static void Main(string[] args) { try { Book book = new BinBook(); Font font = book.addFont(); font.size = 36; Format format = book.addFormat(); format.alignH = AlignH.ALIGNH_CENTER; format.setBorder(BorderStyle.BORDERSTYLE_MEDIUMDASHDOTDOT); format.setBorderColor(Color.COLOR_RED); format.font = font; Sheet sheet = book.addSheet("Sheet1"); sheet.writeStr(2, 1, "Format", format); sheet.setCol(1, 1, 25);"format.xls"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("format.xls"); } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { Book book = new BinBook(); int f1 = book.addCustomNumFormat("0.0"); int f2 = book.addCustomNumFormat("0.00"); int f3 = book.addCustomNumFormat("0.000"); int f4 = book.addCustomNumFormat("0.0000"); int f5 = book.addCustomNumFormat("#,###.00 $"); int f6 = book.addCustomNumFormat("#,###.00 $[Black][<1000];#,###.00 $[Red][>=1000]"); Format format1 = book.addFormat(); format1.setNumFormat(f1); Format format2 = book.addFormat(); format2.setNumFormat(f2); Format format3 = book.addFormat(); format3.setNumFormat(f3); Format format4 = book.addFormat(); format4.setNumFormat(f4); Format format5 = book.addFormat(); format5.setNumFormat(f5); Format format6 = book.addFormat(); format6.setNumFormat(f6); Sheet sheet = book.addSheet("Custom formats"); sheet.setCol(0, 20); sheet.writeNum(2, 0, 25.718, format1); sheet.writeNum(3, 0, 25.718, format2); sheet.writeNum(4, 0, 25.718, format3); sheet.writeNum(5, 0, 25.718, format4); sheet.writeNum(7, 0, 1800.5, format5); sheet.writeNum(9, 0, 500, format6); sheet.writeNum(10, 0, 1600, format6);"custom.xls"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("custom.xls"); } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { Book book = new BinBook(); Sheet sheet = book.addSheet("Sheet1"); sheet.writeStr(2, 1, "Hello, World !"); sheet.writeNum(3, 1, 1000); Format dateFormat = book.addFormat(); dateFormat.setNumFormat(NumFormat.NUMFORMAT_DATE); sheet.writeNum(4, 1, book.datePack(2008, 4, 29), dateFormat); sheet.setCol(1, 1, 12);"example.xls"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("example.xls"); } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
static void test(int number) { Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); if (number == 1) { Console.WriteLine(" strings "); } else { Console.WriteLine(" numbers "); } Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------\n"); Book book = new BinBook(); Sheet sheet = book.addSheet("Sheet1"); Console.Write("writing {0:#,###} cells... ", (maxRow - 1) * maxCol); DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now; if (number == 1) { for (int row = 1; row < maxRow; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < maxCol; ++col) { sheet.writeStr(row, col, makeString()); } } } else { for (int row = 1; row < maxRow; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < maxCol; ++col) { sheet.writeNum(row, col, 1234); } } } Console.WriteLine("ok"); DateTime t2 = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan d = t2 - t1; Console.WriteLine("time: {0} sec", d.TotalSeconds); double n = (maxRow - 1) * maxCol / d.TotalSeconds; Console.WriteLine("speed: {0:#,###} cells/sec", n); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("saving... "); if (number == 1) {"perfstr.xls"); } else {"perfnum.xls"); } Console.WriteLine("ok"); DateTime t3 = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine("time: {0} sec", (t3 - t2).TotalSeconds); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("total time: {0} sec", (t3 - t1).TotalSeconds); d = t3 - t1; n = (maxRow - 1) * maxCol / d.TotalSeconds; Console.WriteLine("speed with saving on disk: {0:#,###} cells/sec\n", n); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { Book book = new BinBook(); Font boldFont = book.addFont(); boldFont.bold = true; Font titleFont = book.addFont(); = "Arial Black"; titleFont.size = 16; Format titleFormat = book.addFormat(); titleFormat.font = titleFont; Format headerFormat = book.addFormat(); headerFormat.alignH = AlignH.ALIGNH_CENTER; headerFormat.setBorder(BorderStyle.BORDERSTYLE_THIN); headerFormat.font = boldFont; headerFormat.fillPattern = FillPattern.FILLPATTERN_SOLID; headerFormat.patternForegroundColor = Color.COLOR_TAN; Format descriptionFormat = book.addFormat(); descriptionFormat.borderLeft = BorderStyle.BORDERSTYLE_THIN; Format amountFormat = book.addFormat(); amountFormat.setNumFormat(NumFormat.NUMFORMAT_CURRENCY_NEGBRA); amountFormat.borderLeft = BorderStyle.BORDERSTYLE_THIN; amountFormat.borderRight = BorderStyle.BORDERSTYLE_THIN; Format totalLabelFormat = book.addFormat(); totalLabelFormat.borderTop = BorderStyle.BORDERSTYLE_THIN; totalLabelFormat.alignH = AlignH.ALIGNH_RIGHT; totalLabelFormat.font = boldFont; Format totalFormat = book.addFormat(); totalFormat.setNumFormat(NumFormat.NUMFORMAT_CURRENCY_NEGBRA); totalFormat.setBorder(BorderStyle.BORDERSTYLE_THIN); totalFormat.font = boldFont; totalFormat.fillPattern = FillPattern.FILLPATTERN_SOLID; totalFormat.patternForegroundColor = Color.COLOR_YELLOW; Format signatureFormat = book.addFormat(); signatureFormat.alignH = AlignH.ALIGNH_CENTER; signatureFormat.borderTop = BorderStyle.BORDERSTYLE_THIN; Sheet sheet = book.addSheet("Invoice"); sheet.writeStr(2, 1, "Invoice No. 3568", titleFormat); sheet.writeStr(4, 1, "Name: John Smith"); sheet.writeStr(5, 1, "Address: San Ramon, CA 94583 USA"); sheet.writeStr(7, 1, "Description", headerFormat); sheet.writeStr(7, 2, "Amount", headerFormat); sheet.writeStr(8, 1, "Ball-Point Pens", descriptionFormat); sheet.writeNum(8, 2, 85, amountFormat); sheet.writeStr(9, 1, "T-Shirts", descriptionFormat); sheet.writeNum(9, 2, 150, amountFormat); sheet.writeStr(10, 1, "Tea cups", descriptionFormat); sheet.writeNum(10, 2, 45, amountFormat); sheet.writeStr(11, 1, "Total:", totalLabelFormat); sheet.writeNum(11, 2, 280, totalFormat); sheet.writeStr(14, 2, "Signature", signatureFormat); sheet.setCol(1, 1, 40); sheet.setCol(2, 2, 15);"invoice.xls"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("invoice.xls"); } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
public static bool ExportToExcel(Application rvtApp, Document doc, bool includeFireRating, bool includeComments) { Console.WriteLine("start create Excel."); Book book = new BinBook(); // use XmlBook() for xlsx if (null == book) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not create BinBook."); } if (includeFireRating) { Sheet sheet = book.addSheet("Door Type FireRating"); sheet.writeStr(1, 1, "Element ID"); sheet.writeStr(1, 2, "Unique ID"); sheet.writeStr(1, 3, "Family Name"); sheet.writeStr(1, 4, "Family Type"); sheet.writeStr(1, 5, FireRating); List <Element> elems = GetTargetElements(doc, BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors, false); // Loop through all elements and export each to an Excel row int row = 2; foreach (Element e in elems) { sheet.writeNum(row, 1, e.Id.IntegerValue); sheet.writeStr(row, 2, e.UniqueId); FamilySymbol symbol = e as FamilySymbol; if (null != symbol) { sheet.writeStr(row, 3, symbol.FamilyName); sheet.writeStr(row, 4, symbol.Name); // FireRating: Parameter fireRatingParam = symbol.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.DOOR_FIRE_RATING); if (fireRatingParam != null) { sheet.writeStr(row, 5, fireRatingParam.AsString()); Console.WriteLine("write row " + row.ToString() + ":" + e.Id.IntegerValue.ToString() + "," + e.UniqueId + "," + symbol.FamilyName + "," + symbol.Name + "," + fireRatingParam.AsString()); } } ++row; } } if (includeComments) { Sheet sheet = book.addSheet("Door Instance Comments"); sheet.writeStr(1, 1, "Element ID"); sheet.writeStr(1, 2, "Unique ID"); sheet.writeStr(1, 3, "Instance Name"); sheet.writeStr(1, 4, Comments); Console.WriteLine("write comments"); List <Element> elems = GetTargetElements(doc, BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors, true); // Loop through all elements and export each to an Excel row int row = 2; foreach (Element e in elems) { sheet.writeNum(row, 1, e.Id.IntegerValue); sheet.writeStr(row, 2, e.UniqueId); sheet.writeStr(row, 3, e.Name); // Comments: Parameter commentsParam = e.get_Parameter( BuiltInParameter.ALL_MODEL_INSTANCE_COMMENTS); if (null != commentsParam) { sheet.writeStr(row, 4, commentsParam.AsString()); Console.WriteLine("write row " + row.ToString() + ":" + e.Id.IntegerValue.ToString() + "," + e.UniqueId + "," + e.Name + "," + commentsParam.AsString()); } ++row; } }"result.xls"); Console.WriteLine("Excel App is created"); return(true); }
public MainWindowViewModel() { MoistureContent = "0"; Data = new ObservableCollection <Tuple <double, double> >() { }; Series = new WpfPlot(); Series.plt.Title("Liquid limit test", fontSize: 20); Series.plt.XLabel("Number of blows (N)", bold: true); Series.plt.YLabel("Moisture content (%)", bold: true); Series.plt.Ticks(logScaleY: true); Series.Configure(lockHorizontalAxis: true, lockVerticalAxis: true); Series.plt.AxisAuto(horizontalMargin: 0, verticalMargin: 0.9); //_dataPlot = Series.plt.PlotScatter(_data.OrderBy(d => d.Item1).Select(d => d.Item1).ToArray(), _data.OrderBy(d => d.Item1).Select(d => d.Item2).ToArray()); ClearDataCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => { NumberOfBlows = 0; MoistureContent = ""; Data.Clear(); Series.plt.Clear(); if (_dataPlot == null) { _dataPlot = Series.plt.PlotScatter(Data.OrderBy(d => d.Item1).Select(d => d.Item1).ToArray(), Data.OrderBy(d => d.Item1).Select(d => d.Item2).ToArray()); } }); AddDataCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => { Data.Add(new Tuple <double, double>(NumberOfBlows, Double.Parse(MoistureContent))); if (Data.Count() >= 2) { Series.plt.Clear(); _dataPlot = Series.plt.PlotScatter(Data.OrderBy(d => d.Item1).Select(d => d.Item1).ToArray(), Data.OrderBy(d => d.Item1).Select(d => d.Item2).ToArray(), color: System.Drawing.Color.Gray, lineStyle: LineStyle.Dash); DrawRegressionLine(); } NumberOfBlows = 0; MoistureContent = "0"; }); ExportCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => { var dialog = new SaveFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "Excel file (*.xls)|*.xls"; dialog.ShowDialog(); ; var fileName = dialog.FileName; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { return; } Series.plt.SaveFig($"{fileName}.png"); var book = new BinBook(); var id = book.addPicture(fileName + ".png"); var sheet = book.addSheet("Chart"); sheet.setPicture(10, 3, id);; }); }
public MainWindowViewModel() { Data = new ObservableCollection <Tuple <double, double> >(); Series = new WpfPlot(); Series.plt.Title("Potential Expansivess", bold: true, fontSize: 22); Series.plt.XLabel("Clay fraction of whole sample", bold: true); Series.plt.YLabel("PI of whole sample", bold: true); Series.plt.AxisBounds(0, _xMax, 0, _yMax); Series.Configure(lockHorizontalAxis: true, lockVerticalAxis: true); Series.plt.Grid(xSpacing: 10, ySpacing: 10, lineWidth: 2); // Series.plt.AxisZoom(0, 0, -20, -20); //Series.Width = 800; AddDataCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => { Data.Add(new Tuple <double, double>(ClayFractionOfWholeSample, PiOfWholeSample)); Series.plt.PlotPoint(ClayFractionOfWholeSample, PiOfWholeSample, GetColor(), 15); Series.plt.PlotText(_pointLabel, ClayFractionOfWholeSample - 0.5, PiOfWholeSample + 1, System.Drawing.Color.Black); Series.Render(); }); ClearDataCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => { ClayFractionOfWholeSample = 0; PiOfWholeSample = 0; Data.Clear(); Series.plt.Clear(); DrawAbaque(); Series.plt.AxisBounds(0, _xMax, 0, _yMax); Series.Render(); }); ExportCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => { var dialog = new SaveFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "Excel file (*.xls)|*.xls"; dialog.ShowDialog(); ; var fileName = dialog.FileName; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { return; } Series.plt.SaveFig($"{fileName}.png"); var book = new BinBook(); var id = book.addPicture(fileName + ".png"); var sheet = book.addSheet("Chart"); sheet.setPicture(10, 3, id);; }); DrawAbaque(); }