protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //add js onclick event listener //to "reset password" checkbox chkResetPasswd.Attributes.Add("onclick", "portal.user.resetPasswd(this);"); if (!IsPostBack) { BaseMstr.ClosePatient(); CheckUsrRightsMode(); } //if the user pushed the master save button //then save the form if (BaseMstr.OnMasterSAVE()) { bool bSaved = false; Save(out bSaved); if (bSaved) { divStatus.InnerHtml = "<font color=\"green\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"Images/tick.png\"> Patient's data was saved!</font>"; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(upPatPortal, typeof(string), "saved", "clearStatusDiv(4);", true); } } LoadPatientsData(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //add js onclick event listener //to "reset password" checkbox chkResetPasswd.Attributes.Add("onclick", "admin.user.resetPasswd(this);"); if (!IsPostBack) { BaseMstr.ClosePatient(); LoadUsersData(); GetRightsTemplate(); //User Types useradmin.LoadUserTypesRadioButtonList(BaseMstr, rblUserType, ""); //User Rights DataSet dsUsrRights = useradmin.GetUserRightsDS(BaseMstr); repUserRights.DataSource = dsUsrRights; repUserRights.DataBind(); CMilitaryRender MilitaryRender = new CMilitaryRender(); //military duty station MilitaryRender.LoadMilDutyStationDropDownList(BaseMstr, cboSite, ""); } //if the user pushed the master save button //then save the form if (BaseMstr.OnMasterSAVE()) { bool bSaved = false; Save(out bSaved); if (bSaved) { divStatus.InnerHtml = "<font color=\"green\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"Images/tick.png\"> User's data was saved!</font>"; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(upUserAdmin, typeof(string), "saved", "clearStatusDiv(4);", true); } } CheckUsrRightsMode(); }