Esempio n. 1
        private static ScriptingGraphAuthoring.InputBindingAuthoring GetExistingBinding(
            ScriptingGraphAuthoring authoring, BindingId id)
            var binding = authoring.Values?.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Id.Equals(id));

        private void Construct(SignalManager manager, SignalSettings settings, BindInfo bindInfo)
            _manager = manager;

            SignalId = new BindingId(this.GetType(), bindInfo.Identifier);
            Settings = settings;
Esempio n. 3
        public LookupId(IProvider provider, BindingId bindingId)

            Provider  = provider;
            BindingId = bindingId;
Esempio n. 4
        public static LookupId SpawnLookupId(IProvider provider, BindingId bindingId)
            var lookupId = _lookupIdPool.Spawn();

            lookupId.Provider  = provider;
            lookupId.BindingId = bindingId;

Esempio n. 5
        public void ShouldThrowIfBindingReferenceToUnboundId()
            var fooId = new BindingId();

            _fixture.BindReference <IBar>(fooId);

            var exception = Assert.Throws <DependencyException>(() => _fixture.Resolve <IBar>());

            Assert.That(exception.Message, Does.StartWith("No binding associated with Id for abstraction type IBar. You are missing a call to .Id(...)"));
        public void OnSpawned(
            Action <object> callback, SignalDeclaration declaration)
            _callback    = callback;
            _declaration = declaration;
            // Cache this in case OnDeclarationDespawned is called
            _signalId = declaration.BindingId;

Esempio n. 7
        public void ShouldResolveReferenceToBindingIdDefinedOutsideUsingScope()
            var bar   = new Bar();
            var barId = new BindingId();

            _fixture.BindToSelf <Foo>().Using(x =>
                                              x.BindReference <IBar>(barId));

            var foo = _fixture.Resolve <Foo>();

            Assert.That(foo.Bar, Is.SameAs(bar));
Esempio n. 8
        public SignalDeclaration(
            SignalDeclarationBindInfo bindInfo,
            ZenjectSettings zenjectSettings)
            zenjectSettings = zenjectSettings ?? ZenjectSettings.Default;
            _settings       = zenjectSettings.Signals ?? ZenjectSettings.SignalSettings.Default;

            _bindingId = new BindingId(bindInfo.SignalType, bindInfo.Identifier);
            _missingHandlerResponses = bindInfo.MissingHandlerResponse;
            _isAsync     = bindInfo.RunAsync;
            TickPriority = bindInfo.TickPriority;
Esempio n. 9
 public InjectContext(
     DiContainer container, Type memberType, string identifier, bool optional,
     Type objectType, object objectInstance, string memberName, InjectContext parentContext)
     ObjectType = objectType;
     ObjectInstance = objectInstance;
     Identifier = identifier;
     MemberName = memberName;
     MemberType = memberType;
     Optional = optional;
     Container = container;
     BindingId = new BindingId(memberType, identifier);
     ParentContext = parentContext;
Esempio n. 10
 public InjectContext(
     DiContainer container, Type memberType, string identifier, bool optional,
     Type objectType, object objectInstance, string memberName,
     InjectContext parentContext, string concreteIdentifier,
     object fallBackValue, InjectSources sourceType)
     ObjectType = objectType;
     ObjectInstance = objectInstance;
     Identifier = identifier;
     ConcreteIdentifier = concreteIdentifier;
     MemberName = memberName;
     MemberType = memberType;
     Optional = optional;
     FallBackValue = fallBackValue;
     Container = container;
     BindingId = new BindingId(memberType, identifier);
     ParentContext = parentContext;
     SourceType = sourceType;
Esempio n. 11
        SignalDeclaration GetDeclaration(BindingId signalId, bool requireDeclaration)
            SignalDeclaration handler;

            if (_localDeclarationMap.TryGetValue(signalId, out handler))

            if (_parentBus != null)
                return(_parentBus.GetDeclaration(signalId, requireDeclaration));

            if (requireDeclaration)
                throw Assert.CreateException("Fired undeclared signal '{0}'!", signalId);

Esempio n. 12
 public static LookupId SpawnLookupId(IProvider provider, BindingId bindingId)
     return(new LookupId(provider, bindingId));
        void InstallSingleBinding(Type type, string identifier, ComponentInfo componentInfo)
            var bindingId = new BindingId(type, identifier);

            List<ComponentInfo> infoList;

            if (!_bindings.TryGetValue(bindingId, out infoList))
                infoList = new List<ComponentInfo>();

                _bindings.Add(bindingId, infoList);

                // Note: We only want to register for each unique BindingId once
                // since we return multiple matches in GetAllInstancesWithInjectSplit
                _container.RegisterProvider(bindingId, null, this);

 public static BindingId ToBidingId(this string s) => BindingId.From((ulong)s.GetHashCode(), 0);
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a System.String containing an Xml representation of the specified property of the current object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="property">name of a specific property that is to be written out as Xml.
        /// If this value is filled in, only the <id/> node and the node for property are output.
        /// At the time of this writing, this is only used for product_pictures.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string ToXml(string property)
            var xml = new XElement(_objectName);

            xml.Add(new XElement("id", Id.ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "product_type_id") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.ProductTypeId))
                xml.Add(new XElement("product_type_id", (int)ProductTypeId));

            if ((property == null || property == "name_nl") && Name_NL != null && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.PublicProductName_NL))
                xml.Add(new XElement("name_nl", Name_NL));

            //if ((property == null || property == "name_en") && Name_EN != null && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.PublicProductName_EN))
            //    xml.Add(new XElement("name_en", Name_EN));

            if ((property == null || property == "songs") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.SongSortOrder))
                xml.Add(new XElement("songs", from song in Songs
                                     select new XElement(XElement.Parse(song.ToXml()))));

            if ((property == null || property == "subtitle_nl") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.Subtitle_NL))
                xml.Add(new XElement("subtitle_nl", Subtitle_NL));

            if ((property == null || property == "author_id") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.AuthorId))
                xml.Add(new XElement("author_id", AuthorId.ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "arranger_id") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.ArrangerId))
                xml.Add(new XElement("arranger_id", ArrangerId.ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "manufacturer_id") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.ManufacturerId))
                xml.Add(new XElement("manufacturer_id", ManufacturerId.ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "instrument_id") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.InstrumentId))
                xml.Add(new XElement("instrument_id", InstrumentId.ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "sell_price") && !SalesPrice.IsNullOrZero() && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.SalesPrice))
                xml.Add(new XElement("sell_price", SalesPrice));

            if ((property == null || property == "reference") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.ReferenceNumber))
                xml.Add(new XElement("reference", ReferenceNumber));

            if ((property == null || property == "isbn") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.Isbn))
                xml.Add(new XElement("isbn", Isbn));

            if ((property == null || property == "ismn") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.Ismn))
                xml.Add(new XElement("ismn", Ismn));

            if ((property == null || property == "ean") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.Ean))
                xml.Add(new XElement("ean", Ean));

            if ((property == null || property == "upc") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.Upc))
                xml.Add(new XElement("upc", Upc));

            if ((property == null || property == "language_id") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.LanguageId))
                xml.Add(new XElement("language_id", LanguageId != null ? ((int)LanguageId).ToString() : String.Empty));

            if ((property == null || property == "binding_id") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.BindingId))
                xml.Add(new XElement("binding_id", BindingId.ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "grade_level") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.GradeLevel))
                xml.Add(new XElement("grade_level", GradeLevel));

            if ((property == null || property == "product_series_id") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.SeriesId))
                xml.Add(new XElement("product_series_id", SeriesId.ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "nr_of_pages") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.Pages))
                xml.Add(new XElement("nr_of_pages", Pages.ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "tax_rate_id") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.TaxRateId))
                xml.Add(new XElement("tax_rate_id", ((int)TaxRateId).ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "product_pictures") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.ProductPictureFilename))
                xml.Add(new XElement("product_pictures", from picture in ProductPictures
                                     select new XElement(XElement.Parse(picture.ToXml()))));

            if ((property == null || property == "description_nl") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.Description_NL))
                xml.Add(new XElement("description_nl", Description_NL));

            if ((property == null || property == "weight") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.Weight))
                xml.Add(new XElement("weight", Weight.ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "length") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.Length))
                xml.Add(new XElement("length", Length.ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "width") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.Width))
                xml.Add(new XElement("width", Width.ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "height") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.Height))
                xml.Add(new XElement("height", Height.ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "product_categories") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.ProductCategory))
                xml.Add(new XElement("product_categories", from category in ProductCategories
                                     select new XElement("product_category", new XElement("id", category.Id),
                                                         new XElement("test", Test.ToInt()))));

            if ((property == null || property == "internal_stock_qty") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.InternalStock))
                xml.Add(new XElement("internal_stock_qty", InternalStock.ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "external_stock_qty") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.ExternalStock))
                xml.Add(new XElement("external_stock_qty", ExternalStock != null ? ExternalStock.ToString() : "1"));

            if ((property == null || property == "supplier_id") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.SupplierId))
                xml.Add(new XElement("supplier_id", SupplierId.ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "promotion") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.Promotion))
                xml.Add(new XElement("promotion", Promotion.ToInt().ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "highlight_on_home") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.HighlightOnHome))
                xml.Add(new XElement("highlight_on_home", HighlightOnHome.ToInt().ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "available") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.ActiveInWebshop))
                xml.Add(new XElement("available", ActiveInWebshop.ToInt().ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "bestseller") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.BestSeller))
                xml.Add(new XElement("bestseller", BestSeller.ToInt().ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "minimum_order_qty") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.MinimumOrderQty))
                xml.Add(new XElement("minimum_order_qty", (MinimumOrderQuantity != 0) ? MinimumOrderQuantity.ToString() : String.Empty));

            if ((property == null || property == "teacher_discount") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.WebshopTeacherDiscount))
                xml.Add(new XElement("teacher_discount", TeacherDiscount.ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "reseller_discount") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.WebshopResellerDiscount))
                xml.Add(new XElement("reseller_discount", ResellerDiscount.ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "search_keywords") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.SearchKeywords))
                xml.Add(new XElement("search_keywords", SearchKeywords));

            if ((property == null || property == "store_pickup_only") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.StorePickupOnly))
                xml.Add(new XElement("store_pickup_only", StorePickupOnly.ToInt().ToString()));

            if ((property == null || property == "test"))
                xml.Add(new XElement("test", Test.ToInt()));

            if ((property == null || property == "created") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.CreateDttm))
                xml.Add(new XElement("created", (!CreatedDttm.IsNullOrDefault()) ? ((DateTime)CreatedDttm).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") : String.Empty));

            if ((property == null || property == "updated") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.UpdateDttm))
                xml.Add(new XElement("updated", (!UpdatedDttm.IsNullOrDefault()) ? ((DateTime)UpdatedDttm).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") : String.Empty));

            if ((property == null || property == "deleted") && LogBits.BitTest(Enums.Logfield.DeleteDttm))
                xml.Add(new XElement("deleted", (!DeletedDttm.IsNullOrDefault()) ? ((DateTime)DeletedDttm).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") : String.Empty));

            string xmlString = xml.ToString();

        List<ComponentInfo> GetBoundInfosWithId(BindingId bindingId)
            List<ComponentInfo> result;

            if (!_bindings.TryGetValue(bindingId, out result))
                result = new List<ComponentInfo>();

            return result;
Esempio n. 17
 public SignalSubscriptionId(BindingId signalId, object callback)
     _signalId = signalId;
     _callback = callback;
Esempio n. 18
 public InjectContext()
     _bindingId = new BindingId();
 void SetDefaults()
     _callback    = null;
     _declaration = null;
     _signalId    = new BindingId();
Esempio n. 20
 void UnsubscribeInternal(BindingId signalId, object token, bool throwIfMissing)
         new SignalSubscriptionId(signalId, token), throwIfMissing);
Esempio n. 21
        public override void OnInspectorGUI()
            bool dirty = false;
            ScriptingGraphAuthoring authoring  = target as ScriptingGraphAuthoring;
            VSGraphAssetModel       assetModel = null;

            if (authoring.ScriptingGraph)
                var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(authoring.ScriptingGraph);
                assetModel = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <VSGraphAssetModel>(path);

            var newAssetModel =
                EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Scripting Graph", assetModel, typeof(VSGraphAssetModel)) as

            if (assetModel != newAssetModel)
                dirty = true;
                if (newAssetModel)
                    authoring.ScriptingGraph = ((DotsStencil)newAssetModel.GraphModel.Stencil).CompiledScriptingGraphAsset;
                    authoring.ScriptingGraph = null;

            // I/O
            if (!(newAssetModel?.GraphModel is VSGraphModel graph))
            if (m_ProcessedBindings == null)
                m_ProcessedBindings = new HashSet <BindingId>();

            foreach (var graphVariableModel in graph.GraphVariableModels)
                var variableType = GraphBuilder.GetVariableType(graphVariableModel);
                switch (variableType)
                case GraphBuilder.VariableType.SmartObject:
                case GraphBuilder.VariableType.ObjectReference:
                    BindingId id = GetExistingBinding(graphVariableModel, authoring, out var binding);
                    if (binding == null)
                        dirty = true;
                        authoring.Values.Add(binding = new ScriptingGraphAuthoring.InputBindingAuthoring(id));

                    var valueType = graphVariableModel.DataType.TypeHandleToValueType();
                    switch (valueType)
                    case ValueType.Entity:
                        binding.Object = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(graphVariableModel.Name, binding.Object,
                                                                     typeof(GameObject), true);

                        EditorGUILayout.LabelField(graphVariableModel.Name, valueType.ToString());

                    if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                        dirty = true;

                case GraphBuilder.VariableType.InputOutput:
                case GraphBuilder.VariableType.Variable:

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            if (authoring.Values != null)
                for (var index = authoring.Values.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--)
                    var binding = authoring.Values[index];
                    if (!m_ProcessedBindings.Contains(binding.Id))
                        dirty = true;

            if (dirty)
Esempio n. 22
 void SubscribeInternal(BindingId signalId, object token, Action <object> callback)
         new SignalSubscriptionId(signalId, token), callback);
Esempio n. 23
 protected static BindingId BindingIdFromString(string s) => BindingId.From((ulong)s.GetHashCode(), 0);