile iniFile = new MemIniFile(GlobalConfig.SiteImagesFileName); try { iniFile.Load(); foreach (var part in parts) { imageName = iniFile.ReadString("site", part); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageName)) { if (FileOperations.FileExists(imageName)) { return(BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(FastBitmap.FromFile(FileOperations.StripFileName(imageName)), FileImage.ImageSize, FileImage.ImageSize, true)); } } } //no image for url part, return default image if (iniFile.SectionExists("default")) { imageName = iniFile.ReadString("default", "url"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageName)) { if (FileOperations.FileExists(imageName)) { return(BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(FastBitmap.FromFile(FileOperations.StripFileName(imageName)), FileImage.ImageSize, FileImage.ImageSize, true)); } } } } finally { iniFile.Dispose(); } } return(null); }
private void AssignDefaultIcon() { Image tmp = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(edtTarget.Text)) { return; } customIcon = null; tmp = FileOperations.GetFileLogo(edtTarget.Text); if (tmp != null) { if (imgLogo.Image != null) { imgLogo.Image.Dispose(); imgLogo.Image = null; } imgLogo.Image = BitmapPainter.ConvertToRealColors(tmp, true); } }
public static Image Load(string resourceName, int width, int height) { Bitmap temp = null; try { temp = FastBitmap.FromNativeResource(resourceName); } catch { temp = null; } if (temp != null) { return(BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(temp, width, height, true)); } else { return(null); } }
public void AddCustomIcon(string fileName) { bool found = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { if (FileOperations.FileExists(fileName)) { found = true; } } if (found) { Bitmap tmp = FastBitmap.FromFile(fileName); icons.Add(BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(tmp, 32, 32, true)); } else { icons.Add(BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(NativeThemeManager.Load("SmallKrento.png"), 32, 32, true)); } }
protected void FixupCacheLogo() { //Reload image from cache Bitmap cacheOriginal; if (FileOperations.FileExists(CacheLogoName)) { if (Logo != null) { Logo.Dispose(); Logo = null; } cacheOriginal = FastBitmap.FromFile(CacheLogoName); if (cacheOriginal != null) { if (cacheOriginal.Width == FileImage.ImageSize) { Logo = BitmapPainter.ConvertToRealColors(cacheOriginal, true); AnimatedLogo = false; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the logo URL. This method must be used only in case if custom logo is not /// present or not provided. Check for custom logo using WebsiteImages.CustomSiteIcon method /// and compare result with empty string. /// </summary> /// <param name="newTarget">The new target.</param> private void UpdateLogoURL(string newTarget) { StopAnimation(); Bitmap tmpBitmap = (Bitmap)FileOperations.GetSiteLogo(newTarget); if (Logo != null) { Logo.Dispose(); Logo = null; } AnimatedLogo = ImageAnimator.CanAnimate(tmpBitmap); if (!AnimatedLogo) { Logo = BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(tmpBitmap, FileImage.ImageSize, FileImage.ImageSize, true); } else { Logo = tmpBitmap; } SaveLogoToCache(); }
protected override void BuildItems() { FolderItem item; string fullTarget; DisposeItems(); string fullPath = FileOperations.StripFileName(path); string[] files = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(fullPath); HeaderText = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullPath); item = new FolderItem(fullPath); item.Logo = BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(NativeThemeManager.LoadBitmap("Folder.png"), FileImage.ImageSize, FileImage.ImageSize, true); Items.Add(item); int totalItems = 0; for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { fullTarget = files[i]; if ((File.GetAttributes(fullTarget) & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden) { continue; } totalItems++; if (totalItems > Limit) { totalItems = Limit; break; } item = new FolderItem(fullTarget); if (TextHelper.SameText(Path.GetExtension(fullTarget), ".circle")) { item.Logo = GetLogoFromRing(fullTarget); } if (item.Logo == null) { item.Logo = (Bitmap)FileImage.FileNameImage(fullTarget); } if (item.Logo == null) { if (FileOperations.DirectoryExists(fullTarget)) { item.Logo = NativeThemeManager.LoadBitmap("Folder.png"); } else { item.Logo = NativeThemeManager.LoadBitmap("UnknownFile.png"); } } Items.Add(item); } files = null; }