// Checks if both teams have 11 players, if less than this it shows the confirmation buttons. // This makes sure that the user has input the correct number of players. private void Begin_Match_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (currentTableRowAway < 11 || currentTableRowHome < 11) { if (currentTableRowAway < 8 || currentTableRowHome < 8) { Begin_Match_Confirm_Label.Text = "Each team must have a minimum of 8 players"; Begin_Match_Confirm_Table.Show(); Begin_Match_Cancel_Button.Hide(); Begin_Match_Confirm_Button.Hide(); } else { Begin_Match_Button.Hide(); Begin_Match_Confirm_Label.Text = AwayTeamNameText + " has " + currentTableRowAway + " players, " + HomeTeamNameText + " has " + currentTableRowHome + " players"; Begin_Match_Confirm_Table.Show(); Begin_Match_Cancel_Button.Show(); Begin_Match_Confirm_Button.Show(); } } else { BeginMatch(); } }
// ******* Code for Home tab ******* private void Start_New_Match_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult selectFolderResult = Select_Folder_Dialog.ShowDialog(); if (selectFolderResult == DialogResult.OK) { folderName = Select_Folder_Dialog.SelectedPath; Begin_Match_Confirm_Table.Hide(); Details_Tab_Set.SelectedTab = Match_Details_Tab; } }
// Hides the confirmation table and allows the user to make changes to the team lists. private void Begin_Match_Cancel_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Begin_Match_Confirm_Table.Hide(); Begin_Match_Button.Show(); }