Esempio n. 1
 private void cleanup()
     stopTimer(); // Make sure timer stopped
         acceptReplies = false;
         // Empty out any accumuluated replies
         if (replies != null)
             while (replies.Count != 0)
                 var temp_object = replies[0];
                 object generatedAux = temp_object;
     catch (Exception ex)
         // nothing
     // Let GC clean up this stuff, leave name in case finalized is called
     conn = null;
     msg  = null;
     // agent = null;  // leave this reference
     queue = null;
     //replies = null; //leave this since we use it as a semaphore
     bindprops = null;
 private void cleanup()
     stopTimer(); // Make sure timer stopped
         acceptReplies = false;
         if (conn != null)
         // Empty out any accumuluated replies
         if (replies != null)
             while (!(replies.Count == 0))
                 object temp_object;
                 temp_object = replies[0];
                 var generatedAux = temp_object;
     catch (Exception ex)
         LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().Warn("Exception swallowed", ex);
     _stackTraceCleanup = Environment.StackTrace;
     // Let GC clean up this stuff, leave name in case finalized is called
     conn = null;
     msg  = null;
     // agent = null;  // leave this reference
     queue = null;
     //replies = null; //leave this since we use it as a semaphore
     bindprops = null;
Esempio n. 3
        public virtual void Bind(SaslRequest saslRequest)
            if (saslRequest == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(saslRequest));

            Hashtable saslBindProperties = null;

            using (var saslClient = CreateClient(saslRequest.SaslMechanism, saslRequest.AuthorizationId,
                                                 DefaultSaslClientFactory.ProtocolLdap, Host,
                                                 saslRequest.Credentials, saslBindProperties))
                if (saslClient == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported Sasl Authentication mechanism: " + saslRequest.SaslMechanism);

                var constraints = saslRequest.Constraints ?? _defSearchCons;

                    var bindProps = new BindProperties(LdapV3, saslRequest.AuthorizationId, "sasl", anonymous: false, bindProperties: saslBindProperties);
                    var bindSemId = Connection.AcquireWriteSemaphore();

                    byte[] clientResponse = null;
                    if (saslClient.HasInitialResponse)
                        clientResponse = saslClient.EvaluateChallenge(Array.Empty <byte>());

                    while (!saslClient.IsComplete)
                            var replyBuf = SendLdapSaslBindRequest(clientResponse, saslClient.MechanismName, bindProps, constraints);

                            if (replyBuf != null)
                                clientResponse = saslClient.EvaluateChallenge(replyBuf);
                                clientResponse = saslClient.EvaluateChallenge(Array.Empty <byte>());
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new LdapException("Unexpected SASL error.", LdapException.Other, null, ex);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new LdapException(e);
        private static void ShowModalInternal(BindProperties properties, Func <int, bool> action)
            UIComponent uIComponent = UIView.library.Get(PANEL_ID);

            if (!(uIComponent is null) && uIComponent.objectUserData is Action <Dictionary <string, object>, Func <int, bool> > addAction)
                addAction(properties.ToDictionary(), action);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Send a request to the server.  A Message class is created
        ///     for the specified request which causes the message to be sent.
        ///     The request is added to the list of messages being managed by
        ///     this agent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn">
        ///     the connection that identifies the server.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="msg">
        ///     the LdapMessage to send.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">
        ///     the interval to wait for the message to complete or.
        ///     <code>null</code> if infinite.
        /// </param>
        internal void SendMessage(Connection conn, LdapMessage msg, int timeOut, BindProperties bindProps)
            // creating a messageInfo causes the message to be sent
            // and a timer to be started if needed.
            var message = new Message(msg, timeOut, conn, this, bindProps);

            message.SendMessage(); // Now send message to server
Esempio n. 6
        private BindProperties bindprops;               // Bind properties if a bind request

        internal Message(LdapMessage msg, int mslimit, Connection conn, MessageAgent agent, LdapMessageQueue queue, BindProperties bindprops)
            this.msg       = msg;
            this.conn      = conn;
            this.agent     = agent;
            this.queue     = queue;
            this.mslimit   = mslimit;
            msgId          = msg.MessageID;
            this.bindprops = bindprops;
Esempio n. 7
        private bool _waitForReplyRenamedField = true; // true if wait for reply

        internal Message(LdapMessage msg, int mslimit, Connection conn, MessageAgent agent, BindProperties bindprops)
            _conn = conn ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(conn));

            _stackTraceCreation = Environment.StackTrace;
            _replies            = new MessageVector(5);
            Request             = msg;
            MessageAgent        = agent;
            _mslimit            = mslimit;
            MessageId           = msg.MessageId;
            _bindprops          = bindprops;
 public static void ShowModal(BindProperties properties, Func <int, bool> action)
     properties.showTextField = false;
     if (Dispatcher.mainSafe != Dispatcher.currentSafe)
         ThreadHelper.dispatcher.Dispatch(() => ShowModalInternal(properties, action));
         ShowModalInternal(properties, action);
        private BindProperties bindprops;               // Bind properties if a bind request

        internal Message(LdapMessage msg, int mslimit, Connection conn, MessageAgent agent, LdapMessageQueue queue,
                         BindProperties bindprops)
            if (conn == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(conn));
            _stackTraceCreation = Environment.StackTrace;
            this.msg       = msg;
            this.conn      = conn;
            this.agent     = agent;
            this.queue     = queue;
            this.mslimit   = mslimit;
            msgId          = msg.MessageID;
            this.bindprops = bindprops;
        private IEnumerator Enqueue(BindProperties properties, Func <int, bool> callback)
            yield return(0);

            lock (this)
                if (m_currentCallback == null)
                    SetProperties(properties, callback);
                    string str = properties.ToString();
                    if (m_modalQueue.Where(x => x.First == str).Count() == 0)
                        m_modalQueue.Enqueue(Tuple.NewRef(ref str, ref properties, ref callback));
Esempio n. 11
        private byte[] SendLdapSaslBindRequest(byte[] toWrite, string mechanism, BindProperties bindProps, LdapConstraints constraints)
            constraints = constraints ?? _defSearchCons;
            var msg = new LdapSaslBindRequest(LdapV3, mechanism, constraints.GetControls(), toWrite);

            var queue = SendRequestToServer(msg, constraints.TimeLimit, null, bindProps);

            if (!(queue.GetResponse() is LdapResponse ldapResponse))
                throw new LdapException("Bind failure, no response received.");

            var bindResponse = (RfcBindResponse)ldapResponse.Asn1Object.get_Renamed(1);

            lock (_responseCtlSemaphore)
                _responseCtls = ldapResponse.Controls;

            var serverCreds = bindResponse.ServerSaslCreds;
            var resultCode  = ldapResponse.ResultCode;

            byte[] replyBuf = null;
            if (resultCode == LdapException.SaslBindInProgress || resultCode == LdapException.Success)
                if (serverCreds != null)
                    replyBuf = serverCreds.ByteValue();
                throw new LdapException("SASL Bind Error.", resultCode, null);

Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Send a request to the server.  A Message class is created
        ///     for the specified request which causes the message to be sent.
        ///     The request is added to the list of messages being managed by
        ///     this agent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn">
        ///     the connection that identifies the server.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="msg">
        ///     the LdapMessage to send.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">
        ///     the interval to wait for the message to complete or.
        ///     <code>null</code> if infinite.
        /// </param>
        internal Task SendMessageAsync(Connection conn, LdapMessage msg, int timeOut, BindProperties bindProps, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            // creating a messageInfo causes the message to be sent
            // and a timer to be started if needed.
            var message = new Message(msg, timeOut, conn, this, bindProps);

            return(message.SendMessageAsync(cancellationToken)); // Now send message to server
        private void SetProperties(BindProperties propertiesToSet, Func <int, bool> callback)
            m_mainPanel.autoLayout = true;
            if (propertiesToSet.help_isArticle)
                if (!Directory.Exists(propertiesToSet.help_fullPathName))
                    LogUtils.DoErrorLog($"Invalid tutorial path! {propertiesToSet.help_fullPathName}");

                string fullText;
                if (File.Exists($"{propertiesToSet.help_fullPathName}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}texts_{KlyteLocaleManager.CurrentLanguageId}.txt"))
                    fullText = File.ReadAllText($"{propertiesToSet.help_fullPathName}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}texts_{KlyteLocaleManager.CurrentLanguageId}.txt");
                else if (File.Exists($"{propertiesToSet.help_fullPathName}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}texts.txt"))
                    fullText = File.ReadAllText($"{propertiesToSet.help_fullPathName}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}texts.txt");
                    LogUtils.DoErrorLog($"Corrupted tutorial path! File \"texts.txt\" not found at folder {propertiesToSet.help_fullPathName}.");
                string[] tutorialEntries = Regex.Split(fullText, "<BR>", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.ECMAScript);

                int      lastPage         = tutorialEntries.Length - 1;
                int      currentPage      = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(lastPage, propertiesToSet.help_currentPage));
                string   targetImg        = $"{propertiesToSet.help_fullPathName}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{currentPage.ToString("D3")}.jpg";
                string   textureImagePath = File.Exists(targetImg) ? targetImg : null;
                string   path             = propertiesToSet.help_fullPathName;
                string   feature          = propertiesToSet.help_featureName;
                string[] formatEntries    = propertiesToSet.help_formatsEntries;
                LogUtils.DoLog($"IMG: {targetImg}");
                propertiesToSet = new BindProperties
                    icon             = propertiesToSet.icon,
                    title            = string.Format(Locale.Get("K45_CMNS_HELP_FORMAT"), propertiesToSet.help_featureName, currentPage + 1, lastPage + 1),
                    message          = string.Format(tutorialEntries[currentPage], formatEntries),
                    imageTexturePath = textureImagePath,

                    showClose   = true,
                    showButton1 = currentPage != 0,
                    textButton1 = "<<<\n" + Locale.Get("K45_CMNS_PREV"),
                    showButton2 = true,
                    textButton2 = Locale.Get("EXCEPTION_OK"),
                    showButton3 = currentPage != lastPage,
                    textButton3 = ">>>\n" + Locale.Get("K45_CMNS_NEXT"),
                callback = (x) =>
                    if (x == 1)
                        ShowModalHelpAbsolutePath(path, feature, currentPage - 1, formatEntries);
                    if (x == 3)
                        ShowModalHelpAbsolutePath(path, feature, currentPage + 1, formatEntries);

            m_currentCallback = callback;

            m_properties.FindBinding("title").property.value        = propertiesToSet.title;
            m_properties.FindBinding("icon").property.value         = propertiesToSet.icon ?? CommonProperties.ModIcon;
            m_properties.FindBinding("showClose").property.value    = propertiesToSet.showClose || !(propertiesToSet.showButton1 || propertiesToSet.showButton2 || propertiesToSet.showButton3 || propertiesToSet.showButton4);
            m_properties.FindBinding("message").property.value      = propertiesToSet.message;
            m_properties.FindBinding("messageAlign").property.value = propertiesToSet.messageAlign;
            m_properties.FindBinding("showButton1").property.value  = propertiesToSet.showButton1;
            m_properties.FindBinding("showButton2").property.value  = propertiesToSet.showButton2;
            m_properties.FindBinding("showButton3").property.value  = propertiesToSet.showButton3;
            m_properties.FindBinding("showButton4").property.value  = propertiesToSet.showButton4;
            m_properties.FindBinding("showButton5").property.value  = propertiesToSet.showButton5;
            m_properties.FindBinding("textButton1").property.value  = propertiesToSet.textButton1 ?? "";
            m_properties.FindBinding("textButton2").property.value  = propertiesToSet.textButton2 ?? "";
            m_properties.FindBinding("textButton3").property.value  = propertiesToSet.textButton3 ?? "";
            m_properties.FindBinding("textButton4").property.value  = propertiesToSet.textButton4 ?? "";
            m_properties.FindBinding("textButton5").property.value  = propertiesToSet.textButton5 ?? "";

            m_textField.isVisible = propertiesToSet.showTextField;
            m_textField.text      = propertiesToSet.defaultTextFieldContent ?? "";

            if (m_dropDown == null)
                KlyteMonoUtils.CreateUIElement(out UIPanel DDpanel, m_mainPanel.transform);
                DDpanel.maximumSize            = new Vector2(m_boxText.minimumSize.x - 10, 40);
                DDpanel.anchor                 = UIAnchorStyle.CenterHorizontal;
                DDpanel.zOrder                 = m_textField.zOrder + 1;
                DDpanel.autoLayout             = true;
                m_dropDown                     = UIHelperExtension.CloneBasicDropDownNoLabel(new string[0], (x) => { }, DDpanel);
                      = DD_INPUT_ID;
                m_dropDown.minimumSize         = new Vector2(m_boxText.minimumSize.x - 10, 25);
                m_dropDown.size                = new Vector2(m_boxText.minimumSize.x - 10, 40);
                m_dropDown.autoSize            = false;
                m_dropDown.processMarkup       = true;
                m_dropDown.verticalAlignment   = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle;
                m_dropDown.horizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Left;
            m_dropDown.parent.isVisible = propertiesToSet.showDropDown;
            m_dropDown.items            = propertiesToSet.dropDownOptions?.Split(BindProperties.DD_OPTIONS_SEPARATOR.ToCharArray()) ?? new string[0];
            m_dropDown.selectedIndex    = propertiesToSet.dropDownCurrentSelection;

            m_textureSprite.size = default;
            if (!propertiesToSet.imageTexturePath.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                if (File.Exists(propertiesToSet.imageTexturePath))
                    byte[] fileData = File.ReadAllBytes(propertiesToSet.imageTexturePath);
                    var    tex      = new Texture2D(2, 2);
                    if (tex.LoadImage(fileData))
                        m_textureSupContainer.isVisible = true;
                        m_textureSprite.texture         = tex;
                        m_textureSprite.size            = new Vector2(tex.width, tex.height);
                        if (m_textureSprite.height > 400)
                            float proportion = m_textureSprite.width / m_textureSprite.height;
                            m_textureSprite.height = 400;
                            m_textureSprite.width  = proportion * 400;
                        m_textureSupContainer.height = m_textureSprite.size.y;
                        LogUtils.DoWarnLog($"Failed loading image: {propertiesToSet.imageTexturePath}");
                        m_textureSupContainer.isVisible = false;
                m_textureSprite.texture         = null;
                m_textureSupContainer.isVisible = false;

            float width;

            if (propertiesToSet.useFullWindowWidth || m_textureSprite.width > 800)
                width = UIView.GetAView().fixedWidth - 100;
                if (width < m_textureSprite.width)
                    float proportion = m_textureSprite.width / m_textureSprite.height;
                    m_textureSprite.width  = width;
                    m_textureSprite.height = width / proportion;
                width = 800;
            m_mainPanel.width  = width;
            m_closeButton.area = new Vector4(width - 37, 3, 32, 32);
            width -= m_mainPanel.padding.horizontal;
            m_titleContainer.width      = width;
            m_boxText.width             = width;
            m_buttonSupContainer.width  = width;
            m_textureSupContainer.width = width;
            m_mainPanel.autoLayout      = !propertiesToSet.showDropDown;
        public void Awake()

            m_properties = m_mainPanel.GetComponent <BindPropertyByKey>();

            #region Events bindings

            KlyteMonoUtils.LimitWidthAndBox(m_title, out UIPanel boxContainerTitle);
            boxContainerTitle.anchor           = UIAnchorStyle.CenterHorizontal | UIAnchorStyle.Top;
            boxContainerTitle.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 2);

            //This action allow centralize all calls to single object, coming from any mod
            m_mainPanel.objectUserData = new Action <Dictionary <string, object>, Func <int, bool> >((Dictionary <string, object> properties, Func <int, bool> callback) => StartCoroutine(Enqueue(BindProperties.FromDictionary(properties), callback)));
            m_mainPanel.stringUserData = VERSION;

            m_closeButton.eventClicked += (x, y) => Close(0);

            m_mainPanel.enabled = true;

Esempio n. 15
        public void Awake()
            m_mainPanel = GetComponent <UIPanel>();

            m_titleContainer     = m_mainPanel.Find <UIPanel>("TitleContainer");
            m_title              = m_titleContainer.Find <UILabel>("Title");
            m_modIcon            = m_titleContainer.Find <UISprite>("ModIcon");
            m_closeButton        = m_titleContainer.Find <UIButton>("CloseButton");
            m_boxText            = m_mainPanel.Find <UILabel>("BoxText");
            m_buttonSupContainer = m_mainPanel.Find <UIPanel>("ButtonSupContainer");

            m_button1 = m_mainPanel.Find <UIButton>("ButtonAction1");
            m_button2 = m_mainPanel.Find <UIButton>("ButtonAction2");
            m_button3 = m_mainPanel.Find <UIButton>("ButtonAction3");
            m_button4 = m_mainPanel.Find <UIButton>("ButtonAction4");
            m_button5 = m_mainPanel.Find <UIButton>("ButtonAction5");

            m_textField = m_mainPanel.Find <UITextField>(TEXT_INPUT_ID);

            m_textureSupContainer = m_mainPanel.Find <UIPanel>("TextureSupContainer");
            m_textureSprite       = m_mainPanel.Find <UITextureSprite>("TextureSprite");

            m_properties = m_mainPanel.GetComponent <BindPropertyByKey>();

            #region Events bindings
            m_mainPanel.enabled = false;

            m_button1.eventClicked += (x, y) => OnButton1();
            m_button2.eventClicked += (x, y) => OnButton2();
            m_button3.eventClicked += (x, y) => OnButton3();
            m_button4.eventClicked += (x, y) => OnButton4();
            m_button5.eventClicked += (x, y) => OnButton5();

            KlyteMonoUtils.LimitWidthAndBox(m_title, out UIPanel boxContainerTitle);
            boxContainerTitle.anchor           = UIAnchorStyle.CenterHorizontal | UIAnchorStyle.Top;
            boxContainerTitle.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 2);

            //This action allow centralize all calls to single object, coming from any mod
            m_mainPanel.objectUserData = new Action <Dictionary <string, object>, Func <int, bool> >((Dictionary <string, object> properties, Func <int, bool> callback) => StartCoroutine(Enqueue(BindProperties.FromDictionary(properties), callback)));
            m_mainPanel.stringUserData = VERSION;

            m_closeButton.eventClicked += (x, y) => Close(0);

            m_mainPanel.enabled = true;