protected override void OnStopped() { Server.OnUserDisconnected -= Server_OnUserDisconnected; if (redIntel != null && redIntel.CreatableInfo != null) { objectComponent.NetworkDestroy(redIntel.CreatableInfo.Id); objectComponent.NetworkDestroy(blueIntel.CreatableInfo.Id); objectComponent.NetworkDestroy(redPost.CreatableInfo.Id); objectComponent.NetworkDestroy(bluePost.CreatableInfo.Id); redIntel.OnPickedUp -= Intel_OnPickedUp; redIntel.OnDropped -= Intel_OnDropped; redIntel.OnReturned -= Intel_OnReturned; blueIntel.OnPickedUp -= Intel_OnPickedUp; blueIntel.OnDropped -= Intel_OnDropped; blueIntel.OnReturned -= Intel_OnReturned; redPost.PhysicsBody.OnCollision -= Post_OnCollision; bluePost.PhysicsBody.OnCollision -= Post_OnCollision; } redIntel.Dispose(); blueIntel.Dispose(); redPost.Dispose(); blueIntel.Dispose(); teamA.Clear(); teamB.Clear(); teamAScore = 0; teamBScore = 0; base.OnStopped(); }
public static void Main() { string decorationLine = new string('-', Console.WindowWidth); Console.Write(decorationLine); Console.WriteLine("***Presenting the functionality of the data structure 'BiDictionary' - allows"); Console.WriteLine("adding values by two keys, searching by a single key or by both keys and"); Console.WriteLine("removing values by both keys***"); Console.Write(decorationLine); BiDictionary<string, string, Person> peopleDictionary = new BiDictionary<string, string, Person>(); Console.WriteLine("---Test add operation---"); foreach (Person person in people) { peopleDictionary.Add(person.FirstName, person.LastName, person); } Console.WriteLine("Count after addition: {0}", peopleDictionary.Count); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("---Test get values by first key---"); string firstName = "Gosho"; Console.WriteLine("All people with first name '{0}' are:", firstName); PrintPeopleOnConsole(peopleDictionary.GetByFirstKey(firstName)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("---Test get values by second key---"); string lastName = "Peshov"; Console.WriteLine("All people with last name '{0}' are:", lastName); PrintPeopleOnConsole(peopleDictionary.GetBySecondKey(lastName)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("---Test get values by first key and second key---"); string firstKey = "Gosho"; string secondKey = "Goshov"; Console.WriteLine("All people with first name '{0}' and last name '{1}' are:", firstKey, secondKey); PrintPeopleOnConsole(peopleDictionary.GetByBothKeys(firstKey, secondKey)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("---Test remove operation---"); Console.WriteLine("Removing all people with first key '{0}' and second key '{1}'", firstKey, secondKey); peopleDictionary.Remove(firstKey, secondKey); Console.WriteLine("Count of people after removal: {0}", peopleDictionary.Count); Console.WriteLine("Count of people with first name '{0}' after removal: {1}", firstKey, peopleDictionary.GetByFirstKey(firstKey).Count); Console.WriteLine("Count of people with last name '{0}' after removal: {1}", secondKey, peopleDictionary.GetBySecondKey(secondKey).Count); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("---Test clear operation---"); peopleDictionary.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Count of people after clearing the dictionary: {0}", peopleDictionary.Count); }
public void BiDictionaryClear_Test() { var dictionary = new BiDictionary<object, object>(); dictionary.Add("test", "test"); dictionary.Add("test2", "test2"); dictionary.Clear(); Assert.Empty(dictionary); }
public void BiDictionaryTest_clear_simple() { var biDictionary = new BiDictionary <Vector2Int, Vector2Int> { { new Vector2Int(5, 5), new Vector2Int(4, 4) }, { new Vector2Int(6, 6), new Vector2Int(3, 3) }, { new Vector2Int(7, 7), new Vector2Int(2, 2) } }; biDictionary.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(0, biDictionary.Count()); }
public void Clear() { var Random = Initialise(); var Records = new BiDictionary <int, int>(); foreach (var(Left, Right) in YieldRandom(Random, 1024)) { Records.Add(Left, Right); } Records.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(0, Records.Count); }
public void ClearAdd() { var Random = Initialise(); var Records = new BiDictionary <int, int>(); foreach (var(Left, Right) in YieldRandom(Random, 1024)) { Records.Add(Left, Right); } Records.Clear(); foreach (var(Left, Right) in YieldRandom(Random, 1024)) { Records.Add(Left, Right); } Validate(Records); }
//INitiate tiles could be called bu the puzzle manager. private void InitiateTiles() { initiated = true; //if we do this at runtime, not for initialization, theres probably gonna need to be event unregistering and memory management issues. I dont have events yet soooo map.Clear(); //reset min and max to improbable states. _max = new Vector3Int(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MinValue, 0); _min = new Vector3Int(Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue, 0); BoundsInt bounds = tilemap.cellBounds; for (int x = bounds.xMin; x <= bounds.xMax; x++) { for (int y = bounds.yMin; y <= bounds.yMax; y++) { for (int z = bounds.zMin; z <= bounds.zMax; z++) //not officially supporting layered grids but might as well try. //Probably better to use multiple tilemaps. { Vector3Int position = new Vector3Int(x, y, z); NavTile nt = tilemap.GetTile(position) as NavTile; //todo z values? if (nt != null) { //Create NavNode NavNode node = new NavNode(position, this, nt.walkableDirections, nt.walkable); RegisterTile(position, node); if (defaultTileColor != null) { tilemap.SetColor(position, defaultTileColor.Value); } //Adjust Min and Max _min = new Vector3Int(Mathf.Min(_min.x, position.x), Mathf.Min(_min.y, position.y), 0); _max = new Vector3Int(Mathf.Max(_max.x, position.x), Mathf.Max(_max.y, position.y), 0); } } } } }
public void TestClear() { _biDictionary.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(0, _biDictionary.Count); }
public void Clear() { Free.Clear(); Entries.Clear(); }
public void Clear() { root = new OctreeNode(); elementByKey.Clear(); }