// This is for collide to balloon
 // It loops to monitor all balloons in game
 // and all it's balloon part of points
 // if intersect
 // call balloon's destroy method
 void CollisionWithBalloon()
     balloon_list = FindObjectsOfType <Balloon>();
     for (int i = 0; i < balloon_list.Length; i++)
         Balloon ballon = balloon_list[i].GetComponent <Balloon>();
         for (int j = 0; j < ballon.points.Count - 4; j++)
             float distance = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(ballon.points[j].x + ballon.initiate_point.x - transform.position.x, 2) +
                                         Mathf.Pow(ballon.points[j].y + ballon.initiate_point.y - transform.position.y, 2));
             if (distance <= radius)