public string this[string index] { get { return(Entry.getAllFields().ContainsKey(index) ? Entry.getField(index) : ""); } }
private void AddBibTeXEntry(BibtexEntry entry) { string title = entry.getField("title"); string subtitle = ""; string author = entry.getField("author"); string editor = entry.getField("editor"); title = TrimEntry(title); author = TrimEntry(author); editor = TrimEntry(editor); if (author == null) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: empty author field in entry {0}", entry.getId()); author = ""; } if (editor == null) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: empty editor field in entry {0}", entry.getId()); editor = ""; } string[] authors = author.Split(new string[] { " and ", "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string new_author = ""; foreach (string a in authors) { if (a.Length > 0 && new_author != "") { new_author = new_author + ";" + TrimEntry(a); } else if (a.Length > 0) { new_author = TrimEntry(a); } } if (editor == "") { editor = new_author; } if (new_author == "") { new_author = editor; } string booktitle = entry.getField("booktitle"); string edition = entry.getField("edition"); string isbn = entry.getField("isbn"); string journalorseriestitle = entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("ARTICLE") ? entry.getField("journal") : entry.getField("series"); string volume = entry.getField("volume"); string issue = entry.getField("issue"); string pages = entry.getField("pages"); string startpage = ""; string endpage = ""; if (pages != null) { string[] splittedPages = pages.Split(new string[] { "-", "--" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (splittedPages.Length > 0) { startpage = splittedPages[0].Trim(); } if (splittedPages.Length > 1) { endpage = splittedPages[1].Trim(); } } string issn = entry.getField("issn"); string publisher = entry.getField("publisher"); string publicationdate = entry.getField("year"); string abstract_txt = entry.getField("abstract"); string doi = entry.getField("doi"); string fulltexturl = entry.getField("url"); string notes = entry.getField("notes"); string publicationtype = ""; string orgcode = BibTex2eCitation.Properties.Settings.Default.DefaultOrgCode.ToString(); if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("ARTICLE")) { publicationtype = "Journal Items"; } else if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("BOOK")) { publicationtype = "Monographs/ Monograph Items"; } else if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("PHDTHESIS")) { publicationtype = "Doctoral Thesis and Habilitation"; } else if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("MASTERSTHESIS")) { publicationtype = "Master Thesis and Bachelor Thesis"; } else if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("INPROCEEDINGS")) { publicationtype = "Conference Contributions"; } string language = "English"; dataGridView1.Rows.Add(new string[] { title, new_author, publicationdate, editor, publicationtype, "", orgcode, subtitle, booktitle, edition, "", "", isbn, journalorseriestitle, volume, issue, startpage, endpage, issn, publisher, "", "", abstract_txt, doi, fulltexturl, "", "", "", notes, "", language }); }
private void ParseField(BibtexEntry entry) { string key = ParseTextToken().ToLower(); //"Field: _"+key+"_"); SkipWhitespace(); Consume('='); string content = ParseFieldContent(key); if (content.Length > 0) { if (entry.getField(key) == null) entry.setField(key, content); else { // The following hack enables the parser to deal with multiple // author or // editor lines, stringing them together instead of getting just // one of them. // Multiple author or editor lines are not allowed by the bibtex // format, but // at least one online database exports bibtex like that, making // it inconvenient // for users if JabRef didn't accept it. if (key.Equals("author") || key.Equals("editor")) entry.setField(key, entry.getField(key) + " and " + content); } } }