public void Initialize(BenchmarkConfiguration config, BenchmarkData benchmarkData) { this.config = config; this.benchmarkData = benchmarkData; echoServer = new EchoServer(config, benchmarkData); echoClients = new List <EchoClient>(); }
public void ExecuteExports(BenchmarkData benchmarkData, string path) { foreach (var export in _listExport) { Console.Out.WriteLine(; export.Export(benchmarkData, path); } }
public static void Start(string label) { var bd = new BenchmarkData() { Label = label }; _startStack.Push(bd); }
public virtual void SaveItem() { BenchmarkData data = new BenchmarkData { Name = "John", Lastname = "Snow", Birthdate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(459)) }; _repository.InsertBenchmarkData(data); }
private IEnumerator StartBench(string runName, bool writeToCsv = true) { TimeSpent = 0; Data = new Dictionary <float, List <CSVData> >(); float timer = 0; // warmup to let the fps stabilize while ((timer += Time.deltaTime) < 4.0f) { TimeSpent += (Time.unscaledDeltaTime - TimeSpent) * 0.1f; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(Time.deltaTime)); } var time = Time.time; _animator.SetTrigger("StartBench"); // wait for the animation to start yield return(new WaitUntil(() => _animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Benchmark"))); yield return(new WaitUntil(() => { TimeSpent += (Time.unscaledDeltaTime - TimeSpent) * 0.1f; var ms = 1000.0f * TimeSpent; var fps = 1.0f / TimeSpent; var timeSinceStart = Mathf.Round(Time.time - time); List <CSVData> list; Data.TryGetValue(timeSinceStart, out list); if (list == null) { Data[timeSinceStart] = new List <CSVData>(); } var benchMarkD = new BenchmarkData(ms, fps, timeSinceStart); var frameD = _currentFrameData; Data[timeSinceStart].Add(new CSVData(frameD, benchMarkD)); _fpsText.SetText($"{fps:0.0} FPS"); _frametimeText.SetText($"{ms:0.} ms, time elapsed: {timeSinceStart} - {runName}"); return !_animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Benchmark"); })); if (writeToCsv) { WriteToCsv(runName); } }
public void Test() { var processor = new BenchmarkProcessor(); var request = new BenchmarkData(); //request.SourceCode1 = "System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10);"; //request.SourceCode2 = "System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100);"; var response = processor.Benchmark(request); Assert.IsTrue(response.Success); //Assert.IsTrue(response.Source1Ratio > 5*response.Source2Ratio); }
public EnetClient(int id, BenchmarkConfiguration config, BenchmarkData benchmarkData) { = id; this.config = config; this.benchmarkData = benchmarkData; message = config.Message; timeout = Utilities.CalculateTimeout(this.config.ClientTickRate); host = new Host(); address = new Address(); address.SetHost(config.Address); address.Port = (ushort)config.Port; IsDisposed = false; }
public EchoServer(BenchmarkConfiguration config, BenchmarkData benchmarkData) { this.config = config; this.benchmarkData = benchmarkData; timeout = Utilities.CalculateTimeout(this.config.ServerTickRate); host = new Host(); address = new Address(); message = new byte[config.MessageByteSize]; address.Port = (ushort)config.Port; address.SetHost(config.Address); serverThread = new Thread(this.Start); serverThread.Name = "Enet Server"; }
public EchoServer(BenchmarkConfiguration config, BenchmarkData benchmarkData) { this.config = config; this.benchmarkData = benchmarkData; listener = new EventBasedNetListener(); netManager = new NetManager(listener); netManager.UpdateTime = Utilities.CalculateTimeout(config.ServerTickRate); netManager.IPv6Enabled = IPv6Mode.Disabled; netManager.UnsyncedEvents = true; message = new byte[config.MessageByteSize]; listener.ConnectionRequestEvent += OnConnectionRequest; listener.NetworkReceiveEvent += OnNetworkReceive; listener.NetworkErrorEvent += OnNetworkError; }
public static void RunBenchmark(BenchmarkData benchmarkData) { // Prepare benchmark Console.Clear(); currentBenchmarkResults = new BenchmarkResults(); currentBenchmarkResults.SetData(benchmarkData); // Run 2 benchmarks. One for each type SeparationLine(); RunTests(benchmarkData.changesAmount, benchmarkData.testsAmount, benchmarkData.benchmark1); SeparationLine(); RunTests(benchmarkData.changesAmount, benchmarkData.testsAmount, benchmarkData.benchmark2); SeparationLine(); // Finish benchmark DisplayResults(); }
public static void AddDataFromInput(int input, bool printAfter = true) { // Adds the data by the user's input // Prints the next section // Or starts the benchmark if it is the last section if (IsNumberValid(input)) { int inputForArray = input - 1; switch (currentSection) { case ChoosingState.ChoosingComparisons: currentBenchmarkData = new BenchmarkData(BenchmarksManager.comparisons[inputForArray]); currentSection = ChoosingState.ChoosingDuration; if (printAfter) { PrintSection(); } break; case ChoosingState.ChoosingDuration: currentBenchmarkPresetGroup = BenchmarksManager.benchmarkPresetGroups[inputForArray]; currentSection = ChoosingState.ChoosingPreset; if (printAfter) { PrintSection(); } break; case ChoosingState.ChoosingPreset: currentSection = ChoosingState.Complete; currentBenchmarkData.InputPreset(currentBenchmarkPresetGroup.presets[inputForArray], currentBenchmarkPresetGroup.Name, input); BenchmarksManager.RunBenchmark(currentBenchmarkData); break; default: break; } } else { ActiveError("Number is invalid. Number: <" + input + ">"); } }
public EchoClient(int id, BenchmarkConfiguration config, BenchmarkData benchmarkData) { = id; this.config = config; this.benchmarkData = benchmarkData; message = config.Message; listener = new EventBasedNetListener(); netManager = new NetManager(listener); netManager.IPv6Enabled = IPv6Mode.Disabled; netManager.UpdateTime = Utilities.CalculateTimeout(config.ClientTickRate); netManager.UnsyncedEvents = true; netManager.DisconnectTimeout = 10000; IsConnected = false; IsDisposed = false; listener.PeerConnectedEvent += OnPeerConnected; listener.PeerDisconnectedEvent += OnPeerDisconnected; listener.NetworkReceiveEvent += OnNetworkReceive; listener.NetworkErrorEvent += OnNetworkError; }
public EchoServer(BenchmarkConfiguration config, BenchmarkData benchmarkData) : base(IPAddress.Any, config.Port) { this.benchmarkData = benchmarkData; }
/// <summary> /// Main test loop. (Coroutine) /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="IEnumerator"/>. /// </returns> public IEnumerator MainNHTestLoop() { CurrentMapIndex = 0; foreach (var txa in allMaps) { /* Update the map and recompute the map. */ BDPMap.Instance.MapFile = txa; BDPMap.Instance.ComputeMap(); var bd = new BenchmarkData(this) { TMin = Windows }; while (!BDPMap.Instance.MapIsLoaded) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); } agent.CleanBelief(); #if PATHTESTER_DEBUG_LOG Debug.Log(string.Format("[MAINLOOP] Starting Iteration on map {0}",; #endif CurrentMapIteration = 0; agent.CurrentPosition = this.RandomFreePosition(); RandomStrategy.Init(); while (CurrentMapIteration < NumberOfRuns) { #if PATHTESTER_DEBUG_LOG Debug.Log("--------------------------------------------------"); Debug.Log(string.Format("[MAINLOOP] Computing Path {0} of {1}", CurrentMapIteration + 1, NumberOfRuns)); #endif // Debug.Log("Iteration " + counter); if (CurrentMapIteration % ScrambleRate == 0) { #if PATHTESTER_DEBUG_LOG Debug.Log("[MAINLOOP] Randomizing Portals"); #endif StepCounter.Increase(); RandomStrategy.RandomizeWorldPortals(); } var targetPos = this.DraftRandomTargetPos(); /* BENCHMARK */ InitializeSRD(agent.CurrentPosition, targetPos); /* ********* */ UpdateAllPortalInArea(agent.CurrentPosition); var startTime = 0; var valid = true; while (agent.CurrentPosition != targetPos) { startTime++; this.executionError = false; if (startTime > 30) { srd.PathFound = false; Debug.Log("[MAINLOOP] Time out! Go to next pick."); valid = false; break; } #if PATHTESTER_DEBUG_LOG Debug.Log(string.Format("[MAINLOOP] Execution Step from {0} to {1}", agent.CurrentPosition, targetPos)); #endif if (ThePathfinder.AgentBelief.Hierarchical) { ThePathfinder.AgentBelief.CurrentTarget = targetPos; } if (!Caching) { agent.ReviewBeliefOlderThan(Windows); } var path = ThePathfinder.PathFind(agent.CurrentPosition, targetPos); /* BENCHMARK */ UpdateSRD(); if (path == null) { Debug.Log("[MAINLOOP] No path found! Try to perform belief revision."); if (ThePathfinder.AgentBelief.Hierarchical) { Debug.Log("[MAINLOOP] Starting Belief Revision Loop"); path = BeliefRevisionLoop(agent.CurrentPosition, targetPos); } if (path == null) { srd.PathFound = false; #if PATHTESTER_DEBUG_LOG Debug.Log("[MAINLOOP] No path found! Go to next pick."); #endif break; } } srd.PathFound = true; /* ********* */ var pathList = Path2MapSquareList(path); //Debug.Log("[MAINLOOP] Path Found. Start Execution."); if (ThePathfinder.AgentBelief.Hierarchical) { yield return StartCoroutine(ExecuteHierarchicalPath(pathList)); } else { yield return StartCoroutine(ExecutePath(pathList)); } } if (true) { CurrentMapIteration++; bd.RunsData.Add(srd); } yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } bd.PrintToFile(); CurrentMapIndex++; } #if PATHTESTER_DEBUG_LOG myLogger.Log("[MAINLOOP] TEST COMPLETED"); #endif }
public CSVData(FrameData frameData, BenchmarkData benchmarkData) { FrameData = frameData; BenchmarkData = benchmarkData; }
public BenchmarkModel() { BenchmarkData = new BenchmarkData(); BenchmarkData.SetSourceCode(0, 0, "var x = \"abc\" + \"def\";"); BenchmarkData.SetSourceCode(0, 1, "var x = string.Format(\"{0}{1}\", \"abc\", \"def\");"); }
public EchoClient(int id, BenchmarkConfiguration config, BenchmarkData benchmarkData) : base(id, config, benchmarkData) { }
public EchoClient(BenchmarkConfiguration config, BenchmarkData benchmarkData) : base(config.Address, config.Port) { message = config.Message; initialMessages = config.ParallelMessages; this.benchmarkData = benchmarkData; }
public EchoClientThreaded(int id, BenchmarkConfiguration config, BenchmarkData benchmarkData) : base(id, config, benchmarkData) { connectAndListenThread = new Thread(ConnectAndListen); connectAndListenThread.Name = $"ENet Client {id}"; connectAndListenThread.IsBackground = true; }