Esempio n. 1
 public void _HandleComm(BaseWorldMessage message)
     CommMessage commMessage = (CommMessage)message;
     AtavismLogger.LogDebugMessage("Got comm message with channel: " + commMessage.ChannelId);
     if (commMessage.ChannelId == 0) {
         // Server channel (0)
         //ClientAPI.Interface.DispatchEvent("CHAT_MSG_SAY", [message.Message, nodeName, ""]);
         string[] args = new string[1];
         args[0] = commMessage.Message;
         AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent("CHAT_MSG_SERVER", args);
     } else if (commMessage.ChannelId == 1) {
         // Say channel (1)
         //ClientAPI.Interface.DispatchEvent("CHAT_MSG_SAY", [message.Message, nodeName, ""]);
         string[] args = new string[3];
         args[0] = commMessage.Message;
         args[1] = commMessage.SenderName;
         args[2] = "";
         AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent("CHAT_MSG_SAY", args);
     } else if (commMessage.ChannelId == 2) {
         // ServerInfo channel (2)
         //ClientAPI.Interface.DispatchEvent("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM", [message.Message, ""]);
         string[] args = new string[3];
         args[0] = commMessage.Message;
         args[1] = "System";
         args[2] = "";
         AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM", args);
Esempio n. 2
 public void _HandleObjectProperty(BaseWorldMessage message)
     ObjectPropertyMessage propMessage = (ObjectPropertyMessage)message;
     if (propMessage.Properties.Count <= 0)
     AtavismObjectNode target = ClientAPI.GetTargetObject();
     AtavismPlayer player = ClientAPI.GetPlayerObject();
     //pet = None;
     //activePet = MarsUnit._GetUnitProperty2("player", "activePet", None);
     //if (activePet != null)
     //	pet = ClientAPI.World.GetObjectByOID(activePet);
     string[] args;
     foreach (string prop in propMessage.Properties.Keys) {
         string eventName = "PROPERTY_" + prop;
         if (target != null && message.Oid == target.Oid) {
             args = new string[1];
             args[0] = "target";
             AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent(eventName, args);
         if (player != null && propMessage.Oid == player.Oid) {
             args = new string[1];
             args[0] = "player";
             AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent(eventName, args);
         //if (pet != null && message.Oid == pet.OID)
         //	ClientAPI.Interface.DispatchEvent(eventName, ["pet"]);
         // Always post an "any" unit event.
         args = new string[2];
         args[0] = "any";
         args[1] = propMessage.Oid.ToString();
         AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent(eventName, args);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        ///   Special handling for DirectionMessage objects.
        ///   This updates the collision volumes if needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">the message object from the server</param>
        public void HandleDirection(BaseWorldMessage message)
            DirectionMessage dirMessage = message as DirectionMessage;
            ObjectNode       objNode    = worldManager.GetObjectNode(dirMessage.Oid);

            if (objNode != null)
                bool static_object = true;
                if ((objNode.ObjectType == ObjectNodeType.Npc) ||
                    (objNode.ObjectType == ObjectNodeType.User))
                    static_object = false;
                if (static_object)
                    if (objNode.Collider != null)
        private void HandleLoginResponse(BaseWorldMessage message)
            LoginResponseMessage loginResponse = (LoginResponseMessage)message;

            loginFailed  = !loginResponse.Success;
            loginMessage = loginResponse.Message;
        private void HandleUiTheme(BaseWorldMessage message)
            UiThemeMessage uiTheme = (UiThemeMessage)message;

            uiModules = new List <string>(uiTheme.UiModules);
            if (uiModules.Count == 0)
        private void HandlePortal(BaseWorldMessage message)
            PortalMessage portalMessage = (PortalMessage)message;

            Write("Transporting via portal to alternate world.");

            loginSettings.worldId       = portalMessage.WorldId;
            portalMessage.AbortHandling = true;

            needConnect = true;
Esempio n. 7
        public void HandleObjectProperty(BaseWorldMessage message)
            ObjectPropertyMessage propMessage = (ObjectPropertyMessage)message;

            // Debugging
            foreach (string key in propMessage.Properties.Keys)
                object val = propMessage.Properties[key];
                log.DebugFormat("HandleObjectProperty for OID {0}, setting prop {1} = {2}",
                                message.Oid, key, val);
            HandleObjectPropertyHelper(message.Oid, propMessage.Properties);
Esempio n. 8
        public void _HandleObjectProperty(BaseWorldMessage message)
            ObjectPropertyMessage propMessage = (ObjectPropertyMessage)message;

            if (propMessage.Properties.Count <= 0)
            AtavismObjectNode target = ClientAPI.GetTargetObject();
            AtavismPlayer     player = ClientAPI.GetPlayerObject();

            //pet = None;
            //activePet = MarsUnit._GetUnitProperty2("player", "activePet", None);
            //if (activePet != null)
            //	pet = ClientAPI.World.GetObjectByOID(activePet);
            string[] args;
            foreach (string prop in propMessage.Properties.Keys)
                string eventName = "PROPERTY_" + prop;
                if (target != null && message.Oid == target.Oid)
                    args    = new string[1];
                    args[0] = "target";
                    AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent(eventName, args);
                if (player != null && propMessage.Oid == player.Oid)
                    args    = new string[1];
                    args[0] = "player";
                    AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent(eventName, args);
                //if (pet != null && message.Oid == pet.OID)
                //	ClientAPI.Interface.DispatchEvent(eventName, ["pet"]);
                // Always post an "any" unit event.
                args    = new string[2];
                args[0] = "any";
                args[1] = propMessage.Oid.ToString();
                AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent(eventName, args);
Esempio n. 9
 public static void SendMessage(BaseWorldMessage message)
Esempio n. 10
        public void _HandleComm(BaseWorldMessage message)
            CommMessage commMessage = (CommMessage)message;

            AtavismLogger.LogDebugMessage("Got comm message with channel: " + commMessage.ChannelId);
            if (commMessage.ChannelId == 0)
                // Server channel (0)
                //ClientAPI.Interface.DispatchEvent("CHAT_MSG_SAY", [message.Message, nodeName, ""]);
                string[] args = new string[1];
                args[0] = commMessage.Message;
                AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent("CHAT_MSG_SERVER", args);
            else if (commMessage.ChannelId == 2)
                // ServerInfo channel (2)
                //ClientAPI.Interface.DispatchEvent("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM", [message.Message, ""]);
                string[] args = new string[3];
                args[0] = commMessage.Message;
                args[1] = "System";
                args[2] = "";
                AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM", args);
            else if (commMessage.ChannelId == -2)
                string[] args = new string[3];
                args[0] = commMessage.Message;
                args[1] = "Admin";
                args[2] = "";
                AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent("ADMIN_MESSAGE", args);
                // Say channel (1)
                //ClientAPI.Interface.DispatchEvent("CHAT_MSG_SAY", [message.Message, nodeName, ""]);
                string[] args = new string[4];
                string   msg  = commMessage.Message;
                if (msg.IndexOf("has joined the group") != -1)
                    msg = msg.Remove(msg.IndexOf("has joined the group")) + I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("has joined the group") + ".";
                if (msg.IndexOf("has left the group") != -1)
                    msg = msg.Remove(msg.IndexOf("has left the group")) + I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("has left the group") + ".";
                if (msg.IndexOf("has disbanded the group") != -1)
                    msg = msg.Remove(msg.IndexOf("has disbanded the group")) + I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("has disbanded the group") + ".";
                if (msg.IndexOf("is now the group leader") != -1)
                    msg = msg.Remove(msg.IndexOf("is now the group leader")) + I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("is now the group leader") + ".";
                if (msg.IndexOf("has muted the group") != -1)
                    msg = msg.Remove(msg.IndexOf("has muted the group")) + I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("has muted the group") + ".";
                if (msg.IndexOf("has un-muted the group") != -1)
                    msg = msg.Remove(msg.IndexOf("has un-muted the group")) + I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("has un-muted the group") + ".";
                if (msg.IndexOf("Only the group leader can invite new members") != -1)
                    msg = I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("Only the group leader can invite new members") + ".";
                if (msg.IndexOf("Your group is full") != -1)
                    msg = I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("Your group is full") + ".";
                if (msg.IndexOf("is already grouped") != -1)
                    msg = msg.Remove(msg.IndexOf("is already grouped")) + I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("is already grouped") + ".";
                if (msg.IndexOf("is already considering a group invite") != -1)
                    msg = msg.Remove(msg.IndexOf("is already considering a group invite")) + I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("is already considering a group invite") + ".";
                if (msg.IndexOf("You have invited") != -1)
                    msg = msg.Remove(msg.IndexOf("to your group"));
                    msg = I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("You have invited") + msg.Remove(0, 16) + I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("to your group") + ".";
                if (msg.IndexOf("Invitation for") != -1)
                    msg = msg.Remove(msg.IndexOf("was cancelled"));
                    msg = I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("Invitation for") + msg.Remove(0, 14) + I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("was cancelled") + ".";
                if (msg.IndexOf("Invitation from") != -1)
                    msg = msg.Remove(msg.IndexOf("was cancelled"));
                    msg = I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("Invitation from") + msg.Remove(0, 15) + I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("was cancelled") + ".";
                args[0] = msg;
                args[1] = commMessage.SenderName;
                args[2] = commMessage.ChannelId.ToString();
                if (commMessage.Oid > 0)
                    args[3] = OID.fromLong(commMessage.Oid).ToString();
                    args[3] = "";
                AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent("CHAT_MSG_SAY", args);