public virtual bool Validate (Beagle.Hit hit) { if (flavors.Count < 1) return false; Weight = 0; HitFlavor best = null; foreach (HitFlavor flavor in flavors) { if (! flavor.IsMatch (hit)) continue; if (best == null) { best = flavor; continue; } if (flavor.Weight > best.Weight) { best = flavor; } } if (best != null) { Weight += best.Weight; return true; } return false; }
private void connectButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string host = hostTextBox.Text; int i2cCommandPort = int.Parse(i2cCommandPortTextBox.Text); int cameraPort = int.Parse(cameraPortTextBox.Text); Settings.Default.Host = host; Settings.Default.I2CProxyPort = i2cCommandPort; Settings.Default.CameraPort = cameraPort; Settings.Default.Save(); var robot = new Beagle(); robot.Host = host; robot.I2CCommandPort = i2cCommandPort; robot.I2CPollPort = i2cCommandPort + 1; robot.CameraPort = cameraPort; robot.Init(); bool ok = robot.Connect(); if (!ok) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to connect. Please check your settings.", "Connect", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } var main = new MainWindow(); main.Robot = robot; main.Show(); expectedToClose = true; Close(); }
public RSSFeed (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { Group = TileGroup.Feed; Title = Hit ["dc:title"]; Description = Hit ["dc:publisher"]; }
public ThumbnailRequest (Gtk.Image image, string thumbnail_file, Beagle.Hit hit, int size) { Image = image; ThumbnailFile = thumbnail_file; Hit = hit; Size = size; }
public IMLog (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { Group = TileGroup.Conversations; Subject.LabelProp = Catalog.GetString ("IM Conversation"); string alias = hit.GetFirstProperty ("fixme:speakingto_alias"); string name = hit.GetFirstProperty ("fixme:speakingto"); if (alias != null && alias != "") From.LabelProp = "<b>" + alias + "</b>"; else if (name != null && name != "") From.LabelProp = "<b>" + name + "</b>"; else From.LabelProp = "(unknown)"; try { string starttime = hit.GetFirstProperty ("fixme:starttime"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (starttime)) Timestamp = StringFu.StringToDateTime (starttime); Date.LabelProp = Utils.NiceShortDate (Timestamp); } catch {} }
public override Tile BuildTile (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) { if (ditem == IntPtr.Zero) return null; if (hit ["fixme:NoDisplay"] == "true") return null; string notshow = gnome_desktop_item_get_string (ditem, "NotShowIn"); if (notshow != null && notshow.IndexOf ("GNOME") != -1) return null; string onlyshow = gnome_desktop_item_get_string (ditem, "OnlyShowIn"); if (onlyshow != null && onlyshow.IndexOf ("GNOME") == -1) return null; if (!checked_gconf) CheckLockdown(); if (disable_command_line) { string[] categories = hit.GetProperties ("fixme:Categories"); if (categories != null && Array.IndexOf (categories, "TerminalEmulator") != -1) return null; } return new Application (hit, query, ditem); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var context = Beagle.CreateContext <MyDatabase>(new SqliteEngine("Filename=./test3.db")); Debug.WriteLine(context.Store.People == null); context.Store.People.Add(new Person() { Name = "Dylan" }); context.Store.Friends.Add(new Friend() { FriendName = "Dylan", Name = "Brad" }); context.Store.Friends.Add(new Friend() { FriendName = "Dylan", Name = "Jacob" }); foreach (var person in context.Store.People) { Console.WriteLine("[Person] Name=" + person.Name); } foreach (var f in context.Store.Friends) { Console.WriteLine("[Friend] Name=" + f.Name, ",FriendName=" + f.Name); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public Hit (uint id, Beagle.Hit hit, string[] fields, Query query) { = id; bHit = hit; hitValue = new object[fields.Length]; int i = 0; uri = hit.Uri; foreach (string field in fields) { // We add String.Empty to attributes because they may be null and we cannot // return null objects over DBus string[] bfields = Ontologies.XesamToBeagleField (field); switch (bfields [0]) { case "uri": hitValue [i++] = hit.Uri.ToString (); break; case "mimetype": hitValue [i++] = hit.MimeType + String.Empty; break; case "date": hitValue [i++] = hit.Timestamp.ToString ("s"); break; case "snippet": SnippetRequest sreq = new SnippetRequest (query, hit); SnippetResponse sresp = (SnippetResponse) sreq.Send (); hitValue [i++] = sresp.Snippet != null ? sresp.Snippet : String.Empty; break; default: // FIXME: This *will* break since we don't know what the expected // type here is, and we're always using strings List<string> values = new List<string> (); foreach (string bfield in bfields) { string[] prop = hit.GetProperties (bfield); if (prop != null) values.AddRange (prop); } if (values.Count == 0) // No values found hitValue [i++] = String.Empty; else if (values.Count == 1) // Only one value -- return as string hitValue [i++] = values [0]; else // Multiple values -- returns as string[] hitValue [i++] = values.ToArray (); break; } } }
public void BeagleBarkTest() { Beagle beagle = new Beagle(); bool hunter = beagle.IsHunter.Equals("I was bred to hunt"); Assert.True(hunter); }
public override void Bind(Beagle robot, Joystick joystick) { base.Bind(robot, joystick); if (Joystick != null) { joystick.PointOfViewPressed += joystick_PointOfViewChanged; } DataContext = robot.ServoController; }
public Task (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { Group = TileGroup.Calendar; Title = hit.GetFirstProperty ("fixme:summary"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (hit.GetFirstProperty ("fixme:description"))) Description = Utils.TrimFirstLine (hit.GetFirstProperty ("fixme:description")); }
public Presentation (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { Group = TileGroup.Documents; if (Hit ["fixme:slide-count"] != null) { int count = Int32.Parse (Hit ["fixme:slide-count"]); Description = String.Format (Catalog.GetPluralString ("{0} slide", "{0} slides", count), count); } }
public Contact (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { Group = TileGroup.Contact; Title = hit.GetFirstProperty ("fixme:Name"); Description = hit.GetFirstProperty ("fixme:Email"); if (Hit.GetFirstProperty ("fixme:Email") != null) AddAction (new TileAction (Catalog.GetString ("Send Mail"), SendMail)); }
protected static string GetTitle (Beagle.Hit hit) { string title; title = hit.GetFirstProperty ("dc:title"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (title)) title = hit.GetFirstProperty ("beagle:ExactFilename"); return title; }
public Docbook (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { if (! String.IsNullOrEmpty (hit.GetFirstProperty ("dc:title"))) Title = hit.GetFirstProperty ("dc:title"); else Title = hit.GetFirstProperty ("beagle:ExactFilename"); if (hit ["beagle:IsChild"] == "true") Description = hit.GetFirstProperty ("parent:beagle:Filename"); else Description = hit.GetFirstProperty ("beagle:Filename"); }
private static string GetAddress (Beagle.Hit hit) { bool sent = (Utils.GetFirstPropertyOfParent (hit, "fixme:isSent") != null); string address = sent ? Utils.GetFirstPropertyOfParent (hit, "fixme:to") : Utils.GetFirstPropertyOfParent (hit, "fixme:from"); if (address == null) return ""; if (address.IndexOf (" <") != -1) address = address.Substring (0, address.IndexOf (" <")); return address; }
public Video (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { Group = TileGroup.Video; Title = Hit ["beagle:ExactFilename"]; if (! String.IsNullOrEmpty (Hit ["fixme:video:codec"])) Description = Hit ["fixme:video:codec"]; if (! String.IsNullOrEmpty (Hit ["fixme:video:width"])) Description += String.Format (" ({0}x{1})", Hit ["fixme:video:width"], Hit ["fixme:video:height"]); }
public override bool Validate (Beagle.Hit hit) { if (! base.Validate (hit)) return false; if (hit ["beagle:FileType"] != "documentation") return false; Weight += 2; return true; }
public Calendar (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { Group = TileGroup.Calendar; string summary = hit.GetFirstProperty ("fixme:summary"); string time = Utils.NiceShortDate (hit.GetFirstProperty ("fixme:starttime")); Title = (time == "") ? summary : time + ": " + summary; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (hit.GetFirstProperty ("fixme:description"))) Description = Utils.TrimFirstLine (hit.GetFirstProperty ("fixme:description")); }
public override bool Validate (Beagle.Hit hit) { if (! base.Validate (hit)) return false; string str = hit.GetFirstProperty ("parent:fixme:hasAttachments"); if (hit.ParentUri == null || str == null || str == "false") return false; Weight += 1; return true; }
public virtual void Bind(Beagle robot, Joystick joystick) { if (robot == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("robot"); } if (joystick == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("joystick"); } _robot = robot; _joystick = joystick; }
public TextDocument (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { Group = TileGroup.Documents; if (Hit ["fixme:page-count"] != null) { int count = Int32.Parse (Hit ["fixme:page-count"]); Description = String.Format (Catalog.GetPluralString ("{0} page", "{0} pages", count), count); } // These files generally have a default title or an auto-generated title. // So use the filename for these types of files. Title = hit.GetFirstProperty ("beagle:ExactFilename"); }
public WebHistory (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { Group = TileGroup.Website; string title = hit.GetFirstProperty ("dc:title"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (title)) title = Hit.Uri.Host; Title = title; Description = hit.Uri.ToString (); AddAction (new TileAction ("Find more from same host", Gtk.Stock.Find, FindFromHost)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); Beagle beagle = new Beagle(); Console.WriteLine(beagle.IsHunter); Console.WriteLine(beagle.DoTrick()); Console.WriteLine(beagle.EatFood()); Console.WriteLine(beagle.FormsGroup()); Console.WriteLine(beagle.MakesBabies()); Console.WriteLine(beagle.LearnTrick()); Husky husky = new Husky(); Console.WriteLine(husky.LovesSnow); Console.WriteLine(husky.DoTrick()); Console.WriteLine(husky.EatFood()); Console.WriteLine(husky.FormsGroup()); Console.WriteLine(husky.MakesBabies()); Console.WriteLine(husky.LearnTrick()); Chimpanzee chimp = new Chimpanzee(); Console.WriteLine(chimp.HasHeart); Console.WriteLine(chimp.NumberOfLegs); Console.WriteLine(chimp.EatFood()); Console.WriteLine(chimp.FormsGroup()); Console.WriteLine(chimp.MakesBabies()); Console.WriteLine(beagle.MakeSound()); Dolphin dolphin = new Dolphin(); Console.WriteLine(dolphin.HasHeart); Console.WriteLine(dolphin.BreathesAir); Console.WriteLine(dolphin.HasScales); Console.WriteLine(dolphin.DoTrick()); Console.WriteLine(dolphin.EatFood()); Console.WriteLine(dolphin.EatsHumans()); Console.WriteLine(dolphin.MakesBabies()); Console.WriteLine(dolphin.MakeSound()); Shark shark = new Shark(); Console.WriteLine(shark.HasHeart); Console.WriteLine(shark.BreathesAir); Console.WriteLine(shark.HasScales); Console.WriteLine(shark.EatFood()); Console.WriteLine(shark.EatsHumans()); Console.WriteLine(shark.MakeSound()); }
public Manpage (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { if (! String.IsNullOrEmpty (hit.GetFirstProperty ("dc:title"))) Title = hit.GetFirstProperty ("dc:title"); else Title = hit.GetFirstProperty ("beagle:ExactFilename"); if (hit ["beagle:IsChild"] == "true") path = hit.ParentUri.LocalPath; else path = hit.Uri.LocalPath; Description = hit.GetFirstProperty ("dc:subject") ?? Catalog.GetString ("Manual page"); }
public MailAttachment (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { Group = TileGroup.Documents; Title = Hit ["fixme:attachment_title"]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (Title)) Title = Catalog.GetString (String.Format ("Attachment to \"{0}\"", Hit ["parent:dc:title"])); Description = Catalog.GetString ("Mail attachment"); if ((Utils.GetFirstPropertyOfParent (hit, "fixme:isSent") == null)){ AddAction ( new TileAction (Catalog.GetString ("Find Messages From Sender"), Gtk.Stock.Find, FindAllFromSender)); } }
protected TileFlat (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { Subject = WidgetFu.NewLabel (); WidgetFu.EllipsizeLabel (Subject, 40); HBox.PackStart (Subject, true, true, 3); From = WidgetFu.NewLabel (); From.UseMarkup = true; WidgetFu.EllipsizeLabel (From, 20); HBox.PackStart (From, false, false, 3); Date = WidgetFu.NewLabel (); HBox.PackStart (Date, false, false, 3); HBox.ShowAll (); }
// invalid .desktop files get filtered out by Validate(), so they won't // show up as Application tiles, but will show up as File tiles. But // valid .desktop files marked to not show up in GNOME get eaten by // BuildTile instead, so that they won't get picked up by the File tile. // FIXME: we shouldn't be hardcoding GNOME in BuildTile, it should depend // on what the running desktop is. public override bool Validate (Beagle.Hit hit) { if (!base.Validate (hit)) return false; ditem = gnome_desktop_item_new_from_uri (hit.EscapedUri, 0, IntPtr.Zero); if (ditem == IntPtr.Zero) return false; // Make sure this is a real desktop file, not a string _name = gnome_desktop_item_get_string (ditem, "_Name"); if (_name != null) return false; return true; }
public bool SetThumbnailIcon (Gtk.Image image, Beagle.Hit hit, int size) { DateTime mtime = (hit.FileInfo != null) ? hit.FileInfo.LastWriteTime : DateTime.Now; if (hit.MimeType == null || !factory.CanThumbnail (hit.EscapedUri, hit.MimeType, mtime)) return false; string thumbnail = Gnome.Thumbnail.PathForUri (hit.EscapedUri, Gnome.ThumbnailSize.Normal); bool failed_thumb = factory.HasValidFailedThumbnail (hit.EscapedUri, mtime); if (! File.Exists (thumbnail) && ! failed_thumb) { lock (in_queue) { in_queue.Add (new ThumbnailRequest (image, thumbnail, hit, size)); if (thread == null) { thread = new Thread (GenerateThumbnails); thread.Start (); } } return false; } if (failed_thumb) return false; Gdk.Pixbuf icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf (thumbnail); if (icon == null) return false; int width = icon.Width, height = icon.Height; if (icon.Height > size) { if (icon.Width > icon.Height) { width = size; height = (size * icon.Height) / icon.Width; } else { height = size; width = (size * icon.Width) / icon.Height; } } else if (icon.Width > size) { width = size; height = (size * icon.Height) / icon.Width; } icon = icon.ScaleSimple (width, height, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear); image.Pixbuf = icon; return true; }
public Image (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { Group = TileGroup.Image; Title = Hit ["beagle:ExactFilename"]; if (Hit ["beagle:FilenameExtension"] != null && Hit ["beagle:FilenameExtension"].Length > 0) Description = Hit ["beagle:FilenameExtension"].Substring (1).ToUpper (); if (Hit ["fixme:width"] != null && Hit ["fixme:width"] != "") Description += String.Format (" {0}x{1}", Hit ["fixme:width"], Hit ["fixme:height"]); Description += String.Format (" ({0})", StringFu.FileLengthToString (Hit.FileInfo.Length)); // AddAction (new TileAction (Catalog.GetString ("Add to Library"), Gtk.Stock.Add, AddToLibrary)); AddAction (new TileAction (Catalog.GetString ("Set as Wallpaper"), SetAsWallpaper)); }
public Folder (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { Group = TileGroup.Folder; Title = Hit ["beagle:ExactFilename"]; EnableOpenWith = true; int n = Hit.DirectoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos ().Length; if (n == 0) Description = Catalog.GetString ("Empty"); else Description = String.Format (Catalog.GetPluralString ("Contains {0} Item", "Contains {0} Items", n), n); // FIXME: s/"gtk-info"/Gtk.Stock.Info/ when we can depend on gtk# 2.8 //AddAction (new TileAction (Catalog.GetString ("Show Information"), "gtk-info", ShowInformation)); AddAction (new TileAction (Catalog.GetString ("Move to Trash"), Gtk.Stock.Delete, MoveToTrash)); }
public override bool Validate (Beagle.Hit hit) { if (! base.Validate (hit)) return false; // FIXME: We should be using the users locale and // if we fail to find a result fallback to the C locale. // However, there is no easy way of doing this now. // Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("LANG")) if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (hit ["fixme:language"])) return true; if (hit ["fixme:language"] == "C" || hit ["fixme:language"] == "en") return true; return false; }
public Audio (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { Group = TileGroup.Audio; // FIXME: Show album art if any. Needs implementation in Beagle.Util string title = Hit.GetFirstProperty ("dc:title"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (title)) title = Hit.GetFirstProperty ("fixme:title"); if (! String.IsNullOrEmpty (title)) Title = title; string artist = Hit.GetFirstProperty ("fixme:artist"); if (! String.IsNullOrEmpty (artist)) Description = artist; //AddAction (new TileAction (Catalog.GetString ("Add to Library"), AddToLibrary)); }
public override bool Validate (Beagle.Hit hit) { if (! base.Validate (hit)) return false; if (hit ["beagle:HitType"] == "File") { // This handles a case when a file with the // message/rfc822 mimetype is indexed without // gmime. Thus we fail to extract any info and // this tile is useless. string subject = hit.GetFirstProperty ("dc:title"); if (subject != null && subject != "") return true; return false; } return true; }
public TileTemplate (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { Alignment alignment = new Alignment (0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f); HBox.PackStart (alignment, true, true, 0); VBox vbox = new VBox (false, 0); alignment.Add (vbox); title_label = WidgetFu.NewLabel (); title_label.LineWrap = true; WidgetFu.EllipsizeLabel (title_label, 30); vbox.PackStart (title_label, false, false, 0); desc_label = WidgetFu.NewGrayLabel (); desc_label.NoShowAll = true; WidgetFu.EllipsizeLabel (desc_label, 30); vbox.PackStart (desc_label, false, false, 0); alignment.ShowAll (); }
public TileFile (Beagle.Hit hit, Beagle.Query query) : base (hit, query) { Title = GetTitle (hit); if (Hit.FileInfo != null) { Timestamp = Hit.FileInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc; Description = Utils.NiceShortDate (Timestamp); } AddAction (new TileAction (Catalog.GetString ("Reveal in Folder"), RevealInFolder)); AddAction (new TileAction (Catalog.GetString ("E-Mail"), Email)); // AddAction (new TileAction (Catalog.GetString ("Instant-Message"), InstantMessage)); AddAction (new TileAction (Catalog.GetString ("Move to Trash"), Gtk.Stock.Delete, MoveToTrash)); if (! String.IsNullOrEmpty (Hit.GetFirstProperty ("dc:author"))) { AddAction(new TileAction (Catalog.GetString ("Find Documents From Same Author"), Gtk.Stock.Find, FindSameAuthor)); } EnableOpenWith = true; }
public override void Bind(Beagle robot, Joystick joystick) { base.Bind(robot, joystick); DataContext = robot; }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { // ============================================================================================================= // Reset // ============================================================================================================= DA.GetData <bool>("Reset", ref iReset); if (iReset) { DA.GetData <SpringMesh>("Spring Mesh", ref iSpringMesh); DA.GetData <int>("Population Size", ref iPopulationSize); triangleCentres = new List <Point3d>(); trianglePlanes = new List <Plane>(); triangleNormals = new List <Vector3d>(); for (int i = 0; i < iSpringMesh.Triangles.Count; i++) { triangleCentres.Add(iSpringMesh.ComputeCircumscribedCircleCenter(i)); trianglePlanes.Add(new Plane( iSpringMesh.Vertices[iSpringMesh.Triangles[i].FirstVertexIndex].Position, iSpringMesh.Vertices[iSpringMesh.Triangles[i].SecondVertexIndex].Position, iSpringMesh.Vertices[iSpringMesh.Triangles[i].ThirdVertexIndex].Position )); triangleNormals.Add(iSpringMesh.ComputeTriangleNormal(i)); } edgeXAxes = new List <Vector3d>(); edgeYAxes = new List <Vector3d>(); edgeZAxes = new List <Vector3d>(); edgePlanes = new List <Plane>(); edgeOrigins = new List <Point3d>(); List <double> geneMinValues = new List <double>(); List <double> geneMaxValues = new List <double>(); foreach (Edge edge in iSpringMesh.Edges) { if (edge.SecondTriangleIndex >= 0) { Vector3d edgeXAxis = iSpringMesh.Vertices[edge.SecondVertexIndex].Position - iSpringMesh.Vertices[edge.FirstVertexIndex].Position; edgeXAxes.Add(edgeXAxis); Vector3d edgeZAxis = triangleNormals[edge.FirstTriangleIndex] + triangleNormals[edge.SecondTriangleIndex]; edgeZAxis.Unitize(); edgeZAxes.Add(edgeZAxis); Vector3d edgeYAxis = Vector3d.CrossProduct(edgeZAxis, edgeXAxis); edgeYAxes.Add(edgeYAxis); Point3d edgePlaneOrigin = 0.5 * (iSpringMesh.Vertices[edge.FirstVertexIndex].Position + iSpringMesh.Vertices[edge.SecondVertexIndex].Position); edgeOrigins.Add(edgePlaneOrigin); edgePlanes.Add(new Plane(edgePlaneOrigin, edgeXAxis, edgeYAxis)); double angle = Utils.AngleBetweenTwoUnitVectors(edgeZAxis, triangleNormals[edge.FirstTriangleIndex]); geneMinValues.Add(-angle); geneMaxValues.Add(angle); } else { Vector3d edgeXAxis = iSpringMesh.Vertices[edge.SecondVertexIndex].Position - iSpringMesh.Vertices[edge.FirstVertexIndex].Position; edgeXAxes.Add(edgeXAxis); Vector3d edgeZAxis = triangleNormals[edge.FirstTriangleIndex]; if (edgeZAxis.Z < 0.0) { edgeZAxis += -Vector3d.ZAxis; } else { Vector3d temp = new Vector3d(-edgeZAxis.X, -edgeZAxis.Y, 0.0); temp.Unitize(); edgeZAxis += temp; } edgeZAxis.Unitize(); edgeZAxes.Add(edgeZAxis); Vector3d edgeYAxis = Vector3d.CrossProduct(triangleNormals[edge.FirstTriangleIndex], edgeXAxis); edgeYAxes.Add(edgeYAxis); Point3d edgePlaneOrigin = 0.5 * (iSpringMesh.Vertices[edge.FirstVertexIndex].Position + iSpringMesh.Vertices[edge.SecondVertexIndex].Position); edgeOrigins.Add(edgePlaneOrigin); edgePlanes.Add(new Plane(edgePlaneOrigin, edgeXAxis, edgeYAxis)); double angle = Utils.AngleBetweenTwoUnitVectors(edgeZAxis, triangleNormals[edge.FirstTriangleIndex]); geneMinValues.Add(-angle); geneMaxValues.Add(angle); } } beagle = new Beagle(iPopulationSize, geneMinValues, geneMaxValues); foreach (Genome genome in beagle.Genomes) { computeFitness(genome); } goto Conclusion; } DA.GetData <bool>("Play", ref iPlay); if (iPlay) { ExpireSolution(true); } else { List <double> values = new List <double>(); foreach (Gene gene in beagle.Genomes[0].Genes) { values.Add(gene.Value); } DA.SetDataList(4, values); goto Conclusion; } //if (!iPlay) goto Conclusion; // ==================================================================================================== // Evolution // ==================================================================================================== DA.GetData <int>("Subiteration Count", ref iSubiterationCount); DA.GetData <double>("Max. Coupling Distance", ref iMaxCouplingDistance); DA.GetData <double>("Mutation Rate", ref iMutationRate); DA.GetData <double>("Mutation Amount", ref iMutationAmount); beagle.MaxCouplingDistance = iMaxCouplingDistance; beagle.MutationRate = iMutationRate; beagle.MutationAmount = iMutationAmount; for (int i = 0; i < iSubiterationCount; i++) { beagle.SelectParents(); beagle.Reproduce(); for (int j = beagle.PopulationSize; j < beagle.Genomes.Count; j++) { computeFitness(beagle.Genomes[j]); } beagle.SelectFittests(); } DA.SetDataList(3, new List <double> { beagle.Genomes[0].Fitness }); // ==================================================================================================== // Conclusion // ==================================================================================================== Conclusion: Genome bestGenome = beagle.Genomes[0]; for (int i = 0; i < bestGenome.Genes.Count; i++) { double angle = bestGenome.Genes[i].Value; Vector3d planeNormal = Math.Sin(angle) * edgeYAxes[i] + Math.Cos(angle) * edgeZAxes[i]; edgePlanes[i] = new Plane( edgePlanes[i].Origin, edgePlanes[i].XAxis, Vector3d.CrossProduct(planeNormal, edgePlanes[i].XAxis) ); } //List<Plane> nastyPlanes = new List<Plane>(); List <Point3d> planeTripletIntersections = new List <Point3d>(); foreach (Triangle triangle in iSpringMesh.Triangles) { Point3d intersectionPoint; if (Intersection.PlanePlanePlane(edgePlanes[triangle.FirstEdgeIndex], edgePlanes[triangle.SecondEdgeIndex], edgePlanes[triangle.ThirdEdgeIndex], out intersectionPoint)) { planeTripletIntersections.Add(intersectionPoint); } //else //{ // nastyPlanes.Add(edgePlanes[triangle.FirstEdgeIndex]); // nastyPlanes.Add(edgePlanes[triangle.FirstEdgeIndex]); // nastyPlanes.Add(edgePlanes[triangle.FirstEdgeIndex]); //} } DA.SetDataList(1, edgePlanes); DA.SetDataList(2, planeTripletIntersections); //DA.SetDataList(1, edgePlanes); //DA.SetDataList(2, edgeOrigins); //DA.SetDataList(3, edgeXAxes); //DA.SetDataList(4, edgeYAxes); //DA.SetDataList(5, edgeZAxes); }
public override void Bind(Beagle robot, Joystick joystick) { base.Bind(robot, joystick); joystick.MainAxisChanged += Joystick_MainAxisChanged; }
public override void Bind(Beagle robot, Joystick joystick) { base.Bind(robot, joystick); joystick.TriggerPressed += joystick_TriggerClicked; DataContext = robot.UltrasonicRangeFinder; }