public void Option4() { bettingPanel.SetActive(false); betAmount = BetAmount.Large; DisplayPayouts(); AudioManager.instance.PlaySFX("Large Bet"); }
public void Option3() { bettingPanel.SetActive(false); betAmount = BetAmount.Medium; DisplayPayouts(); AudioManager.instance.PlaySFX("Medium Bet"); }
public void Option2() { bettingPanel.SetActive(false); betAmount = BetAmount.Small; DisplayPayouts(); AudioManager.instance.PlaySFX("Small Bet"); }
private void InitializeAI(BetAmount betAmount) { AIUnit ai = ai_units.Find(p => (p.m_BetAmount == betAmount)); mInfo = new List <QuestionAnswerInfo>(); int correctNum = Random.Range(ai.m_QuestionToAnswer.MinQuestionsToBeAnswered, ai.m_QuestionToAnswer.MaxQuestionsToBeAnswered + 1); int TimeToAnswer = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MULTIPLAYER_QUESTION_NUMBER; i++) { QuestionAnswerInfo tInfo = new QuestionAnswerInfo(); int answerInWithin = Random.Range(ai.MinTimeToAnswer, ai.MaxTimeToAnswer); tInfo.AnsweredInTime = answerInWithin; TimeToAnswer = (i == 0) ? maxAllowedTime - answerInWithin : TimeToAnswer - answerInWithin; tInfo.TimeToAnswerQuestion = TimeToAnswer;//UnityEngine.Random.Range(ai.MinTimeToAnswer, ai.MaxTimeToAnswer); mInfo.Add(tInfo); } FisherYatesShuffle obj = new FisherYatesShuffle(5); obj.ShuffleList(); List <int> correctIndex = obj.ShuffledList; for (int i = 0; i < correctNum; i++) { mInfo[correctIndex[i]].isCorrectAnswer = true; } }
public object Clone() { return(new Bet { BetAmount = (ScoreAmount)BetAmount?.Clone(), PlayType = PlayType }); }
public bool Equals(Bet other) { if (other == null) { return(false); } return(BetAmount.Equals(other.BetAmount) && PlayType == other.PlayType); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = 13; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ BetAmount.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ PlayType.GetHashCode(); return(hashCode); } }
/// <summary> /// Resets all data except user name. This is for when player resets the game from settings. /// </summary> public void ResetProgress() { ResetAfterGameFinish(); TotalLives = 10; TotalBananas = 10; BetAmount = BetAmount.Five; Achievements = new List <Achievement>(); Score = 0; TotalLevels = 25; RemainingLevels = 25; }
private void OnEnable() { if (HolderUI.Mode == MultiplayerMode.ChallengeWaitingForPlayer || HolderUI.Mode == MultiplayerMode.FindingPlayer) { CurrentBetAmount = GameDataManager.Instance.BetAmount; EnableDisablePrevNextButton(PrevNextButton.both, EnableDisableAction.Disable); } else if (HolderUI.Mode == MultiplayerMode.Challenge || HolderUI.Mode == MultiplayerMode.FindPlayer) { CurrentBetAmount = BetAmount.Five; EnableDisablePrevNextButton(PrevNextButton.both, EnableDisableAction.Enable); } }
private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var am = new BetAmount(); var q = client.Eth.GetContractQueryHandler <BetAmount>(); var result = await q.QueryAsync <Int32>(am, contractAddress); MessageBox.Show(result.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public void StartAI(BetAmount betAmount) { ScorePerQuestion = GameManager.Instance.ScorePerQuestionMultiplayer; ScoreForLastQuestion = GameManager.Instance.ScoreForLastQuestionMultiplayer; QuestionMultiplier = GameManager.Instance.MultiplayerQuestionMultiplier; LastQuestionMultiplier = GameManager.Instance.MultiplayerLastQuestionMultiplier; maxAllowedTime = GameManager.Instance.MultiplayerTotalTime; MULTIPLAYER_QUESTION_NUMBER = GameManager.Instance.MultiplayerQuestionsPerRound; InitializeAI(betAmount); Debug.Log("<color=green>AI STARTED LISTENING</color>"); mAIstate = AIState.Active; }
private int GetCurrentCurrentBet(BetAmount betAmount) { int bet = -1; for (int i = 0; i < BetList.Count; i++) { if (BetList[i].BetAmountChosen == betAmount) { bet = i; break; } } return(bet); }
public void Insert(string optionValue) { using (var conn = SQLConn.GetConnection()) { conn.Open(); var trans = conn.BeginTransaction(); try { if (BetCheck(trans)) { //update gambler statistics var gambler = new Gambler(UserID, trans); gambler.TotalBet += BetAmount.GetValueOrDefault(0f); if (BetAmount.HasValue) { gambler.Cash -= BetAmount.GetValueOrDefault(0f); } gambler.Update(trans); var banker = new Banker(CasinoItem.GetCasinoItem(CasinoItemGuid).BankerID); banker.Cash += BetAmount.GetValueOrDefault(0f); banker.Update(trans); var key = DataAccess.Bet.InsertBet(UserID, UserName, CasinoItemGuid, BetAmount, BetRate, trans); MatchChoiceOption.SaveMatchChoiceOption(key, optionValue, trans); trans.Commit(); } else { throw new Exception("Failed to create bet (SingleChoice)."); } } catch { trans.Rollback(); } //conn.Close(); } }
public int GetBetAmount(BetAmount bet) { switch (bet) { case BetAmount.One: return(1); case BetAmount.Five: return(5); case BetAmount.Fifty: return(50); case BetAmount.Hundred: return(100); case BetAmount.FiveHundred: return(500); default: // BetAmount.OneThousand return(1000); } }
private void IncreaseDecreaseBet(IncreaseDecreaseAction Action) { switch (CurrentBetAmount) { case BetAmount.One: switch (Action) { case IncreaseDecreaseAction.Decrese: break; case IncreaseDecreaseAction.Increse: CurrentBetAmount = BetAmount.Five; break; } break; case BetAmount.Five: switch (Action) { case IncreaseDecreaseAction.Decrese: CurrentBetAmount = BetAmount.One; break; case IncreaseDecreaseAction.Increse: CurrentBetAmount = BetAmount.Fifty; break; } break; case BetAmount.Fifty: switch (Action) { case IncreaseDecreaseAction.Decrese: CurrentBetAmount = BetAmount.Five; break; case IncreaseDecreaseAction.Increse: CurrentBetAmount = BetAmount.Hundred; break; } break; case BetAmount.Hundred: switch (Action) { case IncreaseDecreaseAction.Decrese: CurrentBetAmount = BetAmount.Fifty; break; case IncreaseDecreaseAction.Increse: CurrentBetAmount = BetAmount.FiveHundred; break; } break; case BetAmount.FiveHundred: switch (Action) { case IncreaseDecreaseAction.Decrese: CurrentBetAmount = BetAmount.Hundred; break; case IncreaseDecreaseAction.Increse: CurrentBetAmount = BetAmount.OneThousand; break; } break; case BetAmount.OneThousand: switch (Action) { case IncreaseDecreaseAction.Decrese: CurrentBetAmount = BetAmount.FiveHundred; break; case IncreaseDecreaseAction.Increse: break; } break; } }
public int CompareTo(Bet other) { return(BetAmount.CompareTo(other.BetAmount)); }
private async void GetGameBoard() { try { if (GameReady == false) { var status = new GameStatus(); var q = client.Eth.GetContractQueryHandler <GameStatus>(); var ready = await q.QueryAsync <bool>(status, contractAddress); if (ready == true) { GameReady = true; } else if (BetTurn == false) { var am = new BetAmount(); var bet = client.Eth.GetContractQueryHandler <BetAmount>(); var result = await bet.QueryAsync <Int32>(am, contractAddress); if (result != ProposedBet) { BetTurn = true; } tx_bet.Value = result; } } if (GameReady == true) { pn_bet.Enabled = false; var handler1 = client.Eth.GetContractQueryHandler <GetWinnerFunction>(); var win = new GetWinnerFunction(); var winResult = await handler1.QueryAsync <string>(win, contractAddress); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(winResult.ToString()) == false) { timer1.Stop(); } pnl_Board.Enabled = true; var handler2 = client.Eth.GetContractQueryHandler <GetBoradSquareFunction>(); var state = new GetBoradSquareFunction(); state.Row = 0; state.Column = 0; var cellStatus = await handler2.QueryAsync <string>(state, contractAddress); if (cellStatus == "X") { bt_00.BackColor = Xcolor; } else if (cellStatus == "O") { bt_00.BackColor = Ocolor; } else if (cellStatus == "N") { bt_00.BackColor = Color.Transparent; } state.Row = 0; state.Column = 1; cellStatus = await handler2.QueryAsync <string>(state, contractAddress); if (cellStatus == "X") { bt_01.BackColor = Xcolor; } else if (cellStatus == "O") { bt_01.BackColor = Ocolor; } else if (cellStatus == "N") { bt_01.BackColor = Color.Transparent; } state.Row = 0; state.Column = 2; cellStatus = await handler2.QueryAsync <string>(state, contractAddress); if (cellStatus == "X") { bt_02.BackColor = Xcolor; } else if (cellStatus == "O") { bt_02.BackColor = Ocolor; } else if (cellStatus == "N") { bt_02.BackColor = Color.Transparent; } state.Row = 1; state.Column = 0; cellStatus = await handler2.QueryAsync <string>(state, contractAddress); if (cellStatus == "X") { bt_10.BackColor = Xcolor; } else if (cellStatus == "O") { bt_10.BackColor = Ocolor; } else if (cellStatus == "N") { bt_10.BackColor = Color.Transparent; } state.Row = 1; state.Column = 1; cellStatus = await handler2.QueryAsync <string>(state, contractAddress); if (cellStatus == "X") { bt_11.BackColor = Xcolor; } else if (cellStatus == "O") { bt_11.BackColor = Ocolor; } else if (cellStatus == "N") { bt_11.BackColor = Color.Transparent; } state.Row = 1; state.Column = 2; cellStatus = await handler2.QueryAsync <string>(state, contractAddress); if (cellStatus == "X") { bt_12.BackColor = Xcolor; } else if (cellStatus == "O") { bt_12.BackColor = Ocolor; } else if (cellStatus == "N") { bt_12.BackColor = Color.Transparent; } state.Row = 2; state.Column = 0; cellStatus = await handler2.QueryAsync <string>(state, contractAddress); if (cellStatus == "X") { bt_20.BackColor = Xcolor; } else if (cellStatus == "O") { bt_20.BackColor = Ocolor; } else if (cellStatus == "N") { bt_20.BackColor = Color.Transparent; } state.Row = 2; state.Column = 1; cellStatus = await handler2.QueryAsync <string>(state, contractAddress); if (cellStatus == "X") { bt_21.BackColor = Xcolor; } else if (cellStatus == "O") { bt_21.BackColor = Ocolor; } else if (cellStatus == "N") { bt_21.BackColor = Color.Transparent; } state.Row = 2; state.Column = 2; cellStatus = await handler2.QueryAsync <string>(state, contractAddress); if (cellStatus == "X") { bt_22.BackColor = Xcolor; } else if (cellStatus == "O") { bt_22.BackColor = Ocolor; } else if (cellStatus == "N") { bt_22.BackColor = Color.Transparent; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(winResult.ToString()) == false) { pnl_Board.Enabled = false; pn_player.Enabled = true; GameReady = false; MessageBox.Show(winResult); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } }