Esempio n. 1
        private void Tile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (Window == null)
                Window     = new CommandsGeneratorTemplate(this);
       = (Application.Current.MainWindow as IMainWindowCommands).AddWindow(Icon, Window, "命令生成器", this);
       += Win_WindowClosed;
            object content = null;
            string title   = (sender as Tile).Title;

            switch (title)
            case "基础命令": content = new BasicCommands(Window); break;

            case "服务器命令": content = new ServerCommands(Window); break;

            case "实体命令": content = new EntityCommands(Window); break;

            case "玩家命令": content = new PlayerCommands(Window); break;

            case "Json书": content = new Book(Window); break;

            case "告示牌": content = new Sign(Window); break;

            case "消息文本": content = new Tellraw(Window); break;

            case "显示标题": content = new Title(Window); break;

            case "记分板目标": content = new ScoreboardObjective(Window); break;

            case "记分板玩家": content = new ScoreboardPlayers(Window); break;

            case "记分板队伍": content = new ScoreboardTeam(Window); break;

            case "物品NBT": content = new ItemNBT(Window); break;

            case "实体NBT": content = new EntityNBT(Window); break;

            case "物品与生成": content = new GetElement(); break;

            case "检测与执行": content = new ExecuteAndDetect(); break;

            case "方块NBT/放置填充方块": content = new SetBlocks(Window); break;

            case "村民交易": content = new VillagerTrade(Window); break;

            case "刷怪笼": content = new MobSpawner(Window); break;

            case "烟花": content = new Firework(Window); break;

            case "旗帜/盾牌": content = new Banners(Window); break;

            case "药水/药水箭": content = new Potion(Window); break;

            case "盔甲架": content = new ArmorStand(Window); break;
            Window.AddPage(title, content);
        public MainWindow()
            Menu menuWindow = new Menu();

Esempio n. 3
        private void OnFriendMsg(SteamFriends.FriendMsgCallback callback)
            if (callback.EntryType == EChatEntryType.ChatMsg)
                var sender = callback.Sender;

                Friend currentChatter = Chatters.FirstOrDefault(chatter => chatter.SteamID.AccountID == sender.AccountID);

                if (currentChatter == null)
                    currentChatter = new Friend()
                        WelcomedDate       = DateTime.Now,
                        ChatState          = ChatState.NoInteraction,
                        SteamID            = sender,
                        IsReceivingAdvInfo = false


                TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - currentChatter.WelcomedDate;
                if (timeSpan.Minutes >= 5)
                    currentChatter.ChatState = ChatState.NoInteraction;

                string responseMessage = String.Empty;
                if (BasicCommands.ContainsKey(callback.Message))
                    responseMessage          = BasicCommands[callback.Message];
                    currentChatter.ChatState = ChatState.Welcomed;
                else if (currentChatter.ChatState == ChatState.NoInteraction)
                    currentChatter.ChatState = ChatState.Welcomed;
                    responseMessage          = WelcomeMessage;
                else if (currentChatter.ChatState == ChatState.Welcomed)
                    responseMessage = CommandNotFoundMessage;

                SteamFriends.SendChatMessage(sender, EChatEntryType.ChatMsg, responseMessage);

                Console.WriteLine($"{SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(sender)}: {callback.Message}");
                Console.WriteLine($"BOT: {responseMessage}");
Esempio n. 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Getting the secret to be used in the password section
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                          .AddUserSecrets <Program>()

            var serviceProvider = builder.Providers.First();

            if (!serviceProvider.TryGet("TwitchAccess:username", out var username))
            if (!serviceProvider.TryGet("TwitchAccess:OAuth", out var password))
            if (!serviceProvider.TryGet("TwitchAccess:channel", out var channel))

            var client = new TwitchClient("", 6667, username, password, channel);

            // Ping the server to prevent twitch disconnect your bot
            var botAlive = new Ping(client);


            // Initial connection

            BasicCommands commands = new BasicCommands();

            // Message listener
            while (true)
                var message = client.ReadChatMessage();
                var msg     = Interpreter.Chat(message);

                // listen to commands and respond
                var response = commands.CommandListener(msg);

Esempio n. 5
        private async Task HandleCommandAsync(SocketMessage messageParam)
            // Don't process the command if it was a system message
            var message = messageParam as SocketUserMessage;

            if (message == null)

            // Create a number to track where the prefix ends and the command begins
            int argPos = 0;

            // Determine if the message is a command based on the prefix and make sure no bots trigger commands
            if (!(message.HasCharPrefix(Program.prefix, ref argPos) ||
                  message.HasMentionPrefix(_client.CurrentUser, ref argPos)) ||

            // Create a WebSocket-based command context based on the message
            var context = new SocketCommandContext(_client, message);

            // Execute the command with the command context we just
            // created, along with the service provider for precondition checks.

            using (var typing = message.Channel.EnterTypingState()) {
                // Keep in mind that result does not indicate a return value
                // rather an object stating if the command executed successfully.
                var result = await _commands.ExecuteAsync(
                    context : context,
                    argPos : argPos,
                    services : null);

                // Optionally, we may inform the user if the command fails
                // to be executed; however, this may not always be desired,
                // as it may clog up the request queue should a user spam a
                // command.
                if (!result.IsSuccess)
                    if (result.Error.Equals(CommandError.BadArgCount) || result.Error.Equals(CommandError.ParseFailed))
                        var cmd = message.Content.Replace(Program.prefix.ToString(), "").Split(" ")[0];
                        await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, EmbedHelper.GenerateInfoEmbed(BasicCommands.GenerateHelpText(cmd)));
                        await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, EmbedHelper.GenerateErrorEmbed(result.ErrorReason),
                                                               allowedMentions : new Discord.AllowedMentions(null), messageReference : new Discord.MessageReference(context.Message.Id));