public void Populate(Enemy enemy, Tuple <Player, int> playerData, Random rnd, string lootState, IList <LootDef> lootDefs) { BagType = BagType.Blue; Lootstate = lootState; double probability = 0; var candidates = enemy.DamageCounter.GetPlayerData().ToList(); var rng = rnd.NextDouble(); var playersCount = candidates.Count; var enemyHP = (int)enemy.ObjectDesc.MaxHP; if (playersCount == 1) { probability = .0001; } else if (playersCount > 1 && playersCount <= 3) { probability = .0001 + .0001 * playersCount; } else { probability = .0002 + .000005 * playersCount; } var whitebag = new ILootDef[] { new Drops(new ItemLoot(itemName, probability * (eventChest ? .8 : 1), true)) }; whitebag[0].Populate(enemy, playerData, rnd, Lootstate, lootDefs); }
public IObjectStack CreateObjectStack(BagType bagType, int objectKey, int slot, int amount) { return(new ObjectStack(bagType, objectKey, slot) { Count = amount }); }
public TableBagData(ushort objNo, string displayName, string displayNameEn, float throwDexterity, bool isDisplayContents, BagType btype, int startGap, float startprob, float con, int maxGap, string description, string descriptionEn) { ObjNo = objNo; DisplayName = displayName; DisplayNameEn = displayNameEn; ThrowDexterity = throwDexterity; IsDisplayContents = isDisplayContents; Bgtype = btype; StartGap = startGap; Startprob = startprob; Con = con; MaxGap = maxGap; Description = description; DescriptionEn = descriptionEn; }
void OnBagTab(ButtonScript obj, object args, int param1, int param2) { listPanel_.clipOffset =; listPanel_.transform.localPosition =; listPanel_.GetComponent <UIScrollView>().ResetPosition(); crtBagType = (BagType)param1; if (crtBagType == BagType.BT_Item) { itemSubTab_.isEnabled = false; babySubTab_.isEnabled = true; //selectedItemSubTabBtnForIndex(param2); itemSubTab_CrtPage_ = param2; } else { itemSubTab_.isEnabled = true; babySubTab_.isEnabled = false; //selectedbabySubTabBtnForIndex(param2); babySubTab_CrtPage_ = param2; } itemSubContent_.SetActive(crtBagType == BagType.BT_Item); babySubContent_.SetActive(crtBagType == BagType.BT_Baby); UpdateSubContent(); }
public override long Part2(string input) { parseBags(input); var gold = BagType.GetBagType("shiny gold"); return(countChildren(gold) - 1); }
public static CommonExpandBagTipsView Open(BagType bagType, int cost, System.Action confirmAction, ConsumeTipType type) { CommonExpandBagTipsView view = UIMgr.instance.Open <CommonExpandBagTipsView>(PREFAB_PATH, EUISortingLayer.Tips); view.SetTypeAndCost(bagType, cost, confirmAction, type); return(view); }
/// <param name="Autofill">If true, then when the player picks up an item that can be stored in this bag, it will automatically be stored if there is space for it.</param> public BoundedBag(BagType TypeInfo, ContainerSize Size, bool Autofill) : base(BagType.GetTranslatedName(TypeInfo), "", Size, TypeInfo.GetIconTexture(), TypeInfo.IconSourceRect, new Vector2(16, 16), 0.5f, 1f) { this.TypeInfo = TypeInfo; this.SizeInfo = TypeInfo.SizeSettings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Size == Size); if (SizeInfo == null) // This should never happen but just in case... { SizeInfo = TypeInfo.SizeSettings.First(); } this.Autofill = Autofill; _MaxStackSize = ItemBagsMod.UserConfig.GetStandardBagCapacity(Size, TypeInfo); DescriptionAlias = string.Format("{0}\n({1})", BagType.GetTranslatedDescription(TypeInfo), ItemBagsMod.Translate("CapacityDescription", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "count", MaxStackSize.ToString() } })); if (SizeInfo.Size != Size) { this.AllowedObjects = new ReadOnlyCollection <AllowedObject>(new List <AllowedObject>()); } else { this.AllowedObjects = new ReadOnlyCollection <AllowedObject>(SizeInfo.Items.Select(x => new AllowedObject(x)).ToList()); } this.ExcludedAutofillItems = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <ObjectQuality> >(); }
internal Bag(IReadOnlyList <Item> items, int totalSlots, BagType type, string name) { TotalSlots = totalSlots; FreeSlots = TotalSlots - items.Count; Items = items; Type = type; Name = name; }
public BagType GetPlayerBagItemType(BagType type, int index) { if (type == BagType.Bag) { return((BagType)(itemProtoDatas.Find(p => p.ID == GetPlayerBagItemId(type, index)).Bag)); } return(type); }
/// <param name="Autofill">If true, then when the player picks up an item that can be stored in this bag, it will automatically be stored if there is space for it.</param> public BoundedBag(BagType TypeInfo, ContainerSize Size, bool Autofill) : base(BagType.GetTranslatedName(TypeInfo), "", Size, TypeInfo.GetIconTexture(), TypeInfo.IconSourceRect, new Vector2(16, 16), 0.5f, 1f) { this.TypeInfo = TypeInfo; this.Autofill = Autofill; this.ExcludedAutofillItems = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <ObjectQuality> >(); OnSizeChanged += BoundedBag_OnSizeChanged; }
private void parseBags(string input) { BagType.AllTypes.Clear(); foreach (var line in Utils.splitLines(input)) { BagType.parseDefinition(line); } }
public List <ItemInfo> GetPlayerBagList(BagType type) { if (type == BagType.Bag) { return(GetAllPlayerBagList()); } return(DataManager.GetInstance().GetPlayerBag(type).itemList); }
public void Populate(Enemy enemy, Tuple <Player, int> playerData, Random rnd, string lootState, IList <LootDef> lootDefs) { BagType = BagType.Pink; Lootstate = lootState; var pinkBag = new ILootDef[] { new Drops(new TierLoot(tier, itemType, BagType)) }; pinkBag[0].Populate(enemy, playerData, rnd, lootState, lootDefs); }
public void StartCustomMode(ModeGoal goal, BagType bagtype, int width, bool overtuned) { PersistantVars.pVars.PlaySound(SoundEffects.MENU_SELECT); PersistantVars.pVars.goal = goal; PersistantVars.pVars.bagType = bagtype; PersistantVars.pVars.width = width; PersistantVars.pVars.overtuned = overtuned; SceneManager.LoadScene("MainGameScene"); //Start game. }
public void Populate(Enemy enemy, Tuple <Player, int> playerData, Random rnd, string lootState, IList <LootDef> lootDefs) { BagType = BagType.Cyan; Lootstate = lootState; var cyanBag = !setByTier ? new ILootDef[] { new Drops(new ItemLoot(itemName, 0.1)) } : new ILootDef[] { new Drops(new TierLoot(tier, itemType, BagType)) }; cyanBag[0].Populate(enemy, playerData, rnd, lootState, lootDefs); }
private void RecursiveVisitParents(BagType bag, HashSet <string> visited) { foreach (var parent in bag.AppearIn) { if (!visited.Contains(parent.Name)) { visited.Add(parent.Name); RecursiveVisitParents(parent, visited); } } }
private int RecursiveVisitChildForCount(BagType bag) { var numBags = 1; foreach (var(child, count) in bag.Contains) { var childContains = RecursiveVisitChildForCount(child); numBags += count * childContains; } return(numBags); }
private void addParents(HashSet <BagType> possibleParents, BagType bag) { foreach (var parent in bag.PossibleParents) { if (!possibleParents.Contains(parent)) { possibleParents.Add(parent); addParents(possibleParents, parent); } } }
public override long Part1(string input) { parseBags(input); var gold = BagType.GetBagType("shiny gold"); var possibleParents = new HashSet <BagType>(); addParents(possibleParents, gold); return(possibleParents.Count); }
public int GetPlayerBagItemUseType(BagType type, int index) { int id = GetPlayerBagList(type)[index].metaId; if (itemProtoDatas.Find(p => p.ID == id) == null) { DebugUtils.LogError(DebugUtils.Type.UI, "PlayerBagItem is null , the item id is " + id); } return(itemProtoDatas.Find(p => p.ID == id).UseType); }
public int GetPlayerBagItemIsShell(BagType type, int index) { int id = GetPlayerBagList(type)[index].metaId; if (itemProtoDatas.Find(p => p.ID == id).Type == (int)PlayerBagItemType.RuneItem) { return(0); } return(itemProtoDatas.Find(p => p.ID == id).IsShell); }
private BagType GetOrCreateBag(string name) { if (Bags.ContainsKey(name)) { return(Bags[name]); } var bag = new BagType(name); Bags.Add(name, bag); return(bag); }
public void SetTypeAndCost(BagType bagType, int cost, System.Action confirmAction, ConsumeTipType type = ConsumeTipType.None) { _bagType = bagType; _cost = cost; costText.text = cost.ToString(); action = confirmAction; _consumeTipType = type; if (!ConsumeTipProxy.instance.HasConsumeTipKey(type)) { toggleTip.gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
public string GetPlayerBagItemDescribe(BagType type, int index) { int id = GetPlayerBagList(type)[index].metaId; if (itemProtoDatas.Find(p => p.ID == id) == null) { DebugUtils.LogError(DebugUtils.Type.UI, "PlayerBagItem is null , the item id is " + id); } int desId = itemProtoDatas.Find(p => p.ID == id).DescriptionID; return(desId.Localize()); }
void SpawnNewBag(BagType type) { GameObject obj = (GameObject)Instantiate(bag, m_bagSpawnPos.position, new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)); m_Camera.SetCameraXYPos(m_bagSpawnPos.gameObject); m_Camera.SetFollowBag(false); bag.SetActive(true); m_bagAmount -= 1; PE.SetBag(obj); PE.SetBMPointer(obj.GetComponent <scr_bagMovement>()); PE.SetSPPointer(obj.GetComponent <spawnParticles>()); }
private static void LoadModdedBags() { try { List <ModdedBag> ModdedBags = new List <ModdedBag>(); string ModdedBagsDirectory = Path.Combine(ModInstance.Helper.DirectoryPath, "assets", "Modded Bags"); string[] ModdedBagFiles = Directory.GetFiles(ModdedBagsDirectory, "*.json", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (ModdedBagFiles.Length > 0) { if (!ModInstance.Helper.ModRegistry.IsLoaded(JAUniqueId)) { ModInstance.Monitor.Log("Modded bags could not be loaded because you do not have Json Assets mod installed.", LogLevel.Warn); } else { foreach (string File in ModdedBagFiles) { string RelativePath = File.Replace(ModInstance.Helper.DirectoryPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, ""); ModdedBag ModdedBag = ModInstance.Helper.Data.ReadJsonFile <ModdedBag>(RelativePath); if (ModdedBag.IsEnabled && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ModdedBag.ModUniqueId) || ModInstance.Helper.ModRegistry.IsLoaded(ModdedBag.ModUniqueId))) { if (!ModdedBags.Any(x => x.Guid == ModdedBag.Guid)) { ModdedBags.Add(ModdedBag); } else { ModInstance.Monitor.Log(string.Format("Failed to load modded bag '{0}' because there is already another modded bag with the same Id", ModdedBag.BagName), LogLevel.Warn); } } } ModInstance.Monitor.Log(string.Format("Loaded {0} modded bag(s): {1}", ModdedBags.Count, string.Join(", ", ModdedBags.Select(x => x.BagName))), LogLevel.Info); } } TemporaryModdedBagTypes = new Dictionary <ModdedBag, BagType>(); foreach (ModdedBag Bag in ModdedBags) { BagType Placeholder = Bag.GetBagTypePlaceholder(); TemporaryModdedBagTypes.Add(Bag, Placeholder); BagConfig.BagTypes.Add(Placeholder); } } catch (Exception ex) { ModInstance.Monitor.Log(string.Format("Error while loading modded bag json files: {0}\n\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.ToString()), LogLevel.Error); } }
public void Populate(Enemy enemy, Tuple <Player, int> playerData, Random rnd, string lootState, IList <LootDef> lootDefs) { BagType = BagType.Pink; Lootstate = lootState; var pinkBag = new[] { new Drops( new TierLoot(tier, itemType, BagType, true, LootUtils.GetProbability(enemy, LootBagRate.PINK_BAG)) ) }; pinkBag[0].Populate(enemy, playerData, rnd, lootState, lootDefs); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public BagType createBagType(CoreClassifier elementType) { BagType result = (BagType)getCollectionType("Bag(" + elementType.getName() + ")"); if (result == null) { result = oclPackage.getTypes().getBagType(); result.setFactory(this); result.setElementType(elementType); allTypesCreated.Add(result.getName(), result); } return(result); }
public void Populate(Enemy enemy, Tuple <Player, int> playerData, Random rnd, string lootState, IList <LootDef> lootDefs) { BagType = BagType.Blue; Lootstate = lootState; var whitebag = new[] { new Drops( new ItemLoot(itemName, LootUtils.GetProbability(enemy, LootBagRate.WHITE_BAG, eventChest), false, true) ) }; whitebag[0].Populate(enemy, playerData, rnd, Lootstate, lootDefs); }
public void SendUseItem(BagType type, int count, long itemId) { currentBagType = type; currentCount = count; currentItemId = itemId; UseItemC2S message = new UseItemC2S(); message.bagType = type; message.count = count; message.itemId = itemId; byte[] data = ProtobufUtils.Serialize(message); NetworkManager.SendRequest(MsgCode.UseItemMessage, data); }