public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { if (context.Request.HttpMethod == "GET") { BaseServices.ValidUrl(Token); } if (context.Request.HttpMethod == "POST") { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream)) { string str = sr.ReadToEnd(); //这时候其实应该新建工具类的,暂时放一放吧。先快速的把功能实现。 XElement xe = XElement.Parse(str); string MsgType = xe.Element("MsgType").Value; OurID = xe.Element("ToUserName").Value; CounterID = xe.Element("FromUserName").Value; if (MsgType != "text" && MsgType != "event" && MsgType != "voice" && MsgType != "location" && MsgType != "image") { Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, "抱歉,暂不支持此类消息。"); } if (MsgType == "event") { string Event = xe.Element("Event").Value.Trim(); if (Event == "CLICK" || Event == "VIEW" || Event == "pic_photo_or_album") { #region CLICK string EventKey = xe.Element("EventKey").Value.Trim(); switch (EventKey) { case "查快递状态": { string com = "DELETE from where cid = '" + CounterID + "';"; com = com + "INSERT INTO (cid,handle) values ('" + CounterID + "','" + EventKey + "')"; msql.I_D_U(com); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, "查快递状态\n请输入快递单号,如: 883000768272760447"); } break; case "查基金": { string com = "DELETE from where cid = '" + CounterID + "';"; com = com + "INSERT INTO (cid,handle) values ('" + CounterID + "','" + EventKey + "')"; msql.I_D_U(com); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, "查基金\n请输入基金代码或基金名称。如:000001或华夏成长\n(支持模糊查询)\n注:服务器每天凌晨自动更新前一天的基金数据。"); //string[] titles = new string[] { "1", "2", "3"}; //string[] dess = new string[] { "one", "two", "three"}; //string[] pics = new string[] {"","",""}; //string[] urls = new string[] {"","",""}; //Msg.ReturnNewsMsg(CounterID,OurID,3,titles,dess,pics,urls); } break; case "数学的笔记与练习": { string com = "DELETE from where cid = '" + CounterID + "';"; com = com + "INSERT INTO (cid,handle) values ('" + CounterID + "','" + EventKey + "')"; msql.I_D_U(com); com = "SELECT * FROM blue.articles where valid = '1' order by articleId"; dt = msql.S(com); string[] titles = new string[dt.Rows.Count]; string[] dess = new string[dt.Rows.Count]; string[] pics = new string[dt.Rows.Count]; string[] urls = new string[dt.Rows.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { titles[i] = dr["title"].ToString(); dess[i] = dr["des"].ToString(); pics[i] = dr["pic"].ToString(); urls[i] = dr["url"].ToString(); i = i + 1; } //string[] titles = Convert.ToString(dt.Columns["title"]); //Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, "查基金\n请输入基金代码或基金名称。如:000001或华夏成长\n(支持模糊查询)\n注:服务器每天凌晨自动更新前一天的基金数据。"); //string[] titles = new string[] { "1", "2", "3"}; //string[] dess = new string[] { "one", "two", "three"}; //string[] pics = new string[] {"","",""}; //string[] urls = new string[] {"","",""}; Msg.ReturnNewsMsg(CounterID, OurID, dt.Rows.Count, titles, dess, pics, urls); } break; case "计量金融学的Python实现": { string com = "DELETE from where cid = '" + CounterID + "';"; com = com + "INSERT INTO (cid,handle) values ('" + CounterID + "','" + EventKey + "')"; msql.I_D_U(com); com = "SELECT * FROM blue.articles where valid = '3' order by articleId"; dt = msql.S(com); string[] titles = new string[dt.Rows.Count]; string[] dess = new string[dt.Rows.Count]; string[] pics = new string[dt.Rows.Count]; string[] urls = new string[dt.Rows.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { titles[i] = dr["title"].ToString(); dess[i] = dr["des"].ToString(); pics[i] = dr["pic"].ToString(); urls[i] = dr["url"].ToString(); i = i + 1; } //string[] titles = Convert.ToString(dt.Columns["title"]); //Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, "查基金\n请输入基金代码或基金名称。如:000001或华夏成长\n(支持模糊查询)\n注:服务器每天凌晨自动更新前一天的基金数据。"); //string[] titles = new string[] { "1", "2", "3"}; //string[] dess = new string[] { "one", "two", "three"}; //string[] pics = new string[] {"","",""}; //string[] urls = new string[] {"","",""}; Msg.ReturnNewsMsg(CounterID, OurID, dt.Rows.Count, titles, dess, pics, urls); } break; case "蓝色机器人": { string com = "DELETE from where cid = '" + CounterID + "';"; com = com + "INSERT INTO (cid,handle) values ('" + CounterID + "','" + EventKey + "')"; msql.I_D_U(com); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, "您好,我是人工智能机器人。请问需要什么帮助?\n\n【类似Siri】"); } break; case "量化分析沪深300成份股": { string com = "DELETE from where cid = '" + CounterID + "';"; com = com + "INSERT INTO (cid,handle) values ('" + CounterID + "','" + EventKey + "')"; msql.I_D_U(com); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, "量化分析沪深300成份股\n1、该功能将最近一个交易日的沪深300成份股与最近一个交易日的所有沪深A股进行量化分析,求涨跌幅的相似度。\n2、<a href=\"\">点击查看关于沪深300指数</a>\n\n请回复沪深300成份股代码或名称,如000001或平安银行\n支持模糊查询"); } break; case "人工智能写宋词": { string com = "DELETE from where cid = '" + CounterID + "';"; com = com + "INSERT INTO (cid,handle) values ('" + CounterID + "','" + EventKey + "')"; msql.I_D_U(com); dt = msql.S("SELECT * from song.rnt"); string song = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, "人工智能写宋词\n服务器每五分钟自动酝酿一篇宋词。\n\n" + song + "\n\n倘若这首词写得不太好,还请谅解。 \ue41d"); } break; case "测海拔高度": { string com = "DELETE from where cid = '" + CounterID + "';"; com = com + "INSERT INTO (cid,handle) values ('" + CounterID + "','" + EventKey + "')"; msql.I_D_U(com); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, "测海拔高度\n请发送微信位置"); } break; case "人工智能写唐诗": { string com = "DELETE from where cid = '" + CounterID + "';"; com = com + "INSERT INTO (cid,handle) values ('" + CounterID + "','" + EventKey + "')"; msql.I_D_U(com); Tang t = new Tang(); string msg = t.RntMsg(); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, msg); } break; case "探索火星": { string com = "DELETE from where cid = '" + CounterID + "';"; com = com + "INSERT INTO (cid,handle) values ('" + CounterID + "','" + EventKey + "')"; msql.I_D_U(com); MarsCuriosity mc = new MarsCuriosity(); String msg = mc.ReturnLast(); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, msg); } break; case "花是什么花": { string com = "DELETE from where cid = '" + CounterID + "';"; com = com + "INSERT INTO (cid,handle) values ('" + CounterID + "','" + EventKey + "')"; msql.I_D_U(com); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, "花是什么花\n请发送特写照片\n\n不只可以识别花哦"); } break; case "色觉辨认助手": { string com = "DELETE from where cid = '" + CounterID + "';"; com = com + "INSERT INTO (cid,handle) values ('" + CounterID + "','" + EventKey + "')"; msql.I_D_U(com); } break; case "C# ⇋ Java": { string com = "select count(*) FROM where cid = '" + CounterID + "' and handle = 'C# To Java'"; DataTable dt = msql.S(com); if (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "0") { com = "DELETE from where cid = '" + CounterID + "';"; com = com + "INSERT INTO (cid,handle) values ('" + CounterID + "','" + "C# To Java" + "')"; msql.I_D_U(com); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, "当前操作为C# To Java\n如需Java To C#,请再次点击菜单。\n\n请输入代码"); } else { com = "DELETE from where cid = '" + CounterID + "';"; com = com + "INSERT INTO (cid,handle) values ('" + CounterID + "','" + "Java To C#" + "')"; msql.I_D_U(com); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, "当前操作为Java To C#\n如需C# To Java,请再次点击菜单。\n\n请输入代码"); } } break; default: { string com = "DELETE from where cid = '" + CounterID + "';"; com = com + "INSERT INTO (cid,handle) values ('" + CounterID + "','" + "公众号文章" + "')"; msql.I_D_U(com); } break; } #endregion } else { #region subscribe if (Event == "subscribe") { Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, "BlueYifan\n\n数学、便捷与更多。"); } #endregion } } else { #region text voice if (MsgType == "text" || MsgType == "voice") { //传进来的时候,就把空格去掉。 string Content = ""; if (MsgType == "text") { Content = xe.Element("Content").Value.Trim(); } else { Content = xe.Element("Recognition").Value.Trim(); } dt = msql.S("SELECT handle from where cid = '" + CounterID + "'"); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { BlueRobot br = new BlueRobot(); string msg = br.RntMsg(Content, CounterID); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, msg); return; } switch (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString()) { case "查快递状态": { Regex r = new Regex(@"[\u4e00-\u9fa5]"); if (r.IsMatch(Content)) { Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, "请输入正确的快递单号。"); } else { BlueRobot br = new BlueRobot(); string msg = br.RntMsg("查快递 " + Content, CounterID); string[] a = msg.Split('\n'); string rnt = ""; foreach (string astr in a) { rnt = astr + "\n" + rnt; } Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, rnt); } } break; case "查基金": { Fund f = new Fund(); string msg = f.FundNet(Content); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, msg); } break; case "蓝色机器人": { BlueRobot br = new BlueRobot(); if (Content == "【收到不支持的消息类型,暂无法显示】") { Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, "我还理解不了表情包这种复杂的人类情感。"); } else { string msg = br.RntMsg(Content, CounterID); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, msg); } } break; case "量化分析沪深300成份股": { Quant300 q3 = new Quant300(); string msg = q3.Rnt(Content); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, msg); } break; case "探索火星": { MarsCuriosity mc = new MarsCuriosity(); string msg = mc.ReturnOrder(Content); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, msg); } break; case "C# To Java": case "Java To C#": { CodeConvert c = new CodeConvert(); string msg = c.RntMsg(dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(), Content); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, msg); } break; default: { BlueRobot br = new BlueRobot(); if (Content == "【收到不支持的消息类型,暂无法显示】") { Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, "我还理解不了表情包这种复杂的人类情感。"); } else { string msg = br.RntMsg(Content, CounterID); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, msg); } } break; } } #endregion if (MsgType == "location") { string Label = xe.Element("Label").Value; string Location_X = xe.Element("Location_X").Value; string Location_Y = xe.Element("Location_Y").Value; Elevation e = new Elevation(); string msg = e.RntMsg(Location_X, Location_Y); msg = "所在地:" + Label + "\n纬度:" + Location_X + "\n经度:" + Location_Y + "\n海拔:" + msg; Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, msg); } if (MsgType == "image") { dt = msql.S("SELECT handle from where cid = '" + CounterID + "'"); if (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "色觉辨认助手") { string PicUrl = xe.Element("PicUrl").Value; Color c = new Color(); string msg = c.RntMsg(PicUrl); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, msg); } else { string PicUrl = xe.Element("PicUrl").Value; Flower f = new Flower(); string msg = f.RntMsg(PicUrl); Msg.RetrurnTextMsg(CounterID, OurID, msg); } } } } } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //如果param为null,则实例化 param = param ?? new EnterParam { appid = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appID"], EncodingAESKey = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EncodingAESKey"], token = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["token"] }; //var ip = context.Request.UserHostAddress; //var ipEntity = BaseServices.GetIpArray("你的access_token"); //if (ipEntity!=null&&!ipEntity.ip_list.Contains(ip)) //{ // context.Response.Write("非法请求"); // return; //} if (context.Request.HttpMethod == "GET") { BaseServices.ValidUrl(param.token); } else { //判断MsgHandlerEntities是否为空,如果是,则实例化,并将各个消息类型的处理程序实体添加到此列表中 //因为MsgHandlerEntities是静态变量,只需绑定一次即可。免去了重复绑定的性能损耗。 if (MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities == null) { MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities = new List <MsgHandlerEntity>(); #region 文本消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.TEXT, Action = TextHandler }); #endregion #region 图片消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.IMAGE, Action = ImgHandler }); #endregion #region 语音消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.VOICE, Action = VoiceHandler }); #endregion #region 视频消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.VIDEO, Action = VideoHandler }); #endregion #region 地理位置消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.LOCATION, Action = LoctionHandler }); #endregion #region 链接消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.LINK, Action = linkHandler }); #endregion #region 群发消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.MASSSENDJOBFINISH, Action = GroupJobHandler }); #endregion #region 模板消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.TEMPLATESENDJOBFINISH, Action = TemplateJobHandler }); #endregion #region 扫描带参数二维码消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.SCAN, Action = SanQrEventHandler }); #endregion #region 自定义菜单Click消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.CLICK, Action = ClickEventHandler }); #endregion #region 自定义菜单View消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.VIEW, Action = ViewEventHandler }); #endregion #region 自定义菜单扫描二维码(scancode_push)消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.SCANCODE_PUSH, Action = MenuSanQrEventHandler }); #endregion #region 自定义菜单扫描二维码(scancode_waitmsg)消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.SCANCODE_WAITMSG, Action = MenuSanQrEventHandler }); #region 自定义菜单扫描二维码(scancode_waitmsg)消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.SCANCODE_WAITMSG, Action = MenuSanQrEventHandler }); #endregion #endregion #region 自定义菜单发送图片(pic_sysphoto)消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.PIC_SYSPHOTO, Action = MenuSendPicEventHandler }); #region 自定义菜单发送图片(pic_photo_or_album)消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.PIC_PHOTO_OR_ALBUM, Action = MenuSendPicEventHandler }); #endregion #region 自定义菜单发送图片(pic_weixin)消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.PIC_WEIXIN, Action = MenuSendPicEventHandler }); #endregion #endregion #region 创建多客服会话消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.KF_CREATE_SESSION, Action = KfHandler }); #endregion #region 关闭多客服会话消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.KF_CLOSE_SESSION, Action = KfHandler }); #endregion #region 转接多客服会话消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.KF_SWITCH_SESSION, Action = KfHandler }); #endregion #region 微信小店订单消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.MERCHANT_ORDER, Action = OrderHandler }); #endregion #region 门店审核处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.POI_CHECK_NOTIFY, Action = PoiNotifyHandler }); #endregion #region 卡券审核通过处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.CARD_PASS_CHECK, Action = CardCheckNotifyHandler }); #endregion #region 卡券审核未通过处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.CARD_NOT_PASS_CHECK, Action = CardCheckNotifyHandler }); #endregion #region 领取卡券处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.USER_GET_CARD, Action = UserGetCardHandler }); #endregion #region 关注事件处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.SUBSCRIBE, Action = SubscribeHandler }); #endregion #region 取消关注事件处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.UNSUBSCRIBE, Action = SubscribeHandler }); #endregion } MsgFactory.LoadMsg(param, MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { // 测试时暂不使用 /*var ip = context.Request.UserHostAddress; * var ipEntity = BaseServices.GetIpArray("你的access_token"); * if(ipEntity!=null && !ipEntity.ip_list.Contains(ip)) * { * context.Response.Write("非法请求"); * return; * }*/ // var url = context.Request.RawUrl; if (context.Request.HttpMethod == "GET") { BaseServices.ValidUrl("skywalkerxl"); } else { //var xml = Utils.GetRequestData(); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("----------------------Receive the xml message Start----------------------"); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(xml); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("---------------------- Receive the xml message End ----------------------"); //context.Response.Write(""); string openid = context.Request.Params["openid"]; Utils.OutPrint(openid); if (SessionUtils.Get("openid") == null) { SessionUtils.Add("openid", openid); } // 判断MsgHandlerEntities是否为空,如果是,则实例化,并将各个消息类型的处理程序实体添加到此列表中 // 因为MsgHandlerEntities是静态变量,之需绑定一次即可,免去了重复绑定的性能损耗 if (MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities == null) { MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities = new List <MsgHandlerEntity>(); #region 文本消息绑定处理 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.TEXT, Action = TextHandler }); #endregion #region 图片消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.IMAGE, Action = ImgHandler }); #endregion #region 语音消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.VOICE, Action = VoiceHandler }); #endregion #region 视频消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.VIDEO, Action = VideoHandler }); #endregion #region 地理位置消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.LOCATION, Action = LocationHandler }); #endregion #region 链接消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.LINK, Action = linkHandler }); #endregion #region 点击事件处理程序 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.CLICK, Action = ClickEventHandler }); #endregion #region 图片事件处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.PIC_WEIXIN, Action = PicWeiXinHandler }); #endregion #region 订阅事件处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.SUBSCRIBE, Action = SubscribeEventHandler }); #endregion /*** * * * 其它一系列的事件处理 * * ***/ // TODO #region 获取地理位置信息事件处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.LOCATION, Action = LocationEventHandler }); #endregion #region 浏览事件处理程序绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.VIEW, Action = ViewEventHandler }); #endregion #region 扫码推送事件处理程序绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.SCANCODE_PUSH, Action = ScanCodePushEventHandler }); #endregion #region 扫码等待事件处理程序绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.SCANCODE_WAITMSG, Action = ScanCOdeWatingEventHandler }); #endregion #region 系统照相事件处理程序绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.PIC_SYSPHOTO, Action = PicSysphotoEventHandler }); #endregion #region 系统照相或相册事件处理程序绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.PIC_PHOTO_OR_ALBUM, Action = PicPhotoOrAlbumEventHandler }); #endregion #region 弹出地理位置选择器事件处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.LOCATION_SELECT, Action = LocationSelectEventHandler }); #endregion #region 模板消息事件处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.TEMPLATESENDJOBFINISH, Action = TEMPLATESENDJOBFINISHEventHandler }); #endregion #region 群发消息处理绑定 MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities.Add(new MsgHandlerEntity { MsgType = MsgType.EVENT, EventType = EventType.MASSSENDJOBFINISH, Action = GroupJobHandler }); #endregion } MsgFactory.LoadMsg(MsgHandlerEntity.MsgHandlerEntities); } }