private void VisitReferenceTypeColumn(ColumnReferenceExpression node, TSqlFragment parent, string sourceProperty, IList <Identifier> identifiers, Identifier identifier, Property property, string fieldName) { Field field = null; BinaryLiteral binaryLiteral = null; if (fieldName == "uuid") { if (property.Fields.Count == 1) { field = property.Fields[0]; } else { field = property.Fields.Where(f => f.Purpose == FieldPurpose.Object).FirstOrDefault(); } } else if (fieldName == "type") { if (property.Fields.Count == 1) { string HexTypeCode = $"0x{property.PropertyTypes[0].ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0')}"; binaryLiteral = new BinaryLiteral() { Value = HexTypeCode }; } else { field = property.Fields.Where(f => f.Purpose == FieldPurpose.TypeCode).FirstOrDefault(); } } else if (fieldName == "TYPE") { if (property.Fields.Count == 1) { binaryLiteral = new BinaryLiteral() { Value = "0x08" }; } else { field = property.Fields.Where(f => f.Purpose == FieldPurpose.Discriminator).FirstOrDefault(); } } // TODO: throw new MissingMemberException !? if nonexistent field referenced if (binaryLiteral == null) { identifier.Value = field.Name; // change object property identifier to SQL table column identifier identifiers.RemoveAt(identifiers.Count - 1); // uuid | type | TYPE } else { TransformToBinaryLiteral(node, parent, sourceProperty, binaryLiteral); } }
public override void ExplicitVisit(BinaryLiteral node) { if (node.Value.StartsWith("0x") && node.Value.Length <= 10) { var value = Convert.ToUInt32(node.Value, 16); //Using ToUInt32 not ToUInt64, as per OP comment lastExpression = new cs.CodePrimitiveExpression(value); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(node.AsText()); } }
private void Transform(TSqlFragment parent, string sourceProperty, FunctionCall functionCall, int typeCode) { string HexTypeCode = $"0x{typeCode.ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0')}"; BinaryLiteral binaryLiteral = new BinaryLiteral() { Value = HexTypeCode }; PropertyInfo pi = parent.GetType().GetProperty(sourceProperty); bool isList = (pi.PropertyType.IsGenericType && pi.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IList <>)); if (isList) { IList list = (IList)pi.GetValue(parent); int index = list.IndexOf(functionCall); list[index] = binaryLiteral; } else { pi.SetValue(parent, binaryLiteral); } }
private void CheckRewriteable(BooleanExpression search) { var bce = search as BooleanComparisonExpression; var haveIsNull = false; var haveLiteral = false; Literal literal = new BinaryLiteral(); var isNull = new FunctionCall(); if (bce.FirstExpression is FunctionCall) { var func = bce.FirstExpression as FunctionCall; if (func.FunctionName.Value.ToLowerInvariant() == "isnull") { haveIsNull = true; isNull = func; } } if (bce.SecondExpression is FunctionCall) { var func = bce.SecondExpression as FunctionCall; if (func.FunctionName.Value.ToLowerInvariant() == "isnull") { haveIsNull = true; isNull = func; } } if (bce.FirstExpression is Literal) { haveLiteral = true; literal = bce.FirstExpression as Literal; } if (bce.SecondExpression is Literal) { haveLiteral = true; literal = bce.SecondExpression as Literal; } if (haveLiteral && haveIsNull) { var firstParam = isNull.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(); if (!(firstParam is ColumnReferenceExpression)) { return; } var secondParam = isNull.Parameters.LastOrDefault(); if (secondParam is Literal) { if (secondParam.GetType() != literal.GetType()) { return; } var isSameLiteral = (secondParam as Literal).Value == literal.Value; var isEquals = bce.ComparisonType == BooleanComparisonType.Equals; if (isEquals && isSameLiteral) { BuildEqualsSameLiteral(search, firstParam, literal); return; } if (!isEquals && !isSameLiteral) { BuildNotEqualsNotSameLiteral(search, firstParam, literal); return; } if (!isEquals && isSameLiteral) { BuildNotEqualsIsSameLiteral(search, firstParam, literal); return; } if (isEquals && !isSameLiteral) { BuildIsEqualsIsNotSameLiteral(search, firstParam, literal); } } } }
public override void Visit(BinaryLiteral node) { this.action(node); }
public override void ExplicitVisit(BinaryLiteral node) { node.Value = "0xABCD"; base.ExplicitVisit(node); }
public override void ExplicitVisit(BinaryLiteral fragment) { _fragments.Add(fragment); }
public override void ExplicitVisit(BinaryLiteral node) { base.ExplicitVisit(node); }
public void visit(BinaryLiteral n) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private void CheckRewriteable(BooleanExpression search) { var bce = search as BooleanComparisonExpression; var haveIsNull = false; var haveLiteral = false; Literal literal = new BinaryLiteral(); var isNull = new FunctionCall(); if (bce.FirstExpression is FunctionCall) { var func = bce.FirstExpression as FunctionCall; if (func.FunctionName.Value.ToLower() == "isnull") { haveIsNull = true; isNull = func; } } if (bce.SecondExpression is FunctionCall) { var func = bce.SecondExpression as FunctionCall; if (func.FunctionName.Value.ToLower() == "isnull") { haveIsNull = true; isNull = func; } } if (bce.FirstExpression is Literal) { haveLiteral = true; literal = bce.FirstExpression as Literal; } if (bce.SecondExpression is Literal) { haveLiteral = true; literal = bce.SecondExpression as Literal; } if (haveLiteral && haveIsNull) { var firstParam = isNull.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(); if (!(firstParam is ColumnReferenceExpression)) { return; } var secondParam = isNull.Parameters.LastOrDefault(); if (secondParam is Literal) { if (secondParam.GetType() != literal.GetType()) { return; } var isSameLiteral = (secondParam as Literal).Value == literal.Value; var isEquals = bce.ComparisonType == BooleanComparisonType.Equals; if (isEquals && isSameLiteral) { BuildEqualsSameLiteral(search, firstParam, literal); return; } if (!isEquals && !isSameLiteral) { BuildNotEqualsNotSameLiteral(search, firstParam, literal); return; } if (!isEquals && isSameLiteral) { BuildNotEqualsIsSameLiteral(search, firstParam, literal); return; } if (isEquals && !isSameLiteral) { BuildIsEqualsIsNotSameLiteral(search, firstParam, literal); } } } }
public override void visit(BinaryLiteral n) { n.Scope = Scope; }
public virtual void VisitBinaryLiteral(BinaryLiteral binaryLiteral) { DefaultVisit(binaryLiteral); }
public ASTType visit(BinaryLiteral n) { return new BinaryType(); }
/// <summary> /// Converts a FetchXML <condition> to a SQL condition /// </summary> /// <param name="metadata">The metadata cache to use for the conversion</param> /// <param name="condition">The FetchXML condition to convert</param> /// <param name="prefix">The alias or name of the table that the <paramref name="condition"/> applies to</param> /// <param name="aliasToLogicalName">The mapping of table alias to logical name</param> /// <returns>The SQL condition equivalent of the <paramref name="condition"/></returns> private static BooleanExpression GetCondition(IAttributeMetadataCache metadata, condition condition, string prefix, IDictionary <string, string> aliasToLogicalName) { // Start with the field reference var field = new ColumnReferenceExpression { MultiPartIdentifier = new MultiPartIdentifier { Identifiers = { new Identifier { Value = condition.entityname ?? prefix }, new Identifier { Value = condition.attribute } } } }; // Get the metadata for the attribute BooleanComparisonType type; ScalarExpression value; if (!aliasToLogicalName.TryGetValue(condition.entityname ?? prefix, out var logicalName)) { logicalName = condition.entityname ?? prefix; } var meta = metadata[logicalName]; var attr = meta.Attributes.SingleOrDefault(a => a.LogicalName == condition.attribute); // Get the literal value to compare to if (attr == null) { value = new StringLiteral { Value = condition.value } } ; else if (attr.AttributeType == Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeCode.BigInt || attr.AttributeType == Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeCode.Integer || attr.AttributeType == Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeCode.Picklist || attr.AttributeType == Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeCode.State || attr.AttributeType == Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeCode.Status) { value = new IntegerLiteral { Value = condition.value } } ; else if (attr.AttributeType == Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeCode.Boolean) { value = new BinaryLiteral { Value = condition.value } } ; else if (attr.AttributeType == Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeCode.Decimal || attr.AttributeType == Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeCode.Double) { value = new NumericLiteral { Value = condition.value } } ; else if (attr.AttributeType == Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeCode.Money) { value = new MoneyLiteral { Value = condition.value } } ; else if (attr.AttributeType == Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeCode.Lookup || attr.AttributeType == Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeCode.Owner || attr.AttributeType == Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata.AttributeTypeCode.Customer) { value = new IdentifierLiteral { Value = condition.value } } ; else { value = new StringLiteral { Value = condition.value } }; // Apply the appropriate conversion for the type of operator switch (condition.@operator) { case @operator.above: case @operator.containvalues: case @operator.eqbusinessid: case @operator.eqorabove: case @operator.eqorunder: case @operator.equserid: case @operator.equserlanguage: case @operator.equseroruserhierarchy: case @operator.equseroruserhierarchyandteams: case @operator.equseroruserteams: case @operator.equserteams: case @operator.infiscalperiod: case @operator.infiscalperiodandyear: case @operator.infiscalyear: case @operator.inorafterfiscalperiodandyear: case @operator.inorbeforefiscalperiodandyear: case @operator.lastfiscalperiod: case @operator.lastfiscalyear: case @operator.lastmonth: case @operator.lastsevendays: case @operator.lastweek: case @operator.lastxdays: case @operator.lastxfiscalperiods: case @operator.lastxfiscalyears: case @operator.lastxhours: case @operator.lastxmonths: case @operator.lastxweeks: case @operator.lastxyears: case @operator.lastyear: case @operator.nebusinessid: case @operator.neuserid: case @operator.nextfiscalperiod: case @operator.nextfiscalyear: case @operator.nextmonth: case @operator.nextsevendays: case @operator.nextweek: case @operator.nextxdays: case @operator.nextxfiscalperiods: case @operator.nextxfiscalyears: case @operator.nextxhours: case @operator.nextxmonths: case @operator.nextxweeks: case @operator.nextxyears: case @operator.nextyear: case @operator.notcontainvalues: case @operator.notunder: case @operator.olderthanxdays: case @operator.olderthanxhours: case @operator.olderthanxminutes: case @operator.olderthanxmonths: case @operator.olderthanxweeks: case @operator.olderthanxyears: case @operator.on: case @operator.onorafter: case @operator.onorbefore: case @operator.thisfiscalperiod: case @operator.thisfiscalyear: case @operator.thismonth: case @operator.thisweek: case @operator.thisyear: case case @operator.tomorrow: case @operator.under: case @operator.yesterday: // These FetchXML operators don't have a direct SQL equivalent, so convert to the format // field = function(arg) // so <condition attribute="createdon" operator="lastxdays" value="2" /> will be converted to // createdon = lastxdays(2) type = BooleanComparisonType.Equals; value = new FunctionCall { FunctionName = new Identifier { Value = [email protected]() } }; if (condition.value != null) { ((FunctionCall)value).Parameters.Add(new StringLiteral { Value = condition.value }); } break; case @operator.beginswith: case @operator.notbeginwith: return(new LikePredicate { FirstExpression = field, SecondExpression = new StringLiteral { Value = condition.value + "%" }, NotDefined = condition.@operator == @operator.notbeginwith }); case @operator.between: case @operator.notbetween: return(new BooleanTernaryExpression { FirstExpression = field, TernaryExpressionType = condition.@operator == @operator.between ? BooleanTernaryExpressionType.Between : BooleanTernaryExpressionType.NotBetween, SecondExpression = new StringLiteral { Value = condition.Items[0].Value }, ThirdExpression = new StringLiteral { Value = condition.Items[1].Value } }); case @operator.endswith: case @operator.notendwith: return(new LikePredicate { FirstExpression = field, SecondExpression = new StringLiteral { Value = "%" + condition.value }, NotDefined = condition.@operator == @operator.notendwith }); case @operator.eq: type = BooleanComparisonType.Equals; break; case type = BooleanComparisonType.GreaterThanOrEqualTo; break; case type = BooleanComparisonType.GreaterThan; break; case @operator.@in: case @operator.notin: var @in = new InPredicate { Expression = field, NotDefined = condition.@operator == @operator.notin }; foreach (var val in condition.Items) { @in.Values.Add(new StringLiteral { Value = val.Value }); } return(@in); case @operator.le: type = BooleanComparisonType.LessThanOrEqualTo; break; case case @operator.notlike: return(new LikePredicate { FirstExpression = field, SecondExpression = new StringLiteral { Value = condition.value }, NotDefined = condition.@operator == @operator.notlike }); case type = BooleanComparisonType.LessThan; break; case case @operator.neq: type = BooleanComparisonType.NotEqualToBrackets; break; case @operator.@null: case @operator.notnull: return(new BooleanIsNullExpression { Expression = field, IsNot = condition.@operator == @operator.notnull }); default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } var expression = new BooleanComparisonExpression { FirstExpression = field, ComparisonType = type, SecondExpression = value }; return(expression); }