Esempio n. 1
        private bool isSwingHighTest(int bar)
            double thisBarHigh      = Bars.GetHigh(bar);
            bool   nextHighBarLower = Bars.GetHigh(bar + 1) <= thisBarHigh;

            //Check enough previous bars
            if (!nextHighBarLower)
                //	return false;

            // check previous X bars higher than this bar's low
            double highestPreviousPeriod = Bars.GetLow(bar);
            int    previousBarIndex      = bar - 1;
            int    lastBarToCheckIndex   = bar - SwingPeriod;

            for (int i = previousBarIndex; i >= lastBarToCheckIndex; i--)
                //	bool doubleTop = (i == previousBarIndex) && Bars.GetHigh(i).Equals(thisBarHigh);
                //	if (!doubleTop) {
                if (isInsideBar(i))
                    highestPreviousPeriod = Math.Max(highestPreviousPeriod, Bars.GetHigh(i));
                //	}

            return(thisBarHigh > highestPreviousPeriod);
Esempio n. 2
        private bool isSwingLowTest(int bar)
            double thisBarLow       = Bars.GetLow(bar);
            bool   nextLowBarHigher = Bars.GetLow(bar + 1) >= thisBarLow;

            //Check enough previous bars
            if (!nextLowBarHigher)
                //	return false;

            // check previous X bars higher than this bar's low
            double lowestPreviousPeriod = Bars.GetHigh(bar);
            int    previousBarIndex     = bar - 1;
            int    lastBarToCheckIndex  = bar - SwingPeriod;

            for (int i = previousBarIndex; i >= lastBarToCheckIndex; i--)
                //bool doubleBottom = (i == previousBarIndex) && Bars.GetLow(i).Equals(thisBarLow);
                //if (!doubleBottom) {
                if (isInsideBar(i))
                    lowestPreviousPeriod = Math.Min(lowestPreviousPeriod, Bars.GetLow(i));
                //	}

            return(thisBarLow < lowestPreviousPeriod);
Esempio n. 3
        public override void GetMinMaxValues(ChartControl chartControl, ref double min, ref double max)
            if (Bars == null)
            int lastBar  = Math.Min(LastBarIndexPainted, Bars.Count - 1);
            int firstBar = FirstBarIndexPainted;

            min = Double.MaxValue;
            max = Double.MinValue;

            for (int indx = firstBar; indx <= lastBar; ++indx)
                if ((indx <= CurrentBar) && (indx >= 1))
                    min = Math.Min(min, Bars.GetLow(indx));
                    max = Math.Max(max, Bars.GetHigh(indx));

            if (max < 0)

            // extend the top by 1 tick, to make room for text
            max = max + quantizeFactor;
            min = min - quantizeFactor;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Hold the indicator volume from the underlining indicator
        /// </summary>

        #region Methods
        public double GetPriceByType(int barNo, PriceSubtype priceType)
            Print(CurrentBar + ":GetPriceByType=" + barNo + "," + priceType);
            double prc = 0;

            switch (priceType)
            case PriceSubtype.Low:
                prc = Bars.GetLow(barNo);

            case PriceSubtype.High:
                prc = Bars.GetHigh(barNo);

            case PriceSubtype.Open:
                prc = Bars.GetOpen(barNo);

            case PriceSubtype.Close:
                prc = Bars.GetClose(barNo);
Esempio n. 5
        //#region plotstuff

        public override void GetMinMaxValues(ChartControl chartControl, ref double min, ref double max)
            if (Bars == null)
            int lastBar  = Math.Min(LastBarIndexPainted, Bars.Count - 1);
            int firstBar = FirstBarIndexPainted;

            min = Double.MaxValue;
            max = Double.MinValue;

            var canht = ChartControl.CanvasBottom - ChartControl.CanvasTop;

            for (int indx = firstBar; indx <= lastBar; ++indx)
                if ((indx <= CurrentBar) && (indx >= 1))
                    min = Math.Min(min, Bars.GetLow(indx));
                    max = Math.Max(max, Bars.GetHigh(indx));

            chartedMin = min;             // store off the charted values
            chartedMax = max;

            if (max < 0)

            // extend the top by 1 tick, to make room for text
            max = max + TickSize;
Esempio n. 6
        private bool isInsideBar(int barIndex)
            int  previousBarIndex = barIndex - 1;
            bool withinHigh       = Bars.GetHigh(barIndex) <= Bars.GetHigh(previousBarIndex);
            bool withinLow        = Bars.GetLow(barIndex) >= Bars.GetLow(previousBarIndex);

            return(withinHigh && withinLow);
Esempio n. 7
        public override void OnRender(ChartControl chartControl, ChartScale chartScale, ChartBars chartBars)
            Bars    bars      = chartBars.Bars;
            float   lineWidth = (float)Math.Max(1, BarWidth);
            Vector2 point0    = new Vector2();
            Vector2 point1    = new Vector2();
            Vector2 point2    = new Vector2();
            Vector2 point3    = new Vector2();
            Vector2 point4    = new Vector2();
            Vector2 point5    = new Vector2();

            for (int idx = chartBars.FromIndex; idx <= chartBars.ToIndex; idx++)
                SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush overriddenBrush = chartControl.GetBarOverrideBrush(chartBars, idx);
                double closeValue = bars.GetClose(idx);
                float  close      = chartScale.GetYByValue(closeValue);
                float  high       = chartScale.GetYByValue(bars.GetHigh(idx));
                float  low        = chartScale.GetYByValue(bars.GetLow(idx));
                double openValue  = bars.GetOpen(idx);
                float  open       = chartScale.GetYByValue(openValue);
                float  x          = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(chartBars, idx);

                point0.X = point1.X = x;
                point0.Y = high - lineWidth * 0.5f;
                point1.Y = low + lineWidth * 0.5f;

                SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush b = overriddenBrush ?? (closeValue >= openValue ? UpBrushDX : DownBrushDX);

                if (!(b is SharpDX.Direct2D1.SolidColorBrush))
                    TransformBrush(b, new RectangleF(point0.X - lineWidth * 1.5f, point0.Y, lineWidth * 3, point1.Y - point0.Y));

                RenderTarget.DrawLine(point0, point1, b, lineWidth);

                if (!Equals(Mode, OhlcMode.HiLo))
                    point2.X = x + lineWidth * 1.5f;
                    point2.Y = close;
                    point3.X = x;
                    point3.Y = close;

                    RenderTarget.DrawLine(point2, point3, b, lineWidth);

                    if (Equals(Mode, OhlcMode.OHLC))
                        point4.X = x - lineWidth * 1.5f;
                        point4.Y = open;
                        point5.X = x;
                        point5.Y = open;

                        RenderTarget.DrawLine(point4, point5, b, lineWidth);
Esempio n. 8
        //#region plotstuff

        public override void GetMinMaxValues(ChartControl chartControl, ref double min, ref double max)
            if (Bars == null)
            int lastBar  = Math.Min(LastBarIndexPainted, Bars.Count - 1);
            int firstBar = FirstBarIndexPainted;

            min = Double.MaxValue;
            max = Double.MinValue;

            var canht = ChartControl.CanvasBottom - ChartControl.CanvasTop;

            for (int indx = firstBar; indx <= lastBar; ++indx)
                if ((indx <= CurrentBar) && (indx >= 1))
                    min = Math.Min(min, Bars.GetLow(indx));
                    max = Math.Max(max, Bars.GetHigh(indx));

            chartedMin = min;             // store off the charted values
            chartedMax = max;

            if (max < 0)

            // extend the top by 1 tick, to make room for text
            max = max + TickSize;

            if (displaytotals)
                // extend the bottom by enough ticks to make a reasonable area for the
                // data zone...
                var cwidth  = Math.Min(18, Math.Max(ChartControl.BarSpace / 4.0, 2.0));
                var cheight = 5 * 1.25 * cwidth;             // assume 5:4 height/width in font, and we need 5 lines
                // derivation:
                //  we need cheight pix.   ticks_needed = pix_needed/pix per tick
                //  pix per tick ==  numpix / numticks, so
                //  x = pix_needed*(numticks+x)/numpix
                //  x*numpix = pix_needed *numticks + pix_needed*x
                //  x(numpix - pix_needed) = pix_needed*numticks
                //   x = pix_needed*numticks / (numpix - pix_needed)
                var denom = canht - cheight;
                if (denom == 0)
                    denom = 1;
                min = min - ((cheight * ((max - min) / TickSize)) / denom) * TickSize;
 protected override void OnBarUpdate()
     //	smaFast = SMA(5);
     //  smaSlow = SMA(20);
     if (CurrentBar > 1)
         if (Bars.GetHigh(CurrentBar) - Bars.GetHigh(CurrentBar - 1) < 0 && direction > 0)
             max.Add(Bars.GetHigh(CurrentBar - 1));
             maxIndex.Add(CurrentBar - 1);
             if (min.Count > 15)
             if (max.Count > 15)
         if (Bars.GetLow(CurrentBar) - Bars.GetLow(CurrentBar - 1) > 0 && direction < 0)
             min.Add(Bars.GetLow(CurrentBar - 1));
             minIndex.Add(CurrentBar - 1);
         direction = Bars.GetHigh(CurrentBar) - Bars.GetHigh(CurrentBar - 1);
         if (max.Count > 15)
         PrintTo = PrintTo.OutputTab1;
         Print(Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar - 1) + ": " + trendState());
         if (upperLines.Count > 0)
             PrintTo = PrintTo.OutputTab2;
             Print(Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar) + ": " + upperLines[upperLines.Count - 1].slope + "  " + upperLines[upperLines.Count - 1].intercept + "  " + upperLines.Count + "  " + upperLines[upperLines.Count - 1].tipCount);
             upperTest = upperLines[upperLines.Count - 1].slope * (CurrentBar - upperLines[upperLines.Count - 1].index) + upperLines[upperLines.Count - 1].intercept;
             //	bottomTest = bottomSlope*(CurrentBar - bottomIndex) + bottomIntercept;
             if (Bars.GetClose(CurrentBar) > upperTest)
                 // stopLoss = Math.Round((upperTest - bottomTest)/0.25);
                 //targetProfit = stopLoss*2;
                 SetProfitTarget(CalculationMode.Ticks, 4);
                 SetStopLoss(CalculationMode.Ticks, 4);
                 upperLines.RemoveAt(upperLines.Count - 1);
Esempio n. 10
        private void plotSwings(Dictionary <int, string> reducedPivots, string prefix)
            List <int> orderedMarkers = reducedPivots.Keys.ToList();


            int    objnum         = 0;
            int    previousMarker = 0;
            double previousValue  = 0;
            string previous       = "";

            foreach (int marker in orderedMarkers)
                double value = 0;
                if (reducedPivots[marker].Equals(MIN_MAX) && previous.Equals(MIN))
                    value = Bars.GetHigh(marker);
                else if (reducedPivots[marker].Equals(MIN_MAX) && previous.Equals(MAX))
                    value = Bars.GetLow(marker);
                else if (reducedPivots[marker].Equals(MAX))
                    value = Bars.GetHigh(marker);
                    value = Bars.GetLow(marker);

                if (objnum == 0)
                    previousMarker = marker;
                    previousValue  = value;
                DateTime startTimeValue = Bars.GetTime(previousMarker);
                DateTime endTimeValue   = Bars.GetTime(marker);
                Draw.Line(this, objnum.ToString() + prefix + "PivotLine", false, startTimeValue, previousValue, endTimeValue, value, Brushes.White,
                          DashStyleHelper.Dot, 1, true);

                previousValue  = value;
                previousMarker = marker;
                previous       = reducedPivots[marker];
Esempio n. 11
 private void UpdateStopEnBar()
     if (StopEnBarIndex < 0)
     //Draw.ArrowUp(this, "tag1", true, 0, Lows[0][0] - TickSize, Brushes.Red);
     Draw.Diamond(this, tagLoPriceArrow, true, Bars.GetTime(StopEnBarIndex), Bars.GetLow(StopEnBarIndex) - TickSize, Brushes.Yellow);
     //Draw.Diamond(this, "tag1", true, 0, Low[0] - TickSize, Brushes.Red);
     Draw.TextFixed(this, tagInfoTextField, "Button ?\r\n Clicked", TextPosition.BottomLeft, Brushes.Green,
                    new Gui.Tools.SimpleFont("Arial", 12), Brushes.Transparent, Brushes.Transparent, 100);
Esempio n. 12
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            if (BarsInProgress != 0)

            double close = Close[0];
            double open  = Open[0];
            double max   = Bars.GetHigh(CurrentBar);
            double min   = Bars.GetLow(CurrentBar);
            double size  = Math.Abs(open - close);

            if (size >= BodySize && open >= min)
Esempio n. 13
        void activateBearSwing(int firstIndex, int secondIndex, int thirdIndex)
            //Take last 3

            //Check if bear swing
            double firstBarValue  = Bars.GetHigh(firstIndex);
            double secondBarValue = Bars.GetLow(secondIndex);
            double thirdBarValue  = Bars.GetHigh(thirdIndex);

            bool firstIsMoreThanThird = firstBarValue > thirdBarValue;

            if (!firstIsMoreThanThird)

            bool secondLower = secondBarValue < firstBarValue && secondBarValue < thirdBarValue;

            if (!secondLower)

            if (thirdIndex > lastPatternIndex)
                observePattern   = OBSERVE_BEAR;
                observeTrigger   = secondBarValue;
                lastPatternIndex = thirdIndex;
                triggerStatus    = WAITING_FOR_TRIGGER;
                triggerRisk      = (thirdBarValue - secondBarValue) * 1.2;

                DateTime startTimeValue = Bars.GetTime(firstIndex);
                DateTime endTimeValue   = Bars.GetTime(secondIndex);
                Draw.Line(this, "ActiveSwing1", false, startTimeValue, firstBarValue, endTimeValue, secondBarValue, Brushes.Yellow,
                          DashStyleHelper.Solid, 2, true);
                startTimeValue = Bars.GetTime(secondIndex);
                endTimeValue   = Bars.GetTime(thirdIndex);
                Draw.Line(this, "ActiveSwing2", false, startTimeValue, secondBarValue, endTimeValue, thirdBarValue, Brushes.Yellow,
                          DashStyleHelper.Solid, 2, true);
Esempio n. 14
        protected override void OnDataPoint(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isBar, double bid, double ask)
            if (SessionIterator == null)
                SessionIterator = new SessionIterator(bars);

            double haClose = 0.0;
            double haHigh  = 0.0;
            double haLow   = 0.0;
            double haOpen  = 0.0;

            switch (BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodType)
            case BarsPeriodType.Day:
                if (bars.Count == 0)
                    if (isBar || bars.TradingHours.Sessions.Count == 0)
                        AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time.Date, volume);
                        SessionIterator.CalculateTradingDay(time, false);
                        AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, SessionIterator.ActualTradingDayExchange, volume);
                    DateTime barTime;
                    if (isBar)
                        barTime = time.Date;
                        if (bars.TradingHours.Sessions.Count > 0 && SessionIterator.IsNewSession(time, false))
                            SessionIterator.CalculateTradingDay(time, false);
                            barTime = SessionIterator.ActualTradingDayExchange;
                            if (barTime < bars.LastBarTime.Date)
                                barTime = bars.LastBarTime.Date;                                                 // Make sure timestamps are ascending
                            barTime = bars.LastBarTime.Date;                                             // Make sure timestamps are ascending

                    if (bars.DayCount < bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue ||
                        isBar && bars.Count > 0 && barTime == bars.LastBarTime.Date ||
                        !isBar && bars.Count > 0 && barTime <= bars.LastBarTime.Date)
                        haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                        haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                        haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                        UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, barTime, volume);
                        haOpen  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1) + bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) / 2.0);
                        haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                        haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen));
                        haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen));
                        AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, barTime, volume);


            case BarsPeriodType.Minute:
                if (bars.Count == 0)
                    AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, TimeToBarTimeMinute(bars, time, isBar), volume);
                else if (!isBar && time < bars.LastBarTime)
                    haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                    haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                    haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                    UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, bars.LastBarTime, volume);
                else if (isBar && time <= bars.LastBarTime)
                    haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                    haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                    haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                    UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, bars.LastBarTime, volume);
                    haOpen  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1) + bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) / 2.0);
                    haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                    haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen));
                    haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen));
                    time    = TimeToBarTimeMinute(bars, time, isBar);
                    AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, volume);


            case BarsPeriodType.Month:
                if (bars.Count == 0)
                    AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, TimeToBarTimeMonth(time, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue), volume);
                else if (time.Month <= bars.LastBarTime.Month && time.Year == bars.LastBarTime.Year || time.Year < bars.LastBarTime.Year)
                    if (high.ApproxCompare(bars.GetHigh(bars.Count - 1)) != 0 || low.ApproxCompare(bars.GetLow(bars.Count - 1)) != 0 || close.ApproxCompare(bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) != 0 || volume > 0)
                        haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                        haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                        haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                        UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, bars.LastBarTime, volume);
                    haOpen  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1) + bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) / 2.0);
                    haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                    haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen));
                    haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen));
                    AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, TimeToBarTimeMonth(time, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue), volume);

            case BarsPeriodType.Second:
                if (bars.Count == 0)
                    DateTime barTime = TimeToBarTimeSecond(bars, time, isBar);
                    AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, barTime, volume);
                    if (bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue > 1 && time < bars.LastBarTime || bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue == 1 && time <= bars.LastBarTime)
                        haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                        haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                        haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                        UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, bars.LastBarTime, volume);
                        haOpen  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1) + bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) / 2.0);
                        haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                        haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen));
                        haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen));
                        time    = TimeToBarTimeSecond(bars, time, isBar);
                        AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, volume);

            case BarsPeriodType.Tick:
                bool isNewSession = SessionIterator.IsNewSession(time, isBar);
                if (isNewSession)
                    SessionIterator.GetNextSession(time, isBar);

                if (bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue == 1)
                    haOpen  = haOpen.ApproxCompare(0.0) == 0 ? open : (haOpen + haClose) / 2.0;
                    haClose = haClose.ApproxCompare(0.0) == 0 ? close : bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                    haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen));
                    haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen));
                    AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, volume);
                else if (bars.Count == 0)
                    AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time, volume);
                else if (bars.Count > 0 && (!isNewSession || !bars.IsResetOnNewTradingDay) && bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue > 1 && bars.TickCount < bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue)
                    haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                    haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                    haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                    UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, volume);
                    haOpen  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1) + bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) / 2.0);
                    haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                    haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen));
                    haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen));
                    AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, volume);

            case BarsPeriodType.Volume:
                if (bars.Count == 0)
                    while (volume > bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue)
                        haOpen  = haOpen.ApproxCompare(0.0) == 0 ? open : (haOpen + haClose) / 2.0;
                        haClose = haClose.ApproxCompare(0) == 0 ? close : bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                        haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen));
                        haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen));
                        AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue);
                        volume -= bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue;
                    if (volume > 0)
                        haOpen  = haOpen.ApproxCompare(0.0) == 0 ? open : bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((haOpen + haClose) / 2.0);
                        haClose = haClose.ApproxCompare(0.0) == 0 ? close : bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                        haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen));
                        haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen));
                        AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, volume);
                    long volumeTmp    = 0;
                    bool isNewSession = SessionIterator.IsNewSession(time, isBar);
                    if (!bars.IsResetOnNewTradingDay || !isNewSession)
                        volumeTmp = Math.Min(bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue - bars.GetVolume(bars.Count - 1), volume);
                        if (volumeTmp > 0)
                            haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                            haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                            haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                            UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, volumeTmp);

                    if (isNewSession)
                        SessionIterator.GetNextSession(time, isBar);

                    volumeTmp = volume - volumeTmp;
                    while (volumeTmp > 0)
                        haOpen  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1) + bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) / 2.0);
                        haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                        haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen));
                        haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen));
                        AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, Math.Min(volumeTmp, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue));
                        volumeTmp -= bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue;


            case BarsPeriodType.Week:
                if (bars.Count == 0)
                    AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, TimeToBarTimeWeek(time, time.AddDays(6 - ((int)time.DayOfWeek + 1) % 7 + (bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue - 1) * 7), bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue), volume);
                else if (time.Date <= bars.LastBarTime.Date)
                    haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                    haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                    haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                    UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, bars.LastBarTime, volume);
                    haOpen  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1) + bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) / 2.0);
                    haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                    haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen));
                    haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen));
                    AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, TimeToBarTimeWeek(time.Date, bars.LastBarTime.Date, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue), volume);


            case BarsPeriodType.Year:
                if (bars.Count == 0)
                    AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, TimeToBarTimeYear(time, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue), volume);
                    if (time.Year <= bars.LastBarTime.Year)
                        haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                        haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                        haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1)));
                        UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, bars.LastBarTime, volume);
                        haOpen  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1) + bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) / 2.0);
                        haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0);
                        haHigh  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen));
                        haLow   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen));
                        AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, TimeToBarTimeYear(time.Date, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue), volume);


            bars.LastPrice = haClose;
Esempio n. 15
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            /* When working with multiple bar series objects it is important to understand the sequential order in which the
             * OnBarUpdate() method is triggered. The bars will always run with the primary first followed by the secondary and
             * so on.
             * Important: Primary bars will always execute before the secondary bar series.
             * If a bar is timestamped as 12:00PM on the 5min bar series, the call order between the equally timestamped 12:00PM
             * bar on the 1min bar series is like this:
             *  12:00PM 5min
             *  12:00PM 1min
             *  12:01PM 1min
             *  12:02PM 1min
             *  12:03PM 1min
             *  12:04PM 1min
             *  12:05PM 5min
             *  12:05PM 1min
             * When the OnBarUpdate() is called from the primary bar series (2000 ticks series in this example), do the following */
            if (BarsInProgress == 0)
                if (CurrentBar < BarsRequiredToTrade)

                //Print("Current Bar time=" + Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar).ToString("HHmmss"));

                // if the bar elapsed time span across 12 mid night
                DateTime t1 = Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar - 1);
                DateTime t2 = Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar);
                if (TimeSpan.Compare(t1.TimeOfDay, t2.TimeOfDay) > 0)
                    Print("EOD Session");

                    string resetString = "-1";
                    byte[] resetMsg    = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(resetString);

                    // Send reset string of "-1" to the server
                    int resetSent = sender.Send(resetMsg);
                    lineNo = 0;

                    //reset global flags
                    currPos             = Position.posFlat;
                    profitChasingFlag   = false;
                    stopLossEncountered = false;

                // prior Stop-Loss observed, construct the lineNo with special code before sending msg to the server - so that the server will flatten the position
                if (stopLossEncountered)
                    lineNo += 10000;

                // construct the string buffer to be sent to DLNN
                string bufString = lineNo.ToString() + ',' +
                                   Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar - 1).ToString("HHmmss") + ',' + Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar).ToString("HHmmss") + ',' +
                                   Bars.GetOpen(CurrentBar).ToString() + ',' + Bars.GetClose(CurrentBar).ToString() + ',' +
                                   Bars.GetHigh(CurrentBar).ToString() + ',' + Bars.GetLow(CurrentBar).ToString() + ',' +
                                   Bars.GetVolume(CurrentBar).ToString() + ',' +
                                   SMA(9)[0].ToString() + ',' + SMA(20)[0].ToString() + ',' + SMA(50)[0].ToString() + ',' +
                                   MACD(12, 26, 9).Diff[0].ToString() + ',' + RSI(14, 3)[0].ToString() + ',' +
                                   Bollinger(2, 20).Lower[0].ToString() + ',' + Bollinger(2, 20).Upper[0].ToString() + ',' +
                                   CCI(20)[0].ToString() + ',' +
                                   Bars.GetHigh(CurrentBar).ToString() + ',' + Bars.GetLow(CurrentBar).ToString() + ',' +
                                   Momentum(20)[0].ToString() + ',' +
                                   DM(14).DiPlus[0].ToString() + ',' + DM(14).DiMinus[0].ToString() + ',' +
                                   VROC(25, 3)[0].ToString() + ',' +
                                   '0' + ',' + '0' + ',' + '0' + ',' + '0' + ',' + '0' + ',' +
                                   '0' + ',' + '0' + ',' + '0' + ',' + '0' + ',' + '0';

                //Print("CurrentBar = " + CurrentBar + ": " + "bufString = " + bufString);

                byte[] msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(bufString);

                // Send the data through the socket.
                int bytesSent = sender.Send(msg);

                // Receive the response from the remote device.
                int bytesRec = sender.Receive(bytes);

                // prior Stop-Loss observed, hence ignore the returned signal from server and move on to the next bar, reset lineNo to next counter and reset stopLossEncountered flag
                if (stopLossEncountered)
                    lineNo -= 10000;
                    stopLossEncountered = false;

                    //svrSignal = ExtractResponse(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length));
                    svrSignal = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length).Split(',')[1];
                    Print(Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffffK") + " Ignore Post STOP-LOSS Server response= <" + svrSignal + "> Current Bar: Open=" + Bars.GetOpen(CurrentBar) + " Close=" + Bars.GetClose(CurrentBar) + " High=" + Bars.GetHigh(CurrentBar) + " Low=" + Bars.GetLow(CurrentBar));


                //svrSignal = ExtractResponse(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length));
                svrSignal = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length).Split(',')[1];
                Print(Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffffK") + " Server response= <" + svrSignal + "> Current Bar: Open=" + Bars.GetOpen(CurrentBar) + " Close=" + Bars.GetClose(CurrentBar) + " High=" + Bars.GetHigh(CurrentBar) + " Low=" + Bars.GetLow(CurrentBar));
                //Print(Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffffK") + " Server response= <" + svrSignal + ">");

                // Return signal from DLNN is not we expected, close outstanding position and restart
                if (bytesRec == -1)
                    lineNo = 0;
                    // TODO: close current position?

                // Start processing signal after 8th signal and beyond, otherwise ignore
                if (lineNo >= 8)

                    // if position is flat, no need to do anything
                    if (currPos == Position.posFlat)

                    // handle stop loss or profit chasing if there is existing position and order action is either SellShort or Buy
                    if (entryOrder != null && (entryOrder.OrderAction == OrderAction.Buy || entryOrder.OrderAction == OrderAction.SellShort) && (entryOrder.OrderState == OrderState.Filled || entryOrder.OrderState == OrderState.PartFilled))
                        // if Close[0] violates soft deck, if YES handle stop loss accordingly
                        if (ViolateSoftDeck())

                        // if profitChasingFlag is TRUE or TouchedProfitChasing then handle profit chasing
                        if ((profitChasingFlag || TouchedProfitChasing()))
            // When the OnBarUpdate() is called from the secondary bar series, in our case for each tick, handle stop loss and profit chasing accordingly
Esempio n. 16
        protected override void OnDataPoint(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isBar, double bid, double ask)
            if (SessionIterator == null)
                SessionIterator = new SessionIterator(bars);

            #region Building Bars from Base Period
            if (bars.Count != tmpCount)             // Reset cache when bars are trimmed
                if (bars.Count == 0)
                    tmpTime      = Core.Globals.MinDate;
                    tmpVolume    = 0;
                    tmpDayCount  = 0;
                    tmpTickCount = 0;
                    tmpTime        = bars.GetTime(bars.Count - 1);
                    tmpVolume      = bars.GetVolume(bars.Count - 1);
                    tmpTickCount   = bars.TickCount;
                    tmpDayCount    = bars.DayCount;
                    bars.LastPrice = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1);
                    anchorPrice    = bars.LastPrice;

            bool isNewSession = SessionIterator.IsNewSession(time, isBar);
            bool isCalculateTradingDayDone = false;

            switch (bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodType)
            case BarsPeriodType.Day:
                tmpTime = time.Date;                         // Will be modified for realtime only
                if (!isBar && time >= cacheSessionEnd /* on realtime includesEndTimeStamp is always false */)
                    if (isNewSession)
                        SessionIterator.GetNextSession(time, isBar);
                        isCalculateTradingDayDone = true;
                    cacheSessionEnd = SessionIterator.ActualSessionEnd;
                    if (tmpTime < time.Date)
                        tmpTime = time.Date;                                                  // Make sure timestamps are ascending

                if (prevTime != tmpTime)

                if (tmpDayCount < bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue ||
                    isBar && bars.Count > 0 && tmpTime == bars.LastBarTime.Date ||
                    !isBar && bars.Count > 0 && tmpTime <= bars.LastBarTime.Date)
                    endOfBar = false;
                    prevTime = tmpTime;
                    endOfBar = true;


            case BarsPeriodType.Minute:

                if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate)
                    prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeMinute(bars, time, isBar);

                if (isBar && time <= tmpTime || !isBar && time < tmpTime)
                    endOfBar = false;
                    prevTime = tmpTime;
                    tmpTime  = TimeToBarTimeMinute(bars, time, isBar);
                    endOfBar = true;

            case BarsPeriodType.Volume:
                if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate)
                    tmpVolume = volume;
                    endOfBar  = tmpVolume >= bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue;
                    prevTime  = tmpTime = time;
                    if (endOfBar)
                        tmpVolume = 0;

                tmpVolume += volume;
                endOfBar   = tmpVolume >= bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue;
                if (endOfBar)
                    prevTime  = tmpTime;
                    tmpVolume = 0;
                tmpTime = time;

            case BarsPeriodType.Tick:
                if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate || bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue == 1)
                    prevTime     = tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate ? time : tmpTime;
                    tmpTime      = time;
                    tmpTickCount = bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue == 1 ? 0 : 1;
                    endOfBar     = bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue == 1;

                if (tmpTickCount < bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue)
                    tmpTime  = time;
                    endOfBar = false;
                    prevTime     = tmpTime;
                    tmpTime      = time;
                    endOfBar     = true;
                    tmpTickCount = 1;

            case BarsPeriodType.Month:
                if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate)
                    prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeMonth(time, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue);

                if (time.Month <= tmpTime.Month && time.Year == tmpTime.Year || time.Year < tmpTime.Year)
                    endOfBar = false;
                    prevTime = tmpTime;
                    endOfBar = true;
                    tmpTime  = TimeToBarTimeMonth(time, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue);

            case BarsPeriodType.Second:
                if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate)
                    prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeSecond(bars, time, isBar);
                if (bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue > 1 && time < tmpTime || bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue == 1 && time <= tmpTime)
                    endOfBar = false;
                    prevTime = tmpTime;
                    tmpTime  = TimeToBarTimeSecond(bars, time, isBar);
                    endOfBar = true;

            case BarsPeriodType.Week:
                if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate)
                    prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeWeek(time.Date, tmpTime.Date, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue);
                if (time.Date <= tmpTime.Date)
                    endOfBar = false;
                    prevTime = tmpTime;
                    endOfBar = true;
                    tmpTime  = TimeToBarTimeWeek(time.Date, tmpTime.Date, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue);

            case BarsPeriodType.Year:
                if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate)
                    prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeYear(time, bars.BarsPeriod.Value);
                if (time.Year <= tmpTime.Year)
                    endOfBar = false;
                    prevTime = tmpTime;
                    endOfBar = true;
                    tmpTime  = TimeToBarTimeYear(time, bars.BarsPeriod.Value);
            #region Kagi Logic

            reversalPoint = bars.BarsPeriod.ReversalType == ReversalType.Tick ? bars.BarsPeriod.Value * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize : bars.BarsPeriod.Value / 100.0 * anchorPrice;

            if (bars.Count == 0 || IsIntraday && (bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodType != BarsPeriodType.Second && bars.IsResetOnNewTradingDay && isNewSession ||
                                                  bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodType == BarsPeriodType.Second && bars.IsResetOnNewTradingDay && isNewSession))
                if (isNewSession && !isCalculateTradingDayDone)
                    SessionIterator.GetNextSession(tmpTime, isBar);

                if (bars.Count > 0)
                    double lastOpen  = bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1);
                    double lastHigh  = bars.GetHigh(bars.Count - 1);
                    double lastLow   = bars.GetLow(bars.Count - 1);
                    double lastClose = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1);

                    if (bars.Count == tmpCount)
                        CalculateKagiBar(bars, lastOpen, lastHigh, lastLow, lastClose, prevTime, volume);

                AddBar(bars, close, close, close, close, tmpTime, volume);
                anchorPrice    = close;
                trend          = Trend.Undetermined;
                prevTime       = tmpTime;
                volumeCount    = 0;
                bars.LastPrice = close;
                tmpCount       = bars.Count;

            double c = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1);
            double o = bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1);
            double h = bars.GetHigh(bars.Count - 1);
            double l = bars.GetLow(bars.Count - 1);

            if (endOfBar)
                CalculateKagiBar(bars, o, h, l, c, prevTime, volume);
                volumeCount += volume;

            bars.LastPrice = close;
            tmpCount       = bars.Count;
Esempio n. 17
        public override void OnRender(ChartControl chartControl, ChartScale chartScale, ChartBars chartBars)
            Bars       bars     = chartBars.Bars;
            float      barWidth = GetBarPaintWidth(BarWidthUI);
            Vector2    point0   = new Vector2();
            Vector2    point1   = new Vector2();
            RectangleF rect     = new RectangleF();

            for (int idx = chartBars.FromIndex; idx <= chartBars.ToIndex; idx++)
                Brush  overriddenBarBrush     = chartControl.GetBarOverrideBrush(chartBars, idx);
                Brush  overriddenOutlineBrush = chartControl.GetCandleOutlineOverrideBrush(chartBars, idx);
                double closeValue             = bars.GetClose(idx);
                int    close     = chartScale.GetYByValue(closeValue);
                int    high      = chartScale.GetYByValue(bars.GetHigh(idx));
                int    low       = chartScale.GetYByValue(bars.GetLow(idx));
                double openValue = bars.GetOpen(idx);
                int    open      = chartScale.GetYByValue(openValue);
                int    x         = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(chartBars, idx);

                if (Math.Abs(open - close) < 0.0000001)
                    // Line
                    point0.X = x - barWidth * 0.5f;
                    point0.Y = close;
                    point1.X = x + barWidth * 0.5f;
                    point1.Y = close;
                    Brush b = overriddenOutlineBrush ?? Stroke.BrushDX;
                    if (!(b is SolidColorBrush))
                        TransformBrush(overriddenOutlineBrush ?? Stroke.BrushDX, new RectangleF(point0.X, point0.Y - Stroke.Width, barWidth, Stroke.Width));
                    RenderTarget.DrawLine(point0, point1, b, Stroke.Width, Stroke.StrokeStyle);
                    // Candle
                    rect.X      = x - barWidth * 0.5f + 0.5f;
                    rect.Y      = Math.Min(close, open);
                    rect.Width  = barWidth - 1;
                    rect.Height = Math.Max(open, close) - Math.Min(close, open);
                    Brush brush = overriddenBarBrush ?? (closeValue >= openValue ? UpBrushDX : DownBrushDX);
                    if (!(brush is SolidColorBrush))
                        TransformBrush(brush, rect);
                    RenderTarget.FillRectangle(rect, brush);
                    brush = overriddenOutlineBrush ?? Stroke.BrushDX;
                    if (!(brush is SolidColorBrush))
                        TransformBrush(brush, rect);
                    RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(rect, overriddenOutlineBrush ?? Stroke.BrushDX, Stroke.Width, Stroke.StrokeStyle);

                Brush br = overriddenOutlineBrush ?? Stroke2.BrushDX;

                // High wick
                if (high < Math.Min(open, close))
                    point0.X = x;
                    point0.Y = high;
                    point1.X = x;
                    point1.Y = Math.Min(open, close);
                    if (!(br is SolidColorBrush))
                        TransformBrush(br, new RectangleF(point0.X - Stroke2.Width, point0.Y, Stroke2.Width, point1.Y - point0.Y));
                    RenderTarget.DrawLine(point0, point1, br, Stroke2.Width, Stroke2.StrokeStyle);

                // Low wick
                if (low > Math.Max(open, close))
                    point0.X = x;
                    point0.Y = low;
                    point1.X = x;
                    point1.Y = Math.Max(open, close);
                    if (!(br is SolidColorBrush))
                        TransformBrush(br, new RectangleF(point1.X - Stroke2.Width, point1.Y, Stroke2.Width, point0.Y - point1.Y));
                    RenderTarget.DrawLine(point0, point1, br, Stroke2.Width, Stroke2.StrokeStyle);
Esempio n. 18
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="bars"></param>
		/// <param name="open"></param>
		/// <param name="high"></param>
		/// <param name="low"></param>
		/// <param name="close"></param>
		/// <param name="time"></param>
		/// <param name="volume"></param>
		/// <param name="isRealtime"></param>
		public override void Add(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isRealtime)
			#region Building Bars from Base Period
			if (bars.Count != tmpCount) // reset cache when bars are trimmed
				if (bars.Count == 0)
					tmpTime			= Cbi.Globals.MinDate;
					tmpVolume		= 0;
					tmpDayCount		= 0;
					tmpTickCount	= 0;
					tmpTime			= bars.GetTime(bars.Count - 1);
					tmpVolume		= bars.GetVolume(bars.Count - 1);
					tmpTickCount	= bars.TickCount;
					tmpDayCount		= bars.DayCount;
					bars.LastPrice	= bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1);
					anchorPrice		= bars.LastPrice;

			switch (bars.Period.BasePeriodType)
				case PeriodType.Day:
					tmpTime = time.Date; // will be modified for realtime only
					if (isRealtime && time >= cacheSessionEnd /* on realtime include60 is always false */)
						bars.Session.GetSessionDate(time, false, out tmpTime, out cacheSessionEnd);
						if (tmpTime < time.Date) tmpTime = time.Date; // make sure timestamps are ascending

					if (prevTime != tmpTime) tmpDayCount++;

					if (tmpDayCount < bars.Period.BasePeriodValue
						|| (!isRealtime && bars.Count > 0 && tmpTime == bars.TimeLastBar.Date)
						|| (isRealtime && bars.Count > 0 && tmpTime <= bars.TimeLastBar.Date))
						endOfBar = false;
						prevTime = tmpTime;
						endOfBar = true;


				case PeriodType.Minute:

					if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate)
						prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeMinute(bars, time, bars.Session.NextBeginTime, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue, isRealtime);

					if (!isRealtime && time <= tmpTime || isRealtime && time < tmpTime)
						endOfBar = false;
						prevTime	= tmpTime;
						tmpTime		= TimeToBarTimeMinute(bars, time, bars.Session.NextBeginTime, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue, isRealtime);
						endOfBar	= true;

				case PeriodType.Volume:
					if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate)
						tmpVolume	= volume;
						endOfBar	= tmpVolume >= bars.Period.BasePeriodValue;
						prevTime	= tmpTime = time;
						if (endOfBar) tmpVolume = 0;

					tmpVolume	+= volume;
					endOfBar	= tmpVolume >= bars.Period.BasePeriodValue;
					if (endOfBar)
						prevTime	= tmpTime;
						tmpVolume	= 0;
                    tmpTime = time;

                case PeriodType.Tick:
                    if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate || bars.Period.BasePeriodValue == 1)
                        prevTime        = tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate ? time : tmpTime;
                        tmpTime         = time;
                        tmpTickCount    = bars.Period.BasePeriodValue == 1 ? 0 : 1;
                        endOfBar        = bars.Period.BasePeriodValue == 1;

                    if (tmpTickCount < bars.Period.BasePeriodValue)
                        tmpTime         = time;
                        endOfBar        = false;
                        prevTime        = tmpTime;
                        tmpTime         = time;
                        endOfBar        = true;
                        tmpTickCount    = 1;

                case PeriodType.Month:
					if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate)
						prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeMonth(time, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue);

					if (time.Month <= tmpTime.Month && time.Year == tmpTime.Year || time.Year < tmpTime.Year)
						endOfBar = false;
						prevTime	= tmpTime;
						endOfBar	= true;
						tmpTime		= TimeToBarTimeMonth(time, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue);

				case PeriodType.Second:
					if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate)
						prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeSecond(bars, time,
																	new DateTime(	bars.Session.NextBeginTime.Year,
																					bars.Session.NextBeginTime.Minute, 0),
					if ((bars.Period.Value > 1 && time < tmpTime) || (bars.Period.Value == 1 && time <= tmpTime))
						endOfBar	= false;
						prevTime	= tmpTime;
						tmpTime		= TimeToBarTimeSecond(bars, time, bars.Session.NextBeginTime, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue);
						endOfBar	= true;

				case PeriodType.Week:
					if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate)
						prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeWeek(time.Date, tmpTime.Date, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue);
					if (time.Date <= tmpTime.Date)
						endOfBar = false;
						prevTime	= tmpTime;
						endOfBar	= true;
						tmpTime		= TimeToBarTimeWeek(time.Date, tmpTime.Date, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue);

				case PeriodType.Year:
					if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate)
						prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeYear(time, bars.Period.Value);
					if (time.Year <= tmpTime.Year)
						endOfBar = false;
						prevTime	= tmpTime;
						endOfBar	= true;
						tmpTime		= TimeToBarTimeYear(time, bars.Period.Value);
			#region Kagi Logic

			reversalPoint = bars.Period.ReversalType == ReversalType.Tick ? bars.Period.Value * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize : bars.Period.Value * 0.01 * anchorPrice;

			if (bars.Count == 0 || (IsIntraday && ((bars.Period.BasePeriodType != PeriodType.Second && bars.IsNewSession(time, isRealtime))
									|| (bars.Period.BasePeriodType == PeriodType.Second && bars.IsNewSession(tmpTime, isRealtime)))))
				if (bars.Count > 0)
					double		lastOpen		= bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1);
					double		lastHigh		= bars.GetHigh(bars.Count - 1);
					double		lastLow			= bars.GetLow(bars.Count - 1);
					double		lastClose		= bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1);

					if (bars.Count == tmpCount)
						CalculateKagiBar(bars, lastOpen, lastHigh, lastLow, lastClose, prevTime, volume, isRealtime);

				AddBar(bars, close, close, close, close, tmpTime, volume, isRealtime);
				anchorPrice		= close;
				trend			= Trend.Undetermined;
				prevTime		= tmpTime;
				volumeCount		= 0;
				bars.LastPrice	= close;
				tmpCount		= bars.Count;

			Bar		bar		= (Bar)bars.Get(bars.Count - 1);
			double	c		= bar.Close;
			double	o		= bar.Open;
			double	h		= bar.High;
			double	l		= bar.Low;

			if (endOfBar)
				CalculateKagiBar(bars, o, h, l, c, prevTime, volume, isRealtime);
				volumeCount += volume;

			bars.LastPrice	= close;
			tmpCount		= bars.Count;

Esempio n. 19
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            switch (pOrT)
            case PriceOrTime.Price:
                MAX_HIGH = Math.Max(MAX_HIGH, High[0]);
                MIN_LOW  = Math.Min(MIN_LOW, Low[0]);

                if (CurrentBar == Bars.Count - 2)
                    MAX_HIGH = Math.Round(MAX_HIGH * 1.05, PriceDigits);
                    MIN_LOW  = Math.Round(MIN_LOW * 0.95, PriceDigits);

                    if (InitialPrice < MIN_LOW || InitialPrice > MAX_HIGH)
                        Log("InitialPrice parameter MUST be between the high price and low price on this chart", NinjaTrader.Cbi.LogLevel.Information);
                        if (InitialPrice > MAX_HIGH)
                            InitialPrice = MAX_HIGH;
                        if (InitialPrice < MIN_LOW)
                            InitialPrice = MIN_LOW;

                    double LevelUp = -1.0, LevelDown = -1.0;
                    i = 1;

                        if (Angle000Flag)
                            LevelUp = InitialPrice + Angle0[i] * TickSize * MultiplierForPriceScale;    LevelDown = InitialPrice - Angle0[i] * TickSize * MultiplierForPriceScale;   MakePriceLine(LevelUp, LevelDown, Color0);
                        if (Angle090Flag)
                            LevelUp = InitialPrice + Angle90[i] * TickSize * MultiplierForPriceScale;   LevelDown = InitialPrice - Angle90[i] * TickSize * MultiplierForPriceScale;  MakePriceLine(LevelUp, LevelDown, Color90);
                        if (Angle180Flag)
                            LevelUp = InitialPrice + Angle180[i] * TickSize * MultiplierForPriceScale;  LevelDown = InitialPrice - Angle180[i] * TickSize * MultiplierForPriceScale; MakePriceLine(LevelUp, LevelDown, Color180);
                        if (Angle270Flag)
                            LevelUp = InitialPrice + Angle270[i] * TickSize * MultiplierForPriceScale;  LevelDown = InitialPrice - Angle270[i] * TickSize * MultiplierForPriceScale; MakePriceLine(LevelUp, LevelDown, Color270);
                        if (LevelUp < 0.0 || LevelDown < 0.0)
                        if (i >= Angle0.Length)
                        if (i >= Angle90.Length)
                        if (i >= Angle180.Length)
                        if (i >= Angle270.Length)

                        if (LevelUp > MaxLevelUp)
                            MaxLevelUp = LevelUp;
                        if (LevelDown < MinLevelDown)
                            MinLevelDown = LevelDown;
                    }while (1 == 1);

            case PriceOrTime.Time:
                if (ZuluTime.CompareTo(Time[0]) < 0 && ZuluBar < 0)
                    ZuluBar = CurrentBar;                                                                   //set ZuluBar to time the user selected
                Print("Zulubar" + ZuluBar.ToString());

                if (ZuluBar > 0)
                    OutString = null;
                    if (Angle000Flag)
                        i = Angle0[NextBar0] + ZuluBar;
                        if (i == CurrentBar)
                            MakeVerticalLine(0, Color0); NextBar0++;
                        OutString = "Zero line coming in " + (i - CurrentBar).ToString() + " bars" + Environment.NewLine;
                    if (Angle090Flag)
                        i = Angle90[NextBar90] + ZuluBar;
                        if (i == CurrentBar)
                            MakeVerticalLine(0, Color90); NextBar90++;
                        OutString = OutString + "90 line coming in " + (i - CurrentBar).ToString() + " bars" + Environment.NewLine;
                    if (Angle180Flag)
                        i = Angle180[NextBar180] + ZuluBar;
                        if (i == CurrentBar)
                            MakeVerticalLine(0, Color180); NextBar180++;
                        OutString = OutString + "180 line coming in " + (i - CurrentBar).ToString() + " bars" + Environment.NewLine;
                    if (Angle270Flag)

                        i = Angle270[NextBar270] + ZuluBar;
                        if (i == CurrentBar)
                            MakeVerticalLine(0, Color270); NextBar270++;
                        OutString = OutString + "270 line coming in " + (i - CurrentBar).ToString() + " bars";

                    if (OutString.Length > 0 && DisplayCountDown)
                        lastBar  = Math.Min(ChartControl.LastSlotPainted, Bars.Count - 1);
                        firstBar = (lastBar - ChartControl.SlotsPainted) + 1;
                        int i;
                        // Find highest and lowest price points
                        HighestPaintedPrice = double.MinValue;
                        LowestPaintedPrice  = double.MaxValue;
                        for (i = firstBar; i <= lastBar && i >= 0; i++)
                            HighestPaintedPrice = Math.Max(HighestPaintedPrice, Bars.GetHigh(i));
                            LowestPaintedPrice  = Math.Min(LowestPaintedPrice, Bars.GetLow(i));

                        double Outprice = (HighestPaintedPrice + LowestPaintedPrice) / 2.0;
                        if (Bars.GetClose(lastBar - 1) < Outprice)
                            Outprice = HighestPaintedPrice;
                        if (Bars.GetClose(lastBar - 1) >= Outprice)
                            Outprice = (Outprice + LowestPaintedPrice) / 2.0;


                        NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont myFont = new NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont("Arial", 10)
                            Size = 20, Bold = false

                        if (CurrentBar > 10)
                            Draw.Text(this, "Info", true, OutString, 10, Outprice, 0, Brushes.Gray, myFont, TextAlignment.Justify, Brushes.White, Brushes.Transparent, 50);

Esempio n. 20
        protected override void OnDataPoint(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isBar, double bid, double ask)
            double lastBarClose = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1);                 // Trae el último precio de cierre

            if (SessionIterator == null)
                SessionIterator = new SessionIterator(bars);

            offset = bars.BarsPeriod.Value * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;             // Periocidad * tick (Tamaño de la caja)
            bool isNewSession = SessionIterator.IsNewSession(time, isBar);

            if (isNewSession)
                SessionIterator.GetNextSession(time, isBar);

            // Si es una gráfica nueva o una sesión nueva y está en un nuevo día
            if (bars.Count == 0 || bars.IsResetOnNewTradingDay && isNewSession)
                // una sesión nueva y está en un nuevo día
                if (bars.Count > 0)
                    // Close out last bar in session and set open == close
                    DateTime lastBarTime   = bars.GetTime(bars.Count - 1);                                            // Trae la última fecha del precio de cierre
                    long     lastBarVolume = bars.GetVolume(bars.Count - 1);                                          // Trae el último volumen de precio de cierre
                    RemoveLastBar(bars);                                                                              // Elimina la última barra
                    AddBar(bars, lastBarClose, lastBarClose, lastBarClose, lastBarClose, lastBarTime, lastBarVolume); // Crea una nueva barra con la información obtenida

                renkoHigh = close + offset;                       // Suma el valor de cierre y tamaño de la caja
                renkoLow  = close - offset;                       // Diferencia del valor de cierre y el tamaño de la caja

                // ¿Hay un nuevo precio negociado?
                isNewSession = SessionIterator.IsNewSession(time, isBar);
                if (isNewSession)
                    SessionIterator.GetNextSession(time, isBar);                     // Entonces traiga el último precio
                // Pinte el último precio negociado
                AddBar(bars, close, close, close, close, time, volume);
                bars.LastPrice = close;


            double   barOpen   = bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1);                            // Obtiene el valor de apertura de la última barra
            double   barHigh   = bars.GetHigh(bars.Count - 1);                            // Obtiene el valor más alto negociado de la última barra
            double   barLow    = bars.GetLow(bars.Count - 1);                             // Obtiene el valor más bajo negociado de la última barra
            long     barVolume = bars.GetVolume(bars.Count - 1);                          // Obtiene el volumen de la última barra
            DateTime barTime   = bars.GetTime(bars.Count - 1);                            // Obtiene la fecha de la última barra

            // renkoHigh == 0 || renkoLow == 0
            // ApproxCompare: Compares two double or float values for equality or being greater than / less than the compared to value.
            if (renkoHigh.ApproxCompare(0.0) == 0 || renkoLow.ApproxCompare(0.0) == 0)
                if (bars.Count == 1)
                    renkoHigh = barOpen + offset;                           // suma = valor de apertura de la última barra + el tamaño de la caja
                    renkoLow  = barOpen - offset;                           // diferencia = valor de apertura de la última barra - el tamaño de la caja
                // Penultimo valor de cierre es mayor al penultimo valor de apertura?
                else if (bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 2) > bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 2))
                    renkoHigh = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 2) + offset;                                 // Suma tamaño de la caja + el penultimo valor de cierre
                    renkoLow  = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 2) - offset * 2;                             // Resta el doble del tamaño de la caja - el penultimo valor de cierre
                    renkoHigh = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 2) + offset * 2;                             // Suma el doble tamaño de la caja + el penultimo valor de cierre
                    renkoLow  = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 2) - offset;                                 // Resta el tamaño de la caja - el penultimo valor de cierre

            bool isRail2Rail = false;

            // Hay cambio de tendencia hacia bajista?
            if (close <= (renkoHigh))
                // Elimina la barra de Update

                // Agrega la nueva barra con los nuevos valores
                renkoLow  = renkoHigh - 2.0 * offset;                       // RenkoHigh - el doble del tamaño de la caja
                renkoHigh = renkoHigh + offset;                             // Renkohigh + el tamaño de la caja
                // Agrega barra alcista
                //AddBar(bars, _renkoLow - offset, Math.Max(_renkoLow - offset, _renkoLow), Math.Min(_renkoLow - offset, _renkoLow), _renkoLow, barTime, barVolume);
                //AddBar(bars, _renkoHigh + offset, Math.Max(_renkoHigh + offset, _renkoHigh), Math.Min(_renkoHigh + offset, _renkoHigh), _renkoHigh, barTime, barVolume);
                //AddBar(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume)

                //Barra de una gráfica bajista
                AddBar(bars, renkoLow + offset, Math.Max(renkoLow + offset, renkoLow), Math.Min(renkoLow + offset, renkoLow), renkoLow, barTime, barVolume);

                isRail2Rail = true;
            //bool isRail2Rail = false;
            // Hay cambio de tendencia hacia alcista?
            if (close >= (renkoLow))
                // Elimina la barra la barra de Update
                // Agrega la nueva barra con los nuevos valores
                // Original
                //AddBar(bars, renkoLow + offset, Math.Max(renkoLow + offset, renkoLow), Math.Min(renkoLow + offset, renkoLow), renkoLow, barTime, barVolume);
                // Bajista
                renkoHigh = renkoLow + 2.0 * offset;                            // RenkoLow - el doble del tamaño de la caja
                renkoLow  = renkoLow - offset;                                  // RenkoLow - el tamaño de la caja
                //AddBar(bars, _renkoHigh + offset, Math.Max(_renkoHigh + offset, _renkoHigh), Math.Min(_renkoHigh + offset, _renkoHigh), _renkoHigh, barTime, barVolume);
                //AddBar(bars, _renkoLow - offset, Math.Max(_renkoLow - offset, _renkoLow), Math.Min(_renkoLow - offset, _renkoLow), _renkoLow, barTime, barVolume);

                //Barra de gráfica alcista
                AddBar(bars, renkoHigh - offset, Math.Max(renkoHigh - offset, renkoHigh), Math.Min(renkoHigh - offset, renkoHigh), renkoHigh, barTime, barVolume);

                isRail2Rail = true;
            // el precio de cierre es mayor renkohigh?
            if (close.ApproxCompare(renkoHigh) >= 0)
                /* if (trend != 0 && trend != 1) {
                 *      // Elimina la barra de Update
                 *      RemoveLastBar(bars);
                 *      // Agrega la nueva barra con los nuevos valores
                 *      var _renkoLow	= renkoHigh - 1.0 * offset; // RenkoHigh - el doble del tamaño de la caja
                 *      var _renkoHigh	= renkoHigh + offset;		// Renkohigh + el tamaño de la caja
                 *      // Agrega barra alcista
                 *      AddBar(bars, _renkoLow - offset, Math.Max(_renkoLow - offset, _renkoLow), Math.Min(_renkoLow - offset, _renkoLow), _renkoLow, barTime, barVolume);
                 *      isRail2Rail = true;
                 * } */
                // (1) Obtiene el valor mayor entre renkoHigh y, renkoHigh - tamaño de la caja
                // (2) Si el valor de x es igual a y entonces retorna 0
                //		Si el valor de x es mayor a y entonces retorna 1
                //		Si el valor de x es menor a y entonces retorna -1
                if (barOpen.ApproxCompare(renkoHigh - offset) != 0 ||              // valor de apertura de la (última barra - el tamño de la caja) es mayor o menor a barOpen?
                    barHigh.ApproxCompare(Math.Max(renkoHigh - offset, renkoHigh)) != 0 ||                     // Es barHigh mayor o menor a (1)?
                    barLow.ApproxCompare(Math.Min(renkoHigh - offset, renkoHigh)) != 0)                       // Es barLow mayor o menor a (1)?
                    // No hubo cambio de tendencia
                    if (!isRail2Rail)
                        // Elimina la última barra de Update

                    // Agrega una barra nueva con los nuevos valores
                    // Alcista
                    AddBar(bars, renkoHigh - offset, Math.Max(renkoHigh - offset, renkoHigh), Math.Min(renkoHigh - offset, renkoHigh), renkoHigh, barTime, barVolume);

                renkoLow  = renkoHigh - 2.0 * offset;                       // RenkoHigh - el doble del tamaño de la caja
                renkoHigh = renkoHigh + offset;                             // Renkohigh + el tamaño de la caja

                // ¿Hay un nuevo valor negociado?
                isNewSession = SessionIterator.IsNewSession(time, isBar);
                if (isNewSession)
                    SessionIterator.GetNextSession(time, isBar);                     // Obtiene el último valor negociado
                // Agrega barras vacías para llenar el gap si el precio salta
                while (close.ApproxCompare(renkoHigh) >= 0)
                    AddBar(bars, renkoHigh - offset, Math.Max(renkoHigh - offset, renkoHigh), Math.Min(renkoHigh - offset, renkoHigh), renkoHigh, time, 0);
                    renkoLow  = renkoHigh - 2.0 * offset;
                    renkoHigh = renkoHigh + offset;

                // Agrega la barra final parcial
                AddBar(bars, renkoHigh - offset, Math.Max(renkoHigh - offset, close), Math.Min(renkoHigh - offset, close), close, time, volume);
                trend = 1;
            // el precio de cierre es menor o igual a renkohigh?
            // El precio de cierre es menor o igual al renkolow
            else if (close.ApproxCompare(renkoLow) <= 0)
                /* if (trend != 0 && trend != -1) {
                 *      // Elimina la barra la barra de Update
                 *      RemoveLastBar(bars);
                 *      // Agrega la nueva barra con los nuevos valores
                 *      // Original
                 *      //AddBar(bars, renkoLow + offset, Math.Max(renkoLow + offset, renkoLow), Math.Min(renkoLow + offset, renkoLow), renkoLow, barTime, barVolume);
                 *      // Bajista
                 *      var _renkoHigh	= renkoLow + 1.0 * offset;	// RenkoLow - el doble del tamaño de la caja
                 *      var _renkoLow	= renkoLow - offset;		// RenkoLow - el tamaño de la caja
                 *      AddBar(bars, _renkoHigh + offset, Math.Max(_renkoHigh + offset, _renkoHigh), Math.Min(_renkoHigh + offset, _renkoHigh), _renkoHigh, barTime, barVolume);
                 *      isRail2Rail = true;
                 * } */
                // (1) Obtiene el valor mayor entre renkoLow y, renkoLow + tamaño de la caja
                // (2) Si el valor de x es igual a y entonces retorna 0
                //		Si el valor de x es mayor a y entonces retorna 1
                //		Si el valor de x es menor a y entonces retorna -1
                if (barOpen.ApproxCompare(renkoLow + offset) != 0 ||              // Valor de apertura de (renkolow + el tamaño de la caja) es mayor o menor a barOpen?
                    barHigh.ApproxCompare(Math.Max(renkoLow + offset, renkoLow)) != 0 ||                     // Es barHigh mayor o menor a (1)?
                    barLow.ApproxCompare(Math.Min(renkoLow + offset, renkoLow)) != 0)                         // Es barlow mayor o menor a (1)?
                    // TODO: Validar si la condición cambia, si si, entonces no elimine la última barra
                    if (!isRail2Rail)
                        // Elimine la barra de Update

                    // Agrega la nueva barra con los nuevos valores
                    // AddBar(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume)
                    AddBar(bars, renkoLow + offset, Math.Max(renkoLow + offset, renkoLow), Math.Min(renkoLow + offset, renkoLow), renkoLow, barTime, barVolume);

                renkoHigh = renkoLow + 2.0 * offset;                            // RenkoLow - el doble del tamaño de la caja
                renkoLow  = renkoLow - offset;                                  // RenkoLow - el tamaño de la caja

                // ¿Hay un nuevo valor negociado?
                isNewSession = SessionIterator.IsNewSession(time, isBar);
                if (isNewSession)
                    SessionIterator.GetNextSession(time, isBar);                      // Obtiene el último valor negociado
                // Agrega barras vacías para llenar el gap si el precio salta
                while (close.ApproxCompare(renkoLow) <= 0)
                    AddBar(bars, renkoLow + offset, Math.Max(renkoLow + offset, renkoLow), Math.Min(renkoLow + offset, renkoLow), renkoLow, time, 0);
                    renkoHigh = renkoLow + 2.0 * offset;
                    renkoLow  = renkoLow - offset;

                // Agrega la barra final parcial
                AddBar(bars, renkoLow + offset, Math.Max(renkoLow + offset, close), Math.Min(renkoLow + offset, close), close, time, volume);
                trend = -1;
            // El precio de cierre mayor al renkolow
                // Actualiza la barra
                UpdateBar(bars, close, close, close, time, volume);

            // El último precio el valor de cierre
            bars.LastPrice = close;
Esempio n. 21
        public override void OnRender(ChartControl chartControl, ChartScale chartScale, ChartBars chartBars)
            Bars       bars      = chartBars.Bars;
            float      chartMinX = ConvertToHorizontalPixels(chartControl, chartControl.CanvasLeft + chartControl.Properties.BarMarginRight);
            RectangleF rect      = new RectangleF();
            int        toIndex   = chartBars.ToIndex;

            if (toIndex >= 0 && toIndex < bars.Count - 1)

            for (int idx = chartBars.FromIndex; idx <= toIndex; idx++)
                double closeValue             = bars.GetClose(idx);
                float  high                   = chartScale.GetYByValue(bars.GetHigh(idx));
                float  low                    = chartScale.GetYByValue(bars.GetLow(idx));
                double openValue              = bars.GetOpen(idx);
                Brush  overriddenBarBrush     = chartControl.GetBarOverrideBrush(chartBars, idx);
                Brush  overriddenOutlineBrush = chartControl.GetCandleOutlineOverrideBrush(chartBars, idx);
                float  x = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(chartBars, idx);
                float  boxStartPosition;

                if (idx == chartBars.FromIndex && (toIndex == 0 || idx == 0))
                    if (toIndex == 0)
                        boxStartPosition = chartMinX;
                        boxStartPosition = 2 * x - chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(chartBars, idx + 1);
                    boxStartPosition = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(chartBars, idx - 1);

                if (Math.Abs(x - boxStartPosition) < 0.2)

                float width = Math.Max(2f, Math.Abs(x - boxStartPosition));

                if (closeValue > openValue)
                    width      -= Stroke.Width;
                    rect.X      = boxStartPosition;
                    rect.Y      = high;
                    rect.Width  = width;
                    rect.Height = low - high;
                    TransformBrush(overriddenBarBrush ?? UpBrushDX, rect);
                    TransformBrush(overriddenOutlineBrush ?? Stroke.BrushDX, rect);
                    RenderTarget.FillRectangle(rect, overriddenBarBrush ?? UpBrushDX);
                    RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(rect, overriddenOutlineBrush ?? Stroke.BrushDX, Stroke.Width, Stroke.StrokeStyle);
                    width      -= Stroke2.Width;
                    rect.X      = boxStartPosition;
                    rect.Y      = high;
                    rect.Width  = width;
                    rect.Height = low - high;
                    TransformBrush(overriddenBarBrush ?? DownBrushDX, rect);
                    TransformBrush(overriddenOutlineBrush ?? Stroke2.BrushDX, rect);
                    RenderTarget.FillRectangle(rect, overriddenBarBrush ?? DownBrushDX);
                    RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(rect, overriddenOutlineBrush ?? Stroke2.BrushDX, Stroke2.Width, Stroke2.StrokeStyle);
Esempio n. 22
        private Dictionary <int, string> removeDuplicatePivots(Dictionary <int, string> periodSwingsPivots)
            Log("Remove Duplicate Pivots", NinjaTrader.Cbi.LogLevel.Information);
            //Remove duplicate highs / lows
            List <int> orderedMarkers = periodSwingsPivots.Keys.ToList();

            int    previousMarker     = -1;
            string previousMarkerType = "";

            Dictionary <int, string> reducedPivots =
                new Dictionary <int, string>();

            foreach (int marker in orderedMarkers)
                if (previousMarker == -1)
                    previousMarker     = marker;
                    previousMarkerType = periodSwingsPivots[previousMarker];
                if (previousMarkerType.Equals(MAX) && periodSwingsPivots[marker].Equals(MAX) && Bars.GetHigh(marker) > Bars.GetHigh(previousMarker))
                if (previousMarkerType.Equals(MIN) && periodSwingsPivots[marker].Equals(MIN) && Bars.GetLow(marker) < Bars.GetLow(previousMarker))
                if (previousMarkerType.Equals(MAX) && periodSwingsPivots[marker].Equals(MAX) && Bars.GetHigh(marker) <= Bars.GetHigh(previousMarker))
                if (previousMarkerType.Equals(MIN) && periodSwingsPivots[marker].Equals(MIN) && Bars.GetLow(marker) >= Bars.GetLow(previousMarker))

                reducedPivots.Add(marker, periodSwingsPivots[marker]);
                previousMarker     = marker;
                previousMarkerType = periodSwingsPivots[previousMarker];

            Log("Duplicate pivots removed", NinjaTrader.Cbi.LogLevel.Information);
Esempio n. 23
        private void bearSwing(Dictionary <int, string> reducedPivots, string prefix)
            List <int> orderedMarkers = reducedPivots.Keys.ToList();

            int objnum = 0;

            for (int markerIndex = 0; markerIndex < (orderedMarkers.Count() - 4); markerIndex++)
                int firstIndex  = markerIndex;
                int secondIndex = markerIndex + 1;
                int thirdIndex  = markerIndex + 2;
                int fourthIndex = markerIndex + 3;

                int firstBarIndex  = orderedMarkers[firstIndex];
                int secondBarIndex = orderedMarkers[secondIndex];
                int thirdBarIndex  = orderedMarkers[thirdIndex];
                int fourthBarIndex = orderedMarkers[fourthIndex];

                bool firstValueIsMax = reducedPivots[firstBarIndex].Equals(MAX);

                if (!firstValueIsMax)

                double firstBarValue  = Bars.GetHigh(firstBarIndex);
                double secondBarValue = Bars.GetLow(secondBarIndex);
                double thirdBarValue  = Bars.GetHigh(thirdBarIndex);
                double fourthBarValue = Bars.GetLow(fourthBarIndex);

                bool firstIsMoreThanThird = firstBarValue > thirdBarValue;

                if (!firstIsMoreThanThird)

                bool secondLower = secondBarValue < firstBarValue && secondBarValue < thirdBarValue;

                if (!secondLower)

                bool isSecondTriggered = false;

                for (int i = thirdBarIndex; i < fourthBarIndex; i++)
                    if (Bars.GetLow(i) < secondBarValue)
                        isSecondTriggered = true;

                if (isSecondTriggered)
                    DateTime startTimeValue = Bars.GetTime(firstBarIndex);
                    DateTime endTimeValue   = Bars.GetTime(secondBarIndex);
                    Draw.Line(this, objnum.ToString() + prefix + "Bear", false, startTimeValue, firstBarValue, endTimeValue, secondBarValue, Brushes.Purple,
                              DashStyleHelper.Solid, 2, true);
                    startTimeValue = Bars.GetTime(secondBarIndex);
                    endTimeValue   = Bars.GetTime(thirdBarIndex);
                    Draw.Line(this, objnum.ToString() + prefix + "Bear", false, startTimeValue, secondBarValue, endTimeValue, thirdBarValue, Brushes.Purple,
                              DashStyleHelper.Solid, 2, true);
Esempio n. 24
 protected override void OnDataPoint(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isBar, double bid, double ask)
     if (bars.Count == 0)
         AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, TimeToBarTime(time, bars.BarsPeriod.Value), volume);
     else if (time.Month <= bars.LastBarTime.Month && time.Year == bars.LastBarTime.Year || time.Year < bars.LastBarTime.Year)
         if (high.ApproxCompare(bars.GetHigh(bars.Count - 1)) != 0 || low.ApproxCompare(bars.GetLow(bars.Count - 1)) != 0 || close.ApproxCompare(bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) != 0 || volume > 0)
             UpdateBar(bars, high, low, close, bars.LastBarTime, volume);
         AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, TimeToBarTime(time, bars.BarsPeriod.Value), volume);
        protected override void OnDataPoint(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isBar, double bid, double ask)
            if (SessionIterator == null)
                SessionIterator = new SessionIterator(bars);
            bool isNewSession = SessionIterator.IsNewSession(time, isBar);

            if (isNewSession)
                SessionIterator.GetNextSession(time, isBar);

            #region Building Bars from Base Period

            if (bars.Count != tmpCount)             // Reset cache when bars are trimmed
                if (bars.Count == 0)
                    tmpTime      = Core.Globals.MinDate;
                    tmpVolume    = 0;
                    tmpDayCount  = 0;
                    tmpTickCount = 0;
                    tmpTime        = bars.GetTime(bars.Count - 1);
                    tmpVolume      = bars.GetVolume(bars.Count - 1);
                    tmpTickCount   = bars.TickCount;
                    tmpDayCount    = bars.DayCount;
                    bars.LastPrice = anchorPrice = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1);

            switch (BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodType)
            case BarsPeriodType.Day:
                tmpTime = time.Date;
                if (!isBar)
                    if (tmpTime < time.Date)
                        tmpTime = time.Date;                                                  // Make sure timestamps are ascending

                if (isBar && prevTimeD != tmpTime)

                if (isBar && bars.Count > 0 && tmpTime == bars.LastBarTime.Date ||
                    !isBar && bars.Count > 0 && tmpTime <= bars.LastBarTime.Date ||
                    tmpDayCount < BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue)
                    endOfBar = false;
                    prevTime  = prevTimeD == Core.Globals.MinDate ? tmpTime : prevTimeD;
                    prevTimeD = tmpTime;
                    endOfBar  = true;


            case BarsPeriodType.Minute:
                if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate)
                    prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeMinute(bars, time, isBar);

                if (isBar && time <= tmpTime || !isBar && time < tmpTime)
                    endOfBar = false;
                    prevTime = tmpTime;
                    tmpTime  = TimeToBarTimeMinute(bars, time, isBar);
                    endOfBar = true;

            case BarsPeriodType.Volume:
                if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate)
                    tmpVolume = volume;
                    endOfBar  = tmpVolume >= BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue;
                    prevTime  = tmpTime = time;
                    if (endOfBar)
                        tmpVolume = 0;

                tmpVolume += volume;
                endOfBar   = tmpVolume >= BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue;
                if (endOfBar)
                    prevTime  = tmpTime;
                    tmpVolume = 0;
                    tmpTime   = time;

            case BarsPeriodType.Month:
                if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate)
                    prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeMonth(time, BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue);

                if (time.Month <= tmpTime.Month && time.Year == tmpTime.Year || time.Year < tmpTime.Year)
                    endOfBar = false;
                    prevTime = tmpTime;
                    endOfBar = true;
                    tmpTime  = TimeToBarTimeMonth(time, BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue);

            case BarsPeriodType.Second:
                if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate)
                    prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeSecond(bars, time, isBar);
                if (time <= tmpTime)
                    endOfBar = false;
                    prevTime = tmpTime;
                    tmpTime  = TimeToBarTimeSecond(bars, time, isBar);
                    endOfBar = true;

            case BarsPeriodType.Tick:
                if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate || BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue == 1)
                    prevTime = tmpTime;
                    if (prevTime == Core.Globals.MinDate)
                        prevTime = time;
                    tmpTime  = time;
                    endOfBar = BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue == 1;

                if (tmpTickCount < BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue)
                    tmpTime  = time;
                    endOfBar = false;
                    prevTime     = tmpTime;
                    tmpTime      = time;
                    endOfBar     = true;
                    tmpTickCount = 1;

            case BarsPeriodType.Week:
                if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate)
                    prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeWeek(time.Date, tmpTime.Date, BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue);
                if (time.Date <= tmpTime.Date)
                    endOfBar = false;
                    prevTime = tmpTime;
                    endOfBar = true;
                    tmpTime  = TimeToBarTimeWeek(time.Date, tmpTime.Date, BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue);

            case BarsPeriodType.Year:
                if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate)
                    prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeYear(time, BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue);
                if (time.Year <= tmpTime.Year)
                    endOfBar = false;
                    prevTime = tmpTime;
                    endOfBar = true;
                    tmpTime  = TimeToBarTimeYear(time, BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue);
            #region P&F logic
            double tickSize = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
            boxSize      = Math.Floor(10000000.0 * BarsPeriod.Value * tickSize) / 10000000.0;
            reversalSize = BarsPeriod.Value2 * boxSize;

            if (bars.Count == 0 || IsIntraday && bars.IsResetOnNewTradingDay && isNewSession)
                if (bars.Count > 0)
                    double   lastHigh  = bars.GetHigh(bars.Count - 1);
                    double   lastLow   = bars.GetLow(bars.Count - 1);
                    double   lastClose = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1);
                    DateTime lastTime  = bars.GetTime(bars.Count - 1);
                    bars.LastPrice = anchorPrice = lastClose;

                    if (bars.Count == tmpCount)
                        CalculatePfBar(bars, lastHigh, lastLow, lastClose, prevTime == Core.Globals.MinDate ? time : prevTime, lastTime);

                AddBar(bars, close, close, close, close, tmpTime, volume);

                anchorPrice    = close;
                trend          = Trend.Undetermined;
                prevTime       = tmpTime;
                volumeCount    = 0;
                bars.LastPrice = close;
                tmpCount       = bars.Count;
                tmpHigh        = high;
                tmpLow         = low;

            double   c = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1);
            double   h = bars.GetHigh(bars.Count - 1);
            double   l = bars.GetLow(bars.Count - 1);
            DateTime t = bars.GetTime(bars.Count - 1);

            if (endOfBar)
                CalculatePfBar(bars, h, l, c, prevTime, t);
                volumeCount = volume;
                tmpHigh     = high;
                tmpLow      = low;
                tmpHigh      = high > tmpHigh ? high : tmpHigh;
                tmpLow       = low < tmpLow ? low : tmpLow;
                volumeCount += volume;

            bars.LastPrice = close;
            tmpCount       = bars.Count;
Esempio n. 26
        protected override void OnDataPoint(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isBar, double bid, double ask)
            // method variables
            bool   isNewSession = SessionIterator.IsNewSession(time, isBar);
            double tickSize     = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;

            if (SessionIterator == null)
                SessionIterator = new SessionIterator(bars);

            if (isNewSession)
                SessionIterator.GetNextSession(time, isBar);

            if (bars.Count == 0 || (bars.IsResetOnNewTradingDay && isNewSession))
                // update fields
                rangeMax = AddTwoDoubles(bars, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue * tickSize, 0);
                rangeMin = AddTwoDoubles(bars, bars.BarsPeriod.Value * tickSize, 0);

                // set initial range, factoring dynamic
                thisRange = isDynamic ? rangeMin : rangeMax;
                AdjustMaxMin(bars, close, close);

                // add first bar
                AddBar(bars, thisOpen, thisOpen, thisOpen, thisOpen, time, volume);
                // local variables
                double barOpen    = bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1);
                double barHigh    = bars.GetHigh(bars.Count - 1);
                double barLow     = bars.GetLow(bars.Count - 1);
                int    maxCompare = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, thisMax);
                int    minCompare = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, thisMin);
                double thisClose  = maxCompare > 0 ? Math.Min(close, thisMax) : minCompare < 0 ? Math.Max(close, thisMin) : close;

                // range exceeded; create new bar(s)
                if (maxCompare > 0 || minCompare < 0)
                    // local variables
                    bool newBar = true;

                    // update bias
                    prevBias = thisBias;
                    thisBias = close > barOpen ? 1 : close < barOpen ? -1 : 0;

                    // close current bar; volume included for on-touch only
                    // see this post for more info on volume calculation:
                    UpdateBar(bars, (maxCompare > 0 ? thisClose : barHigh), (minCompare < 0 ? thisClose : barLow), thisClose, time, 0);

                    // add next bar and loop phantom bars, if needed
                        // update thisRange for dynamic
                        if (isDynamic)
                            // increment range for same bias, if range has not exceeded max
                            if ((thisBias == prevBias || prevBias == 0) && thisRange < rangeMax)
                                thisRange = AddTwoDoubles(bars, thisRange, tickSize);

                            // increment range after trend change (will only fire once)
                            else if (thisBias != prevBias && prevBias != 0)
                                thisRange = AddTwoDoubles(bars, rangeMin, tickSize);

                            // ensure valid range
                            thisRange = Math.Min(thisRange, rangeMax);

                        // update fields
                        AdjustMaxMin(bars, thisClose, close);
                        thisClose = (maxCompare > 0) ? Math.Min(close, thisMax) : (minCompare < 0) ? Math.Max(close, thisMin) : close;

                        // add new bar; include volume once (except for on-touch), then create phantom bars
                        // see this post for more info on volume calculation:
                        AddBar(bars, thisOpen, (maxCompare > 0 ? thisClose : thisOpen), (minCompare < 0 ? thisClose : thisOpen), thisClose, time, (newBar ? volume : 0));
                        newBar = false;

                        // update fields
                        maxCompare = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, thisMax);
                        minCompare = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, thisMin);
                    }while (maxCompare > 0 || minCompare < 0);
                    UpdateBar(bars, (close > barHigh ? close : barHigh), (close < barLow ? close : barLow), close, time, volume);
            bars.LastPrice = close;
Esempio n. 27
        protected override void OnRender(ChartControl chartControl, ChartScale chartScale)
            if (IsInHitTest)

            int    lastBar   = ChartBars.ToIndex;
            int    firstBar  = ChartBars.FromIndex;
            double highPrice = 0;
            double lowPrice  = double.MaxValue;

            SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush brushDown = BarDownBrush.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget);
            SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush lineBrush = LineBrush.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget);
            SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush brushUp   = BarUpBrush.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget);
            brushDown.Opacity = (float)(Opacity / 100.0);
            brushUp.Opacity   = (float)(Opacity / 100.0);

            for (int idx = firstBar; idx <= lastBar && idx >= 0; idx++)
                highPrice = Math.Max(highPrice, Bars.GetHigh(idx));
                lowPrice  = Math.Min(lowPrice, Bars.GetLow(idx));

            int    volumeBarCount = BarCount;
            double priceRange     = highPrice - lowPrice;
            double priceBoxSize   = priceRange / volumeBarCount;
            double volumeMax      = 0;

            // Pass 1: Fill all VolumeInfo structures with appropriate data
            for (int i = 0; i < volumeBarCount; i++)
                double priceUpper = lowPrice + priceBoxSize * (i + 1);
                double priceLower = lowPrice + priceBoxSize * i;

                double priceVolumeUp   = 0;
                double priceVolumeDown = 0;

                for (int idx = firstBar; idx <= lastBar; idx++)
                    double checkPrice;

                    PriceSeries series = (Inputs[0] as PriceSeries);

                    switch (series.PriceType)
                    case PriceType.Open:            checkPrice = Bars.GetOpen(idx); break;

                    case PriceType.Close:           checkPrice = Bars.GetClose(idx); break;

                    case PriceType.High:            checkPrice = Bars.GetHigh(idx); break;

                    case PriceType.Low:                     checkPrice = Bars.GetLow(idx); break;

                    case PriceType.Median:          checkPrice = (Bars.GetHigh(idx) + Bars.GetLow(idx)) / 2; break;

                    case PriceType.Typical:         checkPrice = (Bars.GetHigh(idx) + Bars.GetLow(idx) + Bars.GetClose(idx)) / 3; break;

                    case PriceType.Weighted:        checkPrice = (Bars.GetHigh(idx) + Bars.GetLow(idx) + 2 * Bars.GetClose(idx)) / 4; break;

                    default:                                        checkPrice = Bars.GetClose(idx); break;

                    if (checkPrice >= priceLower && checkPrice < priceUpper)
                        if (Bars.GetOpen(idx) < Bars.GetClose(idx))
                            priceVolumeUp += Bars.GetVolume(idx);
                            priceVolumeDown += Bars.GetVolume(idx);

                volumeInfo[i].up    = priceVolumeUp;
                volumeInfo[i].down  = priceVolumeDown;
                volumeInfo[i].total = priceVolumeUp + priceVolumeDown;

                volumeMax = Math.Max(volumeMax, volumeInfo[i].total);

            // Pass 2: Paint the volume bars
            for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(volumeBarCount, lastBar - firstBar + 1); i++)
                double priceUpper   = lowPrice + priceBoxSize * (i + 1);
                double priceLower   = lowPrice + priceBoxSize * i;
                int    yUpper       = Convert.ToInt32(chartScale.GetYByValue(priceUpper)) + BarSpacing;
                int    yLower       = Convert.ToInt32(chartScale.GetYByValue(priceLower));
                int    barWidthUp   = (int)((chartScale.Height / 2) * (volumeInfo[i].up / volumeMax));
                int    barWidthDown = (int)((chartScale.Height / 2) * (volumeInfo[i].down / volumeMax));

                SharpDX.RectangleF rect = new SharpDX.RectangleF(ChartPanel.X, yUpper, barWidthUp, Math.Abs(yUpper - yLower));
                RenderTarget.FillRectangle(rect, brushUp);
                RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(rect, brushUp);

                SharpDX.RectangleF rect2 = new SharpDX.RectangleF(ChartPanel.X + barWidthUp, yUpper, barWidthDown, Math.Abs(yUpper - yLower));
                RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(rect2, brushDown);
                RenderTarget.FillRectangle(rect2, brushDown);

                if (DrawLines)
                    RenderTarget.DrawLine(new SharpDX.Vector2(ChartPanel.X, yLower), new SharpDX.Vector2(ChartPanel.X + ChartPanel.W, yLower), lineBrush);
                    if (i == volumeBarCount - 1)
                        RenderTarget.DrawLine(new SharpDX.Vector2(ChartPanel.X, yUpper), new SharpDX.Vector2(ChartPanel.X + ChartPanel.W, yUpper), lineBrush);

Esempio n. 28
        protected override void OnDataPoint(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isBar, double bid, double ask)
            if (SessionIterator == null)
                SessionIterator = new SessionIterator(bars);

            bool isNewSession = SessionIterator.IsNewSession(time, isBar);

            if (isNewSession)
                SessionIterator.GetNextSession(time, isBar);
            if (bars.Count == 0 || bars.IsResetOnNewTradingDay && isNewSession)
                AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time, volume);
                double barClose   = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1);
                double barHigh    = bars.GetHigh(bars.Count - 1);
                double barLow     = bars.GetLow(bars.Count - 1);
                double tickSize   = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
                double rangeValue = Math.Floor(10000000.0 * bars.BarsPeriod.Value * tickSize) / 10000000.0;

                if (close.ApproxCompare(barLow + rangeValue) > 0)
                    double newClose = barLow + rangeValue;                                     // Every bar closes either with high or low
                    if (newClose.ApproxCompare(barClose) > 0)
                        UpdateBar(bars, newClose, barLow, newClose, time, 0);

                    // If there's still a gap, fill with phantom bars
                    double newBarOpen = newClose + tickSize;
                    while (close.ApproxCompare(newClose) > 0)
                        newClose = Math.Min(close, newBarOpen + rangeValue);
                        AddBar(bars, newBarOpen, newClose, newBarOpen, newClose, time, close.ApproxCompare(newClose) > 0 ? 0 : volume);
                        newBarOpen = newClose + tickSize;
                else if ((barHigh - rangeValue).ApproxCompare(close) > 0)
                    double newClose = barHigh - rangeValue;                                     // Every bar closes either with high or low
                    if (barClose.ApproxCompare(newClose) > 0)
                        UpdateBar(bars, barHigh, newClose, newClose, time, 0);

                    // if there's still a gap, fill with phantom bars
                    double newBarOpen = newClose - tickSize;
                    while (newClose.ApproxCompare(close) > 0)
                        newClose = Math.Max(close, newBarOpen - rangeValue);
                        AddBar(bars, newBarOpen, newBarOpen, newClose, newClose, time, newClose.ApproxCompare(close) > 0 ? 0 : volume);
                        newBarOpen = newClose - tickSize;
                    UpdateBar(bars, close > barHigh ? close : barHigh, close < barLow ? close : barLow, close, time, volume);
            bars.LastPrice = close;
Esempio n. 29
        private void UpdateHiLoPrice()
            String strPrint = string.Format("StopEnBarIndex={0}", StopEnBarIndex);

            if (StopEnBarIndex >= 0)
                int barsBack = CurrentBars[0] - StopEnBarIndex;
                strPrint = string.Format("Hi[{0}]={1} \r\nLo[{2}]={3}",
                                         barsBack, Bars.GetHigh(StopEnBarIndex), barsBack, Bars.GetLow(StopEnBarIndex));

            //Draw.ArrowUp(this, "tag1", true, 0, Lows[0][0] - TickSize, Brushes.Red);
            //Draw.Diamond(this, "tag1", true, Bars.GetTime(StopEnBarIndex), Bars.GetLow(StopEnBarIndex) - TickSize, Brushes.Red);
            //Draw.Diamond(this, "tag1", true, 0, Low[0] - TickSize, Brushes.Red);
            Draw.TextFixed(this, tagHiLoPriceTextField, strPrint, TextPosition.BottomRight, Brushes.Blue,
                           new Gui.Tools.SimpleFont("Arial", 12), Brushes.Transparent, Brushes.Transparent, 100);
Esempio n. 30
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="bars"></param>
		/// <param name="open"></param>
		/// <param name="high"></param>
		/// <param name="low"></param>
		/// <param name="close"></param>
		/// <param name="time"></param>
		/// <param name="volume"></param>
		/// <param name="isRealtime"></param>
		public override void Add(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isRealtime)
			#region Building Bars from Base Period

			if (bars.Count != tmpCount) // reset cache when bars are trimmed
				if (bars.Count == 0)
					tmpTime			= Cbi.Globals.MinDate;
					tmpVolume		= 0;
					tmpDayCount		= 0;
					tmpTickCount	= 0;
					tmpTime			= bars.GetTime(bars.Count - 1);
					tmpVolume		= bars.GetVolume(bars.Count - 1);
					tmpTickCount	= bars.TickCount;
					tmpDayCount		= bars.DayCount;
					bars.LastPrice	= anchorPrice = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1);

			switch (bars.Period.BasePeriodType)
				case PeriodType.Day:
					tmpTime = time.Date;
					if (isRealtime && time >= cacheSessionEnd)
						bars.Session.GetSessionDate(time, false, out tmpTime, out cacheSessionEnd);
						if (tmpTime < time.Date) tmpTime = time.Date; // make sure timestamps are ascending

					if (!isRealtime && prevTimeD != tmpTime) tmpDayCount++;

					if ((!isRealtime && bars.Count > 0 && tmpTime == bars.TimeLastBar.Date)
						|| (isRealtime && bars.Count > 0 && tmpTime <= bars.TimeLastBar.Date)
						|| tmpDayCount < bars.Period.BasePeriodValue)
						endOfBar = false;
						prevTime	= prevTimeD == Cbi.Globals.MinDate ? tmpTime : prevTimeD;
						prevTimeD	= tmpTime;
						endOfBar	= true;


				case PeriodType.Minute:

					if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate)
						prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeMinute(bars, time, bars.Session.NextBeginTime, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue, isRealtime);

					if (!isRealtime && time <= tmpTime || isRealtime && time < tmpTime)
						endOfBar	= false;
						prevTime	= tmpTime;
						tmpTime		= TimeToBarTimeMinute(bars, time, bars.Session.NextBeginTime, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue, isRealtime);
						endOfBar	= true;

				case PeriodType.Volume:
					if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate)
						tmpVolume	= volume;
						endOfBar	= tmpVolume >= bars.Period.BasePeriodValue;
						prevTime	= tmpTime = time;
						if (endOfBar) 
							tmpVolume = 0;

					tmpVolume += volume;
					endOfBar = tmpVolume >= bars.Period.BasePeriodValue;
					if (endOfBar)
						prevTime = tmpTime;
						tmpVolume = 0;
						tmpTime = time;

				case PeriodType.Month:
					if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate)
						prevTime	= tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeMonth(time, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue);

					if (time.Month <= tmpTime.Month && time.Year == tmpTime.Year || time.Year < tmpTime.Year)
						endOfBar	= false;
						prevTime	= tmpTime;
						endOfBar	= true;
						tmpTime		= TimeToBarTimeMonth(time, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue);

				case PeriodType.Second:
					if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate)
						prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeSecond(bars, time,
																	new DateTime(bars.Session.NextBeginTime.Year,
																				bars.Session.NextBeginTime.Minute, 0),
					if (time <= tmpTime)
						endOfBar	= false;
						prevTime	= tmpTime;
						tmpTime		= TimeToBarTimeSecond(bars, time, bars.Session.NextBeginTime, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue);
						endOfBar	= true;

				case PeriodType.Tick:
					if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate || bars.Period.BasePeriodValue == 1)
						prevTime		= tmpTime = time;
						tmpTickCount	= bars.Period.BasePeriodValue == 1 ? 0 : 1;
						endOfBar		= bars.Period.BasePeriodValue == 1;

					if (tmpTickCount < bars.Period.BasePeriodValue)
						tmpTime			= time;
						endOfBar		= false;
						prevTime		= tmpTime;
						tmpTime			= time;
						endOfBar		= true;
						tmpTickCount	= 1;

				case PeriodType.Week:
					if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate)
						prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeWeek(time.Date, tmpTime.Date, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue);
					if (time.Date <= tmpTime.Date)
						endOfBar	= false;
						prevTime	= tmpTime;
						endOfBar	= true;
						tmpTime		= TimeToBarTimeWeek(time.Date, tmpTime.Date, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue);

				case PeriodType.Year:
					if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate)
						prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeYear(time, bars.Period.Value);
					if (time.Year <= tmpTime.Year)
						endOfBar	= false;
						prevTime	= tmpTime;
						endOfBar	= true;
						tmpTime		= TimeToBarTimeYear(time, bars.Period.Value);
			#region P&F logic
			double tickSize		= bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
			boxSize				= Math.Floor(10000000.0 * bars.Period.Value * tickSize) / 10000000.0;
			reversalSize		= bars.Period.Value2 * boxSize;

			if (bars.Count == 0 || (IsIntraday && bars.IsNewSession(time, isRealtime)))
				if (bars.Count > 0)
					double		lastOpen	= bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1);
					double		lastHigh	= bars.GetHigh(bars.Count - 1);
					double		lastLow		= bars.GetLow(bars.Count - 1);
					double		lastClose	= bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1);
					DateTime	lastTime	= bars.GetTime(bars.Count - 1);
					bars.LastPrice			= anchorPrice = lastClose;

					if (bars.Count == tmpCount)
						CalculatePfBar(bars, lastOpen, lastHigh, lastLow, lastClose, prevTime, lastTime, isRealtime);

				AddBar(bars, close, close, close, close, tmpTime, volume, isRealtime);
				anchorPrice		= close;
				trend			= Trend.Undetermined;
				prevTime		= tmpTime;
				volumeCount		= 0;
				bars.LastPrice	= close;
				tmpCount		= bars.Count;
				tmpHigh			= high;
				tmpLow			= low;

			Bar			bar		= (Bar)bars.Get(bars.Count - 1);
			double		c		= bar.Close;
			double		o		= bar.Open;
			double		h		= bar.High;
			double		l		= bar.Low;
			DateTime	t		= bar.Time;

			if (endOfBar)
				CalculatePfBar(bars, o, h, l, c, prevTime, t, isRealtime);
				volumeCount		= volume;
				tmpHigh			= high;
				tmpLow			= low;
				tmpHigh			= (high > tmpHigh ? high : tmpHigh);
				tmpLow			= (low < tmpLow ? low : tmpLow);
				volumeCount		+= volume;

			bars.LastPrice		= close;
			tmpCount			= bars.Count;

        //protected override void OnBarUpdate()
        //    //TODO: Write your owner OnBarUpdate handling

        //    //DrawArrowUp("Arrowup" + CurrentBar, true, Bars.GetTime(Count - 1), Bars.GetLow(CurrentBar) - 300 * TickSize, Color.Red);
        //    //DrawArrowDown("Arrowdown" + CurrentBar, true, Bars.GetTime(Count - 1), Bars.GetHigh(CurrentBar) + 300 * TickSize, Color.Green);

        //    //Occurred.Set(-1);
        //    //Entry.Set(Close[0]);


        protected override void OnBarUpdate()

            if (Bars != null && Bars.Count > 0)
            //             && TimeFrame.Periodicity == DatafeedHistoryPeriodicity.Minute
            //             && TimeFrame.PeriodicityValue == 15)

            if (Bars.BarsSinceSession == 0)
                sessionprocessed = false;

            //08.00, 08.15, 08.30, 08.45, 09.00 sind abgeschlossen -> es ist 09.15)
            //                if(Bars.BarsSinceSession == 5)
            if (ToTime(Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar)) > 90000 && //größer 09.00 geht für 15M und 1Std (und 1Tag?)
                sessionprocessed == false)       //Tag noch nicht verarbeitet
                sessionprocessed = true;
                GapTradeLong     = GapTradeShort = false;

                IBar   GapOpenBar = Bars.Where(x => x.Time.Date == Bars[0].Time.Date).FirstOrDefault(); //liefert erster kerze des tages
                double GapOpen    = GapOpenBar.Open;

                double   LastDayClose     = PriorDayOHLC().PriorClose[0];
                double   GapSize          = GapOpen - LastDayClose;
                DateTime LastDayCloseDate = Bars.GetTime(Count - 7);
                DateTime LastPeriod       = Time[1];

                if (LastDayClose != null &&
                    Math.Abs(LastDayClose - GapOpen) > _PunkteGapMin &&
                    Math.Abs(LastDayClose - GapOpen) < _PunkteGapMax)
                {  //Wenn Gap größer 50 und kleiner 100
                    existgap = true;

                    //Gap markieren (08.00 - 09.15)
                    string strMyRect    = "MyRect" + Count;
                    string strMyGapSize = "MyGapSize" + Count;

                    if (LastDayClose - GapOpen < 0)   //Long
                        //DrawRectangle(strMyRect, true, LastDayCloseDate, LastDayClose, LastPeriod, HighestHighPrice(5)[0], _col_gap, _col_gap, 70);
                        DrawText(strMyGapSize, true, Math.Round(GapSize, 1).ToString(), LastDayCloseDate, LastDayClose + 25, 9, Color.Black, new Font("Areal", 9), StringAlignment.Center, Color.Black, Color.Azure, 1);

                        // if (LinReg(5)[0] > GapOpen)
                        if (LinReg(Closes[0], 5)[0] > GapOpen)
                            //Chancenreicher SuccessTrade
                            string strArrowUp = "ArrowUp" + Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar);
                            DrawArrowUp(strArrowUp, true, Bars.GetTime(Count - 1), Bars.GetOpen(CurrentBar) - 300 * TickSize, Color.Green);
                            GapTradeLong = true;

                        //DrawRectangle(strMyRect, true, LastDayCloseDate, LastDayClose, LastPeriod, LowestLowPrice(5)[0], Color.Pink, Color.Pink, 70);
                        DrawText(strMyGapSize, true, Math.Round(GapSize, 1).ToString(), LastDayCloseDate, LastDayClose - 25, 9, Color.Black, new Font("Areal", 9), StringAlignment.Center, Color.Black, Color.Azure, 1);

                        if (LinReg(Closes[0], 5)[0] < GapOpen)
                            ////Chancenreicher SuccessTrade
                            string strArrowDown = "ArrowDown" + Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar);
                            DrawArrowDown(strArrowDown, true, Bars.GetTime(Count - 1), Bars.GetOpen(CurrentBar) + 300 * TickSize, Color.Red);
                            GapTradeShort = true;


                    if (GapTradeShort == true || GapTradeLong == true)
                        Print("------------------" + Time[5] + "------------------");
                        Print("LineReg: " + Math.Round(LinReg(5)[0]), 1);
                        Print("Gap Open: " + GapOpen);
                    existgap = false;

//09.15. - 09.30 Kerze
            else if (Bars.BarsSinceSession == 6 && existgap == true)
                decimal GapTradeResult;
                Color   colorTextBox;

                GapTradeResult = (decimal)Bars.GetClose(CurrentBar - 1) - (decimal)Bars.GetOpen(CurrentBar - 1);
                if (GapTradeLong == true)
                    GapTradeCounterLong    += 1;
                    GapTradeResultTotalLong = GapTradeResultTotalLong + GapTradeResult;

                    string strGapeTradeLong = "GapTradeLong" + CurrentBar;
                    string strTradeResultLong;

                    if (GapTradeResult < 0)
                        GapTradeFailCounterLong += 1;
                        strTradeResultLong       = "Fail " + GapTradeResult.ToString();
                        colorTextBox             = colFail;
                        GapTradeWinCounterLong += 1;
                        strTradeResultLong      = "Win " + GapTradeResult.ToString();
                        colorTextBox            = colWin;
                    DrawText(strGapeTradeLong, true, strTradeResultLong, Time[1], Bars.GetHigh(CurrentBar - 1) + 10, 9, Color.Black, new Font("Areal", 9), StringAlignment.Center, Color.Black, colorTextBox, 70);
                else if (GapTradeShort == true)
                    GapTradeCounterShort    += 1;
                    GapTradeResultTotalShort = GapTradeResultTotalShort - GapTradeResult;

                    string strGapeTradeShort = "GapTradeLong" + CurrentBar;
                    string strTradeResultShort;

                    if (GapTradeResult > 0)
                        GapTradeFailCounterShort += 1;
                        strTradeResultShort       = "Fail " + GapTradeResult.ToString();
                        colorTextBox              = colFail;
                        GapTradeWinCounterShort += 1;
                        strTradeResultShort      = "Win " + GapTradeResult.ToString();
                        colorTextBox             = colWin;
                    DrawText(strGapeTradeShort, true, strTradeResultShort, Time[1], Bars.GetLow(CurrentBar - 1) - 10, 9, Color.Black, new Font("Areal", 9), StringAlignment.Center, Color.Black, colorTextBox, 70);

                Print("Gap Trade Result: " + GapTradeResult);

            if (Count == Bars.Count - 1)
                Print("Total Trades Long:  " + GapTradeCounterLong);
                Print("Wins Long: " + GapTradeWinCounterLong);
                Print("Fails Long: " + GapTradeFailCounterLong);

                Print("Total Trades Short: " + GapTradeCounterShort);
                Print("Wins Short: " + GapTradeWinCounterShort);
                Print("Fails Short: " + GapTradeFailCounterShort);

                if (GapTradeCounterLong > 0)
                    Print("Avg Long: " + (GapTradeResultTotalLong / GapTradeCounterLong));
                if (GapTradeCounterShort > 0)
                    Print("Avg Short: " + (GapTradeResultTotalShort / GapTradeCounterShort));
Esempio n. 32
        private void plotSwingPivots(Dictionary <int, string> reducedPivots, string prefix)
            List <int> orderedMarkers = reducedPivots.Keys.ToList();


            int    objnum   = 0;
            string previous = "";

            foreach (int marker in orderedMarkers)
                if (reducedPivots[marker].Equals(MIN_MAX) && previous.Equals(MAX))
                    DateTime timeValue = Bars.GetSessionEndTime(marker);
                    Draw.Diamond(this, objnum.ToString() + prefix + "M", false, timeValue, Bars.GetLow(marker), Brushes.Blue);
                    timeValue = Bars.GetSessionEndTime(marker);
                    Draw.Diamond(this, objnum.ToString() + prefix + "M", false, timeValue, Bars.GetHigh(marker), Brushes.White);
                else if (reducedPivots[marker].Equals(MIN_MAX) && previous.Equals(MIN))
                    DateTime timeValue = Bars.GetSessionEndTime(marker);
                    Draw.Diamond(this, objnum.ToString() + prefix + "M", false, timeValue, Bars.GetHigh(marker), Brushes.White);
                    timeValue = Bars.GetSessionEndTime(marker);
                    Draw.Diamond(this, objnum.ToString() + prefix + "M", false, timeValue, Bars.GetLow(marker), Brushes.Blue);
                else if (reducedPivots[marker].Equals(MAX))
                    DateTime timeValue = Bars.GetSessionEndTime(marker);
                    Draw.Diamond(this, objnum.ToString() + prefix + "M", false, timeValue, Bars.GetHigh(marker), Brushes.White);
                    DateTime timeValue = Bars.GetSessionEndTime(marker);
                    Draw.Diamond(this, objnum.ToString() + prefix + "M", false, timeValue, Bars.GetLow(marker), Brushes.Blue);
                previous = reducedPivots[marker];