Esempio n. 1
        public void EventuallyAnExceptionIsThrownForNonExistantContainerURI()
            var scheduler = new TestScheduler();


            //No exception thrown by constructor because given deferred execution, even if the directory doesn't
            //exist at the time the MediaDirectory is created that doesn't mean it won't be there before execution stops being deferred.
            //Note that a non-existant directory is different from an empty one. Non existant directories will cause an exeception on subscription.
            var sut = new BaseMediaServer(A.Fake <IMediaServerConfiguration>(),
                                          (string s, IMediaFileWatcher rsw) => A.Fake <MediaDirectory>(), //Nasty.
                                          A.Fake <object>());
            IObservable <IMediaDirectory> foo = sut.Directories;
            IObservable <IMediaFile>      bar = sut.MediaFiles;
            Action a = () => sut.AddMediaDirectory("");

             * scheduler.Schedule(a());
             * //Schedule the OnNext
             * scheduler.Schedule(() => priceStream.OnNext(expected));
             * Assert.AreEqual(0, _viewModel.Prices.Count);
             * //Execute the OnNext action
             * _schedulerProvider.ThreadPool.AdvanceBy(1);
             * Assert.AreEqual(0, _viewModel.Prices.Count);
             * //Execute the OnNext handler
             * _schedulerProvider.Dispatcher.AdvanceBy(1);
             * Assert.AreEqual(1, _viewModel.Prices.Count);
             * Assert.AreEqual(expected, _viewModel.Prices.First());
Esempio n. 2
        public void ExceptionIsThrownForNullDirectoryURI()
            var sut = new BaseMediaServer(A.Fake <IMediaServerConfiguration>(),
                                          (s, rsw) => A.Fake <IMediaDirectory>(),
                                          A.Fake <object>());

            Action a = () => sut.AddMediaDirectory(null);

            a.ShouldThrow <ArgumentException>();
Esempio n. 3
        public void ExceptionIsThrownForEmptyURI()
        //Bad in this case means not a valid file system
        //for the particular directory implementation invoked.
            //No exception thrown by constructor because given deferred execution, even if the directory doesn't
            //exist at the time the MediaDirectory is created that doesn't mean it won't be there before execution stops being deferred.
            //Note that a non-existant directory is different from an empty one. Non existant directories will cause an exeception on subscription.
            var sut = new BaseMediaServer(A.Fake <IMediaServerConfiguration>(),
                                          (s, rsw) => A.Fake <MediaDirectory>(), //TODO: Clean up signature and a real logging factory.
                                          A.Fake <object>());

            Action a = () => sut.AddMediaDirectory("");

            a.ShouldThrow <ArgumentException>();