private void SetPassword(string username, string newPassword) { var distinguishedName = string.Format(@"CN={0},{1}", username, _config.DistinguishedName); Logger.Info("Setting password for user: \"{0}\"", username); Logger.Info("Distinguished name: \"{0}\"", distinguishedName); // the 'unicodePWD' attribute is used to handle pwd handling requests const string attribute = "unicodePwd"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(newPassword)) { // do we have a pwd to set -> set pwd var directoryAttributeModificationReplace = new DirectoryAttributeModification { Name = attribute, Operation = DirectoryAttributeOperation.Replace }; directoryAttributeModificationReplace.Add(BuildBytePwd(newPassword)); var damList = new[] { directoryAttributeModificationReplace }; var modifyRequest = new ModifyRequest(distinguishedName, damList); // Should we utilize pwd history on the pwd reset? var value = BerConverter.Encode("{i}", new object[] { 0x1 }); var pwdHistory = new DirectoryControl(LdapServerPolicyHintsOid, value, false, true); modifyRequest.Controls.Add(pwdHistory); var response = _connection.SendRequest(modifyRequest); // TODO: handle bad response. } }
protected void StatsCookie() { if (QueryInfo.ExecStatsQuery) { if (QueryInfo.RootDse) { GlobalEventHandler.RaiseErrorOccured("Retreiving statistics from a rootDSE query cannot be done", true); } else if (QueryInfo.MustGetSingleObjectPath) { GlobalEventHandler.RaiseErrorOccured(String.Format("Switched to single object path base query {0}\t-> retreiving staistics doesn't make sense", Environment.NewLine), true); } else { RetreiveStatistics = QueryInfo.ExecStatsQuery; byte[] controlvalue = BerConverter.Encode("{i}", new object[] { 0x1 }); controlvalue = null; Request.Controls.Add(new DirectoryControl(STATISTCS_CONTROL_OID, controlvalue, false, true)); } } }
public void PageCookie(int pageSize) { FirstPagingRun = true; LastPageSize = pageSize; byte[] cvalue = BerConverter.Encode("{io}", new object[] { pageSize, PagingCookie }); DirectoryControl dcpage = new DirectoryControl("1.2.840.113556.1.4.319", cvalue, true, true); if (PagingCookie != null) { PageControl = new PageResultRequestControl(PagingCookie); } else if (Scope != SearchScope.Base) { PageControl = new PageResultRequestControl(pageSize); } if (PageControl != null) { PageCount = 0; Request.Controls.Add(PageControl); DoPaging = true; } }
public byte[] Encode(int type) { switch (type) { case 3: { LDAPBindResponse protocolOp = (LDAPBindResponse)this.ProtocolOp; return(BerConverter.Encode("{it{eooto}}", this.MessageID, 0x61, protocolOp.ResultCode, protocolOp.MatchedDN, protocolOp.DiagnosticMessage, 0x87, protocolOp.ServerSaslCreds)); } case 4: { LDAPSearchResEntry protocolOp = (LDAPSearchResEntry)this.ProtocolOp; return(BerConverter.Encode("{it{sto}}", this.MessageID, 0x64, protocolOp.ObjectDN, 0x30, protocolOp.Attributes)); } case 5: { LDAPSearchResDone protocolOp = (LDAPSearchResDone)this.ProtocolOp; return(BerConverter.Encode("{it{eoo}}", this.MessageID, 0x65, protocolOp.ResultCode, protocolOp.MatchedDN, protocolOp.ErrorMessage)); } } return(null); }
public void Encode_Objects_ReturnsExpected(string format, object[] values, byte[] expected) { var actual = BerConverter.Encode(format, values); _testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"expected: [{string.Join(',', expected)}]"); _testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"actual: [{string.Join(',', actual)}]"); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public void Encode_Invalid_ThrowsArgumentException(string format, object[] values) { try { AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentException>(null, () => BerConverter.Encode(format, values)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.GetType().Name + ":" + ex.Message); } }
public void Encode_Decode_Should_Returns_Expected(string printFormat, string scanFormat, object[] values, string[] platforms = null) { if (platforms != null && !platforms.Any(_ => RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Create(_)))) { return; } var encoded = BerConverter.Encode(printFormat, values); _testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"encoded: [{string.Join(',', encoded)}]"); var decoded = BerConverter.Decode(scanFormat, encoded); Assert.Equal(values, decoded); }
public byte[] Encode() { return(BerConverter.Encode("{iX}", this.MessageID, this.ProtocolOp)); }
public override byte[] GetValue() { object[] objArray = new object[1]; objArray[0] = this._inputDN; return(BerConverter.Encode("{s}", objArray)); }
public byte[] Encode() { return(BerConverter.Encode("t{eoo}", 0x65, this.ResultCode, this.MatchedDN, this.ErrorMessage));; }
public byte[] Encode() { return(BerConverter.Encode("t{stX}", new object[] { 0x64, this.ObjectDN, 0x30, this.Attributes })); }
public void Encode_NullFormat_ThrowsArgumentNullException() { AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("format", () => BerConverter.Encode(null, new object[0])); }
public void Encode_InvalidFormat_ThrowsBerConversionException(string format) { Assert.Throws <BerConversionException>(() => BerConverter.Encode(format, new object[0])); }
public byte[] Encode(LDAPSearchResEntry search) { return(BerConverter.Encode("{it{stX}}", this.MessageID, 0x64, search.ObjectDN, 0x30, search.Attributes)); }
public void Encode_NullFormat_ThrowsArgumentNullException() { Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("format", () => BerConverter.Encode(null)); }
public byte[] Encode(Object[] Segment) { return(BerConverter.Encode("t{s{V}}", 0x64, this.ObjectDN, Segment)); }
public byte[] Encode(LDAPSearchResDone resdone) { return(BerConverter.Encode("{it{eoo}}", this.MessageID, 0x65, resdone.ResultCode, resdone.MatchedDN, resdone.ErrorMessage)); }
/// <summary> /// LDAP でパスワードを変更する。 /// </summary> /// <param name="accountDN">アカウントの DN</param> /// <param name="oldPasswd">現在のパスワード</param> /// <param name="newPasswd">変更後のパスワード</param> /// <param name="ldapServer">LDAP サーバーのホスト名または IP アドレス</param> /// <param name="isTls">LDAPS にする場合 true。LDAP のままにする場合 false。</param> public static void ChangePassword(string accountDN, string oldPasswd, string newPasswd, string ldapServer, bool isTls) { if (accountDN == null || oldPasswd == null || newPasswd == null || ldapServer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } if (accountDN.Length < 1 || oldPasswd.Length < 1 || newPasswd.Length < 1 || ldapServer.Length < 1) { throw new ArgumentException(); } ldapServer = ServerPortSpecify(ldapServer, isTls); LdapConnection ldapConnection = new LdapConnection(ldapServer) { Credential = new NetworkCredential(accountDN, oldPasswd), AuthType = AuthType.Basic, Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10) }; ldapConnection.SessionOptions.ProtocolVersion = 3; ldapConnection.SessionOptions.SecureSocketLayer = isTls; // var ber = BerConverter.Encode("{tststs}", LDAP_TAG_EXOP_MODIFY_PASSWD_ID, accountDN, LDAP_TAG_EXOP_MODIFY_PASSWD_OLD, oldPasswd, LDAP_TAG_EXOP_MODIFY_PASSWD_NEW, newPasswd); var modifyPasswdRequest = new ExtendedRequest(LDAP_EXOP_MODIFY_PASSWD, ber); try { // 認証したいユーザーでバインドする ldapConnection.Bind(); // パスワード変更要求を送信 var modifyPasswdResponse = (ExtendedResponse)ldapConnection.SendRequest(modifyPasswdRequest); // 応答が「成功」か確認 if (modifyPasswdResponse.ResultCode != ResultCode.Success) { throw new Exception("Could not change password. (" + Enum.GetName(typeof(ResultCode), modifyPasswdResponse.ResultCode) + ")"); } } finally { if (ldapConnection != null) { try { ldapConnection.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e); } } } }
public void Encode_Invalid_ThrowsArgumentException(string format, object[] values) { AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentException>(null, () => BerConverter.Encode(format, values)); }
public byte[] Encode() { return(BerConverter.Encode("{st{v}}", this.Type, 0x31, this.Vals)); }
public void Encode_Objects_ReturnsExpected(string format, object[] values, byte[] expected) { AssertExtensions.Equal(expected, BerConverter.Encode(format, values)); }
static void DoBerEncoding() { try { bool boolValue = true; int intValue = 5; byte[] binaryValue = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 }; string strValue = "abcdef"; string[] strValues = { "abc", "def", "xyzw" }; byte[][] binaryValues = { new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 }, new byte[] { 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07 }, new byte[] { 0x08, 0x09,0x0A }, new byte[] { 0x0B, 0x0C } }; Console.WriteLine("\r\nBer encoding objects..."); byte[] berEncodedValue = BerConverter.Encode("{bios{v}{V}}", new object[] { boolValue, intValue, binaryValue, strValue, strValues, binaryValues }); Console.WriteLine("\r\nBer decoding the byte array..."); object[] decodedObjects = BerConverter.Decode("{biOavV}", berEncodedValue); Console.WriteLine("\r\nThe decoded objects are:"); foreach (object o in decodedObjects) { if (o is byte[]) { Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToStringInHex((byte[])o)); } else if (o is byte[][]) { byte[][] byteArrays = (byte[][])o; for (int i = 0; i < byteArrays.Length; i++) { Console.Write(ByteArrayToStringInHex(byteArrays[i]) + " - "); } Console.WriteLine(); } else if (o is string[]) { string[] strArray = (string[])o; for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++) { Console.Write(strArray[i] + " - "); } Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine(o); } } } catch (BerConversionException e) { Console.WriteLine("BerConversionException:" + e.Message); } catch (ArgumentException e) { Console.WriteLine("ArgumentException:" + e.Message); } }
public override byte[] GetValue() { _directoryControlValue = BerConverter.Encode("{s}", new object[] { AttributeName }); return(base.GetValue()); }
internal byte[] GetValue() { return(BerConverter.Encode("{ibb}", (int)this.ChangeTypes, this.ChangesOnly, this.ReturnEntryChangeNotificationControls)); }