public string Get(string reqType, int?patientId, int?settlementId)
            DanpheHTTPResponse <object> responseData = new DanpheHTTPResponse <object>();
            string ipDataString = this.ReadPostData();

            responseData.Status = "OK";//by default status would be OK, hence assigning at the top
                BillingDbContext billingDbContext = new BillingDbContext(connString);

                if (reqType != null && reqType == "allPendingSettlements")
                    DataTable settlInfo = DanpheEMR.DalLayer.DALFunctions.GetDataTableFromStoredProc("SP_TXNS_BILL_SettlementSummary", billingDbContext);
                    responseData.Results = settlInfo;
                    ////include only: unpaid and NOT Returned BILLS.
                    //var allBillSettlement = (from bill in billingDbContext.BillingTransactions.Include("Patient")
                    //                         where bill.BillStatus == "unpaid" && bill.ReturnStatus != true
                    //                         group bill by new { bill.PatientId, bill.Patient.PatientCode, bill.Patient.FirstName, bill.Patient.LastName, bill.Patient.MiddleName, bill.Patient.DateOfBirth, bill.Patient.Gender } into p
                    //                         select new
                    //                         {
                    //                             PatientId = p.Key.PatientId,
                    //                             PatientCode = p.Key.PatientCode,
                    //                             ShortName = p.Key.FirstName + " " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Key.MiddleName) ? "" : p.Key.MiddleName + " ") + p.Key.LastName,
                    //                             Gender = p.Key.Gender,
                    //                             DateOfBirth = p.Max(a => a.Patient.DateOfBirth.Value),
                    //                             LastCreditBillDate = p.Max(a => a.CreatedOn.Value),
                    //                             TotalCredit = Math.Round(p.Sum(a => a.TotalAmount.Value), 2)
                    //                         }).OrderByDescending(b => b.LastCreditBillDate).ToList();

                    //responseData.Results = allBillSettlement;
                else if (reqType != null && reqType == "unpaidInvoiceByPatientId" && patientId != null && patientId != 0)
                    PatientModel currPatient = billingDbContext.Patient.Where(pat => pat.PatientId == patientId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (currPatient != null)
                        string subDivName = (from pat in billingDbContext.Patient
                                             join countrySubdiv in billingDbContext.CountrySubdivisions
                                             on pat.CountrySubDivisionId equals countrySubdiv.CountrySubDivisionId
                                             where pat.PatientId == currPatient.PatientId
                                             select countrySubdiv.CountrySubDivisionName

                        currPatient.CountrySubDivisionName = subDivName;

                    //for this request type, patientid comes as inputid.
                    var patCreditInvoice = (from bill in billingDbContext.BillingTransactions.Include("BillingTransactionItems")
                                            where bill.BillStatus == "unpaid" && bill.ReturnStatus != true && bill.PatientId == patientId

                                            //&& bill.IsInsuranceBilling == false
                                            //if IsInsuranceBilling is null then true by default, else IsInsuranceBilling should be false.
                                            //&& bill.IsInsuranceBilling == null ?  true : bill.IsInsuranceBilling==false
                                            && (bill.IsInsuranceBilling.HasValue ? (bill.IsInsuranceBilling.Value == false) : true)

                                            select bill).ToList <BillingTransactionModel>().OrderBy(b => b.BillingTransactionId);

                    var patCreditDetails = new { Patient = currPatient, CreditItems = patCreditInvoice };

                    responseData.Results = patCreditDetails;
                else if (reqType != null && reqType == "allSettlementDetails")
                    var allSettlments = billingDbContext.BillSettlements.Include("Patient").Include("Patient.CountrySubDivision")
                                        .OrderByDescending(s => s.SettlementReceiptNo).ToList();

                    responseData.Results = allSettlments;
                //added: sud: 21may'18-- for duplicate print of settlementid
                else if (reqType == "settlementInfoBySettlmntId" && settlementId != null)
                    RbacDbContext rbacDbContext = new RbacDbContext(connString);

                    BillSettlementModel currSettlmnt = billingDbContext.BillSettlements.Include("BillingTransactions").Include("Patient").Include("Patient.CountrySubDivision")
                                                       .Where(b => b.SettlementId == settlementId.Value)
                    if (currSettlmnt != null)
                        string billingUser = rbacDbContext.Users.Where(u => u.EmployeeId == currSettlmnt.CreatedBy).Select(u => u.UserName).FirstOrDefault();
                        currSettlmnt.BillingUser = billingUser;
                        if (currSettlmnt.BillingTransactions != null)
                            currSettlmnt.BillingTransactions.ForEach(txn =>
                                txn.Patient = null;
                    responseData.Results = currSettlmnt;
                    responseData.Status       = "Failed";
                    responseData.ErrorMessage = "billTransactionitems is invalid";

                //responseData.Results = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                responseData.Status       = "Failed";
                responseData.ErrorMessage = ex.Message + " exception details:" + ex.ToString();
            return(DanpheJSONConvert.SerializeObject(responseData, true));
        [HttpPost]// POST api/values
        public string Post()
            DanpheHTTPResponse <object> responseData = new DanpheHTTPResponse <object>();
            int CreatedBy = ToInt(this.ReadQueryStringData("CreatedBy"));

            responseData.Status = "OK";//by default status would be OK, hence assigning at the top
            string ipDataString = this.ReadPostData();
            string reqType      = this.ReadQueryStringData("reqType");

                BillingDbContext billingDbContext = new BillingDbContext(connString);
                if (reqType == "postSettlementInvoice")//submit
                    BillSettlementModel settlement = DanpheJSONConvert.DeserializeObject <BillSettlementModel>(ipDataString);
                    //List<BillingTransactionItemModel> billTxnItm = DanpheJSONConvert.DeserializeObject<List<BillingTransactionItemModel>>(ipDataString);
                    RbacUser currentUser = HttpContext.Session.Get <RbacUser>("currentuser");

                    using (var dbTransaction = billingDbContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
                            var txns = settlement.BillingTransactions;

                            //step:0, As EF automatically Inserts Child collection (billingtransactionmodel) while inserting settlement
                            // we have to first create a new list and set settlement.BillingTransactions as null.
                            List <BillingTransactionModel> newTxnList = new List <BillingTransactionModel>();
                            foreach (BillingTransactionModel txn in txns)
                                BillingTransactionModel newTxn = BillingTransactionModel.GetCloneWithItems(txn);
                            settlement.BillingTransactions = null;

                            //Step1: assign server side values to the input model and Save the settlementModel
                            settlement.SettlementReceiptNo = GetSettlementReceiptNo(billingDbContext);
                            settlement.CreatedOn           = System.DateTime.Now;
                            settlement.SettlementDate      = System.DateTime.Now;
                            settlement.FiscalYearId        = BillingBL.GetFiscalYear(billingDbContext).FiscalYearId;
                            settlement.CreatedBy           = currentUser.EmployeeId;

                            if (newTxnList != null && newTxnList.Count > 0)
                                //step2: Update necessary fields of BillingTransaction acc to above Settlement Object
                                foreach (var txn in newTxnList)
                                    txn.SettlementId      = settlement.SettlementId;
                                    txn.BillStatus        = "paid";
                                    txn.PaidAmount        = txn.TotalAmount;
                                    txn.PaidDate          = settlement.SettlementDate;
                                    txn.PaymentReceivedBy = currentUser.EmployeeId; //added: sud: 29may'18
                                    txn.PaidCounterId     = settlement.CounterId;   //added: sud: 29may'18

                                    billingDbContext.Entry(txn).Property(b => b.BillStatus).IsModified        = true;
                                    billingDbContext.Entry(txn).Property(b => b.SettlementId).IsModified      = true;
                                    billingDbContext.Entry(txn).Property(b => b.PaidAmount).IsModified        = true;
                                    billingDbContext.Entry(txn).Property(b => b.PaidDate).IsModified          = true;
                                    billingDbContext.Entry(txn).Property(b => b.PaymentReceivedBy).IsModified = true; //added: sud: 29may'18
                                    billingDbContext.Entry(txn).Property(b => b.PaidCounterId).IsModified     = true; //added: sud: 29may'18

                                    //setp3: Update BillStatus and PaidDate of each transaction items attached with above transactions

                                    List <BillingTransactionItemModel> txnItems = billingDbContext.BillingTransactionItems
                                                                                  .Where(b => b.BillingTransactionId == txn.BillingTransactionId).ToList();

                                    if (txnItems != null && txnItems.Count > 0)
                                        for (int i = 0; i < txnItems.Count; i++)
                                            txnItems[i] = BillingTransactionBL.UpdateTxnItemBillStatus(billingDbContext,

                            //step: 4 Add new row to deposit table if Deposit is deducted
                            if (settlement.DepositDeducted != null && settlement.DepositDeducted > 0)
                                VisitModel patientVisit = billingDbContext.Visit.Where(visit => visit.PatientId == settlement.PatientId)
                                                          .OrderByDescending(a => a.PatientVisitId)
                                BillingDeposit depositModel = new BillingDeposit()
                                    Amount         = settlement.DepositDeducted,
                                    DepositType    = "depositdeduct",
                                    IsActive       = true,
                                    FiscalYearId   = BillingBL.GetFiscalYear(billingDbContext).FiscalYearId,
                                    Remarks        = "Deposit used in Settlement Receipt No. SR" + settlement.SettlementReceiptNo + " on " + settlement.SettlementDate,
                                    CreatedBy      = currentUser.EmployeeId,
                                    CreatedOn      = DateTime.Now,
                                    CounterId      = settlement.CounterId,
                                    PatientVisitId = patientVisit != null ? (int?)patientVisit.PatientVisitId : null,
                                    SettlementId   = settlement.SettlementId,
                                    PatientId      = settlement.PatientId,
                                    DepositBalance = 0,
                                    ReceiptNo      = BillingBL.GetDepositReceiptNo(connString),
                                    PaymentMode    = "cash",//yubraj 4th July '19


                                ////update iscurrent and isactive in deposit table for settlement
                                //List<BillingDeposit> depositDetail= (from dep in billingDbContext.BillingDeposits
                                //                                   where dep.PatientId==settlement.PatientId  &&
                                //                                   dep.IsCurrent==true &&
                                //                                   dep.IsActive==true
                                //                                   select dep).ToList();

                                //if (depositDetail != null)
                                //    depositDetail.ForEach(d =>
                                //    {
                                //        //d.IsActive = false;
                                //        d.IsCurrent = false;
                                //        billingDbContext.SaveChanges();
                                //    });


                            responseData.Status  = "OK";
                            responseData.Results = settlement;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            responseData.Status       = "Failed";
                            responseData.ErrorMessage = ex.ToString();
                //responseData.Results = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                responseData.Status       = "Failed";
                responseData.ErrorMessage = ex.Message + " exception details:" + ex.ToString();
            return(DanpheJSONConvert.SerializeObject(responseData, true));