protected override void OnTargetChanged(Actor actor, BitCode code) { if (this.matches.Contains(actor.Id)) { OnActorChanged(actor); } }
public void TestCompositeAddContains(uint index1, uint index2) { var a = new BitCode(index1); var b = new BitCode(index2); var c = BitCode.CompositeCode.Create(); c.Add(a); c.Add(b); Assert.IsTrue(c.Contains(a)); Assert.IsTrue(c.Contains(b)); }
public void OnBitCodeTargetChanged(Actor target, BitCode code) { var filters = this.quickFilters[code.Index]; if (null != filters && filters.Count > 0) { var filter = filters.First; while (null != filter) { filter.Value.OnBitCodeTargetChanged(target, code); filter = filter.Next; } } }
public void OnBitCodeTargetRemoved(Actor actor, BitCode code) { if (this.locked) { this.actions.Enqueue(new TargetAction { ActionType = TargetActionType.Removed, Actor = actor, Code = code, }); } else { OnTargetRemoved(actor, code); } }
protected override void OnTargetRemoved(Actor actor, BitCode code) { if (null != { if (this.Matcher.MatchCode.Contains(code)) { OnActorUnmatched(actor); } } else { if (actor.CompositeCode.Contains(this.Matcher.MatchCode) && !actor.CompositeCode.Intersect(this.Matcher.ExceptCode)) { OnActorMatched(actor); } } }
protected override void OnTargetAdded(Actor actor, BitCode code) { if (this.matches.Contains(actor.Id)) { if (this.Matcher.ExceptCode.Contains(code)) { this.matches.Remove(actor.Id); OnActorUnmatched(actor); } } else { if (actor.CompositeCode.Contains(this.Matcher.MatchCode) && !actor.CompositeCode.Intersect(this.Matcher.ExceptCode)) { this.matches.Add(actor.Id); OnActorMatched(actor); } } }
private BitCode[] BuildTable() { var bitvalues = GetBitValues(); var codes = new BitCode[256]; uint code = 7; byte bits = 3; foreach (var values in bitvalues) { for (var i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { var value = values[i]; codes[value] = new BitCode(bits, code, value); --code; } code = code << 1 | 1; ++bits; } return(codes); }
protected override void OnTargetChanged(Actor actor, BitCode code) { OnActorChanged(actor); }
public void OnBitCodeTargetChanged(Actor target, BitCode code) { this.filters.OnBitCodeTargetChanged(target, code); }
private BitCode[] BuildCompressionTable(byte[] data, int offset, int length, out ushort max, out CopyData copy) { const byte WRITE_ADD_LIMIT = 15; const byte CODE_LIMIT = 7; const ushort COPY_LIMIT = WRITE_ADD_LIMIT + 1 + CODE_LIMIT; var nodes = new Node[264]; //0-255 normal 256-284 special (264+ not used here) var zeroes = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >(); var count = 0; //build array of most common bytes for (var i = offset; i < length; i++) { var b = data[i]; var n = nodes[b]; if (n == null) { nodes[b] = n = new Node() { value = b, }; ++count; } ++n.weight; if (b == 0) { //some files contain a lot of empty data, searching for zeroes var zerocount = i; while (i < length - 1 && data[i + 1] == b) { ++i; } zerocount = i - zerocount; n.weight += (uint)zerocount; //zeroes will probably be compressed to 1 bit, whereas the copy code will probably be 10+ bits, so it'll take more than 10 to be worthwhile if (zerocount > 10) { ++zerocount; List <int> l; if (!zeroes.TryGetValue(zerocount, out l)) { zeroes[zerocount] = l = new List <int>(); } l.Add(i - zerocount + 1); } zerocount = 0; } } if (zeroes.Count > 0) { var zcounts = new int[zeroes.Count]; zeroes.Keys.CopyTo(zcounts, 0); Array.Sort(zcounts); var zrt = 0; var zct = 0; var zri = -1; var pcount = 0; for (var i = zcounts.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { //find how many zeroes will make the most worthwhile reduction, //assuming zeroes are compressed as 1 bit and copy codes are 10+ //thus at least 11+ zeroes are needed (+1 to act as the reference) var zi = zcounts[i]; var zc = zi - 1; var pc = zeroes[zi].Count; int zr; if (zc > COPY_LIMIT) //max limit { //check if the limit or splitting is more worthwhile zr = pc * (COPY_LIMIT - 10); zc = zc / (zc / COPY_LIMIT + 1); var pc2 = (zi - 1) / zc * pc; var zr2 = pc2 * (zc - 10); if (zr2 > zr) { zr = zr2; pc = pc2; } else { zc = COPY_LIMIT; } } else { zr = pc * (zc - 10); } for (var j = i + 1; j < zcounts.Length; ++j) { zi = zcounts[j]; var c = (zi - 1) / zc * zeroes[zi].Count; pc += c; zr += c * (zc - 10); } if (zr > zrt) { zct = zc; zrt = zr; zri = i; pcount = pc; } } if (zri != -1) { //create ordered array of copy positions var positions = new int[pcount]; var i = 0; for (var j = zri; j < zcounts.Length; ++j) { var zi = zcounts[j]; var z = zeroes[zi]; for (var k = 0; k < z.Count; ++k) { var l = z[k] + 1; var zc = zi - 1; while (zc >= zct) { positions[i++] = l; l += zct; zc -= zct; } } } Array.Sort(positions); var add = zct - 1; var index = 256; if (add > WRITE_ADD_LIMIT) { index += add - WRITE_ADD_LIMIT; add = WRITE_ADD_LIMIT; } //nodes[0].weight -= (uint)(positions.Length * (zct - 1)); nodes[index] = new Node() { value = (ushort)index, weight = (uint)i, }; copy = new CopyData() { count = (ushort)i, value = 0, length = (ushort)zct, positions = positions, index = (ushort)index, add = (byte)add, }; ++count; } else { copy = null; } } else { copy = null; } //sort by least to most common Array.Sort(nodes, delegate(Node a, Node b) { if (a != null && b != null) { int c = (int)a.weight - (int)b.weight; if (c == 0) { c = a.value - b.value; } return(c); } else if (a == b) { return(0); } else if (a != null) { return(-1); } else { return(1); } }); //build tree var q1 = new Queue <Node>(count); var q2 = new Queue <Node>(count / 2); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { q1.Enqueue(nodes[i]); } while (q1.Count + q2.Count > 1) { var a = Dequeue(q1, q2); var b = Dequeue(q1, q2); var parent = new Node() { weight = a.weight + b.weight, n0 = a, n1 = b, }; q2.Enqueue(parent); } var root = Dequeue(q1, q2); var table = new BitCode[264]; q1.Enqueue(root); byte bits = 0; uint code = 0; ushort queued = 0; var comparer = Comparer <Node> .Create( delegate(Node a, Node b) { return(a.value - b.value); }); max = 0; count = 1; //build bit code table do { var n = q1.Dequeue(); if (n.n0 == n.n1) { nodes[queued++] = n; } else { if (n.n0 != null) { q1.Enqueue(n.n0); } if (n.n1 != null) { q1.Enqueue(n.n1); } } if (--count == 0) { if (queued > 0) { Array.Sort(nodes, 0, queued, comparer); for (var i = 0; i < queued; i++) { n = nodes[i]; table[n.value] = new BitCode(bits, code, n.value); --code; } var v = nodes[queued - 1].value; if (v > max) { max = v; } queued = 0; } ++bits; count = q1.Count; code = code << 1 | 1; } }while (count > 0); return(table); }
protected virtual void OnTargetChanged(Actor actor, BitCode code) { }
protected virtual void OnTargetRemoved(Actor actor, BitCode code) { }