private void Awake() { instance = this; birdRigidbody2D = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); birdRigidbody2D.bodyType = RigidbodyType2D.Static; state = State.WaitingToStart; }
private void NameMethod() { Animals b = new Birds(new Fly()); Animals m = new Mammals(new Run()); b.Run.Move(); m.Run.Move(); }
public void TestMethod13() { // Arrange Birds birds1 = new Birds(); // Act Birds birds2 = new Birds("Неизвестный", "Неизвестный", 1, 100); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(birds1, birds2); }
public void SpawnBirds() { for (int i = Birds.Count; i <= 1000; i++) { var bird = new Bird(); bird.MoveToWorld(GetRandomLocation(), Map.ZombieLand); Birds.Add(bird); bird.ZombieSerial = Uid; } }
public void SetBird(Birds bird) { TargetBird = bird; for (int i = 0; i < _trails.Count; i++) { Destroy(_trails[i].gameObject); } _trails.Clear(); }
public PlayGameForm(Guns gun, Birds bird) { InitializeComponent(); this.GameStatus = GameStatus.Continue; this.SelectedGun = gun; this.SelectedBird = bird; SetupCrossHair(); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); }
private void Task_3() { Birds fish = new Birds("hh"); //название переменной fish? для класса Bird? серьезно? переменные должны быть понятными fish.Move(); var anim = new Animals[] { new Fish("Jon"), new Birds("Don"), new Mammals("Shiki") }; foreach (var an in anim) { an.Move(); } }
private void OOP() { Birds fish = new Birds("hh"); fish.Move(); var anim = new Animals[] { new Fish("Jon"), new Birds("Don"), new Mammals("Shiki") }; foreach (var an in anim) { an.Move(); } }
public imgBackgroundOnGame(Guns gun, Birds bird) { // Bắt đầu load form mở đầu InitializeComponent(); this.GameStatus = GameStatus.Continue; this.SelectedGun = gun; this.SelectedBird = bird; SetupCrossHair(); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); }
protected virtual void Restart() { Birds = CreateBirds(); LivingBirds = Birds.ToList(); maxScore = 0; pipes = new List <Pipe>(); pipeSpeed = 5; nextPipeTime = 2000; timeSinceLastPipe = 0; nextPipe = randomPipeGenerator.GenerateNewPipe(pipeTexture.Width); pipes.Add(nextPipe); }
public IHttpActionResult DeleteBirds(int id) { Birds birds = db.Birds.Find(id); if (birds == null) { return(NotFound()); } db.Birds.Remove(birds); db.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(birds)); }
public void ChangeBird() { TapCollider.enabled = false; if (_isGameEnded) { return; } Birds.RemoveAt(0); if (Birds.Count > 0) { SlingShoot.InitiateBirds(Birds[0]); _shotBird = Birds[0]; } }
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (!LivingBirds.Any()) { Restart(); } foreach (var bird in LivingBirds) { bird.Update(nextPipe); } LivingBirds = Birds.Where(bird => bird.IsAlive).ToList(); UpdatePipes(gameTime); base.Update(gameTime); }
void Start() { for (int i = 0; i < Birds.Count; i++) { Birds[i].OnBirdDestroyed += ChangeBird; Birds[i].OnBirdShot += AssignTrail; } SlingShoot.InitiateBirds(Birds[0]); for (int i = 0; i < Enemies.Count; i++) { Enemies[i].OnEnemyDestroyed += CheckGameEnd; } TapCollider.enabled = false; _shotBird = Birds[0]; }
public static void Main() { Implement Imp = new Implement(); Animal animal = new Animal(); Carnivorous cn = new Carnivorous(); Herbivorous hb = new Herbivorous(); Console.WriteLine("Call function with animal obj"); Imp.callFunction(animal); Console.WriteLine("Call function with Carnivorous obj"); Imp.callFunction(cn);//Decision is take during runttime--We can pass object of Base class Animal or any of its derived class //We can call Behaviour method of Child class only with child class object as it is not declared with Virtual keyword Console.WriteLine("Call function with Herbivorous obj"); Imp.callFunction(hb); Birds bird = new Birds(); //Imp.callFunction(bird);--Not possible....We can pass only animal class object or its dervived classes Console.WriteLine("Calling the Behaviour method with Carnivorous class obj"); cn.Behaviour(); Console.ReadLine(); //Animal animal1; //animal1 = new Animal(); //animal1.FoodHabits(); //animal.Behaviour(); //animal1 = new Carnivorous(); //animal1.FoodHabits(); //animal1.Behaviour(); //animal1= new Herbivorous(); //animal1.FoodHabits();//Virtual method will call the corresponding method of what is beeing passed //animal1.Behaviour();//Normal method Always call the method of Base class only ////Carnivorous car = (Carnivorous)new Animal();--Error...Only parent class object can be used for instantiating child class and Viceversa is not possible }
static void Main(string[] args) { var list = new List <object>(); pigs a1 = new pigs("Поросяш", 12, "Свинья", "Хрюкает"); Birds a = new Birds("Вороныч", 4, "Ворон", "Каркает"); cats a2 = new cats("Убунта", 6, "Лев", "Рычит"); list.Add(a1); list.Add(a); list.Add(a2); var array = list.ToArray(); foreach (var elem in array) { Console.WriteLine(elem.ToString()); } Console.Read(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Birds[] bird = new Birds [10]; Random r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < bird.Length; i++) { int rNumber = r.Next(1, 4); switch (rNumber) { case 1: bird[i] = new Sparrow(); break; case 2: bird[i] = new Penguin(); break; case 3: bird[i] = new Parrot(); break; case 4: bird[i] = new Ostrich(); break; } } for (int i = 0; i < bird.Length; i++) { if (bird[i] is Sparrow) { ((Sparrow)bird[i]).Flyable(); } else if (bird[i] is Penguin) { ((Penguin)bird[i]).Flyable(); } else if (bird[i] is Parrot) { ((Parrot)bird[i]).Flyable(); } else if (bird[i] is Ostrich) { ((Ostrich)bird[i]).Flyable(); } } }
public JsonResult Create(Birds birds) { string message = ""; try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Birds.Add(birds); db.SaveChanges(); message = "Data Saved Successfully"; } } catch (Exception) { message = "Error Occured"; } return(Json(message, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Animal a = new Animal(); //a.Move(); //Mammals m = new Mammals(); //m.Move(); //Birds b = new Birds(); //b.Move(); Animal a; a = new Animal(); a.Move(); a = new Mammals(); a.Move(); a = new Birds(); a.Move(); a = new Reptiles(); a.Move(); }
protected override void Restart() { if (Birds != null) { var maxScore = Birds.Select(bird => bird.Score).Max(); if (maxScore >= 100) { var primeBird = Birds.First(bird => bird.Score == maxScore); var weights = aiTrainingFramework.CurrentGenWeights[primeBird.Id]; JsonFileWriter.SerializeWeights(weights, @"D:\VS Projects\MachineLearningGames\flappyBirdWeights.json"); Environment.Exit(0); } var scores = Birds.Select(bird => (bird.Id, (bird.Score + 1) * aliveTime[bird.Id])).ToList(); Controllers = aiTrainingFramework.CreateNewControllers(scores); } aliveTime = Controllers.ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => 0); base.Restart(); }
public IHttpActionResult PostBirds(Birds birds) { db.Birds.Add(birds); try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateException) { if (BirdsExists(birds.ID)) { return(Conflict()); } else { throw; } } return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = birds.ID }, birds)); }
private void btnStartGame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Guns SelectedGun = Guns.Shotgun; Birds SelectedBird = Birds.Parrot; if (cmbGun.SelectedItem.ToString() == "9mm Glock 17") { SelectedGun = Guns.Glock; } else if (cmbGun.SelectedItem.ToString() == "M1 Garand Single") { SelectedGun = Guns.M1Grand; } else if (cmbGun.SelectedItem.ToString() == "ShotGun") { SelectedGun = Guns.Shotgun; } if (cmbBird.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Parrot") { SelectedBird = Birds.Parrot; } else if (cmbBird.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Stork") { SelectedBird = Birds.Stork; } else if (cmbBird.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Crow") { SelectedBird = Birds.Crow; } PlayGameForm playGameForm = new PlayGameForm(SelectedGun, SelectedBird); this.Hide(); playGameForm.ShowDialog(); }
public void CheckForExplosions(float x, float y) { for (int i = 0; i < Birds.Count; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < Birds.Count; j++) { if (Birds[i].IsHit(x, y)) { Birds[i].Flag = true; } } } for (int i = Birds.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (Birds[i].Flag) { if (Birds[i].bomba == true) { sounds[0].Play(); points -= 5; } else { Random random = new Random(); int ran = random.Next(1, 5); sounds[ran].Play(); points += 10; } Birds.RemoveAt(i); } else { sounds[7].Play(); } } }
public IHttpActionResult PutBirds(int id, Birds birds) { if (id != birds.ID) { return(BadRequest()); } string procedure = ""; int number; string connectionString = @"Data Source=DESKTOP-RDKB255\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=articles;Integrated Security=True"; SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); try { string commandStr = $"EXEC BirdsRating @id = '{birds.ID}'," + $" @rating = '{birds.Rating}'"; connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(commandStr, connection); number = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqlException ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } finally { connection.Close(); } if (number != null) { return(Ok()); } return(null); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Birds var Kookaburra = new Birds() { state = "Queensland", Species = Species.Kingfisher }; Kookaburra.Speak(); Kookaburra.Fly(40); var Cockatoo = new Birds() { state = "Western Australia", Species = Species.Parrot }; Cockatoo.Speak(); Cockatoo.Fly(100); Kookaburra.Fly(15); // Pets var Tabby = new Pets("Bundaberg", 12, Species.Cat); Tabby.Birthday(); Tabby.Speak(); var Mutt = new Pets("Murphy", 13, Species.Dog); Mutt.Birthday(); Mutt.Speak(); // Movies var HungerGames = new Movies("Hunger Games", Genre.Distopian); HungerGames.Watch(); HungerGames.Rate(4.5m); var WeddingCrashers = new Movies("Wedding Crashers", Genre.Comdey); WeddingCrashers.Watch(); WeddingCrashers.Rate(4m); // Books var MaryRoach = new Books("Bonk", Genre.Science, 280); MaryRoach.Read(25); MaryRoach.ChangeStatus(); MaryRoach.Rate(4.8m); var BillBryson = new Books("Down Under", Genre.Biography, 250); BillBryson.Read(30); BillBryson.ChangeStatus(); BillBryson.Read(23); BillBryson.Rate(4.1m); Console.ReadKey(); }
private void btnStartGame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Khi click vào nút start game Guns SelectedGun = Guns.Gun00; Birds SelectedBird = Birds.Bird01; #region Cài đặt súng vào game switch (ListGun.SelectedItem.ToString()) { case "Bronze V": SelectedGun = Guns.Gun00; break; case "Bronze IV": SelectedGun = Guns.Gun01; break; case "Bronze III": SelectedGun = Guns.Gun02; break; case "Bronze II": SelectedGun = Guns.Gun03; break; case "Bronze I": SelectedGun = Guns.Gun04; break; case "Silver V": SelectedGun = Guns.Gun05; break; case "Silver IV": SelectedGun = Guns.Gun06; break; case "Silver III": SelectedGun = Guns.Gun07; break; case "Silver II": SelectedGun = Guns.Gun08; break; default: break; } #endregion #region Cài đặt chim vào game switch (ListBird.SelectedItem.ToString()) { case "Bronze V": SelectedBird = Birds.Bird00; break; case "Bronze IV": SelectedBird = Birds.Bird01; break; case "Bronze III": SelectedBird = Birds.Bird02; break; case "Bronze II": SelectedBird = Birds.Bird03; break; case "Bronze I": SelectedBird = Birds.Bird04; break; case "Silver V": SelectedBird = Birds.Dragon00; break; default: break; } #endregion imgBackgroundOnGame playGameForm = new imgBackgroundOnGame(SelectedGun, SelectedBird); this.Hide(); playGameForm.ShowDialog(); }
public void RespawnEvent() { foreach (Mobile zombie in _ZombiesLoc1.ToList()) { if (zombie != null) { zombie.Delete(); } _ZombiesLoc1.Remove(zombie); } _ZombiesLoc1.Clear(); _ZombiesLoc1.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile zombie in _ZombiesLoc2.ToList()) { if (zombie != null) { zombie.Delete(); } _ZombiesLoc2.Remove(zombie); } _ZombiesLoc2.Clear(); _ZombiesLoc2.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile zombie in _ZombiesLoc3.ToList()) { if (zombie != null) { zombie.Delete(); } _ZombiesLoc3.Remove(zombie); } _ZombiesLoc3.Clear(); _ZombiesLoc3.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile zombie in _ZombiesLoc4.ToList()) { if (zombie != null) { zombie.Delete(); } _ZombiesLoc4.Remove(zombie); } _ZombiesLoc4.Clear(); _ZombiesLoc4.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile daemon in Daemons.ToList()) { if (daemon != null) { daemon.Delete(); } Daemons.Remove(daemon); } Daemons.Clear(); Daemons.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile bird in Birds.ToList()) { if (bird != null) { bird.Delete(); } Birds.Remove(bird); } Birds.Clear(); Birds.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile dk in GoreFiends.ToList()) { if (dk != null) { dk.Delete(); } GoreFiends.Remove(dk); } GoreFiends.Clear(); GoreFiends.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile fey in FeyWarriors.ToList()) { if (fey != null) { fey.Delete(); } FeyWarriors.Remove(fey); } FeyWarriors.Clear(); FeyWarriors.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile tentacle in HorrifyingTentacles.ToList()) { if (tentacle != null) { tentacle.Delete(); } HorrifyingTentacles.Remove(tentacle); } HorrifyingTentacles.Clear(); HorrifyingTentacles.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile tf in TreeFellows.ToList()) { if (tf != null) { tf.Delete(); } TreeFellows.Remove(tf); } TreeFellows.Clear(); TreeFellows.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile vitriol in Vitriols.ToList()) { if (vitriol != null) { vitriol.Delete(); } Vitriols.Remove(vitriol); } Vitriols.Clear(); Vitriols.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile spider in ZombieSpiders.ToList()) { if (spider != null) { spider.Delete(); } ZombieSpiders.Remove(spider); } ZombieSpiders.Clear(); ZombieSpiders.TrimExcess(); SpawnZombies(); SpawnDaemons(); SpawnBirds(); SpawnFey(); SpawnSpider(); SpawnTentacles(); SpawnTreeFellow(); SpawnVitriol(); SpawnGoreFiends(); }
private void Start() { Birds.GetInstance().OnDied += Birds_OnDied; Hide(); }
//............................................................................. private void Start() { Birds.GetInstance().OnDied += Birds_OnDied; Birds.GetInstance().OnStartedPlaying += Birds_OnStartedPlaying; }
public void InitiateBirds(Birds bird) { _bird = bird; _bird.MoveTo(gameObject.transform.position, gameObject); Collider.enabled = true; }