private Vector3 GetBoxPositionForAgent(int agentID, Vector2 boxDimensions, bool tryAbove, ref bool positionValid, ref Vector2 tailOffset) { Vector3 boxPosition =; BaseAgent agent = null; Vector3 agentPosition =; float agentHeight = 0f; float halfAgentHeight = 0f; bool fitsAbove = false; bool fitsBelow = false; Vector3 cameraPosition =; float cameraTop = 0f; float cameraBottom = 0f; float cameraLeft = 0f; float cameraRight = 0f; float boxTop = 0f; float boxBottom = 0f; float halfBoxWidth = 0f; float halfBoxHeight = 0f; positionValid = false; if (cameraObject != null) { if (agentID == BaseAgent.INVALID_AGENT_ID) { /*halmeida - A box for system text display is always shown horizontally centered at the screen and with its * top at a fixed, predetermined position.*/ cameraPosition = cameraObject.transform.position; boxPosition.x = cameraPosition.x; boxPosition.y = cameraPosition.y + systemBoxTopOffset - boxDimensions.y / 2f; positionValid = true; } else { if (stage != null) { agent = stage.GetAgent(agentID); if (agent != null) { /*halmeida - gotta place the box at a position that relates to the agent's position, is within the * camera, and tries to respect the above/bellow orientation.*/ halfBoxHeight = boxDimensions.y / 2f; agentPosition = agent.gameObject.transform.position; agentHeight = agent.GetHeight(); halfAgentHeight = agentHeight / 2f; cameraPosition = cameraObject.transform.position; cameraTop = cameraPosition.y + cameraHalfHeight; boxTop = agentPosition.y + halfAgentHeight + tailHeight + boxDimensions.y; fitsAbove = !(boxTop > cameraTop); cameraBottom = cameraPosition.y - cameraHalfHeight; boxBottom = agentPosition.y - halfAgentHeight - tailHeight - boxDimensions.y; fitsBelow = !(boxBottom < cameraBottom); if (fitsAbove && fitsBelow) { if (tryAbove) { boxPosition.y = boxTop - halfBoxHeight; tailOffset.y = -(halfBoxHeight + tailHalfHeight); } else { boxPosition.y = boxBottom + halfBoxHeight; tailOffset.y = halfBoxHeight + tailHalfHeight; } } else if (fitsAbove) { boxPosition.y = boxTop - halfBoxHeight; tailOffset.y = -(halfBoxHeight + tailHalfHeight); } else if (fitsBelow) { boxPosition.y = boxBottom + halfBoxHeight; tailOffset.y = halfBoxHeight + tailHalfHeight; } else { if ((cameraTop - agentPosition.y) >= (agentPosition.y - cameraBottom)) { boxPosition.y = cameraTop - halfBoxHeight; tailOffset.y = -(halfBoxHeight + tailHalfHeight); } else { boxPosition.y = cameraBottom + halfBoxHeight; tailOffset.y = halfBoxHeight + tailHalfHeight; } } /*halmeida - the y position is set, now we discover the x.*/ boxPosition.x = agentPosition.x; halfBoxWidth = boxDimensions.x / 2f; cameraRight = cameraPosition.x + cameraHalfWidth; if ((agentPosition.x + halfBoxWidth) > cameraRight) { boxPosition.x = cameraRight - halfBoxWidth; } cameraLeft = cameraPosition.x - cameraHalfWidth; if ((agentPosition.x - halfBoxWidth) < cameraLeft) { boxPosition.x = cameraLeft + halfBoxWidth; } tailOffset.x = agentPosition.x - boxPosition.x; if (((boxPosition.x + tailOffset.x) + tailHalfWidth) > cameraRight) { tailOffset.x = halfBoxWidth - tailHalfWidth; } if (((boxPosition.x + tailOffset.x) - tailHalfWidth) < cameraLeft) { tailOffset.x = -halfBoxWidth + tailHalfWidth; } positionValid = true; } } } } return(boxPosition); }