Esempio n. 1
        private async Task <string> EnsureTestIndex(BingCommerceIngestion client)
            var allIndexes = await client.GetAllIndexesAsync(TENANT_ID);

            foreach (var index in allIndexes.Indexes)
                if (index.Name == TEST_INDEX_NAME)

            var field = new IndexField()
                Name = "testField01234",
                Type = IndexFieldType.ProductId
            var newIndexReq = new Index()
                Name        = TEST_INDEX_NAME,
                Description = "Created with the csharp unit testing",
                Fields      = new List <IndexField>()
            var createResponse = await client.CreateIndexAsync(TENANT_ID, body : newIndexReq);

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SimpleBingCommercePusher"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">The pusher configurations object</param>
        /// <param name="checkpoint">The checkpoint to poll the data since if it's valid.</param>
        /// <param name="serializer">(Optional): Explicit serialier to be used.</param>
        public SimpleBingCommercePusher(BingCommerceConfig config, IDataCheckpoint checkpoint, IPushSerializer <IDictionary <string, object> > serializer = null)
            var sdkClient = new BingCommerceIngestion(new TokenCredentials(config.AccessToken));
            var logger    = new RequestLogger(config.RequestLogLocation, config.RequestLog);

            this.config             = config;
            this.client             = new IngestionClient(sdkClient, config.TenantId, config.IndexId, config.RetryCount, logger);
            this.tracker            = new StatusTracker(this.client, config.TrackingInterval, logger);
            this.taskManager        = new TaskManager(config.MaxConcurrentRequests);
            this.checkpointAcceptor = new CheckpointAcceptor(checkpoint);
            this.Serializer         = serializer ?? new FormatSerializer(config.PushFormat);

            log.Debug("Successfully created the Simple Bing Commerce Pusher with the provided access token.");
Esempio n. 3
        public IngestionClient(BingCommerceIngestion client, string tenantid, string indexid, uint maxAttempts, RequestLogger logger)
            Require.Instance.IsNotNull(client, nameof(client))
            .IsNotNull(logger, nameof(logger))
            .IsNotNull(tenantid, nameof(tenantid))
            .IsNotNull(indexid, nameof(indexid))
            .IsTrue(maxAttempts > 0, "max attempts cannot be zero or less.");

            this.clientWithRetry = new BingCommerceIngestionWithRetry(client, maxAttempts, 500);

            this.client     = client;
            this.Tenantid   = tenantid;
            this.Indexid    = indexid;
            this.retryCount = maxAttempts;
            this.logger     = logger;
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task TestIngestionClient()
            var attemptCount = 0;
            var failFor      = 6;
            var interceptor  = new TestDelegatingHandler((request) =>
                // Artificial response for the PushDataUpdate API.
                if (failFor > 0)
                    return(new HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout));
                var response     = new HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK);
                response.Content = new StringContent("{}");

            var ingestion = new BingCommerceIngestion(new TokenCredentials("test"), interceptor);

            var client = new IngestionClient(ingestion, "tenant", "index", 5, new RequestLogger(null, RequestLogLevel.None));

            var result = await client.PushDataUpdateAsync("body");


            Assert.AreEqual(5, attemptCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, failFor);

            result = await client.PushDataUpdateAsync("body");


            Assert.AreEqual(7, attemptCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, failFor);
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task TestStatusTracker()
            var updateId = "123";

            var            failAfter   = 2;
            AutoResetEvent signal      = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            var            interceptor = new TestDelegatingHandler((request) =>
                if (request.RequestUri.ToString().Contains("/status/"))
                    // Artificial response for the PushUpdateStatus request.
                    PushUpdateStatusResponse status = new PushUpdateStatusResponse()
                        UpdateId = updateId,
                        Status   = (failAfter-- > 0) ? "InProgress" : "PartiallySucceeded",
                        Records  = new List <ResponseRecordStatus>()
                            new ResponseRecordStatus()
                                RecordId = "1", Status = "Succeeded"
                            new ResponseRecordStatus()
                                RecordId = "2", Status = "Failed", ErrorMessage = "error message"

                    var response     = new HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK);
                    response.Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(status));
                    if (status.Status != "InProgress")

                    // Artificial response for the GetIndex request.
                    var index = new IndexResponse()
                        Indexes = new List <ResponseIndex>()
                            new ResponseIndex
                                Id     = "index",
                                Fields = new List <IndexField>()
                                    new IndexField()
                                        Name = "notid", Type = IndexFieldType.Title
                                    new IndexField()
                                        Name = "myid", Type = IndexFieldType.ProductId
                                    new IndexField()
                                        Name = "alsonotid", Type = IndexFieldType.Description

                    var response     = new HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK);
                    response.Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(index));

                var ingestion = new BingCommerceIngestion(new TokenCredentials("test"), interceptor);
                var logger    = new RequestLogger(".\\log", RequestLogLevel.DeadletterOnly);
                var client    = new IngestionClient(ingestion, "tenant", "index", 1, logger);
                var tracker   = new StatusTracker(client, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), logger);

                tracker.Add(updateId, new List <Dictionary <string, object> >()
                    new Dictionary <string, object>()
                        { "myid", "1" }, { "notid", "something" }, { "stillnotid", "still something" }
                    new Dictionary <string, object>()
                        { "myid", "2" }, { "notid", "something else" }, { "stillnotid", "still something else" }

                Assert.AreEqual(0, Directory.GetFiles(".\\log\\deadletter").Length, "Expecting no files to be in the deadletter directory");


                // Adding an extra 2 seconds delay for two reasons:
                //  1. Make sure to give the tracker the chance to process the api response and logging the failure.
                //  2. Make sure that the failure would be processed only once (the next event would skip it).
                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));

                Assert.AreEqual(1, Directory.GetFiles(".\\log\\deadletter").Length, "Expecting one file to be in the deadletter directory");

                Assert.AreEqual(1, JArray.Parse(File.ReadAllText(Directory.EnumerateFiles(".\\log\\deadletter").First())).Count);
                Directory.Delete(".\\log", true);
        private static async Task <string> EnsureIndex(BingCommerceIngestion client)
            Console.WriteLine($"Trying to find the index with name: {INDEX_NAME}.");
            var allIndexes = await client.GetAllIndexesAsync(TENANT_ID);

            foreach (var index in allIndexes.Indexes)
                if (index.Name == INDEX_NAME)

            Console.WriteLine("Index was not found, now creating one.");

            // Prepare the index fields
            var idField = new IndexField()
                Name        = "ProductId",
                Type        = IndexFieldType.ProductId,
                Filterable  = true,
                Retrievable = true
            var titleField = new IndexField()
                Name       = "ProductTitle",
                Type       = IndexFieldType.Title,
                Filterable = true,
                Searchable = true
            var descriptionField = new IndexField()
                Name       = "ProductDescription",
                Type       = IndexFieldType.Description,
                Filterable = true,
                Searchable = true
            var priceField = new IndexField()
                Name       = "ProductPrice",
                Type       = IndexFieldType.Price,
                Filterable = true,
                Sortable   = true
            var urlField = new IndexField()
                Name        = "ProductDetailsUrl",
                Type        = IndexFieldType.Url,
                Retrievable = true
            var arbitraryTextField = new IndexField()
                Name       = "arbitraryText",
                Type       = IndexFieldType.String,
                Searchable = true
            var arbitraryNumberField = new IndexField()
                Name      = "arbitraryNumber",
                Type      = IndexFieldType.Number,
                Facetable = true

            // Create the request using the prepared fields
            var newIndexReq = new Index()
                Name        = INDEX_NAME,
                Description = "Created with dotnet sdk sample",
                Fields      = { idField, titleField, descriptionField, priceField, urlField, arbitraryTextField, arbitraryNumberField }

            // Send the request, create the index
            var createResponse = await client.CreateIndexAsync(TENANT_ID, body : newIndexReq);

        private static async Task <string> PushData(BingCommerceIngestion ingestionClient, string indexId, string content)
            var pushResponse = await ingestionClient.PushDataUpdateAsync(content, TENANT_ID, indexId);
