public ActionResult GetBigCodePage(BigScaleSearch condition) { string where = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.KeyWord)) { where += string.Format(" and ProductNumber+ProductName+ProducctNo+BarCode like '%{0}%'", Common.Filter(condition.KeyWord)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.OrderNo)) { where += string.Format(" and OrderNo like '{0}%'", Common.Filter(condition.OrderNo)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.DatCreateB)) { where += string.Format(" and ReturnTime >={0} ", CommonFunc.GetTimestamp(Convert.ToDateTime(condition.DatCreateB + " 00:00:00"))); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.DatCreateE)) { where += string.Format(" and ReturnTime <={0} ", CommonFunc.GetTimestamp(Convert.ToDateTime(condition.DatCreateE + " 23:59:59"))); } PageJsonModel <ScaleRtnStokeDetail> page = new PageJsonModel <ScaleRtnStokeDetail>(); page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex; page.pageSize = condition.pageSize; page.strForm = "View_RtnRecord"; page.strSelect = " OrderNo, RtnWay, BarCode, ProducctNo, ReturnTime, OperaUser, BarCount, ProductImg, ProductNumber, ProductName, PUserName, PRealName, Name "; page.strWhere = where; page.strOrder = " ReturnTime desc"; page.LoadList(); return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult ExportExcel(BigScaleSearch condition) { StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); where.Append("select BigCode,SmallCode,p.ProductName ProductName,s.DatCreate DatCreate,c.UserName UserName,c.Name Name,c.Province,c.City,c.Area from ScaleOutStoke s left join Product p on s.P_ID=p.ProductNumber left join C_User c on s.Consignee=c.UserName left join Supplier s1 on s1.ID=s.GID where 1=1 "); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.SmallCode)) { where.Append(string.Format(" and (ProductName like '%{0}%' or c.UserName like '%{0}%' or c.Name like '%{0}%' or c.Province like '%{0}%' or SmallCode like '%{0}%' or BigCode like '%{0}%' )", condition.SmallCode)); } DataTable dt = ExportWay.ExcelDataTable(where.ToString()); string[] list = { "外箱条码", "产品条码", "产品名称", "出库时间", "客户编号", "客户名称", "省份", "城市", "乡镇" }; return(File(ExportWay.GetExcel(dt, list), "application/", "条码追踪信息" + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + ".xls")); }
public ActionResult GetBigCodePage(BigScaleSearch condition) { string where = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.KeyWord)) { where += " and a.BigCode+a.MiddleCode+a.SmallCode+b.ProductName+b.ProductNumber like '%" + Common.FilteSQLStr(condition.KeyWord) + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.DatCreateB)) { where += string.Format(" and a.IntoTime >={0} ", CommonFunc.GetTimestamp(Convert.ToDateTime(condition.DatCreateB + " 00:00:00"))); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.DatCreateE)) { where += string.Format(" and a.IntoTime <={0} ", CommonFunc.GetTimestamp(Convert.ToDateTime(condition.DatCreateE + " 23:59:59"))); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.PUserName) && condition.PUserName != "All") { where += string.Format(" and a.IntoPDAUser='******'", Common.FilteSQLStr(condition.PUserName)); } if (CurrentUser.DeptID != 0) { where += " and c.ID=" + CurrentUser.DeptID.ToString(); } PageJsonModel <ScaleInStokeDetail> page = new PageJsonModel <ScaleInStokeDetail>(); page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex; page.pageSize = condition.pageSize; page.strSelect = " a.ID,a.IntoOrderNo,a.BigCode,a.MiddleCode,a.SmallCode,a.IntoTime,b.ProductImg,b.ProductNumber,b.ProductName,a.IntoPDAUser,c.PRealName "; page.strForm = " Scale a left join Product b on a.ProductNo=b.ProductNumber left join PDAUser as c on a.IntoPDAUser=c.PUserName "; page.strWhere = " and a.IsInto=1 " + where; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.orderby) == false) { page.strOrder = Common.FilteSQLStr(condition.orderby); } else { page.strOrder = " a.IntoTime desc"; } page.LoadList(); if (page.pageResponse != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList.Count > 0) { return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult GetBigCodePage(BigScaleSearch condition) { string where = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.KeyWord)) { where += string.Format(" and ( BigCode='{0}' or MiddleCode='{0}' or SmallCode='{0}')", Common.Filter(condition.KeyWord)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.ProductNumber)) { where += string.Format(" and ProductNo='{0}'", condition.ProductNumber); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.DatCreateB)) { where += string.Format(" and OutTime >={0} ", CommonFunc.GetTimestamp(Convert.ToDateTime(condition.DatCreateB + " 00:00:00"))); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.DatCreateE)) { where += string.Format(" and OutTime <={0} ", CommonFunc.GetTimestamp(Convert.ToDateTime(condition.DatCreateE + " 23:59:59"))); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.OutOrderNo)) { where += string.Format(" and OutOrderNo like '%{0}%' ", Common.Filter(condition.OutOrderNo)); } PageJsonModel <ScaleOutStokeDetails> page = new PageJsonModel <ScaleOutStokeDetails>(); page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex; page.pageSize = condition.pageSize; page.strSelect = " a.OutOrderNo,a.BigCode,a.MiddleCode,a.SmallCode,a.OutTime,b.ProductImg,b.ProductNumber,b.ProductName,a.OutPDAUser,a.UserName,c.Name C_Name "; page.strForm = " Scale as a left join Product b on a.ProductNo=b.ProductNumber left join C_User as c on a.UserName=c.UserName "; page.strWhere = " and a.IsOut=1 " + where; page.strOrder = " a.OutTime desc"; page.LoadList(); if (page.pageResponse != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList.Count > 0) { return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult GetBigCodePageKuCun(BigScaleSearch condition) { string where = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.BigCode)) { where += " and ( b.ProductNumber+b.ProductName like '%" + condition.BigCode + "%' )"; } PageJsonModel <BigScale> page = new PageJsonModel <BigScale>(); page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex; page.pageSize = condition.pageSize; page.strForm = "(select COUNT(SmallCode) as SmallCount,sum( as [money],b.ProductName,b.ProductNumber,b.ProductImg" + " from Scale as a left join Product as b on a.ProductNo=b.ProductNumber" + " where StateID in (6,9)" + where + " group by b.ProductName,b.ProductNumber,b.ProductImg) as BigScale"; page.strSelect = " * "; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.orderby) == false) { page.strOrder = Common.FilteSQLStr(condition.orderby); } else { page.strOrder = " ProductName "; } page.LoadList(); if (page.pageResponse != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList.Count > 0) { ScaleCodeCount OutCodeCount = Scale.GetStockCount(where); page.pageResponse.SmallCount = OutCodeCount.SmallCount; page.pageResponse.SumPrice = OutCodeCount.SumPrice; return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult GetBigCodePage(BigScaleSearch condition) { string where = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.BigCode)) { where += " and BigCode='" + condition.BigCode + "'"; } PageJsonModel <BigScale> page = new PageJsonModel <BigScale>(); page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex; page.pageSize = condition.pageSize; page.strForm = "(select COUNT(*) SmallCount,BigCode from Scale group by BigCode) as BigScale"; page.strSelect = " * "; page.strWhere = where; page.strOrder = " SmallCount asc"; page.LoadList(); if (page.pageResponse != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList.Count > 0) { return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult GetCodePage(BigScaleSearch condition) { string where = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.SmallCode)) { where += " and SmallCode='" + condition.SmallCode + "'"; } PageJsonModel <Scale> page = new PageJsonModel <Scale>(); page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex; page.pageSize = condition.pageSize; page.strForm = " Scale as a left join C_User as b on a.UserName=b.UserName left join Supplier as c on a.SupplierId=c.ID "; page.strSelect = " a.*,b.Name,c.Name as SupplierName "; page.strWhere = where; page.strOrder = " a.StateID desc "; page.LoadList(); if (page.pageResponse != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList.Count > 0) { return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }