public void Death_Callback() { BaseSpecialEffect e = SpecialFX.FirePentagram.CreateInstance( Location, Map, 10, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000 - ((10 - 1) * 100))); e.Send(); Name = "Xyrrath Chaosborn"; BodyValue = 1071; Hue = 0; SpecialTitle = "Great Daemon of Chaos"; TitleHue = 1174; Frozen = false; }
protected void Summon_Callback() { if (Deleted || Map == null || Map == Map.Internal || Location == Point3D.Zero) { return; } BaseSpecialEffect e = SpecialFX.FirePentagram.CreateInstance( Location, Map, 5, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000 - ((10 - 1) * 100))); e.Send(); var mobile = new PowerfulDemon(); mobile.MoveToWorld(Location, Map); }
public void Death_Callback() { BaseSpecialEffect e = SpecialFX.FirePentagram.CreateInstance( Location, Map, 10, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000 - ((10 - 1) * 100))); e.Send(); Name = "Fluffy of Caerbannog"; Body = 221; Hue = 2042; HitsMaxSeed = 50000; Hits = 50000; SpecialTitle = "The Wretched Rabbit"; TitleHue = 1174; Frozen = false; }
public void Calcdamage(Mobile m, int damage) { if (Battle == null || Battle.Deleted) { return; } if (!(m is PlayerMobile)) { return; } var pm = (PlayerMobile)m; var team = Battle.FindTeam(pm) as BoWTeam; if (team == null) { return; } if (!Battle.IsParticipant(pm)) { pm.SendMessage("You must be a participant to perform that action."); return; } if (_Controller != team) { if (CurrentHealth - damage > 0) { CurrentHealth -= damage; } else if (CurrentHealth - damage == 0) { CurrentHealth = 0; Hue = 0; if (_Controller.Multi > 1) { _Controller.Multi--; } _Controller = null; } else if (CurrentHealth - damage < 0) { Battle.LocalBroadcast("{0} have taken control of a magical brazier!", team.Name); Hue = team.Color; CurrentHealth = damage - CurrentHealth; Battle.EnsureStatistics(pm)["Brazier Captures"]++; if (_Controller != null && _Controller.Multi > 1) { _Controller.Multi--; } _Controller = team; _Controller.Multi++; } OwnedMessage(); } else if (_Controller == team) { if (CurrentHealth + damage < 10) { CurrentHealth += damage; } else { CurrentHealth = 10; if (_LastFX + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20) <= DateTime.UtcNow) { BaseSpecialEffect e = SpecialFX.FirePentagram.CreateInstance( Location, Map, 5, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000 - ((10 - 1) * 100))); e.Send(); _LastFX = DateTime.UtcNow; } } OwnedMessage(); } }
public void SpawnBoss(Point3D spawnlocation) { switch (PortalType) { case PortalType.Undead: { Boss = new LockeColePortal { Portal = this, PortalBoss = true }; break; } case PortalType.Beetle: { Boss = new IrradiatedBeetlePortal { Portal = this, PortalBoss = true }; break; } case PortalType.Demon: { Boss = new DarkFatherPortal { Portal = this, PortalBoss = true }; break; } case PortalType.Wyrm: { Boss = new Bahamut { Portal = this, PortalBoss = true }; break; } case PortalType.Lummox: { Boss = new LummoxWarHeroPortal { Portal = this, PortalBoss = true }; break; } case PortalType.Minotaur: { Boss = new MinotaurWarHeroPortal { Portal = this, PortalBoss = true }; break; } } foreach (var kvp in ParticipantsScores) { double score = kvp.Value; Boss.AwardScorePoints(kvp.Key, ref score); } BaseSpecialEffect e = SpecialFX.FirePentagram.CreateInstance( spawnlocation, DungeonMap, 10, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000 - ((10 - 1) * 100))); e.Send(); Boss.MoveToWorld(spawnlocation, DungeonMap); }