public override void Add(Log log, ref int insertCount)
            var app = log.App.UpdateParty;

            if (app.Type == 0) // todo: const? enum?
                var row = new BigQueryInsertRow
                    { "party_id", app.GroupId },             // GroupId と party_id は実質同じものなのでこれでOK
                    { "player_id", app.PlayerId.Hash() },
                    { "party_entry_datetime", DateTimeParseToUtc(app.Date) },

                var row = new BigQueryInsertRow
                    { "party_id", app.GroupId },
                    { "player_id", app.PlayerId.Hash() },
                    { "party_exit_datetime", DateTimeParseToUtc(app.Date) },

Esempio n. 2
        public static Func <object, BigQueryInsertRow> GetValueToBigQueryFunction(Type type)
            if (!IsContractType(type))
                throw new NotImplementedException($"Type {type.FullName} is not supported by BigQuerier Contract (maybe QuerierContract attribute is missing?)");

            var propertyMappers = FilterValidTypeProperties(type)
                                  .Select(p => Property.GetBigQueryRecordFieldAppendFunction(p))

            return(value =>
                if (value == null)
                    return null;

                var row = new BigQueryInsertRow();
                foreach (var mapper in propertyMappers)
                    mapper(value, row);
                return row;
Esempio n. 3
        public void InsertRow_BadData_IgnoreUnknownAndBadRows_Silent()
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            // Don't insert into a table used by other tests...
            var table = dataset.CreateTable(
                new TableSchemaBuilder {
                { "year", BigQueryDbType.Int64 }

            var rows = new BigQueryInsertRow[]
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", 2019 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "noSuchField", 10 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", "Unknown" }

            var options = new InsertOptions {
                AllowUnknownFields = true, SkipInvalidRows = true, SuppressInsertErrors = true
            // Now two rows are inserted, we are ignoring unknown fields so only the last row is bad.
            var insertResult = _fixture.InsertAndWait(table, () => table.InsertRows(rows, options), 2);

            Assert.Equal(1, insertResult.OriginalRowsWithErrors);
            Assert.Equal(3, insertResult.InsertAttemptRowCount);
            Assert.Equal(BigQueryInsertStatus.SomeRowsInserted, insertResult.Status);
            Assert.Contains(insertResult.Errors, e => e.OriginalRowIndex == 2);
Esempio n. 4
        public void InsertRow_BadData_IgnoreBadData()
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            // Don't insert into a table used by other tests...
            var table = dataset.CreateTable(
                new TableSchemaBuilder {
                { "name", BigQueryDbType.String }

            Assert.Equal(0, table.ListRows().Count());
            var row = new BigQueryInsertRow {
                { "noSuchField", 10 }

            table.InsertRow(row, new InsertOptions {
                AllowUnknownFields = true

            // Check that we get the row. Use WaitForRows as
            // sometimes this seems to be not-completely-immediate.
            var command = new BigQueryCommand($"SELECT * FROM {table}");

            Assert.Equal(1, WaitForRows(client, command).Count());
Esempio n. 5
        public void InsertRow_BadData_Throws(InsertOptions options, int[] errorRowsIndexes)
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            // Don't insert into a table used by other tests...
            var table = dataset.CreateTable(
                new TableSchemaBuilder {
                { "year", BigQueryDbType.Int64 }
            var rows = new BigQueryInsertRow[]
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "noSuchField", 10 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", "Unknown" }
            var exception = Assert.Throws <GoogleApiException>(() => table.InsertRows(rows, options));

            Assert.Equal(errorRowsIndexes.Length, exception.Error.Errors.Count);
            foreach (var index in errorRowsIndexes)
                Assert.Contains(exception.Error.Errors, e => e.Message.ToLower().Contains($"in row {index}"));
Esempio n. 6
        public void InsertRow_BadData_IgnoreUnknownAndBadRows_Throws()
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            // Don't insert into a table used by other tests...
            var table = dataset.CreateTable(
                new TableSchemaBuilder {
                { "year", BigQueryDbType.Int64 }

            var rows = new BigQueryInsertRow[]
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", 2019 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "noSuchField", 10 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", "Unknown" }

            var options = new InsertOptions {
                AllowUnknownFields = true, SkipInvalidRows = true, SuppressInsertErrors = false
            var exception = Assert.Throws <GoogleApiException>(() => table.InsertRows(rows, options));

            Assert.Equal(1, exception.Error.Errors.Count);
            Assert.Contains("Row 2", exception.Error.Errors[0].Message);
Esempio n. 7
        public void InsertRow_BadData_Silent(InsertOptions options, int[] errorRowsIndexes)
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            // Don't insert into a table used by other tests...
            var table = dataset.CreateTable(
                new TableSchemaBuilder {
                { "year", BigQueryDbType.Int64 }
            var rows = new BigQueryInsertRow[]
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "noSuchField", 10 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", "Unknown" }
            var insertResult = table.InsertRows(rows, options);

            Assert.Equal(errorRowsIndexes.Length, insertResult.OriginalRowsWithErrors);
                         Select(e => (int?)e.OriginalRowIndex ?? -1).
                         OrderBy(index => index).
Esempio n. 8
        public override void Add(Log log, ref int insertCount)
            var battle = log.Battle.kill_history;

            var row = new BigQueryInsertRow
                { "match_id", battle.match_id },
                { "kill_datetime", DateTimeParseToUtc(battle.kill_datetime) },
                { "kill_team_cd", battle.kill_team_cd },
                { "kill_offense_defense_cd", battle.kill_offense_defense_cd },
                { "kill_player_id", battle.kill_player_id.Hash() },
                { "kill_unit_id", battle.kill_unit_id },
                { "kill_armed_id", battle.kill_armed_id },
                { "kill_point_x", battle.kill_point?.X },
                { "kill_point_y", battle.kill_point?.Y },
                { "kill_point_z", battle.kill_point?.Z },
                { "killed_team_cd", battle.killed_team_cd },
                { "killed_offense_defense_cd", battle.killed_offense_defense_cd },
                { "killed_player_id", battle.killed_player_id.Hash() },
                { "killed_unit_id", battle.killed_unit_id },
                { "killed_point_x", battle.killed_point.X },
                { "killed_point_y", battle.killed_point.Y },
                { "killed_point_z", battle.killed_point.Z },
                { "environment_kill_flag", battle.environment_kill_flag },

        public void InsertRow_RecordField()
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            var table   = dataset.GetTable(_fixture.ComplexTypesTableId);

            var guid = IdGenerator.FromGuid();
            var row  = new BigQueryInsertRow
                ["guid"]     = guid,
                ["position"] = new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    ["x"] = 10L, ["y"] = 20L

            _fixture.InsertAndWait(table, () => table.InsertRow(row), 1);
            string sql        = $"SELECT guid, position.x, position.y FROM {table} WHERE guid=@guid";
            var    parameters = new[] { new BigQueryParameter("guid", BigQueryDbType.String, guid) };
            var    resultRows = client.ExecuteQuery(sql, parameters)
                                .Select(r => new { Guid = (string)r["guid"], X = (long)r["x"], Y = (long)r["y"] })
            var expectedResults = new[]
                new { Guid = guid, X = 10L, Y = 20L }

            Assert.Equal(expectedResults, resultRows);
Esempio n. 10
        public void InsertRow_RepeatedField()
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            var table   = dataset.GetTable(_fixture.ComplexTypesTableId);
            var guid    = IdGenerator.FromGuid();
            var row     = new BigQueryInsertRow
                ["guid"] = guid,
                ["tags"] = new[] { "a", "b" }

            _fixture.InsertAndWait(table, () => table.InsertRow(row), 1);

            string sql        = $"SELECT guid, tag FROM {table}, UNNEST(tags) AS tag WHERE guid=@guid ORDER BY tag";
            var    parameters = new[] { new BigQueryParameter("guid", BigQueryDbType.String, guid) };
            var    resultRows = client.ExecuteQuery(sql, parameters)
                                .Select(r => new { Guid = (string)r["guid"], Tag = (string)r["tag"] })
            var expectedResults = new[]
                new { Guid = guid, Tag = "a" },
                new { Guid = guid, Tag = "b" }

            Assert.Equal(expectedResults, resultRows);
Esempio n. 11
        public void InsertRow_BadData_IgnoreUnknownAndBadRows_Silent()
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            // Don't insert into a table used by other tests...
            var table = dataset.CreateTable(
                new TableSchemaBuilder {
                { "year", BigQueryDbType.Int64 }

            var rows = new BigQueryInsertRow[]
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", 2019 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "noSuchField", 10 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", "Unknown" }

            var options = new InsertOptions {
                AllowUnknownFields = true, SkipInvalidRows = true, SuppressInsertErrors = true

            // Now two rows are inserted, we are ignoring unknown fields so only the last row is bad.
            _fixture.InsertAndWait(table, () => table.InsertRows(rows, options), 2);
Esempio n. 12
        public void InsertRow_RepeatedField()
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            var table   = dataset.GetTable(_fixture.ComplexTypesTableId);
            var guid    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var row     = new BigQueryInsertRow
                ["guid"] = guid,
                ["tags"] = new[] { "a", "b" }

            var command = new BigQueryCommand($"SELECT guid, tag FROM {table}, UNNEST(tags) AS tag WHERE guid=@guid ORDER BY tag")
                Parameters = { { "guid", BigQueryDbType.String, guid } }
            var resultRows = WaitForRows(client, command)
                             .Select(r => new { Guid = (string)r["guid"], Tag = (string)r["tag"] })
            var expectedResults = new[]
                new { Guid = guid, Tag = "a" },
                new { Guid = guid, Tag = "b" }

            Assert.Equal(expectedResults, resultRows);
Esempio n. 13
        public void InsertRow_RecordField()
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            var table   = dataset.GetTable(_fixture.ComplexTypesTableId);
            var guid    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var row     = new BigQueryInsertRow
                ["guid"]     = guid,
                ["position"] = new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    ["x"] = 10L, ["y"] = 20L

            var command = new BigQueryCommand($"SELECT guid, position.x, position.y FROM {table} WHERE guid=@guid")
                Parameters = { { "guid", BigQueryDbType.String, guid } }
            var resultRows = WaitForRows(client, command)
                             .Select(r => new { Guid = (string)r["guid"], X = (long)r["x"], Y = (long)r["y"] })
            var expectedResults = new[]
                new { Guid = guid, X = 10L, Y = 20L }

            Assert.Equal(expectedResults, resultRows);
    public void TableInsertRows(
        string projectId = "your-project-id",
        string datasetId = "your_dataset_id",
        string tableId   = "your_table_id"
        BigQueryClient client = BigQueryClient.Create(projectId);

        BigQueryInsertRow[] rows = new BigQueryInsertRow[]
            // The insert ID is optional, but can avoid duplicate data
            // when retrying inserts.
            new BigQueryInsertRow(insertId: "row1")
                { "name", "Washington" },
                { "post_abbr", "WA" }
            new BigQueryInsertRow(insertId: "row2")
                { "name", "Colorado" },
                { "post_abbr", "CO" }
        client.InsertRows(datasetId, tableId, rows);
        public override void Add(Log log, ref int insertCount)
            var battle = log.Battle.damage_history;

            var row = new BigQueryInsertRow
                { "match_id", battle.match_id },
                { "round_start_datetime", DateTimeParseToUtc(battle.round_start_datetime) },
                { "round_count", battle.round_count },
                { "inflict_damage_team_cd", battle.inflict_damage_team_cd },
                { "inflict_damage_offense_defense_cd", battle.inflict_damage_offense_defense_cd },
                { "inflict_damage_player_id", battle.inflict_damage_player_id.Hash() },
                { "inflict_damage_unit_id", battle.inflict_damage_unit_id },
                { "inflict_damage_armed_id", battle.inflict_damage_armed_id },
                { "take_damage_team_cd", battle.take_damage_team_cd },
                { "take_damage_offense_defense_cd", battle.take_damage_offense_defense_cd },
                { "take_damage_player_id", battle.take_damage_player_id.Hash() },
                { "take_damage_unit_id", battle.take_damage_unit_id },
                { "inflict_damage_quantity", battle.inflict_damage_quantity },
                { "inflict_damage_quantity_shield", battle.inflict_damage_quantity_shield },

        public override void Add(Log log, ref int insertCount)
            var battle = log.Battle.match_use_armed_history;

            var row = new BigQueryInsertRow
                { "match_id", battle.match_id },
                { "team_cd", battle.team_cd },
                { "round_start_datetime", DateTimeParseToUtc(battle.round_start_datetime) },
                { "round_count", battle.round_count },
                { "offense_defense_cd", battle.offense_defense_cd },
                { "player_id", battle.player_id.Hash() },
                { "unit_id", battle.unit_id },
                { "armed_id", battle.armed_id },
                { "use_armed_count", battle.use_armed_count },
                { "bullet_fire_count", battle.bullet_fire_count },
                { "bullet_hit_count", battle.bullet_hit_count },
                { "bullet_headshot_count", battle.bullet_headshot_count },
                { "kill_count", battle.kill_count },
                { "heal_quantity", battle.heal_quantity },
                { "block_damage_quantity", battle.block_damage_quantity },
                { "brake_shield_count", battle.brake_shield_count },
                { "using_armed_time_second", battle.using_armed_time_second },
                { "brake_placement_object_count", battle.brake_placement_object_count },
                { "heal_assist_count", battle.heal_assist_count },
                { "enhance_assist_count", battle.enhance_assist_count },
                { "weakness_assist_count", battle.weakness_assist_count },

Esempio n. 17
        public void InsertRow_RecordRepeatedField()
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            var table   = dataset.GetTable(_fixture.ComplexTypesTableId);
            var guid    = IdGenerator.FromGuid();
            var row     = new BigQueryInsertRow
                ["guid"] = guid,
                ["job"]  = new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    ["company"] = "Pet Store", ["roles"] = new[] { "cashier", "manager" }

            _fixture.InsertAndWait(table, () => table.InsertRow(row), 1);

            string sql        = $"SELECT job FROM {table} WHERE guid=@guid";
            var    parameters = new[] { new BigQueryParameter("guid", BigQueryDbType.String, guid) };
            var    fetchedRow = client.ExecuteQuery(sql, parameters)
            var job = (Dictionary <string, object>)fetchedRow["job"];

            Assert.Equal("Pet Store", (string)job["company"]);
            Assert.Equal(new[] { "cashier", "manager" }, (string[])job["roles"]);
Esempio n. 18
        public void InsertRow_RecordRepeatedField()
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            var table   = dataset.GetTable(_fixture.ComplexTypesTableId);
            var guid    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var row     = new BigQueryInsertRow
                ["guid"] = guid,
                ["job"]  = new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    ["company"] = "Pet Store", ["roles"] = new[] { "cashier", "manager" }

            var command = new BigQueryCommand($"SELECT job FROM {table} WHERE guid=@guid")
                Parameters = { { "guid", BigQueryDbType.String, guid } }
            var fetchedRow = WaitForRows(client, command).Single();
            var job        = (Dictionary <string, object>)fetchedRow["job"];

            Assert.Equal("Pet Store", (string)job["company"]);
            Assert.Equal(new[] { "cashier", "manager" }, (string[])job["roles"]);
Esempio n. 19
        public void RepeatedValue_NullRejectedOnConversion()
            var row = new BigQueryInsertRow {
                { "names", new[] { "a", null, "b" } }

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => row.ToRowsData());
        public void RepeatedValue()
            var row = new BigQueryInsertRow {
                { "numbers", new[] { 1, 2 } }
            var rowData = row.ToRowsData();

            Assert.Equal(new object[] { 1, 2 }, rowData.Json["numbers"]);
        private void AssertInvalid(string name, object value)
            var row = new BigQueryInsertRow();

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => row.Add(name, value));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => row[name] = value);
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => row.Add(new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { name, value }
Esempio n. 22
        public void GetEnumerator()
            var row = new BigQueryInsertRow
                { "field1", 10 },
                { "field2", "text" }

            Assert.Equal(2, row.Cast <object>().Count());
Esempio n. 23
        public void TimespanFormatting()
            var row = new BigQueryInsertRow
                { "field", new TimeSpan(1, 2, 3) },
            var rowData = row.ToRowsData();

            Assert.Equal("01:02:03", rowData.Json["field"]);
        public void DateTimeFormatting()
            var row = new BigQueryInsertRow
                { "field", new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 5, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc) },
            var rowData = row.ToRowsData();

            Assert.Equal("2000-01-01 05:00:00Z", rowData.Json["field"]);
        public void Numeric_Json()
            object value = BigQueryNumeric.Parse("123.456");
            var    row   = new BigQueryInsertRow {
                { "field", value }
            var rowData = row.ToRowsData();

            Assert.Equal("123.456", rowData.Json["field"]);
        public void SupportedValueTypes_Passthrough(Type type)
            object value = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
            var    row   = new BigQueryInsertRow {
                { "field", value }
            var rowData = row.ToRowsData();

            Assert.Equal(value, rowData.Json["field"]);
Esempio n. 27
        public void UnspecifiedDateTimeFormatting()
            var row = new BigQueryInsertRow
                { "field", new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 5, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Unspecified) },
            var rowData = row.ToRowsData(false);

            Assert.Equal("2000-01-01T05:00:00", rowData.Json["field"]);
        public void DateTimeOffsetFormatting()
            var row = new BigQueryInsertRow
                // 3am UTC
                { "field", new DateTimeOffset(2000, 1, 1, 5, 0, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(2)) },
            var rowData = row.ToRowsData();

            Assert.Equal("2000-01-01 03:00:00Z", rowData.Json["field"]);
Esempio n. 29
        public void InsertRow_BadData()
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            var table   = dataset.GetTable(_fixture.HighScoreTableId);
            var row     = new BigQueryInsertRow {
                { "noSuchField", 10 }

            Assert.Throws <GoogleApiException>(() => table.InsertRow(row));
        public void AddDictionary()
            var dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "field1", "value1" }
            var row = new BigQueryInsertRow {

            Assert.Equal("value1", row["field1"]);