private void RecordButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var objectGame = gameList[SelectedGame]; Dictionary <string, object> SpectatorGame = objectGame as Dictionary <string, object>; string key = ""; int gameId = 0; string platformId = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> pair in SpectatorGame) { if (pair.Key == "gameId") { gameId = (int)pair.Value; } if (pair.Key == "observers") { Dictionary <string, object> keyArray = pair.Value as Dictionary <string, object>; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> keyArrayPair in keyArray) { if (keyArrayPair.Key == "encryptionKey") { key = keyArrayPair.Value as string; } } } if (pair.Key == "platformId") { platformId = pair.Value as string; } } BaseRegion region = BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue); //region.SpectatorIpAddress, key, gameId, platformId var recorder = new ReplayRecorder(region.SpectatorIpAddress + ":8088", gameId, platformId, key); }
private void SpectateButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { object objectGame = gameList[SelectedGame]; var SpectatorGame = objectGame as Dictionary <string, object>; string key = ""; int gameId = 0; string platformId = ""; foreach (var pair in SpectatorGame) { if (pair.Key == "gameId") { gameId = (int)pair.Value; } if (pair.Key == "observers") { var keyArray = pair.Value as Dictionary <string, object>; foreach (var keyArrayPair in keyArray) { if (keyArrayPair.Key == "encryptionKey") { key = keyArrayPair.Value as string; } } } if (pair.Key == "platformId") { platformId = pair.Value as string; } } BaseRegion region = BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue); Client.LaunchSpectatorGame(region.SpectatorIpAddress, key, gameId, platformId); }
private void SpectatorComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (SpectatorComboBox.SelectedIndex != -1 && SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue != null) { BaseRegion region = BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue); ChangeSpectatorRegion(region); } }
private void RefreshTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SpectatorComboBox.SelectedIndex != -1 && SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue != null) { BaseRegion region = BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue); ChangeSpectatorRegion(region); } }
private void LoginButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Client.PVPNet = null; Client.PVPNet = new PVPNetConnect.PVPNetConnection(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Properties.Settings.Default.Guid)) { Properties.Settings.Default.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); if (RememberPasswordCheckbox.IsChecked == true) { Properties.Settings.Default.SavedPassword = LoginPasswordBox.Password.EncryptStringAES(sha.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Properties.Settings.Default.Guid)).ToString()); } else { Properties.Settings.Default.SavedPassword = ""; } if (RememberUsernameCheckbox.IsChecked == true) { Properties.Settings.Default.SavedUsername = LoginUsernameBox.Text; } else { Properties.Settings.Default.SavedUsername = ""; } Properties.Settings.Default.AutoLogin = (bool)AutoLoginCheckBox.IsChecked; Properties.Settings.Default.Region = (string)RegionComboBox.SelectedValue; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); HideGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; ErrorTextBox.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; LoggingInLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; LoggingInProgressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; Client.PVPNet.OnError += PVPNet_OnError; Client.PVPNet.OnLogin += PVPNet_OnLogin; Client.PVPNet.OnMessageReceived += Client.OnMessageReceived; BaseRegion SelectedRegion = BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)RegionComboBox.SelectedValue); Client.Region = SelectedRegion; //Client.Version = "4.18.14"; if (SelectedRegion.PVPRegion != PVPNetConnect.Region.CS) { Client.PVPNet.Connect(LoginUsernameBox.Text, LoginPasswordBox.Password, SelectedRegion.PVPRegion, Client.Version); } else { Dictionary <String, String> settings = SelectedRegion.Location.LeagueSettingsReader(); Client.PVPNet.Connect(LoginUsernameBox.Text, LoginPasswordBox.Password, SelectedRegion.PVPRegion, Client.Version, true, settings["host"], settings["lq_uri"], SelectedRegion.Locale); } }
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); GotPlayerData(Client.LoginPacket); SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue = Client.LoginPacket.CompetitiveRegion; BaseRegion region = BaseRegion.GetRegion(Client.LoginPacket.CompetitiveRegion); ChangeSpectatorRegion(region); GetNews(region); }
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); GotPlayerData(Client.LoginPacket); SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue = Client.Region.RegionName; BaseRegion region = BaseRegion.GetRegion(Client.Region.RegionName); uiLogic.Profile = new ProfilePage(); ChangeSpectatorRegion(region); GetNews(region); GetPendingInvites(); var update = new Timer { Interval = 5000 }; update.Elapsed += (o, e) => Client.ChatClient.Presence(Client.CurrentPresence, Client.GetPresence(), Client.presenceStatus, 0); timer.Interval = (5000); //timer.Start(); timer.Elapsed += (o, e) => Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, new ThreadStart(() => { string jid = Client.GetChatroomJID(Client.GetObfuscatedChatroomName("legendaryclient", ChatPrefixes.Public), string.Empty, true); GroupChatItem item = Join(jid, "LegendaryClient"); var chatGroup = new NotificationChatGroup { Tag = item, GroupTitle = item.GroupTitle, Margin = new Thickness(1, 0, 1, 0), GroupLabelName = { Content = item.GroupTitle } }; if (Client.GroupChatItems.All(i => i.GroupTitle != "LegendaryClient")) { Client.ChatListView.Items.Add(chatGroup); Client.GroupChatItems.Add(item); } timer.Stop(); })); /*if (Client.Dev) * { * fakeend.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; * testChat.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; * testInvite.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; * }*/ }
private void SetupProperties() { region = BaseRegion.GetRegion(Properties.Settings.Default.Region); if (region == null) { region = new NA(); } regionComboBox.SelectedValue = Properties.Settings.Default.Region; usernameBox.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.Username; passwordBox.Password = Properties.Settings.Default.Password; usernameCheck.IsChecked = Properties.Settings.Default.RememberingUsername; passwordCheck.IsChecked = Properties.Settings.Default.RememberingPassword; }
private void ComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (loaded) { var comboBox = sender as ComboBox; string tempRegion = (String)comboBox.SelectedValue; Console.WriteLine("Region is " + tempRegion); region = BaseRegion.GetRegion(tempRegion); Properties.Settings.Default.Region = tempRegion; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection("userSettings"); } loaded = true; }
public OldVoliBot(string username, string password, console _parent, QueueTypes queue) { parent = _parent; ipath = parent.lolPath; Accountname = username; Password = password; queueType = queue; baseRegion = BaseRegion.GetRegion(_parent.region.ToString()); connection.OnConnect += new LoLConnection.OnConnectHandler(connection_OnConnect); connection.OnDisconnect += new LoLConnection.OnDisconnectHandler(connection_OnDisconnect); connection.OnError += new LoLConnection.OnErrorHandler(connection_OnError); connection.OnLogin += new LoLConnection.OnLoginHandler(connection_OnLogin); connection.OnLoginQueueUpdate += new LoLConnection.OnLoginQueueUpdateHandler(connection_OnLoginQueueUpdate); connection.OnMessageReceived += new LoLConnection.OnMessageReceivedHandler(connection_OnMessageReceived); string pass = Regex.Replace(password, @"\s+", ""); connection.Connect(Accountname, pass, baseRegion.PVPRegion, _parent.currentVersion + "." + Config.clientSubVersion); }
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); curentlyRecording = new List <int>(); AppDomain current = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; GotPlayerData(Client.LoginPacket); SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue = Client.Region.RegionName; BaseRegion region = BaseRegion.GetRegion(Client.Region.RegionName); uiLogic.CreateProfile(Client.LoginPacket.AllSummonerData.Summoner.Name); ChangeSpectatorRegion(region); GetNews(region); var update = new Timer(); update.Interval = 5000; update.Elapsed += (o, e) => { Client.ChatClient.Presence(Client.CurrentPresence, Client.GetPresence(), Client.presenceStatus, 0); }; timer.Interval = (5000); //timer.Start(); timer.Elapsed += (o, e) => { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, new ThreadStart(() => { string JID = Client.GetChatroomJID(Client.GetObfuscatedChatroomName("legendaryclient", ChatPrefixes.Public), string.Empty, true); GroupChatItem item = Join(JID, "LegendaryClient"); var ChatGroup = new NotificationChatGroup(); ChatGroup.Tag = item; ChatGroup.GroupTitle = item.GroupTitle; ChatGroup.Margin = new Thickness(1, 0, 1, 0); ChatGroup.GroupLabelName.Content = item.GroupTitle; if (!Client.GroupChatItems.Any(i => i.GroupTitle == "LegendaryClient")) { Client.ChatListView.Items.Add(ChatGroup); Client.GroupChatItems.Add(item); } timer.Stop(); })); }; }
private void SpectateButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { object objectGame = GameList[SelectedGame]; var spectatorGame = objectGame as Dictionary <string, object>; string key = ""; int gameId = 0; string platformId = ""; if (spectatorGame != null) { foreach (var pair in spectatorGame) { switch (pair.Key) { case "gameId": gameId = (int)pair.Value; break; case "observers": { var keyArray = pair.Value as Dictionary <string, object>; if (keyArray != null) { foreach ( var keyArrayPair in keyArray.Where(keyArrayPair => keyArrayPair.Key == "encryptionKey")) { key = keyArrayPair.Value as string; } } } break; case "platformId": platformId = pair.Value as string; break; } } } BaseRegion region = BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue); Client.LaunchSpectatorGame(region.SpectatorIpAddress, key, gameId, platformId); }
private void RecordButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { object objectGame = GameList[SelectedGame]; var spectatorGame = objectGame as Dictionary <string, object>; string key = ""; int gameId = 0; string platformId = ""; if (spectatorGame != null) { foreach (var pair in spectatorGame) { if (pair.Key == "gameId") { gameId = (int)pair.Value; } if (pair.Key == "observers") { var keyArray = pair.Value as Dictionary <string, object>; if (keyArray != null) { foreach ( var keyArrayPair in keyArray.Where(keyArrayPair => keyArrayPair.Key == "encryptionKey")) { key = keyArrayPair.Value as string; } } } if (pair.Key == "platformId") { platformId = pair.Value as string; } } } BaseRegion region = BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue); new ReplayRecorder(region.SpectatorIpAddress, gameId, platformId, key); RecordButton.IsEnabled = false; RecordButton.Content = "Recording..."; }
private void RecordButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { object objectGame = gameList[SelectedGame]; var SpectatorGame = objectGame as Dictionary <string, object>; string key = ""; int gameId = 0; string platformId = ""; foreach (var pair in SpectatorGame) { if (pair.Key == "gameId") { gameId = (int)pair.Value; } if (pair.Key == "observers") { var keyArray = pair.Value as Dictionary <string, object>; foreach (var keyArrayPair in keyArray) { if (keyArrayPair.Key == "encryptionKey") { key = keyArrayPair.Value as string; } } } if (pair.Key == "platformId") { platformId = pair.Value as string; } } BaseRegion region = BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue); //region.SpectatorIpAddress, key, gameId, platformId var recorder = new ReplayRecorder(region.SpectatorIpAddress, gameId, platformId, key); recorder.OnReplayRecorded += () => { curentlyRecording.Remove(gameId); }; curentlyRecording.Add(gameId); RecordButton.IsEnabled = false; RecordButton.Content = "Recording..."; }
private void LoginButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (RememberPasswordCheckbox.IsChecked == true) { Properties.Settings.Default.SavedPassword = LoginPasswordBox.Password; } else { Properties.Settings.Default.SavedPassword = ""; } if (RememberUsernameCheckbox.IsChecked == true) { Properties.Settings.Default.SavedUsername = LoginUsernameBox.Text; } else { Properties.Settings.Default.SavedUsername = ""; } Properties.Settings.Default.AutoLogin = (bool)AutoLoginCheckBox.IsChecked; Properties.Settings.Default.Region = (string)RegionComboBox.SelectedValue; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); HideGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; ErrorTextBox.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; LoggingInLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; LoggingInProgressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; Client.PVPNet.OnError += PVPNet_OnError; Client.PVPNet.OnLogin += PVPNet_OnLogin; Client.PVPNet.OnMessageReceived += Client.OnMessageReceived; BaseRegion SelectedRegion = BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)RegionComboBox.SelectedValue); Client.Region = SelectedRegion; //Client.Version = "4.7.8"; Client.PVPNet.Connect(LoginUsernameBox.Text, LoginPasswordBox.Password, SelectedRegion.PVPRegion, Client.Version); }
public static void loadConfiguration() { try { IniFile file1 = new IniFile(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "config.ini"); Config.LauncherPath = file1.IniReadValue("General", "LauncherPath"); Config.maxBots = Convert.ToInt32(file1.IniReadValue("General", "MaxBots")); Config.maxLevel = Convert.ToInt32(file1.IniReadValue("General", "MaxLevel")); Config.replaceConfig = Convert.ToBoolean(file1.IniReadValue("General", "ReplaceConfig")); Config.Region = BaseRegion.GetRegion(file1.IniReadValue("Account", "Region").ToUpper()); Config.buyBoost = Convert.ToBoolean(file1.IniReadValue("Account", "BuyBoost")); Config.rndIcon = Convert.ToBoolean(file1.IniReadValue("Account", "RndIcon")); Config.championToPick = file1.IniReadValue("Other", "ChampionPick").ToUpper(); Config.rndSpell = Convert.ToBoolean(file1.IniReadValue("Other", "RndSpell")); Config.spell1 = file1.IniReadValue("Other", "Spell1").ToUpper(); Config.spell2 = file1.IniReadValue("Other", "Spell2").ToUpper(); } catch (Exception exception1) { Console.WriteLine(exception1.Message); Thread.Sleep(0x2710); Application.Exit(); } }
private async Task garenaLogin() { WindowsIdentity winIdentity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); WindowsPrincipal winPrincipal = new WindowsPrincipal(winIdentity); if (!winPrincipal.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator)) { if (await((MetroWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).ShowMessageAsync("Insufficent Privledges.", "Press OK to restart as admin.") == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) { var info = new ProcessStartInfo(Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Client", "LegendaryClient.exe")) { UseShellExecute = true, Verb = "runas" }; Process.Start(info); Environment.Exit(0); } } LoggingInLabel.Content = "Waiting for user to launch League from garena"; HideGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; ErrorTextBox.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; LoggingInLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; var garenaregion = BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)RegionComboBox.SelectedValue); LoggingInProgressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; LoginPasswordBox.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; shouldExit = false; while (!shouldExit) { await Task.Delay(500); foreach (var process in Process.GetProcessesByName("lol")) { var s1 = GetCommandLine(process); process.Kill(); foreach (var lolclient in Process.GetProcessesByName("LolClient")) { lolclient.Kill(); } if (s1.StartsWith("\"")) { try { s1 = s1.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]; } catch { Client.Log("Error splitting path from command line."); } } else { s1 = s1.Substring(1); } Client.Log("Received token, it is: " + s1); Client.Region = garenaregion; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( DispatcherPriority.Input, new ThreadStart(() => { HideGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; ErrorTextBox.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; LoggingInLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; LoggingInLabel.Content = "Logging in..."; LoggingInProgressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; })); var context = RiotCalls.RegisterObjects(); Client.RiotConnection = new RtmpClient(new System.Uri("rtmps://" + garenaregion.Server + ":2099"), context, ObjectEncoding.Amf3); Client.RiotConnection.CallbackException += client_CallbackException; Client.RiotConnection.MessageReceived += client_MessageReceived; await Client.RiotConnection.ConnectAsync(); Client.RiotConnection.SetChunkSize(2147483647); AuthenticationCredentials newCredentials = new AuthenticationCredentials { AuthToken = await RiotCalls.GetRestToken(LoginUsernameBox.Text, LoginPasswordBox.Password, garenaregion.LoginQueue, reToken(s1)), Username = Client.UID, Password = null, ClientVersion = Client.Version, IpAddress = RiotCalls.GetIpAddress(), Locale = garenaregion.Locale, PartnerCredentials = "8393 " + s1, OperatingSystem = "Windows 7", Domain = "", }; Session login = await RiotCalls.Login(newCredentials); Client.PlayerSession = login; var str1 = string.Format("gn-{0}", login.AccountSummary.AccountId); var str2 = string.Format("cn-{0}", login.AccountSummary.AccountId); var str3 = string.Format("bc-{0}", login.AccountSummary.AccountId); Task <bool>[] taskArray = { Client.RiotConnection.SubscribeAsync("my-rtmps", "messagingDestination", str1, str1), Client.RiotConnection.SubscribeAsync("my-rtmps", "messagingDestination", str2, str2), Client.RiotConnection.SubscribeAsync("my-rtmps", "messagingDestination", "bc", str3) }; await Task.WhenAll(taskArray); var LoggedIn = await Client.RiotConnection.LoginAsync(Client.UID, login.Token); //var packet = await RiotCalls.GetLoginDataPacketForUser(); DoGetOnLoginPacket(); } } }
private void ParseSpectatorGames() { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, new ThreadStart(() => { try { if (GameList == null) { return; } if (GameList.Count <= 0) { return; } BlueBansLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; PurpleBansLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; BlueBanListView.Items.Clear(); PurpleBanListView.Items.Clear(); BlueListView.Items.Clear(); PurpleListView.Items.Clear(); int gameId = 0; object objectGame = GameList[SelectedGame]; var spectatorGame = objectGame as Dictionary <string, object>; ImageGrid.Children.Clear(); if (spectatorGame != null) { foreach (var pair in spectatorGame) { switch (pair.Key) { case "participants": { var players = pair.Value as ArrayList; int i = 0; foreach (object objectPlayer in players) { var playerInfo = objectPlayer as Dictionary <string, object>; int teamId = 100; int championId = 0; int spell1Id = 0; int spell2Id = 0; string playerName = ""; foreach (var playerPair in playerInfo) { switch (playerPair.Key) { case "teamId": teamId = (int)playerPair.Value; break; case "championId": championId = (int)playerPair.Value; break; case "summonerName": playerName = playerPair.Value as string; break; case "spell1Id": spell1Id = (int)playerPair.Value; break; case "spell2Id": spell2Id = (int)playerPair.Value; break; } } var control = new ChampSelectPlayer { ChampionImage = { Source = champions.GetChampion(championId).icon } }; var uriSource = new Uri( Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Assets", "spell", SummonerSpell.GetSpellImageName(spell1Id)), UriKind.Absolute); control.SummonerSpell1.Source = new BitmapImage(uriSource); uriSource = new Uri( Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Assets", "spell", SummonerSpell.GetSpellImageName(spell2Id)), UriKind.Absolute); control.SummonerSpell2.Source = new BitmapImage(uriSource); control.PlayerName.Content = playerName; var m = new Image(); Panel.SetZIndex(m, -2); //Put background behind everything m.Stretch = Stretch.None; m.Width = 100; m.Opacity = 0.30; m.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; m.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch; m.Margin = new Thickness(i++ *100, 0, 0, 0); var cropRect = new Rectangle(new Point(100, 0), new Size(100, 560)); var src = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Assets", "champions", champions.GetChampion(championId).portraitPath)) as Bitmap; var target = new Bitmap(cropRect.Width, cropRect.Height); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(target)) g.DrawImage(src, new Rectangle(0, 0, target.Width, target.Height), cropRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); m.Source = Client.ToWpfBitmap(target); ImageGrid.Children.Add(m); if (teamId == 100) { BlueListView.Items.Add(control); } else { PurpleListView.Items.Add(control); } } } break; case "gameId": gameId = (int)pair.Value; break; case "mapId": try { MapLabel.Content = BaseMap.GetMap((int)pair.Value).DisplayName; } catch (Exception e) { Client.Log(e.Source, "Error"); Client.Log(e.Message, "Error"); } break; case "gameLength": { var seconds = (int)pair.Value; Client.spectatorTimer.Stop(); Client.spectatorTimer = new Timer(1000); Client.spectatorTimer.Elapsed += (s, e) => // Sincerely Idk when to stop it { seconds++; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, new ThreadStart(() => { TimeSpan ts = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds); GameTimeLabel.Content = string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2} min", ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds); })); }; Client.spectatorTimer.Start(); } break; case "bannedChampions": { //ArrayList players = pair.Value as ArrayList; //Dictionary<string, object> playerInfo = objectPlayer as Dictionary<string, object>; //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> playerPair in playerInfo) var keyArray = pair.Value as ArrayList; if (keyArray.Count > 0) { BlueBansLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; PurpleBansLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } foreach (Dictionary <string, object> keyArrayP in keyArray) //Dictionary<string, object> keyArrayP = keyArray as Dictionary<string, object>; { int cid = 0; int teamId = 100; foreach (var keyArrayPair in keyArrayP) { switch (keyArrayPair.Key) { case "championId": cid = (int)keyArrayPair.Value; break; case "teamId": teamId = (int)keyArrayPair.Value; break; } } var item = new ListViewItem(); var champImage = new Image { Height = 58, Width = 58 }; //temp try { champImage.Source = champions.GetChampion(cid).icon; } catch { } item.Content = champImage; if (teamId == 100) { BlueBanListView.Items.Add(item); } else { PurpleBanListView.Items.Add(item); } } } break; } } } try { BaseRegion region = BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue); string spectatorJson; string url = region.SpectatorLink + "consumer/getGameMetaData/" + region.InternalName + "/" + gameId + "/token"; using (var client = new WebClient()) spectatorJson = client.DownloadString(url); var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var deserializedJson = serializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(spectatorJson); MMRLabel.Content = "≈" + deserializedJson["interestScore"]; } catch { MMRLabel.Content = "N/A"; } if (Client.curentlyRecording.Contains(gameId)) { RecordButton.IsEnabled = false; RecordButton.Content = "Recording..."; } else { RecordButton.IsEnabled = true; RecordButton.Content = "Record"; } } catch (Exception e) { Client.Log(e.Message); } })); }
public LoginPage() { InitializeComponent(); Change(); Client.donepatch = true; Client.patching = false; Version.TextChanged += WaterTextbox_TextChanged; bool x = Settings.Default.DarkTheme; if (!x) { var bc = new BrushConverter(); HideGrid.Background = (Brush)bc.ConvertFrom("#B24F4F4F"); LoggingInProgressRing.Foreground = (Brush)bc.ConvertFrom("#FFFFFFFF"); } //#B2C8C8C8 UpdateRegionComboBox.SelectedValue = Client.UpdateRegion; if (Client.UpdateRegion == "Garena" && !Client.Garena) { LoadGarena(); } switch (Client.UpdateRegion) { case "PBE": RegionComboBox.ItemsSource = new[] { "PBE" }; break; case "Live": RegionComboBox.ItemsSource = new[] { "BR", "EUNE", "EUW", "NA", "OCE", "RU", "LAS", "LAN", "TR", "CS" }; break; case "Korea": RegionComboBox.ItemsSource = new[] { "KR" }; break; case "Garena": RegionComboBox.ItemsSource = new[] { "PH", "SG", "SGMY", "TH", "TW", "VN" }; break; } if (!Settings.Default.DisableLoginMusic) { SoundPlayer.Source = new Uri(Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Client", "Login.mp3")); SoundPlayer.Play(); Sound.IsChecked = false; } else { Sound.IsChecked = true; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Default.devKeyLoc)) { if (Client.Authenticate(Settings.Default.devKeyLoc)) { Client.Dev = true; devKeyLabel.Content = "Dev"; } } if (Settings.Default.LoginPageImage == "") { LoginPic.Source = new Uri(Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Client", "Login.mp4")); LoginPic.LoadedBehavior = MediaState.Manual; LoginPic.MediaEnded += LoginPic_MediaEnded; SoundPlayer.MediaEnded += SoundPlayer_MediaEnded; LoginPic.Play(); } else { if ( File.Exists(Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Assets", "champions", Settings.Default.LoginPageImage.Replace("\r\n", "")))) { LoginImage.Source = new BitmapImage( new Uri( Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Assets", "champions", Settings.Default.LoginPageImage), UriKind.Absolute)); } } Video.IsChecked = false; //Get client data after patcher completed Client.SQLiteDatabase = new SQLiteConnection(Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, Client.sqlite)); Client.Champions = (from s in Client.SQLiteDatabase.Table <champions>() orderby select s).ToList(); FreeToPlayChampions.GetInstance(); foreach (champions c in Client.Champions) { var source = new Uri(Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Assets", "champions", c.iconPath), UriKind.Absolute); c.icon = new BitmapImage(source); Debugger.Log(0, "Log", "Requesting :" + + " champ"); Debugger.Log(0, "", Environment.NewLine); try { c.IsFreeToPlay = FreeToPlayChampions.GetInstance().IsFreeToPlay(c); Champions.InsertExtraChampData(c); //why was this ever here? all of the needed info is already in the sqlite file } catch { Client.Log("error, file not found", "NotFound"); } } Client.ChampionSkins = (from s in Client.SQLiteDatabase.Table <championSkins>() orderby select s).ToList(); Client.ChampionAbilities = (from s in Client.SQLiteDatabase.Table <championAbilities>() //Needs Fixed orderby select s).ToList(); Client.SearchTags = (from s in Client.SQLiteDatabase.Table <championSearchTags>() orderby select s).ToList(); Client.Keybinds = (from s in Client.SQLiteDatabase.Table <keybindingEvents>() orderby select s).ToList(); Client.Items = Items.PopulateItems(); Client.Masteries = Masteries.PopulateMasteries(); Client.Runes = Runes.PopulateRunes(); BaseUpdateRegion updateRegion = BaseUpdateRegion.GetUpdateRegion(Client.UpdateRegion); var patcher = new RiotPatcher(); string tempString = patcher.GetListing(updateRegion.AirListing); string[] packages = patcher.GetManifest( updateRegion.AirManifest + "releases/" + tempString + "/packages/files/packagemanifest"); foreach ( string usestring in packages.Select(package => package.Split(',')[0]) .Where(usestring => usestring.Contains("ClientLibCommon.dat"))) { new WebClient().DownloadFile(new Uri(updateRegion.BaseLink + usestring), Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "ClientLibCommon.dat")); } var reader = new SWFReader(Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "ClientLibCommon.dat")); foreach (var secondSplit in from abcTag in reader.Tags.OfType <DoABC>() where abcTag.Name.Contains("riotgames/platform/gameclient/application/Version") select Encoding.Default.GetString(abcTag.ABCData) into str select str.Split((char)6) into firstSplit select firstSplit[0].Split((char)18)) { try { Client.Version = secondSplit[1]; } catch { var thirdSplit = secondSplit[0].Split((char)19); Client.Version = thirdSplit[1]; } } Version.Text = Client.Version; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.Default.SavedUsername)) { RememberUsernameCheckbox.IsChecked = true; LoginUsernameBox.Text = Settings.Default.SavedUsername; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.Default.SavedPassword)) { SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); RememberPasswordCheckbox.IsChecked = true; LoginPasswordBox.Password = Settings.Default.SavedPassword.DecryptStringAES( sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Settings.Default.Guid)).ToString()); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.Default.Region)) { RegionComboBox.SelectedValue = Settings.Default.Region; } invisibleLoginCheckBox.IsChecked = Settings.Default.incognitoLogin; /*var uriSource = * new Uri( * Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Assets", "champions", * champions.GetChampion(Client.LatestChamp).splashPath), UriKind.Absolute); * LoginImage.Source = new BitmapImage(uriSource);*/ if (Client.Garena) { Client.PVPNet = null; Client.PVPNet = new PVPNetConnection(); BaseRegion Garenaregion = BaseRegion.GetRegion(Client.args[1]); Client.PVPNet.garenaToken = Client.args[2]; Client.PVPNet.Connect("", "", Garenaregion.PVPRegion, Client.Version); Client.Region = Garenaregion; HideGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; ErrorTextBox.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; LoggingInLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; LoggingInProgressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; Client.PVPNet.OnError += PVPNet_OnError; Client.PVPNet.OnLogin += PVPNet_OnLogin; Client.PVPNet.OnMessageReceived += Client.OnMessageReceived; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.Default.SavedPassword) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.Default.Region) || !Settings.Default.AutoLogin) { return; } AutoLoginCheckBox.IsChecked = true; LoginButton_Click(null, null); }
private async void ParseSpectatorGames() { if (gameList == null) { return; } if (gameList.Count <= 0) { return; } BlueBansLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; PurpleBansLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; BlueBanListView.Items.Clear(); PurpleBanListView.Items.Clear(); BlueListView.Items.Clear(); PurpleListView.Items.Clear(); int GameId = 0; if (gameList.Count > SelectedGame) { var objectGame = gameList[SelectedGame]; Dictionary <string, object> SpectatorGame = objectGame as Dictionary <string, object>; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> pair in SpectatorGame) { if (pair.Key == "participants") { ArrayList players = pair.Value as ArrayList; foreach (var objectPlayer in players) { Dictionary <string, object> playerInfo = objectPlayer as Dictionary <string, object>; int teamId = 100; int championId = 0; int spell1Id = 0; int spell2Id = 0; string PlayerName = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> playerPair in playerInfo) { if (playerPair.Key == "teamId") { teamId = (int)playerPair.Value; } if (playerPair.Key == "championId") { championId = (int)playerPair.Value; } if (playerPair.Key == "summonerName") { PlayerName = playerPair.Value as string; } if (playerPair.Key == "spell1Id") { spell1Id = (int)playerPair.Value; } if (playerPair.Key == "spell2Id") { spell2Id = (int)playerPair.Value; } } ChampSelectPlayer control = new ChampSelectPlayer(); control.ChampionImage.Source = champions.GetChampion(championId).icon; string uriSource = Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Assets", "spell", SummonerSpell.GetSpellImageName(spell1Id)); control.SummonerSpell1.Source = Client.GetImage(uriSource); uriSource = Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Assets", "spell", SummonerSpell.GetSpellImageName(spell2Id)); control.SummonerSpell2.Source = Client.GetImage(uriSource); control.PlayerName.Content = PlayerName; if (teamId == 100) { BlueListView.Items.Add(control); } else { PurpleListView.Items.Add(control); } } } if (pair.Key == "gameId") { GameId = (int)pair.Value; } if (pair.Key == "bannedChampions") { ArrayList keyArray = pair.Value as ArrayList; if (keyArray.Count > 0) { BlueBansLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; PurpleBansLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } foreach (Dictionary <string, object> keyArrayP in keyArray) { int cid = 0; int teamId = 100; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> keyArrayPair in keyArrayP) { if (keyArrayPair.Key == "championId") { cid = (int)keyArrayPair.Value; } if (keyArrayPair.Key == "teamId") { teamId = (int)keyArrayPair.Value; } } ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); Image champImage = new Image(); champImage.Height = 58; champImage.Width = 58; champImage.Source = champions.GetChampion(cid).icon; item.Content = champImage; if (teamId == 100) { BlueBanListView.Items.Add(item); } else { PurpleBanListView.Items.Add(item); } } } } try { BaseRegion region = BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue); string spectatorJSON = ""; string url = region.SpectatorLink + "consumer/getGameMetaData/" + region.InternalName + "/" + GameId + "/token"; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { spectatorJSON = await client.DownloadStringTaskAsync(url); } JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); Dictionary <string, object> deserializedJSON = serializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(spectatorJSON); MMRLabel.Content = "≈" + deserializedJSON["interestScore"]; } catch { MMRLabel.Content = "N/A"; } } }
private void ParseSpectatorGames() { if (gameList == null) { return; } if (gameList.Count <= 0) { return; } BlueBansLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; PurpleBansLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; BlueBanListView.Items.Clear(); PurpleBanListView.Items.Clear(); BlueListView.Items.Clear(); PurpleListView.Items.Clear(); int GameId = 0; var objectGame = gameList[SelectedGame]; Dictionary <string, object> SpectatorGame = objectGame as Dictionary <string, object>; ImageGrid.Children.Clear(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> pair in SpectatorGame) { if (pair.Key == "participants") { ArrayList players = pair.Value as ArrayList; int i = 0; foreach (var objectPlayer in players) { Dictionary <string, object> playerInfo = objectPlayer as Dictionary <string, object>; int teamId = 100; int championId = 0; int spell1Id = 0; int spell2Id = 0; string PlayerName = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> playerPair in playerInfo) { if (playerPair.Key == "teamId") { teamId = (int)playerPair.Value; } if (playerPair.Key == "championId") { championId = (int)playerPair.Value; } if (playerPair.Key == "summonerName") { PlayerName = playerPair.Value as string; } if (playerPair.Key == "spell1Id") { spell1Id = (int)playerPair.Value; } if (playerPair.Key == "spell2Id") { spell2Id = (int)playerPair.Value; } } ChampSelectPlayer control = new ChampSelectPlayer(); control.ChampionImage.Source = champions.GetChampion(championId).icon; var uriSource = new Uri(Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Assets", "spell", SummonerSpell.GetSpellImageName(spell1Id)), UriKind.Absolute); control.SummonerSpell1.Source = new BitmapImage(uriSource); uriSource = new Uri(Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Assets", "spell", SummonerSpell.GetSpellImageName(spell2Id)), UriKind.Absolute); control.SummonerSpell2.Source = new BitmapImage(uriSource); control.PlayerName.Content = PlayerName; Image m = new Image(); Canvas.SetZIndex(m, -2); //Put background behind everything m.Stretch = Stretch.None; m.Width = 100; m.Opacity = 0.30; m.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left; m.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Stretch; m.Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness(i++ *100, 0, 0, 0); System.Drawing.Rectangle cropRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(new System.Drawing.Point(100, 0), new System.Drawing.Size(100, 560)); System.Drawing.Bitmap src = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Assets", "champions", champions.GetChampion(championId).portraitPath)) as System.Drawing.Bitmap; System.Drawing.Bitmap target = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(cropRect.Width, cropRect.Height); using (System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(target)) { g.DrawImage(src, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, target.Width, target.Height), cropRect, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } m.Source = Client.ToWpfBitmap(target); ImageGrid.Children.Add(m); if (teamId == 100) { BlueListView.Items.Add(control); } else { PurpleListView.Items.Add(control); } } } else if (pair.Key == "gameId") { GameId = (int)pair.Value; } else if (pair.Key == "mapId") { MapLabel.Content = BaseMap.GetMap((int)pair.Value).DisplayName; } else if (pair.Key == "gameLength") { var seconds = (int)pair.Value; GameTimeLabel.Content = string.Format("{0:D}:{1:00} min", seconds / 60, seconds % 60); } else if (pair.Key == "bannedChampions") { //ArrayList players = pair.Value as ArrayList; //Dictionary<string, object> playerInfo = objectPlayer as Dictionary<string, object>; //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> playerPair in playerInfo) ArrayList keyArray = pair.Value as ArrayList; if (keyArray.Count > 0) { BlueBansLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; PurpleBansLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } foreach (Dictionary <string, object> keyArrayP in keyArray) //Dictionary<string, object> keyArrayP = keyArray as Dictionary<string, object>; { int cid = 0; int teamId = 100; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> keyArrayPair in keyArrayP) { if (keyArrayPair.Key == "championId") { cid = (int)keyArrayPair.Value; } if (keyArrayPair.Key == "teamId") { teamId = (int)keyArrayPair.Value; } } ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); Image champImage = new Image(); champImage.Height = 58; champImage.Width = 58; //temp try { champImage.Source = champions.GetChampion(cid).icon; } catch { } item.Content = champImage; if (teamId == 100) { BlueBanListView.Items.Add(item); } else { PurpleBanListView.Items.Add(item); } } } } try { BaseRegion region = BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue); string spectatorJSON = ""; string url = region.SpectatorLink + "consumer/getGameMetaData/" + region.InternalName + "/" + GameId + "/token"; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { spectatorJSON = client.DownloadString(url); } JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); Dictionary <string, object> deserializedJSON = serializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(spectatorJSON); MMRLabel.Content = "≈" + deserializedJSON["interestScore"]; } catch { MMRLabel.Content = "N/A"; } }
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); GotPlayerData(Client.LoginPacket); SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue = Client.Region.RegionName.ToUpper(); BaseRegion region = BaseRegion.GetRegion(Client.Region.RegionName); Client.Profile = new ProfilePage(); GetNews(region); ChangeSpectatorRegion(Client.Region); var update = new Timer { Interval = 5000 }; update.Elapsed += (o, e) => Client.XmppConnection.Send(new Presence(Client.presenceStatus, Client.GetPresence(), 0)); timer.Interval = (5000); //timer.Start(); timer.Elapsed += (o, e) => Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, new ThreadStart(() => { string Jid = Client.GetChatroomJid(Client.GetObfuscatedChatroomName("legendaryclient", ChatPrefixes.Public), string.Empty, true); GroupChatItem item = Join(Jid, "LegendaryClient"); var chatGroup = new NotificationChatGroup { Tag = item, GroupTitle = item.GroupTitle, Margin = new Thickness(1, 0, 1, 0), GroupLabelName = { Content = item.GroupTitle } }; if (Client.GroupChatItems.All(i => i.GroupTitle != "LegendaryClient")) { Client.ChatListView.Items.Add(chatGroup); Client.GroupChatItems.Add(item); } timer.Stop(); })); //Update featured games every minute. var featuredUpdateTimer = new Timer { Interval = 60000 }; featuredUpdateTimer.Elapsed += (o, e) => { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, new ThreadStart(() => { if (SpectatorComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1 || SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue == null) { ChangeSpectatorRegion(region); } else { ChangeSpectatorRegion(BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)SpectatorComboBox.SelectedValue)); } })); }; featuredUpdateTimer.Start(); }
private async void LoginButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (RegionComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } if ((string)UpdateRegionComboBox.SelectedValue == "Garena") { if (RegionComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RegionComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString())) { Settings.Default.DefaultGarenaRegion = RegionComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString(); // Set default Garena region Settings.Default.Save(); } Client.Garena = true; await garenaLogin(); return; } string UserName = LoginUsernameBox.Text; LoggingInLabel.Content = "Logging in..."; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Default.Guid)) { Settings.Default.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } Settings.Default.Save(); SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); if (RememberPasswordCheckbox.IsChecked == true) { Settings.Default.SavedPassword = LoginPasswordBox.Password.EncryptStringAES( sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Settings.Default.Guid)).ToString()); } else { Settings.Default.SavedPassword = ""; } Settings.Default.SavedUsername = RememberUsernameCheckbox.IsChecked == true ? LoginUsernameBox.Text : ""; if (invisibleLoginCheckBox.IsChecked != null) { Settings.Default.incognitoLogin = (bool)invisibleLoginCheckBox.IsChecked; } Settings.Default.Region = (string)RegionComboBox.SelectedValue; Settings.Default.Save(); HideGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; ErrorTextBox.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; LoggingInLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; LoggingInProgressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; BaseRegion selectedRegion = BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)RegionComboBox.SelectedValue); Client.Region = selectedRegion; var context = RiotCalls.RegisterObjects(); Login(); }
#pragma warning disable 4014 //Code does not need to be awaited async void Login() { BaseRegion selectedRegion = BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)RegionComboBox.SelectedValue); var authToken = await RiotCalls.GetRestToken(LoginUsernameBox.Text, LoginPasswordBox.Password, selectedRegion.LoginQueue); if (authToken == "invalid_credentials") { ErrorTextBox.Text = "Wrong login data"; HideGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ErrorTextBox.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; LoggingInLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; LoggingInProgressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; return; } Client.RiotConnection = new RtmpClient(new System.Uri("rtmps://" + selectedRegion.Server + ":2099"), RiotCalls.RegisterObjects(), ObjectEncoding.Amf3); Client.RiotConnection.CallbackException += client_CallbackException; Client.RiotConnection.MessageReceived += client_MessageReceived; try { await Client.RiotConnection.ConnectAsync(); } catch { ErrorTextBox.Text = "Failed to login. SSL error."; HideGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ErrorTextBox.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; LoggingInLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; LoggingInProgressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; return; } Client.RiotConnection.SetChunkSize(2147483647); AuthenticationCredentials newCredentials = new AuthenticationCredentials { Username = LoginUsernameBox.Text, Password = LoginPasswordBox.Password, ClientVersion = Client.Version, IpAddress = RiotCalls.GetIpAddress(), Locale = selectedRegion.Locale, OperatingSystem = "Windows 7", Domain = "", AuthToken = authToken }; Session login = await RiotCalls.Login(newCredentials); if (login == null) { Client.Log("Login session is null."); var overlay = new MessageOverlay { MessageTextBox = { Text = "Login session is null. Login failed. Please check whether the version number is correct or not.", IsReadOnly = true }, MessageTitle = { Content = "Login session is null." } }; Client.OverlayContainer.Content = overlay.Content; Client.OverlayContainer.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ErrorTextBox.Text = "Failed to login. Login session is null."; HideGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ErrorTextBox.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; LoggingInLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; LoggingInProgressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; return; } Client.PlayerSession = login; var str1 = string.Format("gn-{0}", login.AccountSummary.AccountId); var str2 = string.Format("cn-{0}", login.AccountSummary.AccountId); var str3 = string.Format("bc-{0}", login.AccountSummary.AccountId); Task <bool>[] taskArray = { Client.RiotConnection.SubscribeAsync("my-rtmps", "messagingDestination", str1, str1), Client.RiotConnection.SubscribeAsync("my-rtmps", "messagingDestination", str2, str2), Client.RiotConnection.SubscribeAsync("my-rtmps", "messagingDestination", "bc", str3) }; await Task.WhenAll(taskArray); //Riot added this for no reason but make it look like the riot client we have to do this var plainTextbytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(login.AccountSummary.Username + ":" + login.Token); Client.reconnectToken = Convert.ToBase64String(plainTextbytes); //await RiotCalls.Login(result); var LoggedIn = await Client.RiotConnection.LoginAsync(LoginUsernameBox.Text.ToLower(), login.Token); DoGetOnLoginPacket(); }
private async void LoginButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args) { if (RememberPasswordCheckbox.IsChecked == true) { Properties.Settings.Default.SavedPassword = LoginPasswordBox.Password; } else { Properties.Settings.Default.SavedPassword = ""; } if (RememberUsernameCheckbox.IsChecked == true) { Properties.Settings.Default.SavedUsername = LoginUsernameBox.Text; } else { Properties.Settings.Default.SavedUsername = ""; } Properties.Settings.Default.AutoLogin = (bool)AutoLoginCheckBox.IsChecked; Properties.Settings.Default.Region = (string)RegionComboBox.SelectedValue; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); HideGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; ErrorTextBox.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; LoggingInLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; LoggingInProgressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; BaseRegion SelectedRegion = BaseRegion.GetRegion((string)RegionComboBox.SelectedValue); Client.Region = SelectedRegion; var context = RiotCalls.RegisterObjects(); Client.RtmpConnection = new RtmpClient(new Uri("rtmps://" + SelectedRegion.Server + ":2099"), context, ObjectEncoding.Amf3); Client.RtmpConnection.MessageReceived += Client.OnMessageReceived; Client.RtmpConnection.CallbackException += Client.CallbackException; RiotCalls.OnInvocationError += Client.CallbackException; await Client.RtmpConnection.ConnectAsync(); AuthenticationCredentials newCredentials = new AuthenticationCredentials(); newCredentials.Username = LoginUsernameBox.Text; newCredentials.Password = LoginPasswordBox.Password; newCredentials.ClientVersion = Client.Version; newCredentials.IpAddress = RiotCalls.GetIpAddress(); newCredentials.Locale = SelectedRegion.Locale; newCredentials.Domain = ""; try { newCredentials.AuthToken = RiotCalls.GetAuthKey(LoginUsernameBox.Text, LoginPasswordBox.Password, SelectedRegion.LoginQueue); } catch (Exception e) { HideGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ErrorTextBox.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; LoggingInProgressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; LoggingInLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; if (e.Message.Contains("The remote name could not be resolved")) { ErrorTextBox.Text = "Please make sure you are connected the internet!"; } else if (e.Message.Contains("(403) Forbidden")) { ErrorTextBox.Text = "Your username or password is incorrect!"; } else { ErrorTextBox.Text = "Unable to get Auth Key"; } ErrorTextBox.Text += string.Format("{0}{1}{0}{2}", Environment.NewLine, e.Message, e.StackTrace); return; } Session login = await RiotCalls.Login(newCredentials); Client.PlayerSession = login; await Client.RtmpConnection.SubscribeAsync("my-rtmps", "messagingDestination", "bc", "bc-" + login.AccountSummary.AccountId.ToString()); await Client.RtmpConnection.SubscribeAsync("my-rtmps", "messagingDestination", "gn-" + login.AccountSummary.AccountId.ToString(), "gn-" + login.AccountSummary.AccountId.ToString()); await Client.RtmpConnection.SubscribeAsync("my-rtmps", "messagingDestination", "cn-" + login.AccountSummary.AccountId.ToString(), "cn-" + login.AccountSummary.AccountId.ToString()); bool LoggedIn = await Client.RtmpConnection.LoginAsync(LoginUsernameBox.Text.ToLower(), login.Token); LoginDataPacket packet = await RiotCalls.GetLoginDataPacketForUser(); string State = await RiotCalls.GetAccountState(); if (State != "ENABLED") { HideGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ErrorTextBox.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; LoggingInProgressRing.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; LoggingInLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; ErrorTextBox.Text = "Your account state was invalid: " + State; return; } GotLoginPacket(packet); }
public async void AddAccount(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var context = RiotCalls.RegisterObjects(); Region Regiondata = GetRegionFromTag.GetRegion(this.Region.Region.Tag.ToString()); BaseRegion SelectedRegion = BaseRegion.GetRegion(this.Region.Region.Tag.ToString()); Client.RtmpConnection = new RtmpClient(new System.Uri("rtmps://" + SelectedRegion.Server + ":2099"), context, ObjectEncoding.Amf3); await Client.RtmpConnection.ConnectAsync(); HintLabel1_Copy.Content = Regiondata.Host; HintLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; try { LegacyPVP.Logic.RiotLogic.Login.AuthenticationCredentials lg = new Logic.RiotLogic.Login.AuthenticationCredentials(); AuthenticationCredentials newCredentials = new AuthenticationCredentials(); lg.Username = LOLUsername.WaterTextbox.Text; lg.Password = LOLPassword.WaterTextbox.Password; lg.ClientVersion = GetLatestVersions.GetLatestLolVersion(new System.Uri("")); lg.IpAddress = RiotCalls.GetIpAddress(); lg.Locale = SelectedRegion.Locale; lg.Domain = ""; try { newCredentials.AuthToken = RiotCalls.GetAuthKey(LOLUsername.WaterTextbox.Text, LOLPassword.WaterTextbox.Password, Regiondata.LoginQueue.ToString()); HintLabel2.Content = newCredentials.AuthToken; } catch (Exception f) { HintLabel1.Content = newCredentials.ClientVersion; HintLabel2.Content = newCredentials.Locale; var fadeOutAnimation = new DoubleAnimation(0, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5)); fadeOutAnimation.Completed += (x, y) => { var fadeInAnimation = new DoubleAnimation(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5)); }; if (f.Message.Contains("The remote name could not be resolved")) { HintLabel.Content = "Please make sure you are connected the internet!"; } else if (f.Message.Contains("(403) Forbidden")) { HintLabel.Content = "Your username or password is incorrect!"; } else { HintLabel.Content = f.Message; } //Client.RtmpConnection.Close(); return; } try { LegacyPVP.Logic.RiotLogic.Login.AuthenticationCredentials[] Credentials; Credentials = new LegacyPVP.Logic.RiotLogic.Login.AuthenticationCredentials[] { lg }; Session login = await RiotCalls.Login(Credentials); Logic.RtmpsLogic.Logic.PlayerSession = login; await Client.RtmpConnection.SubscribeAsync("my-rtmps", "messagingDestination", "bc", "bc-" + login.AccountSummary.AccountId.ToString()); await Client.RtmpConnection.SubscribeAsync("my-rtmps", "messagingDestination", "gn-" + login.AccountSummary.AccountId.ToString(), "gn-" + login.AccountSummary.AccountId.ToString()); await Client.RtmpConnection.SubscribeAsync("my-rtmps", "messagingDestination", "cn-" + login.AccountSummary.AccountId.ToString(), "cn-" + login.AccountSummary.AccountId.ToString()); bool LoggedIn = await Client.RtmpConnection.LoginAsync(LOLUsername.WaterTextbox.Text.ToLower(), login.Token); LoginDataPacket packet = await RiotCalls.GetLoginDataPacketForUser(); string State = await RiotCalls.GetAccountState(); if (State != "ENABLED") { return; } Login.AddLolAccount(LOLUsername.WaterTextbox.Text, LOLPassword.WaterTextbox.Password, packet.AllSummonerData.Summoner.Name, Regiondata.RegionTag); Client.RtmpConnection.Close(); } catch (InvocationException getVersion) { HintLabel.Content = getVersion.Message; /* * object[] array = (object[])((AsObject)getVersion.RootCause)["substitutionArguments"]; * if (array.Length == 2 && (string)array[0] == newCredentials.ClientVersion) * { * newCredentials.ClientVersion = (string)array[1]; * } * //*/ } catch (ClientDisconnectedException error) { HintLabel.Content = error.Message; } } catch (Exception x) { HintLabel.Content = x.Message; } }