Esempio n. 1
        public void IsNeverExpired()
            var info = new BanInfo ("192.168.1.*", null, TimeSpan.Zero);
            Assert.IsFalse (info.IsExpired);

            info.Created = new DateTime (1990, 1, 1);
            Assert.IsFalse (info.IsExpired);
Esempio n. 2
 public static BanInfo Parse(IrcMessageData data)
     BanInfo info = new BanInfo();
     // 367 meebey #smuxi test!test@test [email protected] 1216309801..
     info.f_Channel = data.RawMessageArray[3];
     info.f_Mask= data.RawMessageArray[4];
     return info;
Esempio n. 3
        public override void Execute(Player player)
            if (player != null && !player.Privileges.HasPrivilege("ban"))
                WriteLine(player, "You have no ban privileges");

            Player target = Player.Find(Target);

            if (target == null)
                WriteLine(player, "Couldn't find target player");

            if (target.Privileges.HasPrivilege("immunity"))
                WriteLine(player, "Target has general immunity");

            if (target.Privileges.HasPrivilege("noban"))
                WriteLine(player, "Target has ban immunity");

            TimeSpan duration;

            if (!TryParseDuration(out duration))
                WriteLine(player, "Duration was misformed");

            BanInfo bi = new BanInfo(player, target, duration, Reason);

            int userid = Player.GetUserID(player);

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                SharpMod.Database.AddBan(bi, (Exception exception, bool success) => {
                    if (success)
                        OnFailure(userid, exception);
Esempio n. 4
 private void Attach()
     if (this.descriptor != null)
         if (this.descriptor is INotifyPropertyChanged)
             (this.descriptor as INotifyPropertyChanged).PropertyChanged += Descriptor_PropertyChanged;
         this.BanInfo = this.descriptor.BanInfo;
Esempio n. 5
        private void bansToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BanInfo baninfo = GetTable <BanInfo>(Table.Bans);

            dataGridView1.DataSource = baninfo.bans.Select(b => new {, b.ip, b.reason }).ToList();
            for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Rows.Count; i++)
                /*for (int j = 0; j < dataGridView1.ColumnCount; j++)
                 * {
                 *  dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[j].ReadOnly = false;
                 * }*/
Esempio n. 6
        public void Ctor()
            var info = new BanInfo ("192.168.1.*", null, TimeSpan.Zero);
            Assert.AreEqual ("192.168.1.*", info.IPMask);
            Assert.AreEqual (null, info.Username);
            Assert.AreEqual (DateTime.Today, info.Created.Date);
            Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.Zero, info.Length);

            info = new BanInfo (null, "monkeys", TimeSpan.FromHours (1.1));
            Assert.AreEqual (null, info.IPMask);
            Assert.AreEqual ("monkeys", info.Username);
            Assert.AreEqual (DateTime.Today, info.Created.Date);
            Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.FromHours (1.1), info.Length);
Esempio n. 7
        public void Ctor()
            var info = new BanInfo("192.168.1.*", null, TimeSpan.Zero);

            Assert.AreEqual("192.168.1.*", info.IPMask);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, info.Username);
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Today, info.Created.Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.Zero, info.Length);

            info = new BanInfo(null, "monkeys", TimeSpan.FromHours(1.1));
            Assert.AreEqual(null, info.IPMask);
            Assert.AreEqual("monkeys", info.Username);
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Today, info.Created.Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromHours(1.1), info.Length);
Esempio n. 8
 private static string FormatUserID(string userID, BanInfo banInfo, UserState userState)
     if (banInfo.Path != string.Empty)
         return(TerminalStrings.Foreground(userID, TerminalColor.Red));
     else if (userState != UserState.Online)
         return(TerminalStrings.Foreground(userID, TerminalColor.BrightBlack));
Esempio n. 9
        public bool RequestBanInfo(SteamID steamID, out BanInfo banInfo)
            if (steamID != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_keyManager.SWAKey))
                    using (dynamic steamUser = WebAPI.GetInterface("ISteamUser", _keyManager.SWAKey))
                        KeyValue pair = steamUser.GetPlayerBans(steamids: steamID.ConvertToUInt64());

                        foreach (var get in pair["players"].Children)
                            if (get["SteamId"].AsUnsignedLong() == steamID.ConvertToUInt64())
                                banInfo = new BanInfo
                                    SteamID          = get["SteamId"].AsUnsignedLong(),
                                    CommunityBanned  = get["CommunityBanned"].AsBoolean(),
                                    VacBanned        = get["VACBanned"].AsBoolean(),
                                    VacBanCount      = get["NumberOfVACBans"].AsInteger(),
                                    DaysSinceLastBan = get["DaysSinceLastBan"].AsInteger(),
                                    GameBanCount     = get["NumberOfGameBans"].AsInteger(),
                                    EconomyBan       = get["EconomyBan"].AsString()
                catch (WebException ex)
                    Log.Error(ex, "A error occured when trying to get the Ban Information for {SteamID}.",

                Log.Warning("Did not receive ban informations for {SteamID}. Skipping...", steamID.ConvertToUInt64());

                banInfo = null;

            Log.Warning("No valid Web API key has been found. Skipping ban checking...");

            banInfo = null;
Esempio n. 10
        public UserDescriptor(Authentication authentication, IUser user, DescriptorTypes descriptorTypes, object owner)
            : base(authentication, user, descriptorTypes)
            this.user  = user;
            this.Owner = owner ?? this;
            this.userInfo  = this.user.UserInfo;
            this.UserState = this.user.UserState;
            this.banInfo   = this.user.BanInfo;

            if (this.descriptorTypes.HasFlag(DescriptorTypes.IsSubscriptable) == true)
                this.user.Deleted            += User_Deleted;
                this.user.UserInfoChanged    += User_UserInfoChanged;
                this.user.UserStateChanged   += User_UserStateChanged;
                this.user.UserBanInfoChanged += User_UserBanInfoChanged;
Esempio n. 11
        public void AddBan(BanInfo ban)
            if (ban == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ban");

            using (var session = Persistance.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                session.SaveOrUpdate(new LocalBanInfo
                    Created  = DateTime.Now,
                    IPMask   = ban.IPMask,
                    Length   = ban.Length,
                    Username = ban.Username
Esempio n. 12
        private static void ResolvedBans(BanInfo information)
            if (information == null)

            Player target = Player.FindByUserId(information.Player.UserId);

            if (target == null)

            if (!target.Privileges.HasPrivilege("noban"))
Esempio n. 13
 public static async Task UserBanned(SocketUser user, SocketGuild guild)
     if ((await guild.GetBanAsync(user.Id)).Reason.Contains(DiscordBot.client.CurrentUser.Id.ToString()) == false)
         BanInfo banInfo = new BanInfo()
             Source            = "Ban Event",
             Reason            = (await guild.GetBanAsync(user.Id)).Reason,
             UserId            = user.Id,
             Username          = user.Username,
             UserDiscriminator = user.Discriminator,
             UserNickname      = guild.GetUser(user.Id).Nickname,
             UserCreationDate  = user.CreatedAt,
             JoinDate          = guild.GetUser(user.Id).JoinedAt
         await DiscordBot.SendBanMessage(banInfo);
Esempio n. 14
        public void RemoveBan(BanInfo ban)
            if (ban == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ban");

            using (var session = Persistance.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                LocalBanInfo localBan = (ban as LocalBanInfo)
                                        ?? session.Query <LocalBanInfo>().FirstOrDefault(b => b.Username == ban.Username || b.IPMask == ban.IPMask);

                if (localBan == null)

Esempio n. 15
        public void BanUser()
            var admin = JoinAsGuest(server, client, "admin");

            permissions.EnablePermissions(admin.UserId, PermissionName.BanUser);

            var ban = new BanInfo(null, "username", TimeSpan.Zero);

            users.BansChanged += (sender, e) =>
                Assert.IsTrue(users.GetBans().Contains(ban), "User provider did not contain the new ban.");

            handler.OnBanUserMessage(new MessageEventArgs <BanUserMessage> (server,
                                                                            new BanUserMessage {
                Removing = false, BanInfo = ban

            Assert.Fail("Ban never reached the user provider");
Esempio n. 16
        public static async Task SendBanMessage(BanInfo banInfo)
            // Creates a new EmbededBuilder to send embeded messages.
            EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder();

            // The following if-else statement checks if there was a ban reason given.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(banInfo.Reason))
                banInfo.Reason = "There was no reason given.";

            // Sets the message color to red.
            // Set the title.
            builder.WithTitle("User banned:");
            // Adds the discription.
            builder.WithDescription("A user was banned.");
            builder.AddField("General Information:",
                             $"Reason: {banInfo.Reason}.\n" +
                             $"Source: {banInfo.Source}\n");

            // Gets the avatar (profile picture) of the banned user.
            builder.ThumbnailUrl = client.GetUser(banInfo.UserId).GetAvatarUrl();
            if (banInfo.StaffId != 0)
                builder.AddField("Staff information", $"Username: { banInfo.StaffUsername}#{banInfo.StaffDiscriminator}\n" +
                                 $"User Id: {banInfo.StaffId}");
            // The folowing two AddField methods adds aditional information about the user.
            builder.AddField("User information", $"Username: {banInfo.Username}#{banInfo.UserDiscriminator}\n" +
                             $"User id: {banInfo.UserId}\n" +
                             $"User created at: {banInfo.UserCreationDate}\n" +
                             $"User joined the guild at: {banInfo.JoinDate}");

            // Sends the embeded message to the Discord ban-list channel.
            await client.GetGuild(mainGuildId).GetTextChannel(logChannelID).SendMessageAsync(null, false, builder.Build());
Esempio n. 17
        private void UserContext_UsersBanChanged(object sender, ItemsEventArgs <IUser> e)
            var userID          = this.authentication.ID;
            var exceptionUserID = e.UserID;
            var signatureDate   = e.SignatureDate;
            var values          = new BanInfo[e.Items.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < e.Items.Length; i++)
                var item     = e.Items[i];
                var lockInfo = item.BanInfo;
                if (item.BanInfo.Path != item.Path)
                    lockInfo      = BanInfo.Empty;
                    lockInfo.Path = item.Path;
                values[i] = lockInfo;
            var metaData   = e.MetaData as object[];
            var changeType = (BanChangeType)metaData[0];
            var comments   = metaData[1] as string[];

            this.InvokeEvent(userID, exceptionUserID, () => this.Callback.OnUsersBanChanged(signatureDate, values, changeType, comments));
Esempio n. 18
 public void IsExpired()
     var info = new BanInfo ("192.168.1.*", null, TimeSpan.FromHours (1));
     info.Created = new DateTime (1990, 1, 1);
     Assert.IsTrue (info.IsExpired);
Esempio n. 19
 public override void ReadPayload(ISerializationContext context, IValueReader reader)
     Removing = reader.ReadBool();
     BanInfo = new BanInfo (context, reader);
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the ban information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The user.</param>
        /// <returns>The ban information as a QL color-formatted string.</returns>
        public BanInfo GetBanInfo(string user)
            var bInfo = new BanInfo();

            if (VerifyDb())
                if (!DoesUserExistInDb(user.ToLowerInvariant()))
                    using (var sqlcon = new SQLiteConnection(_sqlConString))

                        using (var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sqlcon))
                            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM bannedusers WHERE user = @user";
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user", user.ToLowerInvariant());
                            using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                                if (!reader.HasRows)
                                    Log.Write(string.Format("GetBanInfo: Player {0} does not exist in ban database.",
                                                            user), _logClassType, _logPrefix);
                                while (reader.Read())
                                    bInfo.PlayerName        = user;
                                    bInfo.BannedBy          = (string)reader["bannedBy"];
                                    bInfo.BanAddedDate      = (DateTime)reader["banAddDate"];
                                    bInfo.BanExpirationDate = (DateTime)reader["banExpirationDate"];
                                    switch ((long)reader["banType"])
                                    case (long)BanType.AddedByAdmin:
                                        bInfo.BanType = BanType.AddedByAdmin;

                                    case (long)BanType.AddedByEarlyQuit:
                                        bInfo.BanType = BanType.AddedByEarlyQuit;
                                                  "Got ban info for player: {0} - added by: {1}, added on: {2}, expires: {3}, type: {4}",
                                                  user, bInfo.BannedBy, bInfo.BanAddedDate.ToString("G", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo),
                                                  bInfo.BanExpirationDate.ToString("G", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo),
                                                  bInfo.BanType), _logClassType, _logPrefix);
                catch (Exception ex)
                        string.Format("Problem getting ban info for player {0} from ban database: {1}",
                                      user, ex.Message), _logClassType, _logPrefix);
                    bInfo = null;

Esempio n. 21
		public void BanUserRemove()
			var admin = JoinAsGuest (server, client, "admin");
			permissions.EnablePermissions (admin.UserId, PermissionName.BanUser);

			var ban = new BanInfo (null, "username", TimeSpan.Zero);
			users.AddBan (ban);
			Assert.IsTrue (users.GetBans().Contains (ban), "User provider did not contain the new ban.");

			users.BansChanged += (sender, e) =>
				Assert.IsFalse (users.GetBans().Contains (ban), "User provider still contained the ban.");

			handler.OnBanUserMessage (new MessageEventArgs<BanUserMessage> (server,
				new BanUserMessage { Removing = true, BanInfo = ban }));

			Assert.Fail ("Ban never reached the user provider");
Esempio n. 22
 public override void ReadPayload(ISerializationContext context, IValueReader reader)
     Removing = reader.ReadBool();
     BanInfo  = new BanInfo(context, reader);
Esempio n. 23
 public void IsNotExpired()
     var info = new BanInfo ("192.168.1.*", null, TimeSpan.FromDays (30));
     info.Created = DateTime.Today.Subtract (TimeSpan.FromDays (28));
     Assert.IsFalse (info.IsExpired);
Esempio n. 24
        public async Task BanGuildMember(string user, [Remainder] string reason = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason))
                reason = "There was no reason given.";
            IGuildUser bannedUser;

            if (GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(user) == true && DiscordBot.CheckIsInGuild(Context.Guild.Id, Convert.ToUInt64(user)))
                bannedUser = await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(Convert.ToUInt64(user));
            else if (GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(user) == false && Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.Count >= 1 && DiscordBot.CheckIsInGuild(Context.Guild.Id, Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.First()))
                bannedUser = await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.First());
            else if ((GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(user) == true && DiscordBot.CheckIsInGuild(Context.Guild.Id, Convert.ToUInt64(user)) == false) || (GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(user) == false && Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.Count >= 1 && DiscordBot.CheckIsInGuild(Context.Guild.Id, Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.First()) == false))
                await ReplyAsync("Error 0x2: This user was not found in this server.");

            else if (GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(user) == false || (GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(user) == false && Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.Count == 0))
                await ReplyAsync("Error 0x3: There was not a valid id or mention found.");

                await ReplyAsync("Error 0x4: An error occured during command execution please check your input");


            #region comment
            //Continue if:
            //1.  The user is in the guild.
            //2.  The user id is valid or if the mention is valid.


            //Error 1: invalid mention or id
            //Error 2: User not found
            //Error 3: Given too many users
            //Error 4: Unknown Error

            BanInfo bannedUserInfo = new BanInfo
                UserId             = bannedUser.Id,
                Username           = bannedUser.Username,
                UserDiscriminator  = bannedUser.Discriminator,
                UserNickname       = bannedUser.Nickname,
                UserCreationDate   = bannedUser.CreatedAt,
                JoinDate           = bannedUser.JoinedAt,
                StaffId            = Context.Message.Author.Id,
                StaffUsername      = Context.Message.Author.Username,
                StaffDiscriminator = Context.Message.Author.Discriminator,
                Source             = "Ban Command",
                Reason             = reason
            await Context.Guild.AddBanAsync(bannedUser, 0, DiscordBot.client.CurrentUser.Id.ToString() + " - " + reason);

            if (await DiscordBot.CheckIfBanned(Context.Guild.Id, bannedUserInfo.UserId) == true)
                await ReplyAsync("The user was banned.");

                await DiscordBot.SendBanMessage(bannedUserInfo);
                await ReplyAsync("Error 0x5: User was not banned for an unknown reason.");
Esempio n. 25
        public void RemoveBan(BanInfo ban)
            if (ban == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("ban");

            lock (this.bans)
                this.bans.Remove (ban);

    public void LoadLowData()
            TextAsset    data       = Resources.Load("TestJson/Local_RandomName", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
            StringReader sr         = new StringReader(data.text);
            string       strSrc     = sr.ReadToEnd();
            JSONObject   RandomName = new JSONObject(strSrc);

            for (int i = 0; i < RandomName.list.Count; i++)
                RandomNameInfo tmpInfo = new RandomNameInfo();
                tmpInfo.Index = (uint)RandomName[i]["Index_ui"].n;
                tmpInfo.Name1 = RandomName[i]["Name1_c"].str;
                tmpInfo.Name2 = RandomName[i]["Name2_c"].str;
                tmpInfo.Name3 = RandomName[i]["Name3_c"].str;

                RandomNameInfoDic.Add(tmpInfo.Index, tmpInfo);
            TextAsset    data      = Resources.Load("TestJson/Local_StageData", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
            StringReader sr        = new StringReader(data.text);
            string       strSrc    = sr.ReadToEnd();
            JSONObject   StageData = new JSONObject(strSrc);

            for (int i = 0; i < StageData.list.Count; i++)
                StageDataInfo tmpInfo = new StageDataInfo();
                tmpInfo.StringId = (uint)StageData[i]["StringId_ui"].n;
                tmpInfo.String   = StageData[i]["String_c"].str;

                string kr_c = StageData[i]["String_c"].str;

                if (kr_c.Contains("\\\\n"))
                    kr_c = kr_c.Replace("\\\\n", "\n");
                else if (kr_c.Contains("\\n"))
                    kr_c = kr_c.Replace("\\n", "\n");

                tmpInfo.String = kr_c;

                StageDataInfoDic.Add(tmpInfo.StringId, tmpInfo);
            TextAsset    data       = Resources.Load("TestJson/Local_StringBuff", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
            StringReader sr         = new StringReader(data.text);
            string       strSrc     = sr.ReadToEnd();
            JSONObject   StringBuff = new JSONObject(strSrc);

            for (int i = 0; i < StringBuff.list.Count; i++)
                StringBuffInfo tmpInfo = new StringBuffInfo();
                tmpInfo.StringId = (uint)StringBuff[i]["StringId_ui"].n;
                tmpInfo.String   = StringBuff[i]["String_c"].str;

                StringBuffInfoDic.Add(tmpInfo.StringId, tmpInfo);
            TextAsset    data         = Resources.Load("TestJson/Local_StringCommon", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
            StringReader sr           = new StringReader(data.text);
            string       strSrc       = sr.ReadToEnd();
            JSONObject   StringCommon = new JSONObject(strSrc);

            for (int i = 0; i < StringCommon.list.Count; i++)
                StringCommonInfo tmpInfo = new StringCommonInfo();
                tmpInfo.StringId = (uint)StringCommon[i]["StringId_ui"].n;

                /// 스트링에 엔터값이 잘못 들어간다 제거해준다
                string kr_c = StringCommon[i]["String_c"].str;

                if (kr_c.Contains("\\\\n"))
                    kr_c = kr_c.Replace("\\\\n", "\n");
                else if (kr_c.Contains("\\n"))
                    kr_c = kr_c.Replace("\\n", "\n");
                tmpInfo.String = kr_c;
                //tmpInfo.String = StringCommon[i]["String_c"].str;

                StringCommonInfoDic.Add(tmpInfo.StringId, tmpInfo);
            TextAsset    data       = Resources.Load("TestJson/Local_StringItem", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
            StringReader sr         = new StringReader(data.text);
            string       strSrc     = sr.ReadToEnd();
            JSONObject   StringItem = new JSONObject(strSrc);

            for (int i = 0; i < StringItem.list.Count; i++)
                StringItemInfo tmpInfo = new StringItemInfo();
                tmpInfo.StringId = (uint)StringItem[i]["StringId_ui"].n;
                tmpInfo.String   = StringItem[i]["String_c"].str;

                StringItemInfoDic.Add(tmpInfo.StringId, tmpInfo);
            TextAsset    data        = Resources.Load("TestJson/Local_StringSkill", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
            StringReader sr          = new StringReader(data.text);
            string       strSrc      = sr.ReadToEnd();
            JSONObject   StringSkill = new JSONObject(strSrc);

            for (int i = 0; i < StringSkill.list.Count; i++)
                StringSkillInfo tmpInfo = new StringSkillInfo();
                tmpInfo.StringId = (uint)StringSkill[i]["StringId_ui"].n;
                tmpInfo.String   = StringSkill[i]["String_c"].str;

                StringSkillInfoDic.Add(tmpInfo.StringId, tmpInfo);
            TextAsset    data       = Resources.Load("TestJson/Local_StringUnit", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
            StringReader sr         = new StringReader(data.text);
            string       strSrc     = sr.ReadToEnd();
            JSONObject   StringUnit = new JSONObject(strSrc);

            for (int i = 0; i < StringUnit.list.Count; i++)
                StringUnitInfo tmpInfo = new StringUnitInfo();
                tmpInfo.StringId = (uint)StringUnit[i]["StringId_ui"].n;
                //tmpInfo.String = StringUnit[i]["String_c"].str;
                /// 스트링에 엔터값이 잘못 들어간다 제거해준다
                string kr_c = StringUnit[i]["String_c"].str;

                if (kr_c.Contains("\\\\n"))
                    kr_c = kr_c.Replace("\\\\n", "\n");
                else if (kr_c.Contains("\\n"))
                    kr_c = kr_c.Replace("\\n", "\n");
                tmpInfo.String = kr_c;

                StringUnitInfoDic.Add(tmpInfo.StringId, tmpInfo);

            TextAsset    data        = Resources.Load("TestJson/Local_StringTitle", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
            StringReader sr          = new StringReader(data.text);
            string       strSrc      = sr.ReadToEnd();
            JSONObject   StringTitle = new JSONObject(strSrc);

            for (int i = 0; i < StringTitle.list.Count; i++)
                StringTitleInfo tmpInfo = new StringTitleInfo();
                tmpInfo.StringId = (uint)StringTitle[i]["StringId_ui"].n;
                tmpInfo.String   = StringTitle[i]["String_c"].str;

                StringTitleInfoDic.Add(tmpInfo.StringId, tmpInfo);
            TextAsset    data              = Resources.Load("TestJson/Local_StringAchievement", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
            StringReader sr                = new StringReader(data.text);
            string       strSrc            = sr.ReadToEnd();
            JSONObject   StringAchievement = new JSONObject(strSrc);

            for (int i = 0; i < StringAchievement.list.Count; i++)
                StringAchievementInfo tmpInfo = new StringAchievementInfo();
                tmpInfo.StringId = (uint)StringAchievement[i]["StringId_ui"].n;
                tmpInfo.String   = StringAchievement[i]["String_c"].str;

                StringAchievementInfoDic.Add(tmpInfo.StringId, tmpInfo);

            TextAsset    data       = Resources.Load("TestJson/Local_ErrorPopup", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
            StringReader sr         = new StringReader(data.text);
            string       strSrc     = sr.ReadToEnd();
            JSONObject   ErrorPopup = new JSONObject(strSrc);

            for (int i = 0; i < ErrorPopup.list.Count; i++)
                ErrorPopupInfo tmpInfo = new ErrorPopupInfo();
                tmpInfo.Index = (uint)ErrorPopup[i]["Index_ui"].n;

                string str = ErrorPopup[i]["Description_c"].str;
                if (str.Contains("\\\\n"))
                    str = str.Replace("\\\\n", "\n");
                else if (str.Contains("\\n"))
                    str = str.Replace("\\n", "\n");

                tmpInfo.Description = str;

                if (!ErrorPopupInfoDic.ContainsKey(tmpInfo.Index))
                    ErrorPopupInfoDic.Add(tmpInfo.Index, tmpInfo);
                    Debug.LogError("already added index " + tmpInfo.Index);
            TextAsset    data   = Resources.Load("TestJson/Local_Ban", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
            StringReader sr     = new StringReader(data.text);
            string       strSrc = sr.ReadToEnd();
            JSONObject   Ban    = new JSONObject(strSrc);

            for (int i = 0; i < Ban.list.Count; i++)
                BanInfo tmpInfo = new BanInfo();
                tmpInfo.ID   = (uint)Ban[i]["ID_ui"].n;
                tmpInfo.word = Ban[i]["word_c"].str;

            TextAsset    data         = Resources.Load("TestJson/Local_Dialog", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
            StringReader sr           = new StringReader(data.text);
            string       strSrc       = sr.ReadToEnd();
            JSONObject   StringCommon = new JSONObject(strSrc);

            for (int i = 0; i < StringCommon.list.Count; i++)
                StringLocalDialogInfo tmpInfo = new StringLocalDialogInfo();
                tmpInfo.StringId     = (uint)StringCommon[i]["StringId_ui"].n;
                tmpInfo.NPCNameLEFT  = StringCommon[i]["NPCNameLEFT_c"].str;
                tmpInfo.NPCNameRIGHT = StringCommon[i]["NPCNameRIGHT_c"].str;
                tmpInfo.TalkPosition = (byte)StringCommon[i]["TalkPosition_b"].n;
                tmpInfo.String       = StringCommon[i]["String_c"].str;

                //Debug.Log(" string :"+tmpInfo.String+", TalkPosition:"+tmpInfo.TalkPosition);

                StringLocalDialogInfoDic.Add(tmpInfo.StringId, tmpInfo);
Esempio n. 27
        public void RemoveBan(BanInfo ban)
            if (ban == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("ban");

            using (var session = Persistance.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                LocalBanInfo localBan = (ban as LocalBanInfo)
                                        ?? session.Query<LocalBanInfo>().FirstOrDefault (b => b.Username == ban.Username || b.IPMask == ban.IPMask);

                if (localBan == null)

                session.Delete (localBan);
Esempio n. 28
 private async void User_UserBanInfoChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     this.banInfo = this.user.BanInfo;
     await this.RefreshAsync();
Esempio n. 29
        public void AddBan(BanInfo ban)
            if (ban == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("ban");

            using (var session = Persistance.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                session.SaveOrUpdate (new LocalBanInfo
                    Created = DateTime.Now,
                    IPMask = ban.IPMask,
                    Length = ban.Length,
                    Username = ban.Username
Esempio n. 30
 public void InvokeUserBan(Authentication authentication, User user, BanInfo banInfo)
     this.CremaHost.DebugMethod(authentication, this, nameof(InvokeUserBan), user, banInfo.Comment);
Esempio n. 31
 public void AddBan(BanInfo bi, Action <Exception, bool> callback)
     callback(null, false);