Esempio n. 1
        void Awake()
            if (instance == null)
                instance = this;
            // Use this if you wish to make the mod trigger cheat mode ingame.
            // Set this true if your mod effects physics or allows mods that you can't normally do.
            isCheat = false;
            // Set this to whether the mod is currently enabled or not.
            // Usually you want this to be true by default.

            // Register the mod to PTF, that way it will be able to be configured using PTF ingame.

            modEnabled = Config.Bind(modEnabledDef, true, new ConfigDescription("Enable Mod"));
            modEnabled.SettingChanged += onEnableDisable;

            harmony = new Harmony("org.bepinex.plugins.ConsoleCinematicCamera");
            Logger.LogInfo("Console Initiated.");
            // ConsoleCommands.Init();

Esempio n. 2
        void Awake()
            this.repositoryUrl = ""; // repo to check for updates from
            if (instance == null)
                instance = this;
            // Use this if you wish to make the mod trigger cheat mode ingame.
            // Set this true if your mod effects physics or allows mods that you can't normally do.
            isCheat = false;

            modEnabled = Config.Bind("Template Mod", "modEnabled", true, "Enable Mod");

            modEnabled.SettingChanged += onEnableDisable;

            harmony = new Harmony("org.bepinex.plugins.TemplateMod");

            this.authors = new string[] { "Conqu3red" };

            // just a log statement

        public void onCheatsChanged(object sender, ListChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.ListChangedType == ListChangedType.ItemDeleted)
            PolyTechMod mod         = cheatMods[cheatMods.Count - 1];
            string      nameAndVers = $"{mod.Info.Metadata.Name} v{mod.Info.Metadata.Version}";

            Logger.LogInfo("Registered cheat mod: " + nameAndVers);
        public void Awake()
            moddedWatermark  = Config.Bind(moddedWatermarkDef, watermarks.polytech, new ConfigDescription("Selected Watermark"));
            vanillaWatermark = Config.Bind(vanillaWatermarkDef, watermarks.polytech, new ConfigDescription("Selected Watermark"));

            modEnabled = Config.Bind(modEnabledDef, true, new ConfigDescription("Enable Mod"));
            modEnabled.SettingChanged += onEnableDisable;

            forceCheat = Config.Bind(forceCheatDef, false, new ConfigDescription("Force Cheat Flag"));
            forceCheat.SettingChanged += onForceCheatToggle;

            sandboxEverywhere = Config.Bind(sandboxEverywhereDef, false, new ConfigDescription("Allow sandbox resource editor and scene changer in any level (enables cheat flag)"));
            sandboxEverywhere.SettingChanged += sandboxEverywhereToggle;

            globalToggleHotkey = Config.Bind(globalToggleHotkeyDef, new BepInEx.Configuration.KeyboardShortcut(KeyCode.BackQuote, KeyCode.LeftAlt), new ConfigDescription("Keybind used to toggle mods without opening the config menu."));

            leaderboardProtMin = Config.Bind(leaderboardProtMinDef, 71, new ConfigDescription("Minimum value allowed to upload to leaderboard. 71 is the minimum to protect from automatic shadowbans."));
            leaderboardProtMin.SettingChanged += onLeaderboardProtChange;
            leaderboardCheck = Config.Bind(leaderboardCheckDef, false, new ConfigDescription("If checked, the game will confirm with the user before uploading scores to the leaderboard."));
            leaderboardBlock = Config.Bind(leaderboardBlockDef, false, new ConfigDescription("If checked, the game will never upload a score to the leaderboard."));

            noncheatMods.ListChanged += onCosmeticsChanged;
            cheatMods.ListChanged    += onCheatsChanged;

            enabledCheatTweaks = 0 + (forceCheat.Value ? 1 : 0) + (sandboxEverywhere.Value ? 1 : 0);

            this.modCheated    = false;
            this.repositoryUrl = "";


            this.ptfLogger = Logger;
            Logger.LogInfo($"Loaded {PluginName} v{PluginVersion}");
            this.isCheat   = false;
            this.isEnabled = modEnabled.Value;
            ptfInstance    = this;

            this.authors = new string[] { "MoonlitJolty", "Conqu3red", "Razboy20", "Tran Fox", "nitsuga5124" };

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new type converter for a given type.
        /// If a different converter is already added, this call is ignored and false is returned.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool AddConverter(Type type, TypeConverter converter)
            if (type == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type));
            if (converter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(converter));
            if (CanConvert(type))
                Logger.LogWarning("Tried to add a TomlConverter when one already exists for type " + type.FullName);

            TypeConverters.Add(type, converter);
Esempio n. 6
        private void ChatWindow(int id)
            try {
                // should reset scroll position to bottom when a message is received

                GUIStyle myCustomStyle = new GUIStyle("label"))
                    wordWrap = true
                chatScrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(chatScrollPosition, GUILayout.MaxHeight(ChatRect.height - 10));
                GUILayout.Label(ChatValues.chatLog, myCustomStyle, GUILayout.Width(175));
                ChatValues.chatMessage = GUILayout.TextField(ChatValues.chatMessage, GUILayout.Width(175));
                Event e = Event.current;
                if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Return && GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() == "sendMessageField" && ChatValues.chatMessage != "" && clientEnabled)
                    string message = ChatValues.chatMessage;
                    ChatValues.chatMessage = "";
                    ChatMessageModel chatMessage = new ChatMessageModel {
                        message   = message,
                        username  = "",
                        nameColor = mouseColor.Value
                        new MessageModel {
                        type    = LobbyMessaging.ChatMessage,
                        content = chatMessage.Serialize()
            catch (ArgumentException ex) {
Esempio n. 7
 private static void LazyLoadConverters()
     try { LazyTomlConverterLoader.AddUnityEngineConverters(); }
     catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogWarning("Failed to load UnityEngine Toml converters - " + ex.Message); }