Esempio n. 1
        private List <Address> GetExistingAddresses(int personId)
            List <Address> addressesToReturn = new List <Address>();

            Person_Address xref = new Person_Address(_databaseSmoObjectsAndSettings);

            xref.PersonID = personId;

            BaseDataAccess <Person_Address> xrefDAO =
                new BaseDataAccess <Person_Address>(_databaseSmoObjectsAndSettings);

            //this get permutation will check the modified state of each property in the dto
            //if modified it is added to the exact criteria list in this case just the personID
            List <Person_Address> thisPersonsAddresses =
                xrefDAO.Get(xref, GetPermutations.ByExplicitCriteria);

            foreach (Person_Address person_address in thisPersonsAddresses)
                Bo.Address address = new Bo.Address(_databaseSmoObjectsAndSettings);
                address.AddressID = person_address.AddressID;

Esempio n. 2
        private List <Contact> GetExistingContacts(int personId)
            List <Contact> contactsToReturn = new List <Contact>();

            Person_Contact xref = new Person_Contact(_databaseSmoObjectsAndSettings);

            xref.PersonID = personId;

            BaseDataAccess <Person_Contact> xrefDAO =
                new BaseDataAccess <Person_Contact>(_databaseSmoObjectsAndSettings);

            //this get permutation will check the modified state of each property in the dto
            //if modified it is added to the exact criteria list in this case just the personID
            List <Person_Contact> thisPersonsContacts =
                xrefDAO.Get(xref, GetPermutations.ByExplicitCriteria);

            foreach (Person_Contact person_contact in thisPersonsContacts)
                Bo.Contact contact = new Bo.Contact(_databaseSmoObjectsAndSettings);
                contact.ContactID = person_contact.ContactID;

Esempio n. 3
        internal Person GetExistingCustomer(int personId, ref List <Address> addresses, ref List <Contact> contacts)
            //instantiate DAO
            BaseDataAccess <Dto.Person> personDAO =
                new BaseDataAccess <Dto.Person>(_databaseSmoObjectsAndSettings);

            //instantiate dto
            Dto.Person personDTO = new Dto.Person();

            Bo.Person personToReturn = new Bo.Person(_databaseSmoObjectsAndSettings);

            //set the property, in this case we are going to use this as the search criteria
            personDTO.PersonID = personId;

            //we know that the criteria that we set is the primary key of the database table, so
            //choose that as the search permutation
            List <Dto.Person> listOfPersons =
                personDAO.Get(personDTO, GetPermutations.ByPrimaryKey);

            if (listOfPersons != null)
                //there should only be one
                if (listOfPersons.Count == 1)
                    personToReturn.PersonID = personId;


                    addresses = GetExistingAddresses(personId);
                    contacts  = GetExistingContacts(personId);

                    throw new ApplicationException(MORE_THAN_ONE_PERSON_RECORD_RETURNED_ERROR_MESSAGE);
                //if there is no person then there cannot be dependent address or contact records
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves all Folks from the Database
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Folks> GetAllFolks()
            List <Folks> folksToReturn = null;

                //using the Active Record Pattern to model the database objects and backend CRUD ops
                BaseDataAccess <Folks> bdAccount = new BaseDataAccess <Folks>(SmoSettings[CONNECTION_STRING_NAME_LOCAL]);

                folksToReturn = bdAccount.Get(new Folks(), CommonLibrary.Enumerations.GetPermutations.AllByColumnMappings);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //log the exception information in a log file but do not propogate to the client, send friendly message Application Exception to
                //bubble up the stack
                _log.Error("Exception Occurred in GetAllFolks method in FolksDataManager", ex);
                throw new ApplicationException("Exception Occurred Could not Load Famous Folks from the database");
Esempio n. 5
        public void BaseDataAccessGet_True()
            List <Post> posts = new List <Post>()
                new Post()
                    id                 = 1,
                    date               = DateTime.Now,
                    imgURL             = "",
                    numberOfComments   = 1,
                    postContent        = "test content 1",
                    postPreviewContent = "preview 1",
                    title              = "Post 1"
                new Post()
                    id                 = 2,
                    date               = DateTime.Now,
                    imgURL             = "/img1",
                    numberOfComments   = 1,
                    postContent        = "test content 2",
                    postPreviewContent = "preview here",
                    title              = "Post TWO"

            var sqlConnectionMock = new Mock <IDbConnection>();
            var sqlCommandMock    = new Mock <IDbCommand>();
            var sqlDataReaderMock = new Mock <IDataReader>();

            sqlDataReaderMock.Setup(c => c.FieldCount).Returns(2);

            sqlDataReaderMock.Setup(c => c.GetFieldType(0)).Returns(typeof(int));
            sqlDataReaderMock.Setup(c => c.GetFieldType(1)).Returns(typeof(string));

            // Columns
            sqlDataReaderMock.Setup(c => c.GetName(0)).Returns("Id");
            sqlDataReaderMock.Setup(c => c.GetName(1)).Returns("Name");

            sqlDataReaderMock.Setup(m => m.GetOrdinal("Id")).Returns(0);

            // Rows
            // NOTE: Unfortunately this only works for a single row.
            sqlDataReaderMock.Setup(c => c.GetValues(It.IsAny <object[]>())).Callback <object[]>(
                (values) =>
                values[0] = 1;
                values[1] = "Luggar";

            // Read one row
            sqlDataReaderMock.SetupSequence(c => c.Read()).Returns(true).Returns(false);

            DataTable table1 = new DataTable();

            table1.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(int));
            table1.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
            table1.Rows.Add("1", "Luggar");

            BaseDataAccess _baseDataAccess = new BaseDataAccess(sqlConnectionMock.Object);

            sqlConnectionMock.Setup(conn => conn.CreateCommand()).Returns(sqlCommandMock.Object);

            sqlCommandMock.Setup(command => command.ExecuteReader()).Returns(sqlDataReaderMock.Object);

            sqlConnectionMock.Setup(conn => conn.CreateCommand()).Returns(sqlCommandMock.Object);

            DataTable returnDt = _baseDataAccess.Get(sqlCommandMock.Object);

            sqlConnectionMock.Verify((m => m.Open()), Times.Once());
            sqlCommandMock.Verify((m => m.ExecuteReader()), Times.Once());
            sqlDataReaderMock.Verify((m => m.Close()), Times.Once());
            sqlConnectionMock.Verify((m => m.Close()), Times.Once());

            Assert.Equal(table1.Columns.Count, returnDt.Columns.Count);
            Assert.Equal(table1.Rows[0].Field <int>("Id"), returnDt.Rows[0].Field <int>("Id"));
            Assert.Equal(table1.Rows[0].Field <string>("Name"), returnDt.Rows[0].Field <string>("Name"));
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 ///     根据用户Id查找用户
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userId"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public SysUser GetUserById(int userId)
     return(_dataAccess.Get <SysUser>(userId));
Esempio n. 7
 public SysPost GetPostById(int postId)
     return(_dataAccess.Get <SysPost>(postId));
Esempio n. 8
 public SysPermission GetPermissionById(int menuId)
     var menu = _dataAccess.Get<SysPermission>(menuId);
     return menu;
Esempio n. 9
 public IList GetAll(Type type)
     //BaseDataAccess mgr = new BaseDataAccess();
     using (mgr)
Esempio n. 10
 /// <summary>
 ///     得到一个对象实体
 /// </summary>
 public UserActivity GetModel(int activityId)
     return(_dataAccess.Get <UserActivity>(activityId));
Esempio n. 11
 public SysRole GetRoleById(int roleId)
     return(_dataAccess.Get <SysRole>(roleId));
Esempio n. 12
 public SysDepartment GetDeptById(int postId)
     return(_dataAccess.Get <SysDepartment>(postId));