public RenameBoatPrompt(BaseBoat boat) { this.m_Boat = boat; }
public static void SailBoat(Mobile from, BaseBoat boat) { bool newsail = true; if (m_SailTime.ContainsKey(from)) { if (m_SailTime[from] >= DateTime.Now) { newsail = false; } else { m_SailTime.Remove(from); } } if (newsail) { int MinLevel = 10; int MaxLevel = 100; //if (Core.Debug) from.SendMessage("TEST: SAILING IN A BOAT"); Mobile sailor = from; LokaiSkills skils = LokaiSkillUtilities.XMLGetSkills(sailor); List <Mobile> crew = GetMobilesOn(boat); SuccessRating rating = SuccessRating.LokaiSkillNotEnabled; foreach (Mobile seaman in crew) { skils = LokaiSkillUtilities.XMLGetSkills(sailor); LokaiSkills seamanAbs = LokaiSkillUtilities.XMLGetSkills(seaman); if (seamanAbs.Sailing.Value > skils.Sailing.Value) { sailor = seaman; } MinLevel--; MaxLevel--; if ((MinLevel == 5 && (boat is SmallBoat || boat is SmallDragonBoat)) || (MinLevel == 0 && (boat is MediumBoat || boat is MediumDragonBoat)) || (MinLevel == -5 && (boat is LargeBoat || boat is LargeDragonBoat))) { break; } } int count = 0; foreach (Mobile seaman in crew) { if ((count == 5 && (boat is SmallBoat || boat is SmallDragonBoat)) || (count == 10 && (boat is MediumBoat || boat is MediumDragonBoat)) || (count == 15 && (boat is LargeBoat || boat is LargeDragonBoat))) { break; } else { count++; skils = LokaiSkillUtilities.XMLGetSkills(seaman); if (seaman != sailor) { rating = LokaiSkillUtilities.CheckLokaiSkill(seaman, skils.Sailing, MinLevel, MaxLevel); if (rating >= SuccessRating.PartialSuccess) { seaman.SendMessage("You did your part."); } else { seaman.SendMessage("You could have been more helpful."); } } } } skils = LokaiSkillUtilities.XMLGetSkills(sailor); rating = LokaiSkillUtilities.CheckLokaiSkill(sailor, skils.Sailing, MinLevel, MaxLevel); if (rating <= SuccessRating.Failure) { int severity = 25; if (rating == SuccessRating.HazzardousFailure) { severity += 4; } else if (rating == SuccessRating.CriticalFailure) { severity += 8; } bool crash = false; foreach (Mobile seaman in crew) { if (!m_SailTime.ContainsKey(seaman)) { m_SailTime.Add(seaman, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(FAILSECONDS)); } } switch (Utility.Random(severity)) { case 0: case 1: case 2: boat.StartMove(Direction.Down, true); goto case 24; case 3: case 4: case 5: boat.StartMove(Direction.East, true); goto case 24; case 6: case 7: case 8: boat.StartMove(Direction.Left, true); goto case 24; case 9: case 10: case 11: boat.StartMove(Direction.North, true); goto case 24; case 12: case 13: case 14: boat.StartMove(Direction.Right, true); goto case 24; case 15: case 16: case 17: boat.StartMove(Direction.South, true); goto case 24; case 18: case 19: case 20: boat.StartMove(Direction.Up, true); goto case 24; case 21: case 22: case 23: boat.StartMove(Direction.West, true); goto case 24; case 24: boat.StartTurn(Utility.RandomList(2, -2, -4), false); goto case 99; case 99: { foreach (Mobile mobile in crew) { MightGetSick(mobile); } break; } default: crash = true; break; } if (crash) { boat.LowerAnchor(false); List <Item> items = CheckForItems(boat); BaseDockedBoat dboat = boat.DockedBoat; foreach (Mobile seaman in crew) { seaman.SendMessage("The boat runs aground at some nearby land."); boat.RemoveKeys(seaman); if (seaman == boat.Owner) { if (dboat != null) { seaman.AddToBackpack(dboat); } } } boat.Delete(); foreach (Mobile seaman in crew) { Strand(seaman); } if (items.Count > 0) { for (int v = 0; v < items.Count; v++) { int x = from.X + Utility.Random(7) - 3; int y = from.Y + Utility.Random(7) - 3; items[v].MoveToWorld(new Point3D(x, y, from.Z)); } } } else { foreach (Mobile seaman in crew) { seaman.SendMessage("You go off course slightly."); } } } else { //if (Core.Debug) from.SendMessage("TEST: SAILING SUCCESSFUL."); foreach (Mobile seaman in crew) { seaman.SendMessage("You feel the gentle breeze of the open sea."); if (!m_SailTime.ContainsKey(seaman)) { m_SailTime.Add(seaman, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(SAILSECONDS)); } } } } }
public static void ResetNavPoints(BaseBoat boat) { boat.NextNavPoint = 0; boat.StartCourse(false, false); }
public MagicDockedCarpetF(BaseBoat boat) : base(0xC5, Point3D.Zero, boat) { }
public Hold(BaseBoat boat) : base(0x3EAE) { m_Boat = boat; Movable = false; }
public void OnPlacement(Mobile from, Point3D p, int itemID, Direction d) { if (Deleted) { return; } else if (!IsChildOf(from.Backpack)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042001); // That must be in your pack for you to use it. } else { Map map = from.Map; if (map == null) { return; } if (from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster && (map == Map.Ilshenar || map == Map.Malas)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1043284); // A ship can not be created here. return; } if (from.Region.IsPartOf(typeof(HouseRegion)) || (Server.Multis.BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(from, from.Map) != null && !(this is RowBoatDeed))) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010568, null, 0x25); // You may not place a ship while on another ship or inside a house. return; } m_Direction = d; BaseBoat boat = Boat; if (boat == null) { return; } p = new Point3D(p.X - m_Offset.X, p.Y - m_Offset.Y, p.Z - m_Offset.Z); if (BaseBoat.IsValidLocation(p, map) && boat.CanFit(p, map, itemID)) { Delete(); boat.Owner = from; boat.ItemID = itemID; if (boat is BaseGalleon) { ((BaseGalleon)boat).SecurityEntry = new SecurityEntry((BaseGalleon)boat); } if (boat.IsClassicBoat) { uint keyValue = boat.CreateKeys(from); if (boat.PPlank != null) { boat.PPlank.KeyValue = keyValue; } if (boat.SPlank != null) { boat.SPlank.KeyValue = keyValue; } } boat.MoveToWorld(p, map); var addon = LighthouseAddon.GetLighthouse(from); if (addon != null) { if (boat.CanLinkToLighthouse) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1154592); // You have linked your boat lighthouse. } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1154597); // Failed to link to lighthouse. } } } else { boat.Delete(); from.SendLocalizedMessage(1043284); // A ship can not be created here. } } }
} //mooring line public MooringLine(BaseBoat boat) : base(5368) { m_Boat = boat; Movable = false; }
public DockedGargishGalleon(BaseBoat boat) : base(0x24, Point3D.Zero, boat) { }
public void TryDamageBoat() { Mobile focusMob = m_Fisher; if (focusMob == null || !focusMob.Alive) { focusMob = Combatant as Mobile; } if (focusMob == null || focusMob.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player || !InRange(focusMob.Location, DamageRange) || BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(focusMob, focusMob.Map) == null) { return; } BaseBoat boat = BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(focusMob, focusMob.Map); if (boat != null && boat is BaseGalleon) { int range = DamageRange; for (int x = this.X - range; x <= this.X + range; x++) { for (int y = this.Y - range; y <= this.Y + range; y++) { if (BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(new Point2D(x, y), this.Map) == boat) { DoDamageBoat(boat as BaseGalleon); m_NextBoatDamage = DateTime.UtcNow + BoatDamageCooldown; m_InDamageMode = false; return; } } } } }
public void CheckEnter(BaseBoat boat) { if (boat == null || Map == null || Map == Map.Internal) { return; } //Do not enter corgul region if we aren't in this region anymore Region r = Find(boat.Location, boat.Map); if (r != null && !r.IsPartOf(this)) { return; } Map map = Map; List <PlayerMobile> pms = new List <PlayerMobile>(); bool hasMap = false; foreach (PlayerMobile i in boat.GetEntitiesOnBoard().OfType <PlayerMobile>().Where(pm => pm.NetState != null)) { pms.Add(i); PlayerMobile pm = i; if (pm.Backpack == null) { continue; } Item item = pm.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(CorgulIslandMap)); if (item != null && item is CorgulIslandMap && Contains(((CorgulIslandMap)item).DestinationPoint)) { hasMap = true; break; } } if (hasMap) { int x = boat.X - m_Bounds.X; int y = boat.Y - m_Bounds.Y; int z = map.GetAverageZ(x, y); Point3D ePnt = new Point3D(CorgulAltar.CorgulBounds.X + x, CorgulAltar.CorgulBounds.Y + y, 0); int offsetX = ePnt.X - boat.X; int offsetY = ePnt.Y - boat.Y; int offsetZ = map.GetAverageZ(ePnt.X, ePnt.Y) - boat.Z; if (boat.CanFit(ePnt, Map, boat.ItemID)) { boat.Teleport(offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ); //int z = this.Map.GetAverageZ(boat.X, boat.Y); if (boat.Z != 0) { boat.Z = 0; } if (boat.TillerMan != null) { boat.TillerManSay(501425); //Ar, turbulent water! } } else { boat.StopMove(true); boat.SendMessageToAllOnBoard("The boat has struck a coral reef!"); } } }
public SmallDockedDragonBoat(BaseBoat boat) : base(0x4, Point3D.Zero, boat) { }
public void OnTick(Point3DList path, Direction dir, int i) { if (path.Count > i) { Point3D point = path[i]; int o = i - 1; Effects.PlaySound(point, Map, 278); Effects.PlaySound(point, Map, 279); for (int rn = 0; rn < (o * 2) + 1; rn++) { int y = 0, x = 0, y2 = 0, x2 = 0; bool diag = false; switch ((int)dir) { case (int)Direction.Running: case (int)Direction.North: { x = x - o + rn; break; } case 129: case (int)Direction.Right: { x = x - o + rn; y = y - o + rn; break; } case 130: case (int)Direction.East: { y = y - o + rn; break; } case 131: case (int)Direction.Down: { y = y - o + rn; x = x + o - rn; break; } case 132: case (int)Direction.South: { x = x + o - rn; break; } case 133: case (int)Direction.Left: { x = x + o - rn; y = y + o - rn; break; } case 134: case (int)Direction.West: { y = y + o - rn; break; } case (int)Direction.ValueMask: case (int)Direction.Up: { y = y + o - rn; x = x - o + rn; break; } } switch ((int)dir) { case 129: case (int)Direction.Right: { y2++; diag = true; break; } case 131: case (int)Direction.Down: { x2--; diag = true; break; } case 133: case (int)Direction.Left: { y2--; diag = true; break; } case (int)Direction.ValueMask: case (int)Direction.Up: { x2++; diag = true; break; } } Point3D ep = new Point3D(point.X + x, point.Y + y, point.Z); Point3D ep2 = new Point3D(ep.X + x2, ep.Y + y2, ep.Z); if (diag && i >= (2 * path.Count) / 3) { return; } Point3D p; if (diag && rn < o * 2) { p = ep2; } else { p = ep; } if (Spells.SpellHelper.CheckMulti(p, Map)) { BaseBoat boat = BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(p, Map); if (boat != null && !m_HasPushed) { int damage = Utility.RandomMinMax(MinBoatDamage, MaxBoatDamage); boat.OnTakenDamage(this, damage); boat.StartMove(dir, 1, 0x2, boat.SlowDriftInterval, true, false); m_HasPushed = true; } continue; } LandTile t = Map.Tiles.GetLandTile(x, y); if (IsSeaTile(t)) { Mobile spawn = new EffectSpawn(); spawn.MoveToWorld(p, Map); } } } }
public override void OnThink() { base.OnThink(); if (m_NextSpawn < DateTime.UtcNow && m_Tentacles.Count < SpawnMax) { SpawnTentacle(); } if (m_NextTeleport < DateTime.UtcNow && Combatant is Mobile m && !InRange(m, RangeFight) && BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(m, Map) != null) { DoTeleport(m.Location); } }
public TillerMan(BaseBoat boat) : base(0x3E4E) { m_Boat = boat; Movable = false; }
public MediumDockedBoat( BaseBoat boat ) : base( 0x8, Point3D.Zero, boat ) { }
public void OnPlacement(Mobile from, Point3D p) { if (Deleted) { return; } else if (!IsChildOf(from.Backpack)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042001); // That must be in your pack for you to use it. } else { Map map = from.Map; if (map == null) { return; } if (from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster && (map == Map.Ilshenar || map == Map.Malas)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1043284); // A ship can not be created here. return; } BaseBoat boat = Boat; if (boat == null) { return; } p = new Point3D(p.X - m_Offset.X, p.Y - m_Offset.Y, p.Z - m_Offset.Z); if (BaseBoat.IsValidLocation(p, map) && boat.CanFit(p, map, boat.ItemID)) { Delete(); boat.Owner = from; boat.Anchored = true; uint keyValue = boat.CreateKeys(from); if (boat.PPlank != null) { boat.PPlank.KeyValue = keyValue; } if (boat.SPlank != null) { boat.SPlank.KeyValue = keyValue; } boat.MoveToWorld(p, map); } else { boat.Delete(); from.SendLocalizedMessage(1043284); // A ship can not be created here. } } }
public LargeDockedDragonBoat( BaseBoat boat ) : base( 0x14, new Point3D( 0, -1, 0 ), boat ) { }
public MediumDockedDragonBoat(BaseBoat boat) : base(0xC, Point3D.Zero, boat) { }
public SmallDockedBoat(BaseBoat boat) : base(0x0, Point3D.Zero, boat) { }
public Rudder(BaseBoat boat, Direction d) : base(boat) { SetFacing(d); }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (m_Boat == null || from == null) { return; } BaseBoat boat = BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(from, from.Map); int range = boat != null && boat == this.Boat ? 3 : 8; bool canMove = false; if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Boat.Owner == from && m_Boat.Status > 1043010) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1043294); // Your ship's age and contents have been refreshed. } m_Boat.Refresh(); } if (boat != null && m_Boat != boat) { if (boat.Owner == from && boat.Status > 1043010) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1043294); // Your ship's age and contents have been refreshed. } boat.Refresh(); } if (!from.InRange(this.Location, range)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(500295); //You are too far away to do that. } else if (!from.InLOS(this.Location)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(500950); //You cannot see that. } else if (m_Boat.IsMoving || m_Boat.IsTurning) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1116611); //You can't use that while the ship is moving! } else if (BaseBoat.IsDriving(from)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1116610); //You can't do that while piloting a ship! } else if (BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(from) != null) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1149795); //You may not dock a ship while on another ship or inside a house. } else if (!m_Boat.IsClassicBoat) { if (boat == m_Boat && !MoveToNearestDockOrLand(from)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1149796); //You can not dock a ship this far out to sea. You must be near land or shallow water. } else if (boat == null) { if (!from.Alive) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1060190); //You cannot do that while dead! } else if ((m_Boat is BaseGalleon && ((BaseGalleon)m_Boat).HasAccess(from)) || (m_Boat is RowBoat && ((RowBoat)m_Boat).HasAccess(from))) { canMove = true; } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1116617); //You do not have permission to board this ship. } } else if (boat != null && m_Boat != boat) { if (!from.Alive) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1060190); //You cannot do that while dead! } else if (m_Boat is RowBoat && ((RowBoat)m_Boat).HasAccess(from)) { canMove = true; } else if (boat is RowBoat && m_Boat is BaseGalleon && ((BaseGalleon)m_Boat).HasAccess(from)) { canMove = true; } else if (boat is BaseGalleon && m_Boat is BaseGalleon && ((BaseGalleon)m_Boat).HasAccess(from)) { canMove = true; } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1149795); //You may not dock a ship while on another ship or inside a house. } } } if (canMove) { BaseCreature.TeleportPets(from, this.Location, this.Map); from.MoveToWorld(this.Location, this.Map); m_Boat.SendContainerPacket(); } }
public DockedRowBoat(BaseBoat boat) : base(0x3C, Point3D.Zero, boat) { }
private static bool IsSpecialShip(BaseBoat b) { return(m_ShipTypes.Any(t => t == b.GetType())); }
public IEnumerator InitCoroutine() { WorldSetup worldSetup = null; if (!World.CanLoadFromUrl()) { object[] size = new object[] { "Generating procedural map of size ", World.Size, " with seed ", World.Seed }; UnityEngine.Debug.Log(string.Concat(size)); } else { UnityEngine.Debug.Log(string.Concat("Loading custom map from ", World.Url)); } ProceduralComponent[] componentsInChildren = worldSetup.GetComponentsInChildren <ProceduralComponent>(true); Timing timing = Timing.Start("Downloading World"); if (World.Procedural && !World.CanLoadFromDisk() && World.CanLoadFromUrl()) { LoadingScreen.Update("DOWNLOADING WORLD"); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); UnityWebRequest downloadHandlerBuffer = UnityWebRequest.Get(World.Url); downloadHandlerBuffer.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); downloadHandlerBuffer.Send(); while (!downloadHandlerBuffer.isDone) { float single = downloadHandlerBuffer.downloadProgress * 100f; LoadingScreen.Update(string.Concat("DOWNLOADING WORLD ", single.ToString("0.0"), "%")); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); } if (downloadHandlerBuffer.isHttpError || downloadHandlerBuffer.isNetworkError) { string[] name = new string[] { "Couldn't Download Level: ", World.Name, " (", downloadHandlerBuffer.error, ")" }; worldSetup.CancelSetup(string.Concat(name)); } else { File.WriteAllBytes(string.Concat(World.MapFolderName, "/", World.MapFileName),; } downloadHandlerBuffer = null; } timing.End(); Timing timing1 = Timing.Start("Loading World"); if (World.Procedural && World.CanLoadFromDisk()) { LoadingScreen.Update("LOADING WORLD"); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); World.Serialization.Load(string.Concat(World.MapFolderName, "/", World.MapFileName)); World.Cached = true; } timing1.End(); if (World.Cached && 9 != World.Serialization.Version) { object[] version = new object[] { "World cache version mismatch: ", (uint)9, " != ", World.Serialization.Version }; UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(string.Concat(version)); World.Serialization.Clear(); World.Cached = false; if (World.CanLoadFromUrl()) { worldSetup.CancelSetup(string.Concat("World File Outdated: ", World.Name)); } } if (World.Cached && string.IsNullOrEmpty(World.Checksum)) { World.Checksum = World.Serialization.Checksum; } if (World.Cached) { World.InitSize(; } if (worldSetup.terrain) { TerrainGenerator terrainGenerator = worldSetup.terrain.GetComponent <TerrainGenerator>(); if (terrainGenerator) { worldSetup.terrain = terrainGenerator.CreateTerrain(); worldSetup.terrainMeta = worldSetup.terrain.GetComponent <TerrainMeta>(); worldSetup.terrainMeta.Init(null, null); worldSetup.terrainMeta.SetupComponents(); worldSetup.CreateObject(worldSetup.decorPrefab); worldSetup.CreateObject(worldSetup.grassPrefab); worldSetup.CreateObject(worldSetup.spawnPrefab); } } Timing timing2 = Timing.Start("Spawning World"); if (World.Cached) { LoadingScreen.Update("SPAWNING WORLD"); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); TerrainMeta.HeightMap.FromByteArray(World.GetMap("terrain")); TerrainMeta.SplatMap.FromByteArray(World.GetMap("splat")); TerrainMeta.BiomeMap.FromByteArray(World.GetMap("biome")); TerrainMeta.TopologyMap.FromByteArray(World.GetMap("topology")); TerrainMeta.AlphaMap.FromByteArray(World.GetMap("alpha")); TerrainMeta.WaterMap.FromByteArray(World.GetMap("water")); IEnumerator enumerator = World.Spawn(0.2f, (string str) => LoadingScreen.Update(str)); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { yield return(enumerator.Current); } TerrainMeta.Path.Clear(); TerrainMeta.Path.Roads.AddRange(World.GetPaths("Road")); TerrainMeta.Path.Rivers.AddRange(World.GetPaths("River")); TerrainMeta.Path.Powerlines.AddRange(World.GetPaths("Powerline")); enumerator = null; } timing2.End(); Timing timing3 = Timing.Start("Processing World"); if (componentsInChildren.Length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)componentsInChildren.Length; i++) { ProceduralComponent proceduralComponent = componentsInChildren[i]; if (proceduralComponent && proceduralComponent.ShouldRun()) { uint num = (uint)((ulong)World.Seed + (long)i); LoadingScreen.Update(proceduralComponent.Description.ToUpper()); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); Timing timing4 = Timing.Start(proceduralComponent.Description); if (proceduralComponent) { proceduralComponent.Process(num); } timing4.End(); proceduralComponent = null; } } } timing3.End(); Timing timing5 = Timing.Start("Saving World"); if (ConVar.World.cache && World.Procedural && !World.Cached) { LoadingScreen.Update("SAVING WORLD"); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); = World.Size; World.AddPaths(TerrainMeta.Path.Roads); World.AddPaths(TerrainMeta.Path.Rivers); World.AddPaths(TerrainMeta.Path.Powerlines); World.Serialization.Save(string.Concat(World.MapFolderName, "/", World.MapFileName)); } timing5.End(); Timing timing6 = Timing.Start("Calculating Checksum"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(World.Serialization.Checksum)) { LoadingScreen.Update("CALCULATING CHECKSUM"); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); World.Serialization.CalculateChecksum(); } timing6.End(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(World.Checksum)) { World.Checksum = World.Serialization.Checksum; } Timing timing7 = Timing.Start("Ocean Patrol Paths"); LoadingScreen.Update("OCEAN PATROL PATHS"); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); if (!BaseBoat.generate_paths || !(TerrainMeta.Path != null)) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Skipping ocean patrol paths, baseboat.generate_paths == false"); } else { TerrainMeta.Path.OceanPatrolFar = BaseBoat.GenerateOceanPatrolPath(200f, 8f); } timing7.End(); Timing timing8 = Timing.Start("Finalizing World"); LoadingScreen.Update("FINALIZING WORLD"); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); if (worldSetup.terrainMeta) { worldSetup.terrainMeta.BindShaderProperties(); worldSetup.terrainMeta.PostSetupComponents(); TerrainMargin.Create(); } World.Serialization.Clear(); timing8.End(); LoadingScreen.Update("DONE"); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); yield return(CoroutineEx.waitForEndOfFrame); if (worldSetup) { GameManager.Destroy(worldSetup.gameObject, 0f); } }
public LargeDockedBoat(BaseBoat boat) : base(0x10, new Point3D(0, -1, 0), boat) { }
public void OnPlacement(Mobile from, Point3D p, int hue) { if (Deleted) { return; } else if (!IsChildOf(from.Backpack)) { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042001); // That must be in your pack for you to use it. } else { string phrase_a = "You may not place a ship while on another ship or inside a house."; string phrase_b = "A ship can not be launched here."; if (BaseBoat.isCarpet(Boat)) { phrase_a = "You may not place the carpet while on a ship or carpet, or inside a house."; } Map map = from.Map; Region reg = Region.Find(from.Location, from.Map); if (map == null) { return; } if (from.Region.IsPartOf(typeof(HouseRegion)) || BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(from, from.Map) != null) { from.SendMessage(phrase_a); return; } BaseBoat boat = Boat; boat.Hue = hue; if (boat == null) { return; } p = new Point3D(p.X - m_Offset.X, p.Y - m_Offset.Y, p.Z - m_Offset.Z); bool CanBuild = false; if (reg.IsPartOf(typeof(OutDoorBadRegion)) || reg.IsPartOf(typeof(VillageRegion)) || reg.IsPartOf(typeof(BargeDeadRegion)) || reg.IsPartOf(typeof(NecromancerRegion)) || reg.IsPartOf(typeof(DeadRegion)) || reg.IsPartOf("the Forgotten Lighthouse") || reg.IsPartOf("Anchor Rock Docks") || reg.IsPartOf("Kraken Reef Docks") || reg.IsPartOf("Savage Sea Docks") || reg.IsPartOf("Serpent Sail Docks") || reg.IsPartOf(typeof(PirateRegion)) || reg.IsPartOf(typeof(OutDoorRegion)) || reg.IsPartOf(typeof(PublicRegion)) || Server.Misc.Worlds.IsMainRegion(Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(from.Map, from.Location))) { CanBuild = true; } if (!DockSearch.NearDock(from) && !BaseBoat.isCarpet(boat)) { from.SendMessage(phrase_a); } else if (BaseBoat.IsValidLocation(p, map) && CanBuild == true && boat.CanFit(p, map, boat.ItemID)) { Delete(); boat.Owner = from; boat.Anchored = true; if (from.Skills[SkillName.Fishing].Base >= 90 && boat.m_BoatDoor != null) { boat.m_BoatDoor.Visible = true; boat.BoatDoor.Hue = hue; } uint keyValue = boat.CreateKeys(from); if (boat.PPlank != null) { boat.PPlank.KeyValue = keyValue; } if (boat.SPlank != null) { boat.SPlank.KeyValue = keyValue; } boat.TillerMan.Hue = hue; boat.Hold.Hue = hue; boat.PPlank.Hue = hue; boat.SPlank.Hue = hue; boat.MoveToWorld(p, map); if (BaseBoat.isCarpet(Boat)) { from.PlaySound(0x1FD); } else { from.PlaySound(0x026); } } else { boat.Delete(); from.SendMessage(phrase_b); } } }
public static void SpawnCreatures(Mobile m, double difficulty) { BaseBoat boat = BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(m.Location, m.Map); Type[] types = GetCreatureType(m, boat != null); if (types == null) { return; } int amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { BaseCreature bc = Activator.CreateInstance(types[Utility.Random(types.Length)]) as BaseCreature; if (bc != null) { if (KrampusEncounterActive) { bc.Name = "An Icy Creature"; } Rectangle2D zone; if (boat != null) { if (boat.Facing == Direction.North || boat.Facing == Direction.South) { if (Utility.RandomBool()) { zone = new Rectangle2D(boat.X - 7, m.Y - 4, 3, 3); } else { zone = new Rectangle2D(boat.X + 4, m.Y - 4, 3, 3); } } else { if (Utility.RandomBool()) { zone = new Rectangle2D(m.X + 4, boat.Y - 7, 3, 3); } else { zone = new Rectangle2D(m.X + 4, boat.Y + 4, 3, 3); } } } else { zone = new Rectangle2D(m.X - 3, m.Y - 3, 6, 6); } Point3D p = m.Location; if (m.Map != null) { for (int j = 0; j < 25; j++) { Point3D check = m.Map.GetRandomSpawnPoint(zone); if (CanFit(check.X, check.Y, check.Z, m.Map, bc)) { p = check; break; } } } foreach (Skill sk in bc.Skills.Where(s => s.Base > 0)) { sk.Base += sk.Base * (difficulty); } bc.RawStr += (int)(bc.RawStr * difficulty); bc.RawInt += (int)(bc.RawInt * difficulty); bc.RawDex += (int)(bc.RawDex * difficulty); if (bc.HitsMaxSeed == -1) { bc.HitsMaxSeed = bc.RawStr; } if (bc.StamMaxSeed == -1) { bc.StamMaxSeed = bc.RawDex; } if (bc.ManaMaxSeed == -1) { bc.ManaMaxSeed = bc.RawInt; } bc.HitsMaxSeed += (int)(bc.HitsMaxSeed * difficulty); bc.StamMaxSeed += (int)(bc.StamMaxSeed * difficulty); bc.ManaMaxSeed += (int)(bc.ManaMaxSeed * difficulty); bc.Hits = bc.HitsMaxSeed; bc.Stam = bc.RawDex; bc.Mana = bc.RawInt; bc.PhysicalResistanceSeed += (int)(bc.PhysicalResistanceSeed * (difficulty / 3)); bc.FireResistSeed += (int)(bc.FireResistSeed * (difficulty / 3)); bc.ColdResistSeed += (int)(bc.ColdResistSeed * (difficulty / 3)); bc.PoisonResistSeed += (int)(bc.PoisonResistSeed * (difficulty / 3)); bc.EnergyResistSeed += (int)(bc.EnergyResistSeed * (difficulty / 3)); bc.IsAmbusher = true; if (Ambushers == null) { Ambushers = new Dictionary <BaseCreature, DateTime>(); } Ambushers.Add(bc, DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(AmbusherDelete)); bc.MoveToWorld(p, m.Map); Timer.DelayCall(() => bc.Combatant = m); } } m.LocalOverheadMessage(Server.Network.MessageType.Regular, 1150, 1155479); // *Your keen senses alert you to an incoming ambush of attackers!* m.SendLocalizedMessage(1049330, "", 0x22); // You have been ambushed! Fight for your honor!!! }
public static void SpawnCreatures(Mobile m, double difficulty) { BaseBoat boat = BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(m.Location, m.Map); Type[] types = boat != null ? _SeaTypes : _LandTypes; int amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 4); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { BaseCreature bc = Activator.CreateInstance(types[Utility.Random(types.Length)]) as BaseCreature; if (bc != null) { Rectangle2D zone; if (boat != null) { if (boat.Facing == Direction.North || boat.Facing == Direction.South) { if (Utility.RandomBool()) { zone = new Rectangle2D(boat.X - 7, m.Y - 4, 3, 3); } else { zone = new Rectangle2D(boat.X + 4, m.Y - 4, 3, 3); } } else { if (Utility.RandomBool()) { zone = new Rectangle2D(m.X + 4, boat.Y - 7, 3, 3); } else { zone = new Rectangle2D(m.X + 4, boat.Y + 4, 3, 3); } } } else { zone = new Rectangle2D(m.X - 3, m.Y - 3, 6, 6); } Point3D p = m.Location; for (int j = 0; j < 25; j++) { Point3D check = zone.GetRandomSpawnPoint(m.Map); if (CanFit(check.X, check.Y, check.Z, m.Map, bc)) { p = check; break; } } foreach (Skill sk in bc.Skills.Where(s => s.Base > 0)) { sk.Base += sk.Base * (difficulty); } bc.RawStr += (int)(bc.RawStr * difficulty); bc.RawInt += (int)(bc.RawInt * difficulty); bc.RawDex += (int)(bc.RawDex * difficulty); if (bc.HitsMaxSeed == -1) { bc.HitsMaxSeed = bc.RawStr; } if (bc.StamMaxSeed == -1) { bc.StamMaxSeed = bc.RawDex; } if (bc.ManaMaxSeed == -1) { bc.ManaMaxSeed = bc.RawInt; } bc.HitsMaxSeed += (int)(bc.HitsMaxSeed * difficulty); bc.StamMaxSeed += (int)(bc.StamMaxSeed * difficulty); bc.ManaMaxSeed += (int)(bc.ManaMaxSeed * difficulty); bc.Hits = bc.HitsMaxSeed; bc.Stam = bc.RawDex; bc.Mana = bc.RawInt; bc.PhysicalResistanceSeed += (int)(bc.PhysicalResistanceSeed * (difficulty / 3)); bc.FireResistSeed += (int)(bc.FireResistSeed * (difficulty / 3)); bc.ColdResistSeed += (int)(bc.ColdResistSeed * (difficulty / 3)); bc.PoisonResistSeed += (int)(bc.PoisonResistSeed * (difficulty / 3)); bc.EnergyResistSeed += (int)(bc.EnergyResistSeed * (difficulty / 3)); bc.IsAmbusher = true; if (Ambushers == null) { Ambushers = new Dictionary <BaseCreature, DateTime>(); } Ambushers.Add(bc, DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(AmbusherDelete)); bc.MoveToWorld(p, m.Map); Timer.DelayCall(() => bc.Combatant = m); m.SendLocalizedMessage(1049330, "", 0x22); // You have been ambushed! Fight for your honor!!! } } }
public DockedTokunoGalleon(BaseBoat boat) : base(0x30, Point3D.Zero, boat) { }
public void Mark(Mobile m) { RecallRuneEmpty(); m_Marked = true; bool setDesc = false; m_Galleon = BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(m) as BaseGalleon; if (m_Galleon != null) { Type = RecallRuneType.Ship; } else { m_House = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(m); if (m_House == null) { Target = m.Location; m_TargetMap = m.Map; Type = RecallRuneType.Normal; } else { HouseSign sign = m_House.Sign; if (sign != null) { m_Description = sign.Name; } else { m_Description = null; } if (m_Description == null || (m_Description = m_Description.Trim()).Length == 0) { m_Description = "an unnamed house"; } setDesc = true; int x = m_House.BanLocation.X; int y = m_House.BanLocation.Y + 2; int z = m_House.BanLocation.Z; Map map = m_House.Map; if (map != null && !map.CanFit(x, y, z, 16, false, false)) { z = map.GetAverageZ(x, y); } Target = new Point3D(x, y, z); m_TargetMap = map; Type = RecallRuneType.Shop; } } if (!setDesc) { m_Description = BaseRegion.GetRuneNameFor(Region.Find(Target, m_TargetMap)); } CalculateHue(); InvalidateProperties(); }
public SmallDockedDragonBoat( BaseBoat boat ) : base( 0x4, Point3D.Zero, boat ) { }
public PirateShip_Boat_Docked(BaseBoat boat) : base(0x4014, new Point3D(0, -1, 0), boat) { }
public MediumDockedDragonBoat( BaseBoat boat ) : base( 0xC, Point3D.Zero, boat ) { }
public LargeDockedDragonBoat(BaseBoat boat) : base(0x14, new Point3D(0, -1, 0), boat) { }
public SmallDockedBoat( BaseBoat boat ) : base( 0x0, Point3D.Zero, boat ) { }