Esempio n. 1
        private static int getAccountNumber(int user, BankManagement bm)
            Console.WriteLine("Choose your credit account");
            // Verbessern -> alle auflisten und auswählen lassen
            Console.WriteLine("Insert one of your 'credit' account numbers - you can have 1 to 5 accounts [acc1 = insert 1, acc2 = insert 2, acc3 = insert 3, acc4 = insert 4, acc5 = insert 5]");
            int whichAcc  = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            int creditAcc = bm.getBankAccountNumber(user, whichAcc);

Esempio n. 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // IN DER ANWENDUNG BEI DOUBLE BETRÄGEN STATT "." einen "," machen

            // Überweisung wegen verwendungszweck schaun -> vlt anders umgehen
            BankManagement bankManagement = new BankManagement();

            Console.WriteLine("BANK_SST ANWENDUNG");
            Console.WriteLine("========================= \n");

            bool exit = true;

            while (exit)
                int user = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("Press 1 for further options concerning the customer management / Press 2 for further options concerning the account management / Press 3 to exit");
                int answer = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                if (answer == 1)
                    // Customer Management - AUSLAGERN
                    bool custM = true;
                    while (custM)
                        Console.WriteLine("Press 1 to create a new customer / Press 2 to change your personal information / Press 3 to delete your customer account / Press 4 to exit the customer management");
                        int customerAns = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                        if (customerAns == 1)
                            Console.WriteLine("Insert first name");
                            string firstName = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                            Console.WriteLine("Insert last name");
                            string lastName = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                            Console.WriteLine("Insert birthday");
                            string birthday = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                            Console.WriteLine("Insert address");
                            string address = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                            Console.WriteLine("Insert location");
                            string location = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                            Console.WriteLine("Insert telephone number");
                            string telephoneNumber = Console.ReadLine().ToString();

                            user = bankManagement.createCustomer(firstName, lastName, birthday, address, location, telephoneNumber);
                            Console.WriteLine("CREATED NEW CUSTOMER!");
                        // Change Bank Account information
                        else if (customerAns == 2)
                            // Informationen eingeben um die ID zu erhalten
                            if (user == 0)
                                if (getCustomerID(bankManagement) == 0)
                                    Console.WriteLine("\nFUNKTION VON FREMDER DLL NICHT IMPLEMENTIERT");
                                    user = getCustomerID(bankManagement);

                                    Console.WriteLine("Insert first name");
                                    string firstName = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                                    Console.WriteLine("Insert last name");
                                    string lastName = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                                    Console.WriteLine("Insert address");
                                    string address = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                                    Console.WriteLine("Insert location");
                                    string location = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                                    Console.WriteLine("Insert telephone number");
                                    string telephoneNumber = Console.ReadLine().ToString();

                                    Console.WriteLine("CUSTOMER INFORMATION CHANGED!");
                        // Delete Customer Account
                        else if (customerAns == 3)
                            if (user == 0)
                                user = getCustomerID(bankManagement);
                            Console.WriteLine("DELETED CUSTOMER!");
                        else if (customerAns == 4)
                            custM = false;
                            Console.WriteLine("Wrong Input");
                else if (answer == 2)
                    // Account Management
                    bool accM = true;
                    while (accM)
                        int creditAcc  = 0;
                        int savingsAcc = 0;

                        if (user == 0)
                            user = getCustomerID(bankManagement);

                        Console.WriteLine("Press 1 to create a new credit account / Press 2 to create a new savings account / Press 3 to deposit credit account");
                        Console.WriteLine("Press 4 to deposit savings account / Press 5 to withdraw credit account / Press 6 to transfer money / Press 7 to delete savings account");
                        Console.WriteLine("Press 8 to delete credit account / Press 9 for bank statement / Press 10 to add a savings account user");
                        Console.WriteLine("Press 11 to add a credit account user / Press 12 to convert currency / Press 13 to show the change of course");
                        Console.WriteLine("Press 14 to exit the account management");

                        int accAns = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                        if (accAns == 1)
                            // create a new credit account
                            Console.WriteLine("NEW CREDIT ACOOUNT CREATED!");
                        else if (accAns == 2)
                            // create a new savings account

                            Console.WriteLine("NEW SAVINGS ACOOUNT CREATED!");
                        else if (accAns == 3)
                            // deposit credit account
                            if (creditAcc == 0)
                                creditAcc = getAccountNumber(user, bankManagement);

                            Console.WriteLine("Insert a usage: ");
                            string _usage = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                            Console.WriteLine("Insert the amount: ");

                            double amount;
                            string amountString = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                            if (Double.TryParse(amountString, out amount))
                                bankManagement.depositCreditAcc(creditAcc, _usage, amount);
                                Console.WriteLine("Error: deposit credit account");

                            Console.WriteLine("CREDIT ACCOUNT DEPOSIT!");
                        else if (accAns == 4)
                            // deposit savings account
                            // get account number
                            if (savingsAcc == 0)
                                // Verbessern -> alle auflisten und auswählen lassen
                                Console.WriteLine("Insert one of your 'savings' account numbers - you can have 1 to 5 accounts [acc1 = insert 1, acc2 = insert 2, acc3 = insert 3, acc4 = insert 4, acc5 = insert 5] ");
                                int whichAcc = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                                savingsAcc = bankManagement.getBankAccountNumber(user, whichAcc);
                            Console.WriteLine("Insert a usage: ");
                            string _usage = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                            Console.WriteLine("Insert the amount: ");
                            double amount;
                            string amountString = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                            if (Double.TryParse(amountString, out amount))
                                bankManagement.depositSavingsAcc(savingsAcc, _usage, amount);
                                Console.WriteLine("Error: deposit savings account");

                            Console.WriteLine("SAVINGS ACCOUNT DEPOSIT!");
                        else if (accAns == 5)
                            // withdraw credit account
                            if (creditAcc == 0)
                                creditAcc = getAccountNumber(user, bankManagement);

                            Console.WriteLine("Insert the amount: ");
                            double amount;
                            string amountString = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                            if (Double.TryParse(amountString, out amount))
                                bankManagement.withdrawCreditAcc(creditAcc, amount);
                                Console.WriteLine("Error: withdraw");

                            Console.WriteLine("CREDIT ACCOUNT WITHDRAW!");
                        else if (accAns == 6)
                            // transfer money
                            if (creditAcc == 0)
                                creditAcc = getAccountNumber(user, bankManagement);

                            Console.WriteLine("Insert account number to which you want to transfer money:");
                            int toAccNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                            Console.WriteLine("Insert usage:");
                            string usage = Console.ReadLine().ToString();

                            Console.WriteLine("Insert the amount: ");
                            double amount;
                            string amountString = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                            if (Double.TryParse(amountString, out amount))
                                bankManagement.transfer(creditAcc, toAccNumber, usage, amount);
                                Console.WriteLine("Error: transfer");

                            Console.WriteLine("CREDIT ACCOUNT TRANSFER!");
                        else if (accAns == 7)
                            //  Press 7 to delete savings account
                            if (savingsAcc == 0)
                                // Verbessern -> alle auflisten und auswählen lassen
                                Console.WriteLine("Insert one of your 'savings' account numbers - you can have 1 to 5 accounts [acc1 = insert 1, acc2 = insert 2, acc3 = insert 3, acc4 = insert 4, acc5 = insert 5] ");
                                int whichAcc = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                                savingsAcc = bankManagement.getBankAccountNumber(user, whichAcc);
                            bankManagement.deleteSavingsAccount(savingsAcc, user);

                            Console.WriteLine("SAVINGS ACCOUNT DELETED!");
                        else if (accAns == 8)
                            // delete credit account
                            if (creditAcc == 0)
                                creditAcc = getAccountNumber(user, bankManagement);
                            bankManagement.deleteCreditAccount(creditAcc, user);

                            Console.WriteLine("CREDIT ACCOUNT DELETED!");
                        else if (accAns == 9)
                            // bank statement
                            if (creditAcc == 0)
                                creditAcc = getAccountNumber(user, bankManagement);
                        else if (accAns == 10)
                            // add a savings account user
                            if (savingsAcc == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("Insert one of your 'savings' account numbers - you can have 1 to 5 accounts [acc1 = insert 1, acc2 = insert 2, acc3 = insert 3, acc4 = insert 4, acc5 = insert 5] ");
                                int whichAcc = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                                savingsAcc = bankManagement.getBankAccountNumber(user, whichAcc);
                            Console.WriteLine("Insert the firstname of the user");
                            string firstName = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                            Console.WriteLine("Insert the lastname of the user");
                            string lastName = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                            Console.WriteLine("Insert the birthdate of the user");
                            string birthdate = Console.ReadLine().ToString();

                            int newUser = getCustomerID(bankManagement);

                            bankManagement.addSavingsAccountUser(savingsAcc, newUser);
                        else if (accAns == 11)
                            // add a credit account user
                            if (creditAcc == 0)
                                creditAcc = getAccountNumber(user, bankManagement);
                            Console.WriteLine("Insert the firstname of the user");
                            string firstName = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                            Console.WriteLine("Insert the lastname of the user");
                            string lastName = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
                            Console.WriteLine("Insert the birthdate of the user");
                            string birthdate = Console.ReadLine().ToString();

                            int newUser = getCustomerID(bankManagement);

                            bankManagement.addCreditAccountUser(creditAcc, newUser);
                        else if (accAns == 12)
                            // convert currency
                            if (creditAcc == 0)
                                creditAcc = getAccountNumber(user, bankManagement);

                            Console.WriteLine("Insert currency [USD, GBP, JPY, CHF]");
                            string _currency = Console.ReadLine().ToString();

                            bankManagement.convertMoney(creditAcc, _currency);
                        else if (accAns == 13)
                            // show change of course
                            if (creditAcc == 0)
                                creditAcc = getAccountNumber(user, bankManagement);

                        else if (accAns == 14)
                            // exit
                            accM = false;
                            Console.WriteLine("Wrong Input");
                else if (answer == 3)
                    exit = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("Wrong Input");

            // todo if anweisungen ! EXCEPTIONS

            Console.WriteLine("2. Test");