async Task DragNDrop(string [] files) { Logger.Log("[MainUI] Dropped " + files.Length + " file(s), files[0] = " + files[0]); IOUtils.ClearDir(Paths.tempImgPath.GetParentDir()); string path = files[0]; DialogForm loadingDialogForm = null; if (IOUtils.IsPathDirectory(path)) { htTabControl.SelectedIndex = 1; int compatFilesAmount = IOUtils.GetAmountOfCompatibleFiles(path, true); batchDirLabel.Text = "Loaded " + path.Wrap() + " - Found " + compatFilesAmount + " compatible files."; BatchUpscaleUI.LoadDir(path); upscaleBtn.Text = "Upscale " + compatFilesAmount + " Images"; return; } if (files.Length > 1) { htTabControl.SelectedIndex = 1; int compatFilesAmount = IOUtils.GetAmountOfCompatibleFiles(files); BatchUpscaleUI.LoadImages(files); batchDirLabel.Text = "Loaded " + compatFilesAmount + " compatible files."; upscaleBtn.Text = "Upscale " + compatFilesAmount + " Images"; return; } upscaleBtn.Text = "Upscale And Save"; htTabControl.SelectedIndex = 0; previewImg.Text = ""; SetProgress(0f, "Loading image..."); loadingDialogForm = new DialogForm("Loading " + Path.GetFileName(path) + "..."); await Task.Delay(20); MainUIHelper.ResetCachedImages(); if (!MainUIHelper.DroppedImageIsValid(path)) { SetProgress(0f, "Ready."); await Task.Delay(1); Program.CloseTempForms(); return; } Program.lastFilename = path; ReloadImage(false); if (failed) { FailReset(); return; } SetHasPreview(false); loadingDialogForm.Close(); SetRefreshPreviewBtns(true); SetProgress(0f, "Ready."); }
async Task LoadImages(string [] files) { Logger.Log("[MainUI] Dropped " + files.Length + " file(s), files[0] = " + files[0]); IOUtils.ClearDir(Paths.tempImgPath.GetParentDir()); string path = files[0]; if (IOUtils.IsPathDirectory(path)) { htTabControl.SelectedIndex = 1; BatchUpscaleUI.LoadDir(path); return; } if (files.Length > 1) { htTabControl.SelectedIndex = 1; BatchUpscaleUI.LoadImages(files); return; } upscaleBtn.Text = "Upscale And Save"; htTabControl.SelectedIndex = 0; previewImg.Text = ""; SetProgress(0f, "Loading image..."); PreviewUI.ResetCachedImages(); if (!PreviewUI.DroppedImageIsValid(path)) { SetProgress(0f, "Ready."); await Task.Delay(1); Program.CloseTempForms(); return; } Program.lastImgPath = path; ReloadImage(false); if (failed) { FailReset(); return; } SetHasPreview(false); ImageLoadedChanged(true); SetProgress(0f, "Ready."); }