public void BindControl(Control cntrl, string fieldname)
            DataTable     thedeCodeDT = new DataTable();
            IQCareUtils   iQCareUtils = new IQCareUtils();
            BindFunctions BindManager = new BindFunctions();
            DataSet       theDSXML    = new DataSet();


            DataView theCodeDV = new DataView(theDSXML.Tables["MST_CODE"]);

            theCodeDV.RowFilter = "DeleteFlag=0 and Name='" + fieldname + "'";
            DataTable theCodeDT = (DataTable)iQCareUtils.CreateTableFromDataView(theCodeDV);
            DataView  theDV     = new DataView(theDSXML.Tables["MST_DECODE"]);

            if (fieldname.ToString() != "")
                if (theCodeDT.Rows.Count > 0)
                    theDV.RowFilter = "DeleteFlag=0 and SystemID IN(0," + Convert.ToString(Session["SystemId"]) + ") and CodeID=" + theCodeDT.Rows[0]["CodeId"];
                    theDV.Sort      = "SRNo ASC";
                    thedeCodeDT     = (DataTable)iQCareUtils.CreateTableFromDataView(theDV);
                if (cntrl is CheckBoxList)
                    if (thedeCodeDT.Rows.Count > 0)
                        BindManager.BindCheckedList((CheckBoxList)cntrl, thedeCodeDT, "Name", "ID");
                else if (cntrl is DropDownList)
                    if (thedeCodeDT.Rows.Count > 0)
                        BindManager.BindCombo((DropDownList)cntrl, thedeCodeDT, "Name", "ID");
                else if (cntrl is RadioButtonList)
                    if (thedeCodeDT.Rows.Count > 0)
                        BindManager.RadioButtonList((RadioButtonList)cntrl, thedeCodeDT, "Name", "ID");
                theDV = new DataView(theDSXML.Tables["MST_DECODE"]);
                if (theDV.Table.Rows.Count > 0)
                    theDV.RowFilter = "DeleteFlag=0 and SystemID IN(0," + Convert.ToString(Session["SystemId"]) + ") and CodeID=17 and ModuleId=209";
                    theDV.Sort      = "SRNo ASC";
                    thedeCodeDT     = new DataTable();
                    thedeCodeDT     = (DataTable)iQCareUtils.CreateTableFromDataView(theDV);
                if (cntrl is CheckBoxList)
                    if (thedeCodeDT.Rows.Count > 0)
                        BindManager.BindCheckedList((CheckBoxList)cntrl, thedeCodeDT, "Name", "ID");
                else if (cntrl is DropDownList)
                    if (thedeCodeDT.Rows.Count > 0)
                        BindManager.BindCombo((DropDownList)cntrl, thedeCodeDT, "Name", "ID");
                else if (cntrl is RadioButtonList)
                    if (thedeCodeDT.Rows.Count > 0)
                        BindManager.RadioButtonList((RadioButtonList)cntrl, thedeCodeDT, "Name", "ID");