Esempio n. 1
        private void DrawTiles(Bitmap bitmap, int layer, bool bkgrnd)
            // There are four possible tilesets to choose from
            int addrTileset = MemoryMap.TILE_CONTROL_REGISTER_ADDR + layer * 8;
            int reg         = VICKY.ReadByte(addrTileset - MemoryMap.VICKY_BASE_ADDR);

            // if the set is not enabled, we're done.
            if ((reg & 0x01) == 00)
            // This is hard coded for now
            int  lines    = 52;
            int  lutIndex = (reg & 14) >> 1; // 8 possible LUTs
            bool striding = (reg & 0x80) == 0x80;

            int tilesetAddress = VICKY.ReadLong(addrTileset + 1 - MemoryMap.VICKY_BASE_ADDR);
            int strideX        = VICKY.ReadWord(addrTileset + 4 - MemoryMap.VICKY_BASE_ADDR);
            int strideY        = VICKY.ReadWord(addrTileset + 6 - MemoryMap.VICKY_BASE_ADDR);

            // Now read the tilemap
            int        tilemapAddress = 0xAF5000 + 0x800 * layer;
            BitmapData bitmapData     = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            IntPtr     p = bitmapData.Scan0;

            int colOffset  = bkgrnd ? (80 - ColumnsVisible) / 2 * charWidth / tileSize : 0;
            int lineOffset = bkgrnd ? (60 - lines) / 2 * charHeight / tileSize : 0;

            for (int tileRow = lineOffset; tileRow < (30 - lineOffset); tileRow++)
                for (int tileCol = colOffset; tileCol < (40 - colOffset); tileCol++)
                    int tile       = VICKY.ReadByte(tilemapAddress + tileCol + tileRow * 64 - MemoryMap.VICKY_BASE_ADDR);
                    int pixelIndex = 0;
                    int value      = 0;

                    // Tiles are 16 x 16
                    for (int line = 0; line < 16; line++)
                        for (int col = 0; col < 16; col++)
                            // Lookup the pixel in the tileset
                            //pixelIndex = VRAM.ReadByte(tilesetAddress + ((tile / 16) * 256 * 16 + (tile % 16) * 16) + col + line * strideX);
                            //fix split out static video start address value
                            pixelIndex = FoenixSystem.Current.MemoryManager.ReadByte(MemoryMap.VIDEO_START + tilesetAddress + ((tile / 16) * 256 * 16 + (tile % 16) * 16) + col + line * strideX);
                            if (pixelIndex != 0)
                                value = (int)graphicsLUT[lutIndex * 256 + pixelIndex];
                                if (gammaCorrection != null)
                                    //value = (int)((blue << 16) + (green << 8) + red + 0xFF000000);
                                    value = (int)((gammaCorrection[(value & 0x00FF0000) >> 0x10] << 0x10) +
                                                  (gammaCorrection[0x100 + ((value & 0x0000FF00) >> 0x08)] << 0x08) +
                                                  (gammaCorrection[0x200 + (value & 0x000000FF)]) + 0xFF000000);
                                System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.WriteInt32(p, (line * bitmap.Width + col + tileCol * 16 + tileRow * 16 * 640) * 4, value);