private void EditBadge() { Console.Clear(); Badges addBadge = new Badges(); // Display all ID's SeeAllBadges(); // Ask for ID to be updated Console.WriteLine("Enter the Badge ID to be updated:"); // Get ID // New Badge ID Console.WriteLine("Please enter a new badge ID:"); string oldID = Console.ReadLine(); addBadge.BadgeID = int.Parse(oldID); // Door Name Console.WriteLine("Please enter the accessible door numbers:"); addBadge.DoorName = Console.ReadLine(); // Name Console.WriteLine("Please enter the employees name:"); addBadge.Name = Console.ReadLine(); _badgesRepo.UpdateBadge(oldID, addBadge); }
public ActionResult <IEnumerable <Badges> > All(Guid userID) { NpgsqlConnection _connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connString); _connection.Open(); IHabitRepository repo1 = new HabitRepository(_connection, null); List <Guid> badgeID = new List <Guid>(); List <Badge> badge = new List <Badge>(); List <Badges> badges = new List <Badges>(); foreach (Guid x in repo1.GetAllBadge(userID)) { badgeID.Add(x); } foreach (Guid y in badgeID) { badge.Add(repo1.FindBadge(userID, y)); } foreach (Badge z in badge) { Badges bg = new Badges() { ID = z.ID, name =, description = z.description, user_id = z.users, created_at = z.created_at }; badges.Add(bg); } return(badges); }
public void BadgesArranged() { _repoBadge = new BadgesRepo(); _badges = new Badges(1, "front, back"); _repoBadge.CreateNewBadge(_badges.BadgeID, _badges); }
public void UpdateBadge() { Badges badge = new Badges(); badge.DoorAccess = new List <string>(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter a badge number that you would like to edit: "); badge.BadgeID = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"What do you want to change for {badge.BadgeID}\n" + $"1. Remove a door\n" + $"2. Add a door\n" + $"3. Return to main menu"); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); switch (answer) { case "1": RemoveDoor(badge.BadgeID); break; case "2": AddDoorToUpdate(badge.BadgeID); break; case "3": RunMenu(); break; } }
public override string ToString() { string format = "{{" + "\"_id\": {0}, " + "\"username\": {1}," + "\"displayname\": {2}," + "\"avatar\": {3}," + "\"color\": {4}," + "\"roles\": {5}," + "\"badges\": {6}" + "}}"; try { return(string.Format( format, JsonConvert.ToString(UserID), JsonConvert.ToString(Username), JsonConvert.ToString(DisplayName), JsonConvert.ToString(Avatar), JsonConvert.ToString(Color), JSONUtil.ToString(Roles.ToArray()), JSONUtil.ToString(Badges.ToArray()) )); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); return(""); } }
public void AddBadge() { Dictionary <int, List <string> > badges = _repo.ShowAllBadges(); Badges badge = new Badges(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Badge ID"); badge.BadgeID = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <string> > keyValuePair in badges) { if (badges.ContainsKey(badge.BadgeID)) { Console.WriteLine("This key already exists."); Console.WriteLine("Please try again..."); Console.ReadKey(); AddBadge(); } } Console.WriteLine("Enter doors, seperate with comma"); string doors = Console.ReadLine(); badge.BadgeDoors = doors.Split(',').ToList(); _repo.AddBadge(badge); Console.WriteLine($"Badge {badge.BadgeID} was added."); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
Task<StacManResponse<Badge>> IBadgeMethods.GetByIds(string site, IEnumerable<int> ids, string filter = null, int? page = null, int? pagesize = null, DateTime? fromdate = null, DateTime? todate = null, Badges.AllSort? sort = null, Badges.Rank? minrank = null, Badges.Rank? maxrank = null, string minname = null, string maxname = null, Badges.BadgeType? mintype = null, Badges.BadgeType? maxtype = null, Order? order = null) { var filterObj = ValidateAndGetFilter(filter); ValidateString(site, "site"); ValidateEnumerable(ids, "ids"); ValidatePaging(page, pagesize); ValidateSortMinMax(sort, minrank: minrank, maxrank: maxrank, minname: minname, maxname: maxname, mintype: mintype, maxtype: maxtype); var ub = new ApiUrlBuilder(String.Format("/badges/{0}", String.Join(";", ids)), useHttps: false); ub.AddParameter("site", site); ub.AddParameter("filter", filter); ub.AddParameter("page", page); ub.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); ub.AddParameter("fromdate", fromdate); ub.AddParameter("todate", todate); ub.AddParameter("sort", sort); ub.AddParameter("min", minrank); ub.AddParameter("max", maxrank); ub.AddParameter("min", minname); ub.AddParameter("max", maxname); ub.AddParameter("min", mintype); ub.AddParameter("max", maxtype); ub.AddParameter("order", order); return CreateApiTask<Badge>(ub, filterObj, "/badges/{ids}"); }
private MenuScreen BuildBadges(Badges badges, FishingGameContext context, ContentManager content) { BadgesScreen badgesScreen = new BadgesScreen(badges, context); badgesScreen.LoadContent(content); return(badgesScreen); }
public void CreateNewBadge() { Console.Clear(); List <string> doors = new List <string>(); Console.WriteLine("What is the number on the badge to Create: (ie.12345)\n"); int badgeId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("List a Door this Badge needs access to:"); bool doorInput = true; while (doorInput) { string addedDoor = Console.ReadLine(); doors.Add(addedDoor); Console.WriteLine("Any other Doors? (y/n)"); string secondDoor = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (secondDoor == "y") { Console.WriteLine("What other door would you like to assign:"); string doorResponse = Console.ReadLine(); doors.Add(doorResponse); } else { doorInput = false; } } Badges newBadge = new Badges(badgeId, doors); _badgesRepository.Add(newBadge.BadgeId, newBadge.DoorName); Console.WriteLine("This door(s) has been added. Thank you"); }
public void AddBadge() { Console.Clear(); Badges newBadge = new Badges(); Console.WriteLine("What is the number on the badge?"); newBadge.BadgeID = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); List <string> doors = new List <string>(); bool isYes = true; while (isYes) { Console.WriteLine("Do you want to add door access?(y/n)?"); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (answer == "y") { Console.WriteLine("Enter a door for access:"); string ans = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); doors.Add(ans); } else { isYes = false; } } newBadge.DoorName = doors; _repo.CreateNewBadge(newBadge.BadgeID, newBadge.DoorName); Menu(); }
//create a new badge public void CreateNewBadge() { Console.Clear(); Badges newBadge = new Badges(); //Badge Number Console.WriteLine("Enter the badge number:"); string ItemasString = Console.ReadLine(); newBadge.BadgeID = int.Parse(ItemasString); Console.WriteLine("List a door that it needs access to:"); var ItemAsString = Console.ReadLine(); bool CanRun = true; do { Console.WriteLine("Do you want to add access to another door? (y/n)"); string Userinput = Console.ReadLine(); switch (Userinput) { case "n": CanRun = false; break; } } while (CanRun == true); _badgeRepository.AddBadge(newBadge); Console.WriteLine("press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); }
private void AddABadge() { Console.WriteLine(); Dictionary <int, Badges> listOfBadges = _badgeRepo.GetDictionaryAllBadges(); Badges newBadge = new Badges(); bool hasFilledRooms = false; while (hasFilledRooms == false) { Console.WriteLine($"Badge ID: {listOfBadges.Count + 1}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Do you want to add door access to this badge? Enter: (Y/N) "); string userInputHasFilledRooms = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (userInputHasFilledRooms == "y") { Console.WriteLine("List the door this badge needs access to:"); string accessToDoors = Console.ReadLine(); newBadge.DoorNames.Add(accessToDoors); } else if (userInputHasFilledRooms == "n") { hasFilledRooms = true; _badgeRepo.AddABadge(newBadge); } else { hasFilledRooms = true; Console.WriteLine("Press any key to return to main menu"); Console.ReadKey(); ProgramMenu(); } } }
private void AddABadge() { Console.Clear(); Badges newBadge = new Badges(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID Number for this Badge:"); string badgeIDAsString = Console.ReadLine(); newBadge.BadgeID = int.Parse(badgeIDAsString); Console.WriteLine("Enter the doors you would like this Badge to have access to:"); newBadge.AccessibleDoors = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Any other doors? (y/n)"); string additionalDoor = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); _badgesRepo.AddABadge(newBadge); while (additionalDoor == "y") { Console.WriteLine("Enter the doors you would like this Badge to have access to:"); newBadge.AccessibleDoors = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Any other doors? (y/n)"); additionalDoor = Console.ReadLine(); } if (additionalDoor == "n") { Console.WriteLine("All doors added"); Console.Clear(); Menu(); } }
private void RemoveDoor() { Console.Clear(); DisplayAllBadges(); Console.WriteLine("REMOVE DOOR \n" + "\n" + "Please type the badge ID# that you would like to update. \n"); int userInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Clear(); Badges badge = _badgesRepo.GetBadgeByID(userInput); ShowBadge(badge); Console.WriteLine("Which door would you like to remove?"); string doorToRemove = Console.ReadLine(); if (badge.DoorNames.Contains(doorToRemove)) { _badgesRepo.DeleteExistingRoom(userInput, doorToRemove); Console.WriteLine("Door removed."); } else { Console.WriteLine("You entered an invalid response. No change was recorded for this badge."); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to return to the main menu."); Console.ReadKey(); }
Task<StacManResponse<Badge>> IBadgeMethods.GetNamed(string site, string filter = null, int? page = null, int? pagesize = null, DateTime? fromdate = null, DateTime? todate = null, Badges.Sort? sort = null, Badges.Rank? minrank = null, Badges.Rank? maxrank = null, string minname = null, string maxname = null, Order? order = null, string inname = null) { var filterObj = ValidateAndGetFilter(filter); ValidateString(site, "site"); ValidatePaging(page, pagesize); ValidateSortMinMax(sort, minrank: minrank, maxrank: maxrank, minname: minname, maxname: maxname); var ub = new ApiUrlBuilder("/badges/name", useHttps: false); ub.AddParameter("site", site); ub.AddParameter("filter", filter); ub.AddParameter("page", page); ub.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); ub.AddParameter("fromdate", fromdate); ub.AddParameter("todate", todate); ub.AddParameter("sort", sort); ub.AddParameter("min", minrank); ub.AddParameter("max", maxrank); ub.AddParameter("min", minname); ub.AddParameter("max", maxname); ub.AddParameter("order", order); ub.AddParameter("inname", inname); return CreateApiTask<Badge>(ub, filterObj, "/badges/name"); }
private void ShowDoors(Badges individualDoor) { foreach (var item in individualDoor.DoorNames) { Console.WriteLine(item); } }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PutBadges(int id, Badges badges) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != badges.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(badges).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!BadgesExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
private bool Setup(Badges newBadge, bool hasFilledRooms) { if (!hasFilledRooms) { Console.WriteLine("Please add a door number:"); string userInputDoorNumber = Console.ReadLine(); newBadge.DoorNames.Add(userInputDoorNumber); Console.WriteLine("Any other doors (y/n)?"); string userInputOtherDoors = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (userInputOtherDoors == "y") { hasFilledRooms = Setup(newBadge, hasFilledRooms); return(hasFilledRooms); } else { hasFilledRooms = true; return(hasFilledRooms); } } return(false); }
// Add a badge private void AddNewBadge() { Console.Clear(); Badges newBadge = new Badges(); // Badge ID Console.WriteLine("Enter new badge ID:"); string badgeIDAsString = Console.ReadLine(); newBadge.BadgeID = int.Parse(badgeIDAsString); // Add door name from list Console.WriteLine("Add a door to new badge"); newBadge.ListOfDoorNames.Add(Console.ReadLine()); // Add another door name from list Console.WriteLine("Add another door to new badge (y/n)"); string addAnotherDoor = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); while (addAnotherDoor != "n") { // Add door name from list Console.WriteLine("Add a door to new badge"); newBadge.ListOfDoorNames.Add(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Add another door to new badge (y/n)"); addAnotherDoor = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); } _badgesRepo.AddBadgeToDictionary(newBadge.BadgeID, newBadge.ListOfDoorNames); // Return user to main menu Console.Clear(); Menu(); }
Task<StacManResponse<Badge>> IBadgeMethods.GetAll(string site, string filter, int? page, int? pagesize, DateTime? fromdate, DateTime? todate, Badges.AllSort? sort, Badges.Rank? minrank, Badges.Rank? maxrank, string minname, string maxname, Badges.BadgeType? mintype, Badges.BadgeType? maxtype, Order? order, string inname) { ValidateString(site, "site"); ValidatePaging(page, pagesize); ValidateSortMinMax(sort, minrank: minrank, maxrank: maxrank, minname: minname, maxname: maxname, mintype: mintype, maxtype: maxtype); var ub = new ApiUrlBuilder(Version, "/badges", useHttps: false); ub.AddParameter("site", site); ub.AddParameter("filter", filter); ub.AddParameter("page", page); ub.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); ub.AddParameter("fromdate", fromdate); ub.AddParameter("todate", todate); ub.AddParameter("sort", sort); ub.AddParameter("min", minrank); ub.AddParameter("max", maxrank); ub.AddParameter("min", minname); ub.AddParameter("max", maxname); ub.AddParameter("min", mintype); ub.AddParameter("max", maxtype); ub.AddParameter("order", order); ub.AddParameter("inname", inname); return CreateApiTask<Badge>(ub, HttpMethod.GET, "/badges"); }
public void GetAllBadges_ShouldReturnAll() { Badges allBadges = new Badges(); BadgesRepo allBadgesRepo = new BadgesRepo(); allBadgesRepo.AddBadgeToDictionary(allBadges); }
protected int populate_DDL() { int val; SqlConnection con = GetSqlCon.GetCon(); SqlDataAdapter com = new SqlDataAdapter("GetWorkshopNamesByRegion", con); com.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; com.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param1", DdlRegiao.SelectedValue); DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); if (com != null) { com.Fill(ds1); } con.Open(); DdlOficinas.DataSource = ds1; DdlOficinas.DataTextField = "WorkshopName"; DdlOficinas.DataValueField = "WorkshopName"; DdlOficinas.DataBind(); con.Close(); val = Badges.CountWorkshopsInRegion(DdlRegiao.SelectedValue); if (val == -1) { Response.Redirect("~/Error.aspx"); } return(val); }
public void UpdateABadge() { Badges badge = new Badges(); badge.Access = new List <string>(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the Badge that You Would Like to Update:"); badge.BadgeID = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("How Do You Want To Update the Badge?\n" + "1. Add a Door\n" + "2. Remove a Door\n" + "0. Exit"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "1": AddDoorProgram(badge.BadgeID); break; case "2": //Remove a door RemoveDoorProgram(badge.BadgeID); break; case "3": Menu(); break; } }
public void UpdateBadgeAccess_ReturnTrue() { Badges newBadge = new Badges(1, "leftside, back"); bool updateBadge = _repoBadge.UpdateBadgeAccess(1, newBadge); Assert.IsTrue(updateBadge); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateUser(int tripId) { var userId = HttpContext.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value; var bikerInfo = await _applicationDbContext.BikerInfos.Include(b => b.Trips).Include(b => b.Badges).FirstOrDefaultAsync(biker => biker.UserId == userId); var trips = await _applicationDbContext.Trips.FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Id == tripId); var startingTotalMiles = bikerInfo.TotalMiles; bikerInfo.TotalMiles += (int)trips.TripMiles; var roundedMiles = Math.Floor(((double)bikerInfo.TotalMiles / 100)) * 100; if (roundedMiles > startingTotalMiles) { var newBadge = new Badges() { Name = $"{roundedMiles} badge", Desc = $"badge for passing {roundedMiles}", MaxMiles = (int)roundedMiles }; _applicationDbContext.Badges.Add(newBadge); bikerInfo.Badges.Add(newBadge); _applicationDbContext.Update(bikerInfo); await _applicationDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); //Make new View return(View("Index", bikerInfo)); } else { _applicationDbContext.Update(bikerInfo); await _applicationDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } return(View("Index", bikerInfo)); }
public async Task <bool> CheckBadges(BikerInfo biker) { var milesTraveled = biker.TotalMiles; var milesTraveledRoundedDownToNearestHundred = Math.Floor((double)milesTraveled / 100) * 100; var numberOfHundreds = milesTraveledRoundedDownToNearestHundred / 100; int hundreds = 0; biker.Badges.RemoveAll(_ => _.MaxMiles > milesTraveledRoundedDownToNearestHundred); //trim out any excess from a trip deletion for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfHundreds; i++) { hundreds = i * 100; if (!biker.Badges.Exists(_ => _.MaxMiles == hundreds)) { var newBadge = new Badges() { Name = $"{hundreds} badge", Desc = $"badge for passing {hundreds} hundred miles", MaxMiles = hundreds }; _applicationDbContext.Badges.Add(newBadge); biker.Badges.Add(newBadge); // _applicationDbContext.Update(newBadge); _applicationDbContext.Update(biker); await _applicationDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } } return(true); }
private void AddDoor() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("ADD DOOR ACCESS \n" + "\n" + "Please type the badge ID# that you would like to update. \n"); int userInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Clear(); Badges badge = _badgesRepo.GetBadgeByID(userInput); ShowBadge(badge); Console.WriteLine("What door would you like to add?"); string doorToAdd = Console.ReadLine(); if (!badge.DoorNames.Contains(doorToAdd)) { _badgesRepo.AddNewRoom(userInput, doorToAdd); Console.WriteLine("Door added."); } else { Console.WriteLine("You entered an invalid response. No change was recorded for this badge."); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to return to the main menu."); Console.ReadKey(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an Instance of the TwitchAPI Class. /// </summary> /// <param name="logger">Instance Of Logger, otherwise no logging is used, </param> /// <param name="rateLimiter">Instance Of RateLimiter, otherwise no ratelimiter is used. </param> public TwitchAPI(ILogger <TwitchAPI> logger = null, IRateLimiter rateLimiter = null) { _logger = logger; _http = new HttpClient(new TwitchLibCustomHttpMessageHandler(new HttpClientHandler(), _logger)); _rateLimiter = rateLimiter ?? BypassLimiter.CreateLimiterBypassInstance(); Auth = new Auth(this); Blocks = new Blocks(this); Badges = new Badges(this); Bits = new Bits(this); ChannelFeeds = new ChannelFeeds(this); Channels = new Channels(this); Chat = new Chat(this); Clips = new Clips(this); Collections = new Collections(this); Communities = new Communities(this); Follows = new Follows(this); Games = new Games(this); Ingests = new Ingests(this); Root = new Root(this); Search = new Search(this); Streams = new Streams(this); Subscriptions = new Subscriptions(this); Teams = new Teams(this); ThirdParty = new ThirdParty(this); Undocumented = new Undocumented(this); Users = new Users(this); Videos = new Videos(this); Webhooks = new Webhooks(this); Debugging = new Debugging(); Settings = new ApiSettings(this); _jsonSerializer = new TwitchLibJsonSerializer(); }
private void AddBadge() { Console.Clear(); Badges newBadge = new Badges(); Console.WriteLine("ADD A BADGE \n" + "\n"); Console.WriteLine("What is the number on the badge:"); newBadge.BadgeID = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); bool hasFilledRooms = false; while (hasFilledRooms == false) { hasFilledRooms = Setup(newBadge, hasFilledRooms); } bool isSuccessful = _badgesRepo.AddBadgeToDictionary(newBadge); if (isSuccessful) { Console.WriteLine("Looks like you're all done." + "\n" + "Press any key to return to the Main Menu."); Console.ReadKey(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Press any key to return to the Main Menu."); Console.ReadKey(); } }
public MenuScreen Create(Options options, Badges badges, FishingGameContext context, ContentManager content) { _menuFont = content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Text"); // use a common font _menuSound = content.Load <SoundEffect>("Sounds/MenuSelect"); // use a common selected sound MenuScreen screen = new MenuScreen(context); screen.IsRoot = true; screen.LoadContent(content); MenuScreen badgesScreen = BuildBadges(badges, context, content); MenuScreen optionsScreen = BuildOptions(options, context, content); MenuScreen confirmScreen = BuildExitConfirm(context, content); MenuScreen upsellScreen = BuildExitUpsell(context, content); screen.AddEntry(BuildTextEntry(Resources.MenuResume, (s, a) => screen.Stack.Pop())); if (Guide.IsTrialMode) { MenuEntry purchase = BuildTextEntry(Resources.MenuPurchase, (s, a) => ShowPurchaseScreen(context)); screen.AddEntry(purchase); context.Trial.TrialModeEnded += delegate(object s, EventArgs a) { screen.RemoveEntry(purchase); screen.LayoutEntries(); }; } screen.AddEntry(BuildTextEntry(Resources.MenuBadges, (s, a) => screen.Stack.Push(badgesScreen))); screen.AddEntry(BuildTextEntry(Resources.MenuHelpOptions, (s, a) => screen.Stack.Push(optionsScreen))); screen.AddEntry(BuildTextEntry(Resources.MenuExit, (s, a) => screen.Stack.Push(Guide.IsTrialMode ? upsellScreen : confirmScreen))); screen.LayoutEntries(); return(screen); }
private void SeedContentList() { List <string> seedContentOne = new List <string>(); Badges badgeOne = new Badges(); seedContentOne.Add("A7"); badgeOne.BadgeID = 12345; badgeOne.doorAccess = seedContentOne; _badgeRepo.NewBadge(badgeOne); List <string> seedContentTwo = new List <string>(); Badges badgeTwo = new Badges(); seedContentTwo.Add("A1"); seedContentTwo.Add("A4"); seedContentTwo.Add("B1"); seedContentTwo.Add("B2"); badgeTwo.BadgeID = 22345; badgeTwo.doorAccess = seedContentTwo; _badgeRepo.NewBadge(badgeTwo); List <string> seedContentThree = new List <string>(); Badges badgeThree = new Badges(); seedContentThree.Add("A4"); seedContentThree.Add("A5"); badgeThree.BadgeID = 32345; badgeThree.doorAccess = seedContentThree; _badgeRepo.NewBadge(badgeThree); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an Instance of the TwitchAPI Class. /// </summary> /// <param name="logger">Instance Of Logger, otherwise no logging is used, </param> /// <param name="rateLimiter">Instance Of RateLimiter, otherwise no ratelimiter is used. </param> public TwitchAPI(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = null, IRateLimiter rateLimiter = null, IHttpCallHandler http = null) { _logger = loggerFactory?.CreateLogger <TwitchAPI>(); _http = http ?? new TwitchHttpClient(loggerFactory?.CreateLogger <TwitchHttpClient>()); _rateLimiter = rateLimiter ?? BypassLimiter.CreateLimiterBypassInstance(); Analytics = new Analytics(this); Auth = new Auth(this); Badges = new Badges(this); Bits = new Bits(this); ChannelFeeds = new ChannelFeeds(this); Channels = new Channels(this); Chat = new Chat(this); Clips = new Clips(this); Collections = new Collections(this); Communities = new Communities(this); Entitlements = new Entitlements(this); Games = new Games(this); Ingests = new Ingests(this); Root = new Root(this); Search = new Search(this); Streams = new Streams(this); Teams = new Teams(this); ThirdParty = new ThirdParty(this); Undocumented = new Undocumented(this); Users = new Users(this); Videos = new Videos(this); Webhooks = new Webhooks(this); Debugging = new Debugging(); Settings = new ApiSettings(this); _jsonSerializer = new TwitchLibJsonSerializer(); }
public async Task <Badges> UpdateExperienceAsync(int courseId, ExperienceForListDTO experienceForListDTO) { var category = await _repository.GetCategoryOfExamAsync(courseId); int categoryID = category.CategoryId; var experience_current = await _repository.GetUserExperienceByCategoryAsync(experienceForListDTO.UserId, categoryID); if (experience_current == null) { experienceForListDTO.CategoryId = categoryID; var exp_to_post = _mapper.Map <Experience>(experienceForListDTO); await _repository.AddExperienceAsync(exp_to_post); } else { var experience = _repository.GetExperienceFromBase(experience_current.Id); var exp_from_base = experience.ExperiencePoints; experienceForListDTO.CategoryId = categoryID; var exp_to_add = exp_from_base + experienceForListDTO.ExperiencePoints; experienceForListDTO.ExperiencePoints = exp_to_add; experience.CategoryId = categoryID; var exp = _mapper.Map(experienceForListDTO, experience); await _repository.UpdateExperienceAsync(exp); // przydzielanie odznaki var badges_by_category = await _badgeRepository.GetBadgeByCategoryAsync(exp.CategoryId); foreach (var badge in badges_by_category) { var assign = await _badgeRepository.GetAssignment(exp.UserId, badge.Id); if (assign == null) { if (exp.ExperiencePoints >= badge.ExperiencePoints) { assignmentBadge = true; BadgeAssignment assignment = new BadgeAssignment(); assignment.BadgeId = badge.Id; assignment.UserId = exp.UserId; obtainedBadgeId = badge.Id; await _badgeRepository.AssignBadge(assignment); } } } if (assignmentBadge == true) { obtainedBadge = await _badgeRepository.GetBadgeAsync(obtainedBadgeId); } } return(obtainedBadge); }
Task<StacManResponse<Badge>> IUserMethods.GetMyBadges(string site, string access_token, string filter, int? page, int? pagesize, DateTime? fromdate, DateTime? todate, Badges.UserSort? sort, Badges.Rank? minrank, Badges.Rank? maxrank, string minname, string maxname, Badges.BadgeType? mintype, Badges.BadgeType? maxtype, DateTime? mindate, DateTime? maxdate, Order? order) { ValidateString(site, "site"); ValidateString(access_token, "access_token"); ValidatePaging(page, pagesize); ValidateSortMinMax(sort, minrank: minrank, maxrank: maxrank, minname: minname, maxname: maxname, mintype: mintype, maxtype: maxtype, mindate: mindate, maxdate: maxdate); var ub = new ApiUrlBuilder(Version, "/me/badges", useHttps: true); ub.AddParameter("site", site); ub.AddParameter("access_token", access_token); ub.AddParameter("filter", filter); ub.AddParameter("page", page); ub.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); ub.AddParameter("fromdate", fromdate); ub.AddParameter("todate", todate); ub.AddParameter("sort", sort); ub.AddParameter("min", minrank); ub.AddParameter("max", maxrank); ub.AddParameter("min", minname); ub.AddParameter("max", maxname); ub.AddParameter("min", mintype); ub.AddParameter("max", maxtype); ub.AddParameter("min", mindate); ub.AddParameter("max", maxdate); ub.AddParameter("order", order); return CreateApiTask<Badge>(ub, HttpMethod.GET, "/_users/badges"); }
Task<StacManResponse<Badge>> IUserMethods.GetBadges(string site, IEnumerable<int> ids, string filter, int? page, int? pagesize, DateTime? fromdate, DateTime? todate, Badges.UserSort? sort, Badges.Rank? minrank, Badges.Rank? maxrank, string minname, string maxname, Badges.BadgeType? mintype, Badges.BadgeType? maxtype, DateTime? mindate, DateTime? maxdate, Order? order) { ValidateString(site, "site"); ValidateEnumerable(ids, "ids"); ValidatePaging(page, pagesize); ValidateSortMinMax(sort, minrank: minrank, maxrank: maxrank, minname: minname, maxname: maxname, mintype: mintype, maxtype: maxtype, mindate: mindate, maxdate: maxdate); var ub = new ApiUrlBuilder(Version, String.Format("/users/{0}/badges", String.Join(";", ids)), useHttps: false); ub.AddParameter("site", site); ub.AddParameter("filter", filter); ub.AddParameter("page", page); ub.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); ub.AddParameter("fromdate", fromdate); ub.AddParameter("todate", todate); ub.AddParameter("sort", sort); ub.AddParameter("min", minrank); ub.AddParameter("max", maxrank); ub.AddParameter("min", minname); ub.AddParameter("max", maxname); ub.AddParameter("min", mintype); ub.AddParameter("max", maxtype); ub.AddParameter("min", mindate); ub.AddParameter("max", maxdate); ub.AddParameter("order", order); return CreateApiTask<Badge>(ub, HttpMethod.GET, "/_users/badges"); }