/// <summary> /// 调整票据号 /// </summary> /// <param name="invoicetype">票据类型</param> /// <param name="OperatorId">操作员ID</param> /// <param name="PerfChar">前缀</param> /// <param name="NewInvoiceNo">新票据号</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool AdjustInvoiceNo(InvoiceType invoicetype, int OperatorId, string PerfChar, string NewInvoiceNo) { // Basic_Invoice invoice =(Basic_Invoice) NewObject<Basic_Invoice>().getmodel(" status=0 and empid="+OperatorId+" and invoicetype="+(int)invoicetype+" and perfchar='"+PerfChar+"'"); List <Basic_Invoice> listInvoice = NewObject <Basic_Invoice>().getlist <Basic_Invoice>(" status=0 and empid=" + OperatorId + " and invoicetype=" + (int)invoicetype + " and perfchar='" + PerfChar + "'"); int newInvoiceNo = Convert.ToInt32(NewInvoiceNo); if (listInvoice != null && listInvoice.Count > 0) { Basic_Invoice invoice = listInvoice[0] as Basic_Invoice; if (newInvoiceNo > Convert.ToInt64(invoice.EndNO)) { throw new Exception("要调整的发票号不能超出本卷票的结束号!"); } if (newInvoiceNo <= Convert.ToInt64(invoice.CurrentNO)) { throw new Exception("要调整的发票号不能小于当前票号!"); } invoice.CurrentNO = newInvoiceNo; this.BindDb(invoice); invoice.save(); return(true); } else { throw new Exception("没有找到当前在用发票记录!"); } }
public ServiceResponseData SaveNewAllot() { Basic_Invoice invoice = requestData.GetData <Basic_Invoice>(0); invoice.AllotDate = DateTime.Now; this.BindDb(invoice); invoice.save(); responseData.AddData(true); return(responseData); }