Esempio n. 1
            See if standard reference equality applies. Make sure not to return true if another == operator
            may be applicable and better (or ambiguous)! This also handles == on System.Delegate, since
            it has special rules as well.
        protected bool GetRefEqualSigs(List<BinOpFullSig> prgbofs, BinOpArgInfo info)
            if (info.mask != BinOpMask.Equal)
                return false;

            if (info.type1 != info.typeRaw1 || info.type2 != info.typeRaw2)
                return false;

            bool fRet = false;
            CType type1 = info.type1;
            CType type2 = info.type2;
            CType typeObj = GetReqPDT(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT);
            CType typeCls = null;

            if (type1.IsNullType() && type2.IsNullType())
                typeCls = typeObj;
                fRet = true;
                goto LRecord;

            // Check for: operator ==(System.Delegate, System.Delegate).
            CType typeDel;
            typeDel = GetReqPDT(PredefinedType.PT_DELEGATE);

            if (canConvert(info.arg1, typeDel) && canConvert(info.arg2, typeDel) &&
                !type1.isDelegateType() && !type2.isDelegateType())
                prgbofs.Add(new BinOpFullSig(typeDel, typeDel, BindDelBinOp, OpSigFlags.Convert, LiftFlags.None, BinOpFuncKind.DelBinOp));

            // The reference type equality operators only handle reference types.
            FUNDTYPE ft1;
            ft1 = type1.fundType();
            FUNDTYPE ft2;
            ft2 = type2.fundType();

            switch (ft1)
                    return false;
                case FUNDTYPE.FT_REF:
                case FUNDTYPE.FT_VAR:
                    if (type1.AsTypeParameterType().IsValueType() || (!type1.AsTypeParameterType().IsReferenceType() && !type2.IsNullType()))
                        return false;
                    type1 = type1.AsTypeParameterType().GetEffectiveBaseClass();
            if (type2.IsNullType())
                fRet = true;
                // We don't need to determine the actual best type since we're
                // returning true - indicating that we've found the best operator.
                typeCls = typeObj;
                goto LRecord;

            switch (ft2)
                    return false;
                case FUNDTYPE.FT_REF:
                case FUNDTYPE.FT_VAR:
                    if (type2.AsTypeParameterType().IsValueType() || (!type2.AsTypeParameterType().IsReferenceType() && !type1.IsNullType()))
                        return false;
                    type2 = type2.AsTypeParameterType().GetEffectiveBaseClass();
            if (type1.IsNullType())
                fRet = true;
                // We don't need to determine the actual best type since we're
                // returning true - indicating that we've found the best operator.
                typeCls = typeObj;
                goto LRecord;

            if (!canCast(type1, type2, CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC) && !canCast(type2, type1, CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC))
                return false;

            if (type1.isInterfaceType() || type1.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_STRING) || GetSymbolLoader().HasBaseConversion(type1, typeDel))
                type1 = typeObj;
            else if (type1.IsArrayType())
                type1 = GetReqPDT(PredefinedType.PT_ARRAY);
            else if (!type1.isClassType())
                return false;

            if (type2.isInterfaceType() || type2.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_STRING) || GetSymbolLoader().HasBaseConversion(type2, typeDel))
                type2 = typeObj;
            else if (type2.IsArrayType())
                type2 = GetReqPDT(PredefinedType.PT_ARRAY);
            else if (!type2.isClassType())
                return false;

            Debug.Assert(type1.isClassType() && !type1.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_STRING) && !type1.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_DELEGATE));
            Debug.Assert(type2.isClassType() && !type2.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_STRING) && !type2.isPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_DELEGATE));

            if (GetSymbolLoader().HasBaseConversion(type2, type1))
                typeCls = type1;
            else if (GetSymbolLoader().HasBaseConversion(type1, type2))
                typeCls = type2;

            prgbofs.Add(new BinOpFullSig(typeCls, typeCls, BindRefCmpOp, OpSigFlags.None, LiftFlags.None, BinOpFuncKind.RefCmpOp));
            return fRet;
Esempio n. 2
            Get the special signatures when at least one of the args is a pointer. Since pointers can't be
            type arguments, a nullable pointer is illegal, so no sense trying to lift any of these.
            NOTE: We don't filter out bad operators on void pointers since BindPtrBinOp gives better
            error messages than the operator overload resolution does.
        protected bool GetPtrBinOpSigs(List<BinOpFullSig> prgbofs, BinOpArgInfo info)
            if (!info.type1.IsPointerType() && !info.type2.IsPointerType())
                return false;

            // (ptr,       ptr)        :         -
            // (ptr,       int)        :       + -
            // (ptr,       uint)       :       + -
            // (ptr,       long)       :       + -
            // (ptr,       ulong)      :       + -
            // (int,       ptr)        :       +
            // (uint,      ptr)        :       +
            // (long,      ptr)        :       +
            // (ulong,     ptr)        :       +
            // (void,     void)      :                   == != < > <= >=

            // Check the common case first.
            if (info.type1.IsPointerType() && info.type2.IsPointerType())
                if (info.ValidForVoidPointer())
                    prgbofs.Add(new BinOpFullSig(info.type1, info.type2, BindPtrCmpOp, OpSigFlags.None, LiftFlags.None, BinOpFuncKind.PtrCmpOp));
                    return true;
                if (info.type1 == info.type2 && info.ValidForPointer())
                    prgbofs.Add(new BinOpFullSig(info.type1, info.type2, BindPtrBinOp, OpSigFlags.None, LiftFlags.None, BinOpFuncKind.PtrBinOp));
                    return true;
                return false;

            CType typeT;

            if (info.type1.IsPointerType())
                if (info.type2.IsNullType())
                    if (!info.ValidForVoidPointer())
                        return false;
                    prgbofs.Add(new BinOpFullSig(info.type1, info.type1, BindPtrCmpOp, OpSigFlags.Convert, LiftFlags.None, BinOpFuncKind.PtrCmpOp));
                    return true;
                if (!info.ValidForPointerAndNumber())
                    return false;

                for (uint i = 0; i < s_rgptIntOp.Length; i++)
                    if (canConvert(info.arg2, typeT = GetReqPDT(s_rgptIntOp[i])))
                        prgbofs.Add(new BinOpFullSig(info.type1, typeT, BindPtrBinOp, OpSigFlags.Convert, LiftFlags.None, BinOpFuncKind.PtrBinOp));
                        return true;
                return false;

            if (info.type1.IsNullType())
                if (!info.ValidForVoidPointer())
                    return false;
                prgbofs.Add(new BinOpFullSig(info.type2, info.type2, BindPtrCmpOp, OpSigFlags.Convert, LiftFlags.None, BinOpFuncKind.PtrCmpOp));
                return true;
            if (!info.ValidForNumberAndPointer())
                return false;

            for (uint i = 0; i < s_rgptIntOp.Length; i++)
                if (canConvert(info.arg1, typeT = GetReqPDT(s_rgptIntOp[i])))
                    prgbofs.Add(new BinOpFullSig(typeT, info.type2, BindPtrBinOp, OpSigFlags.Convert, LiftFlags.None, BinOpFuncKind.PtrBinOp));
                    return true;
            return false;
Esempio n. 3
        protected EXPR bindUserDefinedBinOp(ExpressionKind ek, BinOpArgInfo info)
            MethPropWithInst pmpwi = null;
            if (info.pt1 <= PredefinedType.PT_ULONG && info.pt2 <= PredefinedType.PT_ULONG)
                return null;

            EXPR expr = null;

            switch (info.binopKind)
                case BinOpKind.Logical:
                        // Logical operators cannot be overloaded, but use the bitwise overloads.
                        EXPRCALL call = BindUDBinop((ExpressionKind)(ek - ExpressionKind.EK_LOGAND + ExpressionKind.EK_BITAND), info.arg1, info.arg2, true, out pmpwi);
                        if (call != null)
                            if (call.isOK())
                                expr = BindUserBoolOp(ek, call);
                                expr = call;
                    expr = BindUDBinop(ek, info.arg1, info.arg2, false, out pmpwi);

            if (expr == null)
                return null;

            return GetExprFactory().CreateUserDefinedBinop(ek, expr.type, info.arg1, info.arg2, expr, pmpwi);
Esempio n. 4
            Record the appropriate binary operator full signature from the given BinOpArgInfo. This assumes
            that any NullableType valued args should be lifted.
        private void RecordBinOpSigFromArgs(List<BinOpFullSig> prgbofs, BinOpArgInfo info)
            LiftFlags grflt = LiftFlags.None;
            CType typeSig1;
            CType typeSig2;

            if (info.type1 != info.typeRaw1)
                grflt = grflt | LiftFlags.Lift1;
                typeSig1 = GetSymbolLoader().GetTypeManager().GetNullable(info.typeRaw1);
                typeSig1 = info.typeRaw1;

            if (info.type2 != info.typeRaw2)
                grflt = grflt | LiftFlags.Lift2;
                typeSig2 = GetSymbolLoader().GetTypeManager().GetNullable(info.typeRaw2);
                typeSig2 = info.typeRaw2;

            prgbofs.Add(new BinOpFullSig(typeSig1, typeSig2, BindEnumBinOp, OpSigFlags.Value, grflt, BinOpFuncKind.EnumBinOp));
Esempio n. 5
            Get the special signatures when at least one of the args is an enum.  Return true if
            we find an exact match.
        protected bool GetEnumBinOpSigs(List<BinOpFullSig> prgbofs, BinOpArgInfo info)
            if (!info.typeRaw1.isEnumType() && !info.typeRaw2.isEnumType())
                return false;

            // (enum,      enum)       :         -         == != < > <= >=&| ^
            // (enum,      under)      :       + -
            // (under,     enum)       :       +
            CType typeSig1 = null;
            CType typeSig2 = null;
            LiftFlags grflt = LiftFlags.None;

            // Look for the no conversions cases. Still need to determine the lifting. These are the common case.
            if (info.typeRaw1 == info.typeRaw2)
                if (!info.ValidForEnum())
                    return false;
                RecordBinOpSigFromArgs(prgbofs, info);
                return true;

            bool isValidForEnum;

            if (info.typeRaw1.isEnumType())
                isValidForEnum = (info.typeRaw2 == info.typeRaw1.underlyingEnumType() && info.ValidForEnumAndUnderlyingType());
                isValidForEnum = (info.typeRaw1 == info.typeRaw2.underlyingEnumType() && info.ValidForUnderlyingTypeAndEnum());

            if (isValidForEnum)
                RecordBinOpSigFromArgs(prgbofs, info);
                return true;

            // Now deal with the conversion cases. Since there are no conversions from enum types to other
            // enum types we never need to do both cases.

            if (info.typeRaw1.isEnumType())
                isValidForEnum = info.ValidForEnum() && CanConvertArg2(info, info.typeRaw1, out grflt, out typeSig1, out typeSig2) ||
                    info.ValidForEnumAndUnderlyingType() && CanConvertArg2(info, info.typeRaw1.underlyingEnumType(), out grflt, out typeSig1, out typeSig2);
                isValidForEnum = info.ValidForEnum() && CanConvertArg1(info, info.typeRaw2, out grflt, out typeSig1, out typeSig2) ||
                    info.ValidForEnumAndUnderlyingType() && CanConvertArg1(info, info.typeRaw2.underlyingEnumType(), out grflt, out typeSig1, out typeSig2);

            if (isValidForEnum)
                prgbofs.Add(new BinOpFullSig(typeSig1, typeSig2, BindEnumBinOp, OpSigFlags.Value, grflt, BinOpFuncKind.EnumBinOp));
            return false;
Esempio n. 6
            Get the special signatures when at least one of the args is a delegate instance.
            Returns true iff an exact signature match is found.
        protected bool GetDelBinOpSigs(List<BinOpFullSig> prgbofs, BinOpArgInfo info)
            if (!info.ValidForDelegate())
                return false;
            if (!info.type1.isDelegateType() && !info.type2.isDelegateType())
                return false;

            // Don't allow comparison with an anonymous method or lambda. It's just too weird.
            if (((info.mask & BinOpMask.Equal) != 0) && (info.type1.IsBoundLambdaType() || info.type2.IsBoundLambdaType()))
                return false;

            // No conversions needed. Determine the lifting. This is the common case.
            if (info.type1 == info.type2)
                prgbofs.Add(new BinOpFullSig(info.type1, info.type2, BindDelBinOp, OpSigFlags.Reference, LiftFlags.None, BinOpFuncKind.DelBinOp));
                return true;

            // Now, for each delegate type, if both arguments convert to that delegate type, that is a candidate
            // for this binary operator. It's possible that we add two candidates, in which case they will compete
            // in overload resolution. Or we could add no candidates.

            bool t1tot2 = info.type2.isDelegateType() && canConvert(info.arg1, info.type2);
            bool t2tot1 = info.type1.isDelegateType() && canConvert(info.arg2, info.type1);

            if (t1tot2)
                prgbofs.Add(new BinOpFullSig(info.type2, info.type2, BindDelBinOp, OpSigFlags.Reference, LiftFlags.None, BinOpFuncKind.DelBinOp));

            if (t2tot1)
                prgbofs.Add(new BinOpFullSig(info.type1, info.type1, BindDelBinOp, OpSigFlags.Reference, LiftFlags.None, BinOpFuncKind.DelBinOp));

            // Might be ambiguous so return false.
            return false;
Esempio n. 7
            Same as CanConvertArg1 but with the indices interchanged!
        private bool CanConvertArg2(BinOpArgInfo info, CType typeDst, out LiftFlags pgrflt,
                                      out CType ptypeSig1, out CType ptypeSig2)
            ptypeSig1 = null;
            ptypeSig2 = null;

            if (canConvert(info.arg2, typeDst))
                pgrflt = LiftFlags.None;
                pgrflt = LiftFlags.None;
                if (!GetSymbolLoader().FCanLift())
                    return false;
                typeDst = GetSymbolLoader().GetTypeManager().GetNullable(typeDst);
                if (!canConvert(info.arg2, typeDst))
                    return false;
                pgrflt = LiftFlags.Convert2;
            ptypeSig2 = typeDst;

            if (info.type1.IsNullableType())
                pgrflt = pgrflt | LiftFlags.Lift1;
                ptypeSig1 = GetSymbolLoader().GetTypeManager().GetNullable(info.typeRaw1);
                ptypeSig1 = info.typeRaw1;

            return true;
Esempio n. 8
        protected EXPR BindStandardBinopCore(BinOpArgInfo info, BinOpFullSig bofs, ExpressionKind ek, EXPRFLAG flags)
            if (bofs.pfn == null)
                return BadOperatorTypesError(ek, info.arg1, info.arg2);

            if (!bofs.isLifted() || !bofs.AutoLift())
                EXPR expr1 = info.arg1;
                EXPR expr2 = info.arg2;
                if (bofs.ConvertOperandsBeforeBinding())
                    expr1 = mustConvert(expr1, bofs.Type1());
                    expr2 = mustConvert(expr2, bofs.Type2());
                if (bofs.fnkind == BinOpFuncKind.BoolBitwiseOp)
                    return BindBoolBitwiseOp(ek, flags, expr1, expr2, bofs);
                return bofs.pfn(ek, flags, expr1, expr2);
            Debug.Assert(bofs.fnkind != BinOpFuncKind.BoolBitwiseOp);
            return BindLiftedStandardBinOp(info, bofs, ek, flags);
Esempio n. 9
        private EXPR BindLiftedStandardBinOp(BinOpArgInfo info, BinOpFullSig bofs, ExpressionKind ek, EXPRFLAG flags)
            Debug.Assert(bofs.Type1().IsNullableType() || bofs.Type2().IsNullableType());

            EXPR arg1 = info.arg1;
            EXPR arg2 = info.arg2;

            // We want to get the base types of the arguments and attempt to bind the non-lifted form of the
            // method so that we error report (ie divide by zero etc), and then we store in the resulting
            // binop that we have a lifted operator.

            EXPR pArgument1 = null;
            EXPR pArgument2 = null;
            EXPR nonLiftedArg1 = null;
            EXPR nonLiftedArg2 = null;
            EXPR nonLiftedResult = null;
            CType resultType = null;

            LiftArgument(arg1, bofs.Type1(), bofs.ConvertFirst(), out pArgument1, out nonLiftedArg1);
            LiftArgument(arg2, bofs.Type2(), bofs.ConvertSecond(), out pArgument2, out nonLiftedArg2);

            // Now call the non-lifted method to generate errors, and stash the result.
            if (!nonLiftedArg1.isNull() && !nonLiftedArg2.isNull())
                // Only compute the method if theres no nulls. If there are, we'll special case it
                // later, since operations with a null operand are null.
                nonLiftedResult = bofs.pfn(ek, flags, nonLiftedArg1, nonLiftedArg2);

            // Check if we have a comparison. If so, set the result type to bool.
            if (info.binopKind == BinOpKind.Compare || info.binopKind == BinOpKind.Equal)
                resultType = GetReqPDT(PredefinedType.PT_BOOL);
                if (bofs.fnkind == BinOpFuncKind.EnumBinOp)
                    AggregateType enumType;
                    resultType = GetEnumBinOpType(ek, nonLiftedArg1.type, nonLiftedArg2.type, out enumType);
                    resultType = pArgument1.type;
                resultType = resultType.IsNullableType() ? resultType : GetSymbolLoader().GetTypeManager().GetNullable(resultType);

            EXPRBINOP exprRes = GetExprFactory().CreateBinop(ek, resultType, pArgument1, pArgument2);
            mustCast(nonLiftedResult, resultType, 0);
            exprRes.isLifted = true;
            exprRes.flags |= flags;
            Debug.Assert((exprRes.flags & EXPRFLAG.EXF_LVALUE) == 0);

            return exprRes;
Esempio n. 10
            This handles binding binary operators by first checking for user defined operators, then
            applying overload resolution to the predefined operators. It handles lifting over nullable.
        public EXPR BindStandardBinop(ExpressionKind ek, EXPR arg1, EXPR arg2)
            Debug.Assert(arg1 != null);
            Debug.Assert(arg2 != null);

            EXPRFLAG flags = 0;

            BinOpArgInfo info = new BinOpArgInfo(arg1, arg2);
            if (!GetBinopKindAndFlags(ek, out info.binopKind, out flags))
                // If we don't get the BinopKind and the flags, then we must have had some bad operator types.

                return BadOperatorTypesError(ek, arg1, arg2);

            info.mask = (BinOpMask)(1 << (int)info.binopKind);

            List<BinOpFullSig> binopSignatures = new List<BinOpFullSig>();
            int bestBinopSignature = -1;

            // First check if this is a user defined binop. If it is, return it.
            EXPR exprUD = bindUserDefinedBinOp(ek, info);
            if (exprUD != null)
                return exprUD;

            // Get the special binop signatures. If successful, the special binop signature will be
            // the last item in the array of signatures that we give it.

            bool exactMatch = GetSpecialBinopSignatures(binopSignatures, info);
            if (!exactMatch)
                // No match, try to get standard and lifted binop signatures.

                exactMatch = GetStandardAndLiftedBinopSignatures(binopSignatures, info);

            // If we have an exact match in either the special binop signatures or the standard/lifted binop 
            // signatures, then we set our best match. Otherwise, we check if we had any signatures at all.
            // If we didn't, then its possible where we have x == null, where x is nullable, so try to bind
            // the null equality comparison. Otherwise, we had some ambiguity - we have a match, but its not exact.

            if (exactMatch)
                Debug.Assert(binopSignatures.Count > 0);
                bestBinopSignature = binopSignatures.Count - 1;
            else if (binopSignatures.Count == 0)
                // If we got no matches then it's possible that we're in the case
                // x == null, where x is nullable.
                return bindNullEqualityComparison(ek, info);
                // We had some matches, try to find the best one. FindBestSignatureInList returns < 0 if
                // we don't have a best one, otherwise it returns the index of the best one in our list that 
                // we give it.

                bestBinopSignature = FindBestSignatureInList(binopSignatures, info);
                if (bestBinopSignature < 0)
                    // Ambiguous.

                    return ambiguousOperatorError(ek, arg1, arg2);

            // If we're here, we should have a binop signature that exactly matches.

            Debug.Assert(bestBinopSignature < binopSignatures.Count);

            // We've found the one to use, so lets go and bind it.

            return BindStandardBinopCore(info, binopSignatures[bestBinopSignature], ek, flags);
Esempio n. 11
 protected EXPRBINOP bindNullEqualityComparison(ExpressionKind ek, BinOpArgInfo info)
     EXPR arg1 = info.arg1;
     EXPR arg2 = info.arg2;
     if (info.binopKind == BinOpKind.Equal)
         CType typeBool = GetReqPDT(PredefinedType.PT_BOOL);
         EXPRBINOP exprRes = null;
         if (info.type1.IsNullableType() && info.type2.IsNullType())
             arg2 = GetExprFactory().CreateZeroInit(info.type1);
             exprRes = GetExprFactory().CreateBinop(ek, typeBool, arg1, arg2);
         if (info.type1.IsNullType() && info.type2.IsNullableType())
             arg1 = GetExprFactory().CreateZeroInit(info.type2);
             exprRes = GetExprFactory().CreateBinop(ek, typeBool, arg1, arg2);
         if (exprRes != null)
             exprRes.isLifted = true;
             return exprRes;
     EXPR pExpr = BadOperatorTypesError(ek, info.arg1, info.arg2, GetTypes().GetErrorSym());
     return pExpr.asBIN();
Esempio n. 12
        // Returns the index of the best match, or -1 if there is no best match.
        protected int FindBestSignatureInList(
                List<BinOpFullSig> binopSignatures,
                BinOpArgInfo info)
            Debug.Assert(binopSignatures != null);

            if (binopSignatures.Count == 1)
                return 0;

            int bestSignature = 0;
            int index;
            // Try to find a candidate for the best.
            for (index = 1; index < binopSignatures.Count; index++)
                if (bestSignature < 0)
                    bestSignature = index;
                    int nT = WhichBofsIsBetter(binopSignatures[bestSignature], binopSignatures[index], info.type1, info.type2);
                    if (nT == 0)
                        bestSignature = -1;
                    else if (nT > 0)
                        bestSignature = index;

            if (bestSignature == -1)
                return -1;

            // Verify that the candidate really is not worse than all others.
            // Do we need to loop over the whole list here, or just
            // from 0 . bestSignature - 1?
            for (index = 0; index < binopSignatures.Count; index++)
                if (index == bestSignature)
                if (WhichBofsIsBetter(binopSignatures[bestSignature], binopSignatures[index], info.type1, info.type2) >= 0)
                    return -1;
            return bestSignature;
Esempio n. 13
        // Adds standard and lifted signatures to the candidate list.  If we find an exact match
        // then it will be the last item on the list and we return true.

        protected bool GetStandardAndLiftedBinopSignatures(List<BinOpFullSig> rgbofs, BinOpArgInfo info)
            Debug.Assert(rgbofs != null);

            int ibos;
            int ibosMinLift;

            ibosMinLift = GetSymbolLoader().FCanLift() ? 0 : g_binopSignatures.Length;
            for (ibos = 0; ibos < g_binopSignatures.Length; ibos++)
                BinOpSig bos = g_binopSignatures[ibos];
                if ((bos.mask & info.mask) == 0)

                CType typeSig1 = GetOptPDT(bos.pt1, PredefinedTypes.isRequired(bos.pt1));
                CType typeSig2 = GetOptPDT(bos.pt2, PredefinedTypes.isRequired(bos.pt2));
                if (typeSig1 == null || typeSig2 == null)

                ConvKind cv1 = GetConvKind(info.pt1, bos.pt1);
                ConvKind cv2 = GetConvKind(info.pt2, bos.pt2);
                LiftFlags grflt = LiftFlags.None;

                switch (cv1)
                        VSFAIL("Shouldn't happen!");

                    case ConvKind.None:
                    case ConvKind.Explicit:
                        if (!info.arg1.isCONSTANT_OK())
                        // Need to try to convert.
                        if (canConvert(info.arg1, typeSig1))
                        if (ibos < ibosMinLift || !bos.CanLift())

                        typeSig1 = GetSymbolLoader().GetTypeManager().GetNullable(typeSig1);
                        if (!canConvert(info.arg1, typeSig1))
                        switch (GetConvKind(info.ptRaw1, bos.pt1))
                                grflt = grflt | LiftFlags.Convert1;
                            case ConvKind.Implicit:
                            case ConvKind.Identity:
                                grflt = grflt | LiftFlags.Lift1;
                    case ConvKind.Unknown:
                        if (canConvert(info.arg1, typeSig1))
                        if (ibos < ibosMinLift || !bos.CanLift())

                        typeSig1 = GetSymbolLoader().GetTypeManager().GetNullable(typeSig1);
                        if (!canConvert(info.arg1, typeSig1))
                        switch (GetConvKind(info.ptRaw1, bos.pt1))
                                grflt = grflt | LiftFlags.Convert1;
                            case ConvKind.Implicit:
                            case ConvKind.Identity:
                                grflt = grflt | LiftFlags.Lift1;
                    case ConvKind.Implicit:
                    case ConvKind.Identity:
                        if (cv2 == ConvKind.Identity)
                            BinOpFullSig newsig = new BinOpFullSig(this, bos);
                            if (newsig.Type1() != null && newsig.Type2() != null)
                                // Exact match.
                                return true;

                switch (cv2)
                        VSFAIL("Shouldn't happen!");
                    case ConvKind.None:
                    case ConvKind.Explicit:
                        if (!info.arg2.isCONSTANT_OK())
                        // Need to try to convert.
                        if (canConvert(info.arg2, typeSig2))
                        if (ibos < ibosMinLift || !bos.CanLift())

                        typeSig2 = GetSymbolLoader().GetTypeManager().GetNullable(typeSig2);
                        if (!canConvert(info.arg2, typeSig2))
                        switch (GetConvKind(info.ptRaw2, bos.pt2))
                                grflt = grflt | LiftFlags.Convert2;
                            case ConvKind.Implicit:
                            case ConvKind.Identity:
                                grflt = grflt | LiftFlags.Lift2;
                    case ConvKind.Unknown:
                        if (canConvert(info.arg2, typeSig2))
                        if (ibos < ibosMinLift || !bos.CanLift())

                        typeSig2 = GetSymbolLoader().GetTypeManager().GetNullable(typeSig2);
                        if (!canConvert(info.arg2, typeSig2))
                        switch (GetConvKind(info.ptRaw2, bos.pt2))
                                grflt = grflt | LiftFlags.Convert2;
                            case ConvKind.Implicit:
                            case ConvKind.Identity:
                                grflt = grflt | LiftFlags.Lift2;
                    case ConvKind.Identity:
                    case ConvKind.Implicit:

                if (grflt != LiftFlags.None)
                    // We have a lifted signature.
                    rgbofs.Add(new BinOpFullSig(typeSig1, typeSig2, bos.pfn, bos.grfos, grflt, bos.fnkind));

                    // NOTE: Can't skip any if we use a lifted signature because the
                    // type might convert to int? and to long (but not to int) in which
                    // case we should get an ambiguity. But we can skip the lifted ones....
                    ibosMinLift = ibos + bos.cbosSkip + 1;
                    // Record it as applicable and skip accordingly.
                    rgbofs.Add(new BinOpFullSig(this, bos));
                    ibos += bos.cbosSkip;
            return false;
Esempio n. 14
 // Adds special signatures to the candidate list.  If we find an exact match
 // then it will be the last item on the list and we return true.
 protected bool GetSpecialBinopSignatures(List<BinOpFullSig> prgbofs, BinOpArgInfo info)
     Debug.Assert(prgbofs != null);
     if (info.pt1 <= PredefinedType.PT_ULONG && info.pt2 <= PredefinedType.PT_ULONG)
         return false;
     return GetDelBinOpSigs(prgbofs, info) ||
            GetEnumBinOpSigs(prgbofs, info) ||
            GetPtrBinOpSigs(prgbofs, info) ||
            GetRefEqualSigs(prgbofs, info);